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Part I Reading Comprehension(2*20 points)

Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each
passage is followed by some questions or incomplete
statements. For each of them there are 4 choices
marked A, B,C and D. You should decide on the best
choice, and mark the corresponding letter on the
Answer Sheet.

Passage One
Wyatt Baldwin has been playing rock, paper,
scissors since he was a kid. The game helped him settle
disagreements with his three older sisters. "I never got
the chance to pick what we watched on TV until learned
the sport of rock. paper. scissors." he says.
Baldwin is president of the World Rock Paper
Scissors Association. He has played in and hosted
competitions all around the globe. He once had a 43-
game winning streak. What is the secret to his success?
"Look for patterns in either your opponent's moves or
behavior," he says. As all serious rock, paper, scissors
layers know, there' more to the game than luck.
People have been playing rock, paper, scissors for
about 2,000 years. It is played everywhere. Some
cultures use different hand symbols. but the idea is the
same. You and an opponent each throw one or three
hand symbols.You win lose, or tie (不分胜负) . Many
people think the game is all luck. It seems that your
chances of winning and losing are about the same, but
the outcome of the game is not random. That's because
human behavior random. There are patterns in how
people make decisions.
A study at Zhejiang University, in China, looked at
how people play rock, paper, scissors. It followed 360
students in a competition. Researchers found two key
patterns. Winners tended to repeat their winning hand
symbols. Losers tended to go from rock to paper to
Knowing the psychology of the game is not a sure
ticket to winning, but it can help. Ken Watson is one of
the world's best rock, paper, scissors players. He says
winning takes skill. "You have to size up our
opponent." Luck and chance play a part. but "you have
to be prepared and have a strategy." he says. "Part of
my strategy is being confident,”
According to Baldwin,"practice, practice, practice"
is the key to success. "You can try practicing yourself in
front of a mirror," he says. But for me, that always
ended up in a tic.

1. The support of rock, paper, scissors enabled little Wyatt Baldwin to_________ [单选
题] *

A. Cut paper with Scissor

B. Reach an agreement with his sisters(正确答案)

C.Learn the sports on TV

D. Produce I V shows with his sisters.

2. What is the key to Baldwin's success in the game? [单选题] *

A. Praying for good luck.

B. Imitating his rival's moves.

C. Figuring out his rival's patterns(正确答案)

D. Making friends with his opponent

3. What can we learn about the game from Para.3? [单选题] *

A. The idea of the game varies from culture lo culture.

B. The chances of winning or losing the game are always equal.

C. Different cultures use similar hand symbols to play the game.

D. The decision-making patterns affect the outcome of the game(正确答案)

4. The study at Zhejiang University found that_____________ [单选题] *

A. losers were likely to throw the hand symbol of paper.

B. Losers were likely to throw the hand symbol of scissors.

C. winners were likely to ignore their opponents completely

D. winners were likely to repeat their winning hand symbols(正确答案)

5. What is Ken Watson's view on the game? [单选题] *

A. Being relaxed is a sure ticket to winning.

B. Being confident can increase the chance to win(正确答案)

C. Your chance of winning wholly depends on luck

D. Your chance of winning relates to the size of your opponent

Passage Two
Imagine walking through someone's apartment. The
rooms are almost empty, and the only piece of furniture
is simple and folded sofa. There are no decorative
objects lying around ---just the essentials.You open the
closet to find you can count the number of clothing
items inside on one hand. The space seems more like
prison cell than a home and you may think the resident
cannot afford to buy more things fill the apartment
It turns out that that the apartment’s owner is a
minimalist who chooses to limit his number of
belongings. Minimizing goes against consumer society
by dramatically reducing possessions. Minimalists
follow this philosophy to varying degrees, but they
generally claim that cutting back on excess stuff leads to
a more fulfilling life.
With fewer possessions, they do not have to spend as
much time cleaning, thinking about what they
minimizing, or trying to keep up with the latest trends.
Minimalists say this frees up their time for things
meaningful, such as exercising, traveling, and being
with loved ones
Extreme minimalism is not for everyone, but a mild
form of it has given in popularity recently, thanks to
Marie Kondo's best selling book, The Life-Changing
Magic of Tiding Up. Kondo has become distinguished
for her tiding Skills,which she developed naturally one
of her main belongings is that one should only own
things that one truly loves.
It can be unpleasant to part with belongings, but
Kondo’s methods have helped minimalists remove
useless things. Her technique for making space is to go
through things by category, starting with clothing, then
books, papers, tiny objects, and finally, memorable
items. She instructs her followers to touch each object
they own and keep only those that spark joy. promising
that this will lead to domestic happiness ‘
Kondo stresses that it is not about throwing things
away, but about finding the things you want to remain
with a balance between personal joy and possessions.
Even if you are not ready to become a minimalist,you
may want to consider reducing the number of things
you own for it seems that letting go of things can truly
make room for happiness.

