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(Inquiry, Investigations, and Immersion)

MARCH 2024


Background of the Study

One of the most leading disease that causes a problem in the Philippines during

rainy season is dengue. Dengue is an acute viral illness caused by RNA virus of the

family Flaviviridae and spread by Aedes aegypti, which are known as individuals from

the fly family. They are sufficiently huge that the vast majority can undoubtedly be

observed with the exposed eye. Male mosquitoes can live for about seven days, while

females can live for a couple of months (Roger, 2016). Based on the report of World

Health Organization (2018), for a year one late gauge demonstrates 390 million dengue

contamination for each year (95% tenable interim 284-528 million), of which 96 million

(67-1136 million) show clinically (with any seriousness of sickness). At the Philippines,

Department of Health (DOH) reported that the initial five months of 2017, Philippines

well-being authorities recorded about 41,000 dengue fever cases. Amid a similar time of

2018, authorities were detailing a seven percent decrease. From January 1st to May 26th

of 2018, dengue cases across the nation currently achieve 37,959. There were 195

passing recorded. Most influenced gathering have a place with the 10-14 years of age

with guys including 52% everything being equal. An alarming number of cases of

dengue in the Philippines caused the researchers to make a natural mosquito repellent

made of candle that had a Coffee and C. Microcarpa extract without any chemicals that

may cause harm.

Coffee is one of the beverages that comes from the processing and extraction of

coffee bean seed. In Aceh Province, drinking coffee is a habit and lifestyle, this marked

by the number of coffee shops, with serving of filtered coffee or brewed coffee. Coffee

that has been used produced coffee grounds which only been thrown away which can

actually be used as natural larvicides which is safer for the environment. Coffee has

antibacterial and antiviral properties. Caffeine impedes the web-building activity of

spiders, kills certain insects, and inhibits feeding in flies and beetles. Coffee also

decreases the reproductive capacity of mosquitoes, egg development in flies, and is

highly lethal to Ochlerotatus notoscriptus. Past Research used coffee grounds for the

mortality test of Aedes aegypti had been conducted by Kardinan (2004) and found that

coffee ground can kill Aedes larva, the chemical compound in Robusta coffee are

alkaloids, saponins, flavonoids, and polyphenols 17. Research-based arabica coffee

conducted by Gunalan et al. found that coffee ground contains tannins (special variety-

A, while kumbakonam varieties do not contain tannins), alkaloids, flavonoids,

koumarins, quinones, phenols, and essential oils. These compounds cause various

reactions in the body of the larva based on the background, a study will be carried out

on the effectiveness of coffee grounds on the process of mortality and growth of

inhibition of mosquitoes. In addition, calamansi (citrofurnella macrocarpa) found several

uses as well. Rubbing on insect bite will relieve the itching and reduce the irritation.

Citrus peel contains organic chemicals that have the ability to kill mosquito larvae. It

also shows that some citrus scent repels adult mosquitoes (Kripena, 2020). The study

aimed to determine the possible repellent effect of Calamansi (Citrotunella macrocarpa)

and Coffee Grounds.

Conceptual Framework

Mosquitoes are a constant worry, and traditional repellents have issues due to

their chemical composition. The coca (coffee and calamansi) scented candle designed

as a natural alternative to mosquito repellent is the remedy suggested by this study.

This candle makes use of the repellent properties of coffee and calamansi in an effort to

overcome the drawbacks of synthetic repellents. Coffee grinds release compounds

detested by mosquitoes, while calamansi adds pleasant aroma. The research aims to

explore the potential of this natural repellent, assessing its effectiveness against

mosquitoes without resorting the toxic chemicals.

This conceptual framework outlines the study’s structure, with independent

variables involving coffee extract, calamansi pulp, and paraffin wax. Mediating variables

focus on the release rate of aromatic compounds and the duration of burning. These

factors influence the outcome measured by dependent variables assessing mosquito

repellency effectiveness and user’s satisfaction. This systematic approach provides a

comprehensive understanding of the relationships between the manipulated variables

and the study’s key measures guiding the investigation into the viability of the coffee

and calamansi scented candle as an alternative mosquito repellent.

