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Student life is the life of preparation for future life.

To acquire knowledge is the

main duty of a student. But a student also has some duties to his societies.
These duties are known as social service. As social service the students can
take part in activities such as removing illiteracy, helping keep the environment
clean, helping the farmers use mechanized farming, helping people in a time of
natural calamity or in any crisis of the country, etc. Education enables the student
to understand within himself his strengths and freedom in his life. Education
starts not only at school but from every home.

Students can contribute to improving national health. In this case, the female
students’ role is very important. They can teach illiterate womenfolk how to bring
up their Children and take care of their health. Besides, students can teach
illiterate people how to maintain hygiene. They can teach how to keep the
environment neat and clean.

Students can help people who stiffer during natural calamities. During severe
floods or tidal surge, they can collect funds and distribute these among the
victims. They can stand by the homeless and penniless people and take part in
relief operations. We have seen how the youth stand as one against the negative
aspects like corruption, violence, terrorism and fight for the peace and security of
the nation.

Students are the future leaders of a country. They are an integral part of our
society. Side by side with ‘study they must render sonic social services. These
social services instill patriotic feelings in the minds of students. These services
also help them develop fellow feelings and compassion without which social
peace and prosperity cannot be ensured. So every student must be conscious of
their services to society.

Man is a social animal for all intents and purposes spending a great deal of his life
monumental within the dictates of society.

At each significant stage in life, man essays an altogether different role as a component
of the social structure. Be it childhood, youth, adulthood or sunset years, each stage
has a valuable and momentous contribution to make.

The Role of Students in The Society

Years spent as a student constitute the most impressionable of times wherein an
individual garners essential knowledge, much-needed skill and life experiences while
forming valuable relationships.
Undoubtedly thus, students are the most important components of society. This position
elevates their social responsibility to an altogether higher degree wherein their duty as
responsible students in their community shapes social structure, functioning and allied

It is indeed undeniable that one cannot live in complete isolation from society and so
applies to a student as well.

One is in a constant state of give and take from society. Thereby the intermediary links
constructed between a student and the social structure thus influence the importance of
students in society making them significant contributors.

1. Contribution to Literacy

The realm of literacy in the social structure has always been a grave cause of concern
wherein a large stratum of society remains devoid of the right to literacy.

This deprivation is resultant of various factors such as that of poverty, unemployment,

lack of awareness, gender and caste discrimination etc.

Thus, the role of students in modern society that takes into account literacy as the
determinant of a secure future is to ensure that they in different ways contribute to
teaching the illiterate, motivating one and all to take the leap towards education and
strengthening the foundations of the nation.

Literacy campaigns, libraries, book exchanges, community literacy programmes and so

on are not a distant dream if the student community vows to furnish their social

2. Fight Against Antisocial Activities

Crucial concerns of modern society stem from a rise in antisocial activities and their
hazardous consequences.
Theft, corruption, murder, black marketing, exploitation of women, weaker sections,
rape and harassment compromise safe living standards as well as tarnish the social

In such a scenario, the ambition of students must be to work towards the total
eradication of these social disabilities.

With the rise of social media, the right to speak up in democracy and the consolidation
of student power, adequate solutions can be implemented to put an end to these
burning social issues and thereby promote an equal, harmonious and lawful society.

The aim of social welfare is yet another goal which is realized through blood donation
camps, relief funds, tending to the sick, needy and destitute, offering vulnerable animals
a home and developing a sense of helpfulness, kindness and moral responsibility
towards the society. Students in modern society must therefore be a catalyst for change
and actualization of social welfare.

3. Say No to Drugs and Alcohol

Drug and alcohol addiction has long since blinded youth, deviated individuals from a
healthy, progressive life and most of all led to a number of personal and social

Addictions paralyze an individual, metaphorically if not physically and so hinder

personal growth, kill ambition and engulf one in a sense of nothingness and denial.

Used as an escape mechanism, drugs and alcohol disrupt family life, and happiness,
lead to poverty and stunt the contribution of individuals to the nation.

The drive of students thus must be to educate, sensitize and promote addiction-free
living through various mediums such as that campaigns, street plays, social media,
talks, volunteering at NGOs and de-addiction centres and so on.

4. Pioneers of Technological Advancements

Scientific advancement, innovation and novelty are the factors that make a nation stand
out from the rest in the modern world. With young minds bubbling with a scientific
temperament, drive to discover, and strive for innovation and progress, the contribution
of students to society is thus exercised.

Young scientists in space organizations, students who have made innovations beyond
their age, child prodigies, young interns with a zeal to learn and grow, and students who
have opened up classes to educate their underprivileged contemporaries; there is active
and noteworthy participation from the student community.
Rakeshkrishna K, a 16-year-old from Puttur taluk in Karnataka built a seedographer that
eases out the tedium of seed-sowing for farmers and cuts down their investment in
unskilled manpower.

