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Multiple Choice

1. In selling, the creation and maintenance of mutually beneficial long-term relationships

with customers is called:
a. spin selling
b. long-term selling
c. relationship selling (Correct, see page 116)
d. maintenance selling
e. opportunity management

2. The application of digital and wireless technologies to personal selling is known as:
a. collaborative communication
b. sales force automation (Correct, see page 116)
c. live person chat software
d. an intranet
e. an extranet

3. A logical sequence of selling stages that occurs between the time an opportunity is
recognized and the time of follow up activity after a sale is closed is called:
a. relationship selling
b. sales force automation
c. the sales process (Correct, see page 116)
d. sales pipeline
e. prospecting

4. Automation tools that describe where prospects/customers are in the sales cycle is known
as the:
a. extranet
b. sales process
c. sales forecast
d. sales description
e. sales pipeline (Correct, see page 116)


Zikmund, McLeod, and Gilbert

5. Prospects who may or may not be interested in the organization’s offering are called:
a. lures
b. leads (Correct, see page 116)
c. customers
d. non qualified
e. possibilities

6. Leads who have been shown to have a positive expectation of lifetime value and an
ability to purchase are called:
a. closed sales
b. qualified leads (Correct, see page 116)
c. possible leads
d. anticipatory leads
e. positive leads

7. Asking for a customer order is an attempt to:

a. qualify them
b. determine if they are a lead
c. close the sale (Correct, see page 116)
d. determine their lifetime value
e. feel them out

8. Which of the following is not a conflict that can be caused by sales force automation?
a. fear of disintermediation
b. fear of being replaced
c. irritation in changing traditional approaches to the job
d. fear of too many leads (Correct, see page 117)
e. all of the above are correct

9. Which of the following is NOT a task for sales force automation?

a. task management
b. opportunity management
c. follow-up management
d. analysis and reporting tools
e. all of the above are tasks for sales force automation (Correct, see page 117)

10. Organizing data about organizations and about customers and prospects within the
organizations is called:
a. data mining
b. contact management (Correct, see page 117)
c. relationship selling
d. follow up management
e. opening the sale


Zikmund, McLeod, and Gilbert

11. A feature of contact management that allows contact information to be shared with others
is called:
a. call routing
b. call centering
c. online incentive programs
d. collaborative communication (Correct, see page 118)
e. product configurators

12. What is prospecting?

a. the best guess projection of the unit or dollar volume sales expected from a customer.
b. identifying potential customers who may be interested in the organization or its
products (Correct, see page 118)
c. the management of information and activity throughout the sales pipeline.
d. the process of creating an inclusive, comprehensive, and easily accessible
organizational memory or organizational intellectual capital.
e. handling a call from a customer at a call center.

13. Software that helps to determine if a lead is a qualified prospect or not is called:
a. live person chat software
b. sales force automation
c. lead management software (Correct, see page 119)
d. knowledge management
e. consultative selling

14. The best guess prediction of the unit or dollar volume of sales expected from a customer
is a:
a. sales pipeline
b. sales process
c. sales forecast (Correct, see page 119)
d. sales guessing
e. sales prediction

15. The process of creating an inclusive, comprehensive, and easily accessible organizational
memory, often called the organization’s intellectual capital is termed:
a. prospecting
b. lead management
c. relationship management
d. knowledge management (Correct, see page 119)
e. sales force automation


Zikmund, McLeod, and Gilbert

16. A comprehensive process that not only includes lead management, but also includes the
management of other activity and information throughout the entire sales pipeline is:
a. information delivery system
b. qualified lead management
c. relationship management
d. opportunity management (Correct, see page 119)
e. prospecting

17. Which of the following BEST describes opportunity management?

a. software that helps to determine if a lead is a qualified prospect or not
b. organizing data about organizations and about customers and prospects within the
c. a comprehensive process that not only includes lead management, but also includes the
management of other activity and information throughout the entire sales pipeline.
(Correct, see page 119)
d. the creation and maintenance of mutually beneficial long-term relationships with
e. The process of creating an inclusive, comprehensive, and easily accessible
organizational memory, often called the organization’s intellectual capital.

18. A company’s private data network that uses Internet standards and technology is called a:
a. extranet
b. Internet
c. intranet (Correct, see page 119)
d. datanet
e. home page

19. What is an extranet?

a. a company’s private data network that uses Internet standards and technology.
b. an intranet that is shared with outside parties, such as customers. (Correct, see page
c. an organizational unit that supports direct customer interaction via telephone, well-
configured information technology, and capable service personnel.
d. a convergence of computer telephone integration and voice messaging.
e. a call distribution system that directs the next caller in the queue to the appropriate

20. What is a product configurator?

a. a method of closing the sale by overcoming objections to the product by the customers.
b. a detailed listing of all products the organization sells.
c. a price list that the salesperson uses for reference.
d. a prearranged and written response to varying, repetitive problems for customers
regarding products.
e. a software program that configures and prices products in real-time, reducing the
workload of the salesperson. (Correct, see page 120)


Zikmund, McLeod, and Gilbert

21. A software program that configures and prices products in real-time, reducing the
workload of the salesperson is called:
a. sales force automation
b. online incentive program
c. online analytical processing
d. product configurator (Correct, see page 120)
e. affiliate network program

22. One idea that organizations use to get sales representatives to accept the SFA system is
by offering bonus gifts to representatives over the Internet called:
a. online incentive programs (Correct, see page 121)
b. affiliate network programs
c. online analytical processing
d. affinity marketing
e. automatic distribution systems

23. An organizational unit that supports direct customer interaction via telephone, well-
configured information technology, and capable service personnel is a/an:
a. live person chat software
b. call center (Correct, see page 122)
c. interaction point
d. sales force
e. sales center

24. Guiding each customer’s call to the customer service representative who is most capable
of helping is the concept of:
a. call forwarding
b. call routing (Correct, see page 123)
c. call waiting
d. call scripting
e. call centering

25. If you call an airline’s information line and it asks you to say “departures” or “arrivals” to
get the information you are looking for, it would be an example of :
a. information routing
b. call routing
c. an intranet
d. interactive voice response (Correct, see page 123)
e. call scripting


Zikmund, McLeod, and Gilbert

26. When a sophisticated caller ID system logs a customer record and then passes the call
and the record to the “next available” customer service representative it would be an
example of what type of system?
a. interactive voice response
b. automatic distribution system (Correct, see page 123)
c. sales force automation system
d. knowledge management system
e. data warehousing system

27. When a customer calls a call center, the representative will create a record of the inquiry
called a:
a. schema
b. contact point
c. inquiry point
d. trouble ticket (Correct, see page 123)
e. order ticket

28. Prearranged and written responses to varying, repetitive problems for customers is called:
a. call forwarding
b. encoding
c. call scripting (Correct, see page 124)
d. decoding
e. compiling

29. Scripts may be based on all of the following factors EXCEPT:

a. reason for contact
b. lifetime customer value
c. cross-selling opportunities
d. current sales promotions
e. all of the above would be good factors for generating a script. (Correct, see page 124)

30. What kind of software allows customer service agents to interact with web users when
customers make an inquiry?
a. contact management software
b. intranet software
c. live person chat software (Correct, see page 125)
d. extranet software
e. lead management software


Zikmund, McLeod, and Gilbert

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