Figure 1.

Independent Variable Mediating Variable Dependent Variable

 Coffee extracts  Release rate of  Mosquito

aromatic repellency
 Calamansi pulp
compouds effectiveness
 Paraffin wax
 Duration of  User satisfaction
candle burning

The research hypothesis for “CoCa (Coffee and Calamansi) Scented Candle as

an Alternative Mosquito Repellent” are:

H0: There is no significant difference in the effectiveness of CoCa scented

candles compared to traditional mosquito repellents in repelling mosquitoes.

H1: CoCa scented candle demonstrate comparable or superior

effectiveness to traditional mosquito repellents in repelling mosquitoes.

Objectives of the Study

The objective of this study is to identify the effectiveness of calamansi and

coffee-based mosquito repellent candles.

1. To determine the potential of calamansi and coffee-based mosquito repellent

candles as an alternative to chemical-based mosquito repellent, considering

factors like resource efficiency, and effectiveness.

2. To identify the effectiveness of various development to the flame duration,

scent intensity, and durability.

3. To produce calamansi and coffee-based mosquito repellent candles as an

alternative to chemical-based mosquito repellents.

Definition of Terms

Dengue. An acute viral illness caused by the RNA virus of the family Flaviviridae

and spread by aedes aegypti mosquitoes, characterized by symptoms such as fever,

severe headache, pain behind the eyes, joint and muscle pain, and rash.

Aedes aegypti. A species of mosquito responsible for transmitting diseases

such as dengue.

Larvicide. A substance used to kill the larvae of mosquitoes and other insects.

Coffee grounds. The residue left after brewing or processing coffee beans.

Repellent effects. The ability of a substance to deter or repel mosquitoes or

other insects.

Calamansi (Citrofurnella microcarpa). A citrus fruit native to the Philippines,

commonly used in cooking and as a natural remedy for various ailments.

Antibacterial. Having the ability to inhibit the growth or kill bacteria.

Antiviral. Having the ability to inhibit the growth or kill viruses.

Tannis. A type of polyphenol compound found in plants, known for their

astringent properties and potential insecticidal effects.

Alkaloids. Organic compounds containing nitrogen atoms, often with

pharmacological effect, found in various plants including coffee.

Flavonoids. A diverse group of plant secondary metabolites with antioxidant

properties, found in coffee and citrus foods, among other sources.

Essential oils. Volatile aromatic compounds extracted from plants, often used

for their fragrance or medicinal properties.

Flaviviridae. Are a family of positive, single-stranded, enveloped RNA viruses.

Significance of the Study

The study “CoCa (Coffee and Calamansi) Scented Candle as an Alternative

Mosquito Repellent” holds significant implications:

A. Environment:

This study has the potential to offer a more environmentally friendly

solution to mosquito control. The coca scented candle could reduce reliance on

traditional mosquito repellents that often contain synthetic chemicals harmful to

environmental pollution

B. Public Health:

The findings of the study can significantly impact public health by

providing a safer alternative to conventional mosquito repellents. Traditional

repellents may pose health risks due to exposure to synthetic chemicals. Coca

scented candle, could offer a safer option, particularly for vulnerable populations

such as children and pregnant women.

C. Community Engagement:

By exploring a culturally relevant solution for mosquito control, this study

fosters community engagement and participation. The use of locally available

ingredients like coffee and calamansi enhances natural acceptance and

empowers communities to take ownership of their mosquito control efforts. This

engagement can lead to more sustainable and effective mosquito control

practices tailored to local needs.

D. Economic Opportunities:

The study’s findings may create economic opportunities, especially in

regions here coffee and calamansi are abundant. Local businesses and

entrepreneurs could capitalize on the production and sale coca scented candle

as an alternative mosquito repellent. The economic activity not only promotes

sustainability but also contributes to local economic development.