5. Pride of The Nation

Young achievers making their mark in the arena of sports and athletics thereby add to
their role as student contributors as promoters of physical fitness, national pride and
integral value systems.

Sports builds confidence, the ability to make decisions, not crack under pressure, to be
a great leader and most of all, to build meaningful relationships.

Young individuals with an enthusiasm for sports are thus ambassadors of fitness and
overall wellbeing. Quite many have made the nation proud on various state, national
and international platforms.

Mehuli Ghosh, a 17-year-old shooter has made the nation proud with her debut in the
Commonwealth Games at Gold Coast and also won eight gold medals on various
platforms thereafter.

6. Sustainable Development
With the rise of climate change, pollution and other ecological imbalances, calamities
and disasters have become a common factor in present times.

As catalysts of change, students in our society incline towards an active contribution to

disaster prevention and management.

In a capitalistic society, development is usually exploitative in a way that it is absolutely

capital oriented and does not in any way take into account other side effects.

Thus, as responsible students who have imbibed something from their extensive and
industrious syllabus, one must be able to move towards a sustainable development that
not only takes into account modern needs but also saves enough for future generations.

Licypriya Kangujam, a 10-year-old child environmental activist from India has addressed
world leaders at the United Nations Climate Change Conference 2019, in Spain,
requesting for immediate action in the area of climate change.

7. Strong Value System

As the pioneers of change, students must work to annihilate caste, the evils of
untouchability and promote gender equality. The caste and gender conflict has been at
the heart of the Indian psyche since times immemorial.
Thereby, atrocities based on caste and gender hierarchy have impacted and destroyed
the lives of men and women depriving them of opportunities, privileges, freedoms and
the right to a decent standard of living.

As responsible citizens, students as a part of the community must navigate alternate

ways of living, rising above gender, caste, religion and everything that holds us back.

8. Ecological Responsibility

Pollution has changed the world in ways that to a large extent cannot be reversed.
Inconsistent rainfall patterns and soil erosion owing to deforestation, melting ice caps
and rising sea levels due to ozone rupture, alarming natural phenomena and
unpredictable weather patterns resultant from pollution; the balance of nature is under

Numerous plant and animal species are on the verge of extinction while the survival of
man is largely a threat.

Thus, students are habituated to these issues, equipped to tackle them in their little
ways, indulge in afforestation, water and soil conservation, cut down on pollution and so

Their curriculum consists therefore of extensive environmental studies so that they may
be better able to exercise their role as students.

9. Service to The Nation

It is the duty of each and every citizen of the nation to serve the country at any time
required. The members of the defence forces of the Army, Navy and Airforce strive hard
for the protection of each and every citizen of the nation, sacrificing their own lives.

There is no nobler profession than that of the defence forces and doctors. The youth
first as student role models and later as doctors, engineers, scientists and government
servants with their political sensibilities, can contribute to the nation.
10. The Voice of Society
The power of youth is such that their voice will be heard in society and thereby they can
speak up for the marginalized, work for social good, place demands and have them

The duty of students must be to act as role models for others in the society and the
generations to come and thereby make society a better place to live in.

In a constant engagement of give and take, students need to meet up to certain
expectations of society. In their life span, students do take a lot from parents, teachers
and society at large.

Thus, it becomes their moral responsibility to exercise their role as students in society
and turn into productive members, building a secure future for themselves and society.

It is important for every individual to go by the principle “Do unto others as you would
have them do unto you.”

The growth of our community is significantly influenced by the school system.

Students get the chance to learn about their community through school and
how to get involved in issues faced by the communities to make a difference.
There is no question that schools support the growth and development of the
society we live in since they develop the leaders of the future. Positive
transformations could be sparked through the intervention of schools in
different ways. Through this article, you will learn about the role of schools in
community development. Read ahead to learn more.

How Can Schools Contribute?

Schools can support community development through a variety of strategies
and techniques. Schools primarily contribute to community development is
done by teaching students the value of civic engagement. They impart
leadership abilities such as how to organize initiatives that will benefit the
neighborhood or how to collaborate with community members to promote
growth. Now, let us see how schools can contribute to community
Promote Equality
A society that thrives is one in which everyone is treated equally. Even though
the significance of equality has been widely discussed, disparities still persist
in our society. Individuals must take the lead in advancing equality in our
community. To eliminate current inequality and the problems it causes,
everyone must take the appropriate actions. If you are wondering how schools
can make a difference, let us explain it to you.

