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cov [3)80 Sa Relative clauses Propozitii subordonate relative DIN CUPRINS > Propozitia subordonata relativa determinénd subiectul > Propozitia subordonatit relativa continand informafii suplimentare a3] Propozitile subordonate relative sunt introduse de pronumele urmitoare: WHO cine, care (persoane) WHICH | care, ceea ce (obiecte) THAT care, ceea ce (bie, rareori persoane) WHOSE cei, acui WHERE ide The girl who lives next door is my cousin. Fata care locuieste linga mine este verisoara mea. ‘The car which / that is standing in front of the house is not mine. q Masina care stit in fata casei nu este a mea. Boa ‘The man whose book I borrowed is my English teacher. 5G CT Barbatul a cirui carte am imprumutat-o este profesorul meu de englezd. ‘The town where I live is very quiet. rag in care ssc exe foarte ling, in acest propo folositea pronumeluireltiv este obligtorie.Informotile pe care le contin sunt indspensabile pentru interpretarea intregii fraze. in aceste tipuri de propozitii subordonate relative virgula nu se foloseste. frat which, where, whose, 1) [bought a book by John Fowles last week. Its good. ‘The book by Jobn Fowles which / that I bought last week ts good 2) Aman was wearing a purple T-shirt He was jogging inthe park. The man : 3) James was born in a village. It is smal The 4) Awoman is waiting at the corner of the street. She looks like my sister. The 5) ATV is displayed in the shop window. Itis expensive. The Forma whom este folosita in toate cazurile gramaticale, cu exceptia primului caz. ‘That is the woman with whom he lives. Aceasta este fomeia cu care reste. GON 1) Tdon’t know the name of the woman was atthe party with Bill 2) Do you remember the place we first met? 3) She has a cat name is Spiky. 4) They have never been to a country Spanish is spoken. 5) This is the man dog bit me last week. 6) Who is the director of the film was on TV last night? GROUP 4 80 ~ Invatati rezumatul gramatical de mai jos. {a propo suboronate relative se poste omitepronumel relat daci acest u consti subiclpropozt The TV which / that we bought last month broke down a week ago. The TV we bought last month broke down a week ago, Televizorul pe care Lam cumparat luna trecuta, acum o siptiménd sa strict. ‘The gil who I met in Greece was beaut ‘The girl met in Greece was beautiful, = _ raze cu subordonare relativa. Omiteti pronumele, daca este posibil. =| |The work should be finished by Monday. 5) The people are my colleagues. ve stayed in a hotel The hotel we stayed in was dirty 2) Julia gave me a book. The book 3) You met a boy at the party. The boy 4) Have you done the work? Have youdone 5) We were on holiday with some people. The people we Ane GRAMMAR GROUP 4 80 ADVANCED GRAMMAR Gramatica pentru avansati Invatati rezumatul gramatical de mai jos. Proporitia subordonati continand informatii suplimentare nu este indispensabila pentru interpretarea intregii fraze. v in aceste fraze intotdeauna inainte si dupa propozitia subordonata relativa se foloseste virgula. v Expresia that nu se poate folosi. Pronumele relativ nu se poate omite, London, which is on the River Thames, isthe capital ofthe UK. L | Londra, care este asezati pe malurile Tamise, Regatului Unit | My sister Claire, who ties in LA san actress | Sora mea, Claire, care tnteste la Los Angeles, ete act | My son, who is 30, isa doctor. | Fiul meu, care are 30 de ani ste medi - Am un singur fiu, informatia despre varsta lui nu este indispensabila. | My son who is 30 isa doctor. Fiul meu, care are 30 de ani, este medic. | Am mai mult fi, informatio despre varsta lui este indispensobilé pentru a sti despre care din ei este vorba. ae a ‘ormati fraze cu subordonare relati acolo unde este necesar. 1) The Parkers live in Elm Street. It is in the centre of town. (which) 2) Our flat is large. It is on the third floor. (which) 3) Ihave two brothers, Josh and Jim. Josh works for the BBC. (whose) 4) Jenny's mother is 65. She is still employed (who)

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