E. Education and Awareness

The study raises awareness about alternative mosquito control methods

and the potential benefits of natural ingredients like coffee and calamansi. By

disseminating knowledge about the coca scented candle, the study empowers

individuals to make informed choices regarding mosquito repellents. Increased

awareness can lead to broader adoption of eco-friendly and culturally relevant

mosquito control strategies

F. Future Research:

The findings of this study can serve as a foundation for future research in

the field of mosquito repellents and natural insect control methods. Researchers

can build upon the study’s methodology and results to further investigate the

effectiveness of different scent combinations or delivery mechanisms for

mosquito repellency. This iterative approach to research promotes ongoing

innovation and improvement in mosquito control strategies.

Scope and Limitations

This research aims to evaluate the effectiveness of Coca (Coffee and Calamansi)

scented candle as a mosquito repellent using experimental methods. Various factors

such as duration of effectiveness, mosquito repellent properties, and user satisfaction

will be assessed to determine the practical utility of coca scented candle. Controlled

experiments will compare the efficacy of coca scented candle with traditional mosquito

repellents in repelling mosquitoes. However, the study will not delve into the chemical

composition of coca scented candle, focusing solely on their practical effectiveness.

Additionally, fields trials will be confined to controlled laboratory settings, limiting the

feasibility of extensive field studies within this research.

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature

Vast studies were reviewed by the researchers to determine the effectiveness of

a mosquito repellent with the use of coffee and calamansi as its major composition.

Mosquito have posed a huge issue to humans’ safety for centuries, as they have

the ability to transmit fatal diseases. Usually, chemical factory made repellents are used

against mosquitoes, but many species of mosquitoes have begun building resistance

towards them, and they can cause harm to the environment, leading to the research

and use of alternatives, in the form of organic repellents. Spyriounis et al. (2015).

According to (2019), a mosquito repellent is an element either in a liquid

or solid form, deters mosquitoes from landing or flying up outside. Insect-borne viruses

and germs including the Zika virus, yellow fever, and malaria are prevented and

controlled by the insect repellent. The insecticidal and repellent qualities of

Citrofortunella Microcarpa (Calamansi) against malaria mosquitoes in the study region,

according to Ukpong (2016), add to the expanding body of research on safe bio-

pesticides for disease control.

Calamansi, sometimes referred to as Philippine lime, is a citrus fruit that is widely

available throughout Southeast Asia. In addition, the volatile components of calamansi

such as the limonine and citrol are studied for their mosquito repellent properties. Rey at

al., (2015). Research has been done on the insecticidal and repellent qualities of its

essential oil. Calamansi oil’s ability to repel Aedes aegypti mosquitoes was assessed

and shown to be effective in a study conducted by Choochote et al., (2004). Calamansi

contains a major component which is called D-lemonine, a bitter taste that irritate
insects by destroying the wax coating of insects’ respiratory system, making it as a good

repellent. Capili et al. (2019). Oil from citrus, like the calamansi has been found to be

the most effective natural mosquito repellent. A study from U.S. Environmental

Protection Agency found that the efficacy of the citrus oil falls third in line, behind DEET

and picaridin. The product is also the only natural repellent that is registered with the

U.S. EPA. Cathy Wong (2022).

Numerous research works have examined the ability of coffee and its byproducts

to deter mosquitoes. Caffeine, a key ingredient in coffee, has been shown in a study by

Trongtokit et al. (2015) to have repellent properties against the dengue fever vector,

Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. Furthermore, coffee grounds have been investigated as a

possible natural mosquito repellent source. Coffee grounds added to candle

formulations showed a significant repellent effect against Anopheles mosquitoes,

according to a study by Kassi et al., (2016). While coffee-based mosquito repellent is

not as simple as sprinkling coffee grounds across a particular area, studies have found

that the coffee-contaminant can deter adult mosquitoes from laying eggs in those

locations. Bitangcol (2021).