In the school, you can promote an environment where everyone is treated as

equals. This instills a positive attitude in the school's children, and by
eradicating any prejudices, they will learn to respect one another. This helps
create an inclusive environment at the school. You are influencing the way the
younger generation thinks by taking such actions In this way, you are building
a community that is informed and responsible. They say positive changes
start in schools. Hence, this would be a great start to bring in changes to the
community around us.

Direct engagement with the community is another strategy for promoting

equality. Schools have the possibility of hosting public seminars or
conferences. These events may serve as eye-opening experiences for the
students as well as the other community members, which may result in
changes to their attitudes and behaviors. Besides, they can also conduct
programs like street plays that could be entertaining as well as helps in
understanding the issues that exist in society.

Provide Educational Opportunities

Schools can provide educational opportunities to children belonging to the
underprivileged or marginalized groups in the community. People who have
an education are more equipped to think critically, solve problems, and take
charge. Additionally, students are taught in schools how to be responsible for
their actions, open-minded, and welcoming of various cultures. Schools foster
respect for others through fostering compassion in students for individuals
who are different from them or who hold different opinions.

Marginalized communities are given the chance to take the lead through
education. Through education, they can strive toward improving their life.
Consequently, education provides them with a chance to develop and
prosper. These kids, however, are denied an education or may not have
access to schools for a variety of reasons. Hence, you may identify such
children from the community and give them access to educational
possibilities. They might have a life-changing experience through this, which
would also help to advance society as a whole.

Facilitate Mutual Growth

Schools establish a positive school culture when they collaborate with the
community to make societal improvements. Schools work to instill in students
vital morals that will live with them forever. Students typically do better and
flourish academically when they are learning in a supportive learning
environment. It opens the door to academic success. Hence, schools'
initiatives to change society would have a positive impact on them. In this
way, schools are facilitating mutual growth.

It is crucial for schools to collaborate with non-profit organizations to enable

students to contribute back to the community. By collaborating with non-profit
organizations, schools can bring positive changes to the community we live in.
Schools and neighborhood businesses can collaborate to promote community
growth. This is another way to facilitate mutual growth. By doing this, you will
be able to upscale students' leadership abilities. Such activities benefit
students and communities alike. Students learn a lot through such activities.

By taking part in community development activities, students will have the

chance to hone their leadership abilities. Being a good leader is simply one
aspect of leadership, another is being conscious of your surroundings and
cognizant of how they affect the lives of others. These skills would enable
students to shine in a professional environment. Community development
initiatives aid in the development of students.

Nurtures a Sustainable Lifestyle

Schools can take the necessary steps to nurture sustainable development in
the community. To educate the residents of the community about the value of
living sustainably, they can implement a number of different strategies. As
was already noted, schools can plan a variety of events to encourage
communities to lead healthy lifestyles. One way to get people to understand
how their actions are damaging the environment is to hold clean-up drives.
These kinds of activities will also be educational for the students. Community
members and students will thereby make sure that their actions don't have
any negative effects on the environment in which we live. As stated earlier,
schools can conduct public awareness talks and conferences in order to
enlighten the community about such atrocities.

Schools play an important role in the development of the community we live
in. They can adopt different strategies to foster the development of the
community we live in. With the right education, students can be encouraged to
contribute to their local communities and help develop them. Ultimately,
students are change-makers who is playing a vital role in making a difference
in the society we live in. Hence, schools bring about change through their

Top 8 Benefits of Community

Service for Students
Common Barriers in Volunteering
When this big transition takes place in your life, college volunteering may feel like
it has its barriers. With classes, clubs, sports teams, art projects, and paying jobs
being a priority, it is easy for volunteering to suddenly take a back seat on your
schedule. At Habitat for Humanity, we empathize with college being a fantastic
but sometimes overwhelming or stressful time with many new changes. You may
not have access to transportation off-campus or know where to even start. We
encourage you to look at the big picture and learn more about the benefits of

Importance of Community Services

Community service for students and college volunteering helps students to
acquire knowledge, life skills and provide service to people who need it most.
Community service and volunteering for college students give young people the
opportunity to become active members in their communities, creating a positive
societal impact. Habitat for Humanity is excited to share some of the many
benefits of community service for students.

Social Benefits
Because volunteering engages students directly with a community, it allows for a
special bond with those people or organizations being served. Community
service for students increases social awareness and responsibility as well. By
committing to a project or activity with others, college volunteering helps to build
and strengthen relationships and make new friendships. Your social,
professional, and support network is bound to grow, introducing you to so many
new people who care about the same things as you!

