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498178830-Lab-6 - lab

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Lab #6 – Assessment Worksheet
Elements of a Remote Access Domain Policy
Course Name: IAP301
Student Name: Vu Tuan Anh
Instructor Name: Nguyen Tan Danh
Lab Due Date: 1/2/2021
Remote Access Domain Risks & Threats Remote Access Domain Risks & Threats
Brute force user ID and password Have users use long IDs and passwords and use
attacks numbers and characters

Multiple login retries and access control Only allow a specific number of retries when
attacks trying to login
Unauthorized remote access to IT Lock the users down from the system and
systems, secure all data they were after
applications, and data
Privacy data or confidential data is Have all data in encrypted so that it will be
compromised remotely useless to anyone
Data leakage in violation of existing Create a keyword filtering for content that
Data Classification Standards maycontain classified data or use data
Mobile worker laptop is stolen Full disk encryption, remote tracking
Mobile worker token or other Data reset features, encryption on disk and
lost or stolen authentication device tracking.
Remote worker requires remote access No access required no matter what
medical patient online system through
the public Internet
Users and employees are unaware of Acceptable Use and Security Polices Remote
the risks Access Policy for Remote Workers & Medical
and threats caused by the public Clinics

Lab #6 – Assessment Worksheet

Define a Remote Access Policy to Support Remote Healthcare Clinics

1. What are the biggest risks when using the public Internet as a WAN or transport
for remote access to
your organization’s IT infrastructure?

- Unsecured wifi network. Hackers can spoof passwords.

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2. Why does this mock healthcare organization need to define a Remote Access
Policy to properly
implement remote access through the public Internet?
- Remote access policies will need to be implemented to ensure proper encryption
of sensitive data sent across the internet.

3. What is the relationship between an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) and a Security
Awareness &
Training Policy?
- This component specifies what users can and cannot do on company resources
while the security awareness and training policy specifies security as a whole
throughout the organization.

4. One of the major prerequisites for this scenario was the requirement to support
nurses and healthcare
professionals that are mobile and who visit patients in their homes. Another
requirement was for
remote clinics to access a shared patient medical records system via a web browser.
Which type of
secure remote VPN solution is recommended for these two types of remote access?
- For the mobile nurses who visit patients, they should have tablets with preloaded
software they need to treat patients. As far as accessing patient's records via a web
browser they can host records on a secure remote access domain.

5. When trying to combat unauthorized access and login attempts to IT systems and
applications, what
is needed within the LAN-to-WAN Domain to monitor and alarm on unauthorized
login attempts to
the organization’s IT infrastructure?
- Intrusion Detection System (IDS).

6. Why is it important to mobile workers and users about the risks, threats, and
vulnerabilities when
conducting remote access through the public Internet?
- The public Internet is beyond the governance of the organization and is not secure
and because their devices can be lost, stolen or hacked in to retrieve personal data
or information.

7. Why should social engineering be included in security awareness training?

- To raise awareness of threats from internal, and external sources looking to obtain.

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8. Which domain (not the Remote Access Domain) throughout the seven domains of
a typical IT
infrastructure supports remote access connectivity for users and mobile workers
needing to connect to
the organization’s IT infrastructure?
- Lab 6 define a remote access policy to support 3.

9. Where are the implementation instructions defined in a Remote Access Policy

definition? Does this
section describe how to support the two different remote access users and
requirements as described
in this scenario?
- Remote access domain.

10. A remote clinic has a requirement to upload ePHI data from the clinic to the
organization’s IT
infrastructure on a daily basis in a batch-processing format. How should this remote
requirement be handled within or outside of this Remote Access Policy definition?
- Knowing who to give remote access to. Adding specific users to VPN users group
within AD.

11. Why is a remote access policy definition a best practice for handling remote
employees and
authorized users that require remote access from home or on business trips?
- Without a remote access policy, the availability and integrity of your network can
be compromised by unauthorized users.

12. Why is it a best practice of a remote access policy definition to require

employees and users to fill in
a separate VPN remote access authorization form?
- This helps with non-repudiation to ensure the user is who they claim to be and that
they are authorized to access confidential organizational assets.

13. Why is it important to align standards, procedures, and guidelines for a remote
access policy

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- The importance of aligning the standards, procedures and guidelines is so the
organization can maintain confidentiality of important data which may be required
by law.

14. What security controls, monitoring, and logging should be enabled for remote
VPN access and users?
- Multi-factor authentication of users and computers and a Password Lockout Policy
and the controls needed for a VPN.

15. Should an organization mention that they will be monitoring and logging remote
access use in their
Remote Access Policy Definition?
- That would depend on the company and the faith it puts in its users

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