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Critical analysis on four mission statements and identify which one is the best and why?


Here's a simple breakdown of Gillette's mission statement:
1. Branded Products and Services: Gillette promises to offer products and services with
their brand name. But it's not clear exactly what they offer, which might confuse people.

2. Superior Quality and Value: Gillette says they're all about giving top-notch stuff that's
worth the money. They want to make customers happy. But they don't explain what they
mean by quality and value, so it's hard to know how good their stuff really is.

3. Improving Lives: Gillette wants to make people's lives better with what they sell. That
sounds good, but they don't say how they decide if their products really make life better. It's
hard to know if they're doing a good job.

4. Sustainability and Generations to Come: Gillette wants to think about the future by
mentioning "generations to come." This means they care about being eco-friendly and
making sure their products don't hurt the environment or people. But they should explain
more about how they're going to do this.

Overall, Gillette wants to sell branded products that are top quality, make life better for
people, and are good for the planet in the long run. But they could be clearer about how
they're going to do all this.


“The Ritz-Carlton is a place where the genuine care and comfort of our guests is our
highest mission.

We pledge to provide the finest personal service and facilities for our guests who will
always enjoy a warm, relaxed, yet refined ambiance.

The Ritz-Carlton experience enlivens the senses, instills well-being, and fulfills even the
unexpressed wishes and needs of our guests.”
The Ritz-Carlton's mission is all about making sure guests have amazing experiences. Let's
break it down:
1. Putting Customers First: The mission is all about understanding what guests want, even
if they don't say it out loud. This shows how much they care about making guests happy by
giving them special and memorable experiences.

2. Top-Notch Service: The Ritz-Carlton aims to be the best in hospitality. They want to give
top-quality service every time, making sure guests are impressed every step of the way.

3. Empowering Employees: They want their staff to feel confident and able to create
unforgettable moments for guests. The Ritz-Carlton knows that happy employees mean
happy guests, so they make sure their team feels empowered to do their best.

4. Always Getting Better: The mission hints at always learning and getting better. They
want to understand what guests like and need, so they can keep improving and stay ahead in
the hospitality industry.

Overall, the Ritz-Carlton's mission is all about putting customers first, providing top-notch
service, empowering employees, and always striving to improve. It guides everything they do
and shows their dedication to giving guests the best experiences possible.


“Our mission is to become the world's most valued company to patients, customers,
colleagues, investors, business partners and the communities where we work and live.”
Putting Everyone First: Pfizer's Mission Statement shows it cares about more than just
making money. It wants to create value for patients, customers, colleagues, investors,
business partners, and communities. Pfizer knows that its success depends on keeping all
these groups happy and healthy, so it works hard to build good relationships with them.

Focusing on Patients: Pfizer's main focus is on patients. It wants to make sure they get the
best care possible by developing new medicines, providing great customer service, and
making treatments more accessible. Pfizer hopes to improve health and make life better for
people all over the world.

Making Customers Happy: Pfizer pays attention to what its customers need, like healthcare
providers, governments, and end-users. By meeting their needs, Pfizer wants to keep them
happy and build strong partnerships. Keeping customers satisfied helps Pfizer stay
competitive in the pharmaceutical industry.
Supporting Employees: Pfizer cares about its employees' well-being and growth. It wants to
create a workplace where everyone feels included, can grow in their careers, and have a good
work-life balance. By supporting its employees, Pfizer aims to foster innovation and deliver
great products and services.

Building Trust with Investors and Partners: Pfizer wants investors and business partners
to trust them. They do this by being transparent, ethical, and financially stable. Building trust
helps Pfizer maintain growth and work well with others in the business world.

Measuring Success: While Pfizer wants to be the most valued company to stakeholders, it
doesn't specify how it measures value. But it probably looks at things like patient satisfaction,
customer feedback, employee happiness, investor trust, and social and environmental impact.
It's an ongoing effort to make sure everyone is happy and Pfizer is doing well.

Setting itself Apart: Pfizer wants to stand out by being the best at delivering value and
making a positive impact on society. By aiming for this, Pfizer hopes to become the top
choice for patients, customers, investors, and business partners.

Facing Challenges and Taking Responsibility: Trying to be the world's most valued
company comes with challenges. Pfizer has to always do the right thing, keep people safe,
and address social and environmental issues. It's a big job that requires Pfizer to stay
committed, work hard, and be accountable to everyone it serves.


“To bring the best user experience to its customers through innovative hardware, software,
and services. “
Defining Apple's Goals: Apple's mission statement shows what the company believes in and
what it wants to achieve. Let's look at it:

1. Clear and Focused: Apple's mission is easy to understand. It's all about making top-
quality products and services that match what their customers want. The statement has three
main parts: making things easy for users, being innovative, and giving great service. This
helps us understand what Apple cares about the most.

2. Standing Out: Apple's mission says they want to give the best user experience, be
innovative, and provide excellent service. These things make Apple different from other
companies and show why people like their products so much.
3. Thinking Long-Term: Apple's mission talks about their goals for the future and how they
want to keep being innovative and making top-notch stuff. They want to keep their customers
happy and stay ahead of their competition for a long time.

4. Being Flexible: Even though Apple wants to give the best products and services, their
mission also says they're open to new ideas and can change with the times. This means they
can keep up with what their customers want and what's happening in the world.

5. Putting Customers First: Apple's mission is all about making sure customers have the best
experience and get great service. This is important for keeping customers happy and loyal to

In summary, Apple's mission statement tells us what they believe in and what they want to
achieve. It's clear, focused, and guides their decisions for the future.


Each company's mission statement has its strengths, the Ritz-Carlton's stands out as the best.
Its clarity, customer focus, emphasis on employee empowerment, and commitment to
continuous improvement effectively communicate the company's values and priorities,
guiding its operations and decision-making processes in a clear and effective manner.

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