Psychological benefits
By helping others, you will also decrease stress and depression. One of the
major risk factors for depression is social isolation. College volunteering helps
you feel better about yourself and increase overall satisfaction in your life by
helping others and staying in regular contact with others. Volunteer work with
animals and pets has also been shown to reduce stress and anxiety and boost
your mood.
Boost Confidence
Are you shy, or do you have a difficult time meeting new people? Thankfully,
volunteering gives people, outgoing or not, the opportunity to develop and
practice social skills by meeting with people who share the same interests and
goals. With college volunteering, you will become more comfortable with your
fellow volunteers over time and boost your confidence levels too. Community
service for students boosts self-confidence, self-esteem, and a sense of
accomplishment. This newfound pride will have positive effects on your present
and future.

Cognitive Benefits
While the benefits of community service for students include directly helping and
making a difference in an organization and the lives of people you are serving, it
will also make a difference in your career prospects. College volunteering helps
students cognitively by enhancing their knowledge, growing from new
experiences, and developing and improving interpersonal communication skills
as well. You will gain new work-related skills through community service, a better
sense of social responsibility, and make a positive impact on your community. To
take service work to the next level professionally, consider exploring the fields of
teaching, nursing, psychology, and more.

Staying Active
There are many mental benefits of volunteering, but there are physical benefits
as well. Volunteering keeps you physically healthy and lessens symptoms or
risks of chronic pain, depression, improves heart health, and more. Studies have
shown that those who volunteer have a lower mortality rate as well, and
volunteering has many benefits to your physical and mental health at any age.
Taking care of all four types of health is important for overall well-being.

Advance Your Career

College volunteering can directly help you get experiences in your areas of
interest and meet people in a professional field. Through things like teamwork,
problem-solving, practicing communication and organizational skills, planning
and managing projects, and more, you will be practicing skills learned and used
in the workplace. Various volunteer opportunities provide additional training, such
as volunteering for a shelter or working in a childcare environment. Volunteering
can also allow you to hone skills you already possess and use them to benefit
the greater good in your community as well.
Boost Resume
Another importance of community service for students is to improve job
prospects by boosting your resume. Studies have shown that volunteering is
connected to greater odds of employment, and most employers are more likely to
choose candidates with volunteering experience. College volunteering, and
volunteering at any age, will not only boost your resume but help you to stand out
professionally. Here are some ideas to help you get started and inspire you to
find volunteering opportunities you may not have otherwise considered.

● Social Media
● PR
● Graphic Design
● Construction
● Search Engine Optimization, or SEO
● Program Management
● Board Opportunities
● Events Management

By participating in college volunteering, it can be easier to escape from your day-
to-day responsibilities or stressors. By exploring your interests while helping
others, volunteering can be a meaningful way to stay relaxed, refreshed, and
energized. We all need time away from work and obligations, and by taking a
step back from worrying about yourself, you can make space to help yourself
grow. It can be helpful to explore an environment of volunteering that differs from
your professional or schoolwork, such as finding something to do outdoors rather
than indoors or something that requires movement if you are typically stationary.

Volunteering with Limited Mobility

If you are living with disabilities or are lacking time or transportation, there are
ways to volunteer over the phone or computer as well! Things like phone
banking, graphic design, writing, public relations work, and more can all be done
from your home environment. If this option sounds ideal to you, check out
organizations you are interested in to see what opportunities they offer.

Volunteering as a Team
While there are many benefits of community service for students, there are
various benefits of volunteering with your family, friends, and loved ones. It may
be challenging to find time in everyone’s schedules to coordinate volunteer work,
but this is a great way to get to know organizations in your community and find
resources or programs available to your family and friends. Volunteering with
children is especially important because they are always looking up to adults for
what to do and how to behave.

How to Get Involved

The main importance of community services is to give back to others. Because
so many different organizations and initiatives exist, it is helpful to look at your
interests and determine what would be beneficial in your community as well.
There are many ways to give back, and here are a few ideas to get you started.

● Walk your neighbor’s dogs.

● Visit with an elderly neighbor.
● Help neighboring younger students with homework.
● Offer to grocery shop for an elderly neighbor or a neighbor living with
different disabilities.
● Offer to provide free childcare to family, friends, or neighbors who need
● Start fundraising or donating to an organization you care about.
● Organize or participate in a food or clothing drive.
● Donate food, clothes, and/or toys.

Be the Change
Volunteering can benefit you as much as the organization you are volunteering
at, and you are bound to build many new friendships, boost your social and
professional skills, expand your social and professional network, improve your
quality of life, and so much more. The importance of community services is
greater now more than ever after a pandemic that has upended the lives of so
many people worldwide. Whether you are new to this experience or not, your
time is valuable and useful, and the benefits of community service for students
are endless. Visit our website to learn more about how you can get started
volunteering today!

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