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The Gingerbread Man

A long, long time ago, an old woman and an One day, the old woman made a gingerbread
old man lived in a small house. man. First, she made his head. Then, his eyes
and his mouth. Finally, she made his arms and
legs. She put the gingerbread man in the oven
to bake.

After some minutes, the old woman opened

the oven and… out jumped the Gingerbread
Man! He ran out of the house.

Part 1 2
The Gingerbread Man

“Stop! Stop!” the old woman shouted. “Let me But the Gingerbread Man ran on and on.
take a bite!”
“Run, run
“Stop! Stop!” the old man shouted. “Let me
as fast as you can!
take a bite!”
You can’t catch me.

I’m the Gingerbread Man.”

Part 2 4
The Gingerbread Man

Soon, the Gingerbread Man met a cow. But the Gingerbread Man ran on and on.

“Stop! Stop!” the cow shouted. “Let me take a bite!” “Run, run

as fast as you can!

You can’t catch me.

I’m the Gingerbread Man.”

The Gingerbread Man

Soon, the Gingerbread Man met a horse. But the Gingerbread Man ran on and on.

“Stop! Stop!” the horse shouted. “Let me take a “Run, run

as fast as you can!

You can’t catch me.

I’m the Gingerbread Man.”

The Gingerbread Man

The Gingerbread Man reached a river. “I can help you,” the fox said. “Climb onto
Suddenly, a fox appeared. my tail and we can swim across the river
“Hello, little Gingerbread Man. Can you swim
across the river?” the fox asked. So the Gingerbread Man climbed onto the fox’s tail.

“No, I can’t,” the Gingerbread Man said.

“Oh, no,” the fox said. “The water is deep.

Climb onto my back.”

Part 3
So the Gingerbread Man climbed onto the fox’s back.
The Gingerbread Man

“Oh, no” the fox said. “The water is very deep. “Run, run
Climb onto my head.”
as fast as you can!
So the Gingerbread Man climbed onto the fox’s
You can’t catch me,
I’m The Gingerbread Man.”
The fox reached the other side of the river.
At that moment, he tossed his head; the
Gingerbread Man flew up in the air!

“I will eat you now,” said the fox.

But the little man jumped away and escaped.

He ran on and on and on. THE END

The Gingerbread Man


Las imágenes utilizadas con fines pedagógicos fueron tomadas de

Pixabay, salvo las indicadas a continuación: Imagen anciana y anciano
tomada de; Imagen Hombrecito de jengibre: archivo DGCyE.
The Gingerbread Man is the story of a
Desde el portal Continuemos Estudiando de la DGCyE, se puede ac- biscuit who runs away from his chasers.
ceder a las orientaciones docentes para trabajar con este cuento en la
clase de Inglés.

Activity n°1

The characters. Who are they? Write

The Gingerbread Man The old woman The old man

The cow The horse The fox

Activity n°2

Who does the gingerbread meet first? Number the characters in the order the
Gingerbread Man meets them.

____ The fox

____ The horse
____ The old woman
____ The cow
____ The old man

Activity n°3

Who said it? Read the story and circle the right option

1. The fox/ The cow said “Let me take a bite.”

2. The horse/ The Gingerbread Man said “You can’t catch me.”

3. The old man/ The Gingerbread Man said “Stop!”

4. The old woman/The fox said “I can help you.”

Activity n°4

Problems in the story. Go back to the text. Match questions 1-3 to the answers

1. What’s the Gingerbread Man’s problem? He can’t eat the Gingerbread Man.

2. What’s the old woman’s problem? He can’t cross the river.

3. What’s the fox’s problem? She can’t catch the Gingerbread Man
Activity n°5

The Gingerbread Man’s body.

a) Go back to the story and complete the graphic.

b) Number the parts of the body in the order the old woman made them.

Activity n°6

Can the Gingerbread Man run?

a) Complete the chart. Write “Yes, he can” or “No, he can’t”.

Can the Gingerbread Man… run? Yes, he can.

swim? ______________
climb? ______________
jump? ______________

b) What can the Gingerbread Man do? Use the information in the chart. Then,
complete the description below.

The Gingerbread man can… run, ………..………… He can’t ……………………

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