Effectiveness of using calamansi and coffee is evident and proven in previous

researches. According to an article by Palompon Institute of Technology (2021), the

mosquito repellency effect of D-lemonine from calamansi can be observed within one

minute to less than 5 minutes of the exposure period. The mosquito knockdown effect

can also be observed starting 20 minutes of exposure period. Another study by

Tomomomitsu Satho et al. (2015), Caffeine inhibits enzymes in the nervous system of
herbivorous insects, triggering paralysis, death, and reproductive deficits. These

attributes suggest that coffee is useful in developing potent, low-cost, and bio-rational

mosquito control strategies. Despite the limited studies examining the effects of coffee

and calamansi combined to create a mosquito repellent solution, synergistic interactions

between different botanical extracts have been evident in the literature. For example, a

study by Pavela (2016) showcased an enhanced repellent activity when combining

essential oils from various plant sources.

Chapter III


This chapter will discuss the process to be used in this study to develop a natural

mosquito repellent product from coffee and calamansi extract. This involves the

research design, research instrument, equipment and utensils, the procedure for

gathering data, and analysis procedure that will be collected in the time frame allocated.


Figure 2.

Coffee Ground and Calamansi Extract

Coffee Grounds Calamansi

Boiling Process Extract the


Extract the Coffee


Mix with Melted Paraffin Wax

Air Dry

A. Soxhlet Extraction Method

The soxhlet extraction method is a continouos extraction technique

frequently employed for the extraction of lipids or other substances from solid

materials. This method is particularly effective for extracting essential lipids from

calamansi and coffee grounds. First, coffee grounds were 1/4 cup of boiling

water, hen the extracted calamansi pulp, after that melt the paraffin wax and add

1:1 ratio of the coffee and calamansi mixture and let it boil for 2 minutes.

B. Forming of the Candle

A candle wick was tied on a stick and was positioned above a cylindrical

container, dipping the bottom of the wick into the melted wax, adhering the wick

to the base of the container. The calamansi-coffee-based candle solution was the

poured into the cylindrical container, ensuring that the wick stays upright. Allow

the wax to completely cool down and solidify before trimming the remaining

candle wick an inch from the wax.

C. Excito Chamber Method

The excito chamber method is a customized method that has been

designed to investigate how mosquito behavior changes from a treated candle. In

this technique, the mosquito was starved in a container the night before the test.

The mosquitoes were released in an enclosed room, lured with the use of a

human. The number of mosquitoes that fled away from the human in the room

with the treated candle was greater, compared to the number of mosquitoes that
fled away from the human with the untreated product. This allowed the

researchers to examine the behavior of mosquitoes. The test was done three

times to ensure the result.

Research Design

The researchers will use a quantitative approach experimental design for this

study. To ascertain the impact of a coffee and calamansi scented candle, the

researchers employed a true-experimental research design, in which they could fully

control the procedure by adjusting the independent variable. The effectiveness of using

coffee and calamansi extract to make mosquito-scented candle with a paraffin wax

mixture as the primary ingredient of this experiment.

Research Instrument

The table below will present the list and the quantity of the materials that will be

used in the study.

Figure 2.1.

Materials Quantity

Coffee grounds 1/4 cup

Calamansi extract 1/4 cup

Paraffin wax 10 pieces

Wick 1 piece
Water 1/4 cup

The materials that will be used in the study will be 1/4 cup of coffee grounds, 1/4

cup of calamansi extract, 10 pieces of paraffin wax, 1 piece of wick, and 1/4 cup of


Equipment and Utensils

The table below will show the equipment and utensils, and their units that will be

used in this study.

Figure 2.3

Equipment/ Utensils Unit

Container 1

Knife 1

Spoon 1

Cup 1

Stirring rod 1

Measuring cup 1

Frying pan 1

Chopping board 1

Bowl 3

Strainer 1
The equipment and utensils that will be used in the study are container, knife,

spoon, cup, stirring rod, measuring cup, frying pan, chopping board, bowl, and strainer.

Data Gathering

The primary method of data collection is experimentation. The correlation is

between the two independent variables, coffee and calamansi, and the dependent

variable, which is the efficacy of the scented candle as a mosquito repellent. In order to

evaluate the repellency of this product using an excito-repellency test, the researchers

will collect and analyze the data. Aside from experiments, the researchers will also use

all the references and materials that are available, including books, PDF files, reliable

websites and publications, and previously published studies that could be found online.

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