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Us GROUP 4 9 eae Articles Articolul DIN CUPRINS > Articolul nehotirat > Articolul hotairat singular plural ahouse casa houses a/an ; an apple un mir apples the house casa the houses the e the apple mirul the apples ARTICOLUL NEHOTARAT A/AN Sc in fa substantivelor numrabie la singular, avnd sernificayia de: un, o. invatati rezumatul gramatical de mai jos. 3 case mere casele merele Folosire: 1) Cand vorbim, 2) Cand vor- 3) In cazul pentru prima bim despre 0 expresiei cari despre un profesie. there is Tucru sau un om, , , Thave a house. Peter is an engineer. | | There is a dog in my room. Amo casi Peter este inginer. In camera mea este un cline 4) In formule permanente: ARTICOLUL HOTARAT THE Tadeplinse funy de artical hor intea substantivelor numarabile si nenumérabile la Sing pul inl roman exe echivaenal arco’ hor (ei ior tase, in general, a ssi substan what a pity = ce picat_ once a week = o dati pe siptimina _ go fora walk =a se duce la plimbare ‘The house is blue. the sun Soarele Casa este albastra. the moon Luna the sky cerul Folosire: 7 ete 2) Clad vor 3) In formulele cara bim despre ima acical bie unice hociré. gidespre oe aes 4 play the piano a cinta la pian in the country in provincie GRAMMAR ETc Corelati imaginile cu cuvintele englezesti si articolul o umbrella girl old man apple _| young lady orange [key | 3 agil 2) toe a & a 1) Debbie is a teacher. o R 4) Laura 5) Bill ’ EXERCISE 4 Completati propozitiile cu articolele o, on sau the. 1) Judy has __new book. 6) Last week, we were in ___ country 2) book is about __ rich man. 7) France is __ beautiful country 3) want to go for__ walk 8) sky was blue and ___ sun was bright. 4) There is ___ hotel in our town. 9) Can Task question? 5) hotel is very expensive. 10) Can you play __ guitar? GROUP 4 9 1) plural don’t like apples. 2) substantive nenumirabile He hates cold weather. 3) inaintea pronumelor posesive Her name is Paula. 4) rile, luni si mese cotidiene On Sunday, we have breakfast at 9. 5) in formule permanente Go by bus, at work, in bed, on TV... tie 23 go bybus a seduce cu autobuzul gobycar a merge cu masina atschool a scoali go bytrain a merge cu crenul athome — acasi goby plane a merge cu avionul inbed —inpat goon foot a merge pe jos on TV latelevizor - invatati rezumatul gramatical de mai jos. Th englezé, in urmatoarele cazuri nu existé articolinaintea substantivelor: - Scrieti sub imagini expresiile potrivite din tabel, = atwork [a serviciu aaaied a goonfoot 2) EXERCISE ~ Completati propozitile cu articolele o, on sau the. | ) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7? 8) » 10) heb Re Thave two children:___boyand__ girl ___boyis _swident, _ girl is_secretary. On __ Saturdays, we usually go to __ country Mrs White goes to___ work by car. Warsaw is capital of Poland. It is Bob is ill. He is not at___ school, he is Can Ihave apple and some __ bananas? Thereis___wooden table in__my kitehen Lucy goes by___ bus only once ___ week. What____ nice weather! Let's go for ___walk. He has big bed in his room. el GRAMMAR GROUP 4 ADVANCED GRAMMAR Gramatica pentru avansati ARTICLES IN NAMES ARTICOLE CU SUBSTANTIVE PROPRIL EXERCISE 8 uri THE tne Republi of treland [ dep the Netherlands demi a firma pal the Sahara dee the Rocky Mountains | men the lane confit the Danube je the Sheds thesouh the Sue ral the Green tion theion an the AB Cinema | sme the National These [are theTae ally | se the Times an thet shi Birk ariel France ae pra Asia — Wars oe Baker Seet i Trafalgar Square [ie 1 ales nana consoanclor | ear aa ‘ai promune, university Gosia ‘xeire ‘ane flosey inainea vocalelor | am bour Mont Bane i ronunte Cot 1) _____ Prague is the capital of Spain is a country in Czech Republic. south of Europe. 2) When Lam in London, I stay in 8) I don't know where Kalahari is. Plaza Hotel 9) My favourite newspaper Guardian 3) Last year, he was in USA, 10) You say England, but you mean 4) Can you tell me where National, United Kingdom of Gallery is? Great Britain and 5) Pacific is the biggest ocean. Northern Ireland. 6) Stratford is on River ‘ ier ee

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