6. Paragraph 1 describes a person who probably________ [单选题] *

A. Loves decorative objects

B. cannot afford the essentials

C. chooses to live a simple life(正确答案)

D. has a passion for counting his clothes

7. What does minimalist go against? [单选题] *

A. Reducing possessions.

B. Living a more fulfilling life.

C. Limiting the number of belongings.

D. Buying more things than necessary.(正确答案)

8. If people adopt the minimalist lifestyle, they will_________ [单选题] *

A. have a passion for cleaning

B. keep up with the latest trends.

C. think about what the are missing

D. have more time for meaningful things(正确答案)

9. The mild form of minimalism becomes popular because of Kondo ‘s _______ [单选
题] *

A. too-selling book(正确答案)

B. writing style

C. personal habits.

D. cleaning skills

10. According to the last paragraph, what is the real meaning of minimalism? [单选题] *

A. Finding the right balance between belongings and joy(正确答案)

B. Placing your possessions before your personal happiness.

C. Throwing away as many personal belongings as possible

D. Buying a lot more things to follow the latest fashion trend

Passage Three
For thousands of years, people have known that the
best way to understand a concept is to explain said
Roman philosopher Seneca. Now scientists are it to
someone else."While we teach, we learn,"bringing this
ancient wisdom up-to-date. They're documenting why
teaching is such a fruitful way to learn, and designing
innovative ways for young people to engage in
Researchers have found that students who sign up to
tutor others work harder to understand the material,
recall it more accurately and apply it more effectively.
Student teachers score higher on tests than pupils
who're learning only for their own sake. But how can
children, still learning themselves, teach others? One
answer; They can tutor younger kids. Some studies
have found that first-born children are more intelligent
than their later-born siblings (兄弟姐 妹).This
suggests their higher IQs result from the time they
spend teaching their siblings. Now educators are
experimenting with ways to apply this model to
academic subjects. They engage college undergraduates
to teach computer science to high school students, who
in turn instruct middle school students on the topic.
But the most cutting-edge tool under development is
the " teachable agent" — a computerized character
who learns, tries, makes mistakes and asks questions
just like a real-world pupil. Computer scientists have
created an animated (slit) figure called Betty's Brain,
who has been "taught" about environmental science by
hundreds of middle school students. Student teachers
are motivated to help Betty master certain materials.
While preparing to teach, they organize their
knowledge and improve their own understanding. And
as they explain the information to it, they identify
problems in their own thinking.
Feedback from the teachable agents further
enhances the tutors' learning. The agents' questions
compel student tutors to think and explain the materials
in different ways, and watching the agent solve
problems allows them to see their knowledge put into
action. Above all, it's the emotions one experiences in
teaching that facilitate learning. Student tutors feel
upset when their teachable agents fail, but happy when
these virtual pupils succeed as they derive pride and
satisfaction from someone else's accomplishment.

11.What are researchers rediscovering through their studies? ( ) [单选题] *

A. Seneca's thinking is still applicable today.(正确答案)

B. Better learners will become better teachers.

C. Human intelligence tends to grow with age.

D. Philosophical thinking improves instruction.

12. What do we learn about Betty's Brain? ( ) [单选题] *

A. It is a character in a popular animation.

B. It is a teaching tool under development.(正确答案)

C. It is a cutting-edge app in digital games.

D. It is a tutor for computer science students.

13. How does teaching others benefit student tutors? ( ) [单选题] *

A. It makes them aware of what they are strong at.

B. It motivates them to try novel ways of teaching.

C. It helps them learn their academic subjects better.(正确答案)

D. It enables them to better understand their teachers.

14. What do students do to teach their teachable agents? ( ) [单选题] *

A. They motivate them to think independently.

B. They ask them to design their own questions.

C. They encourage them to give prompt feedback.

D. They use various ways to explain the materials.(正确答案)

15. What is the key factor that eases student tutors' learning? ( ) [单选题] *

A. Their sense of responsibility.

B.The learning strategy acquired.(正确答案)

C.Their emotional involvement.

D.The teaching experience gained.

Passage Four
A new batch of young women-members of the so-
called Millennial (千禧的) generation-has been entering
the workforce for the past decade. At the starting line of
their careers, they are better educated than their
mothers and grandmothers had been--or than their
young male counterparts are now. But when they look
ahead, they see roadblocks to their success. They believe
that women are paid less than men for doing the same
job. They think it's easier for men to get top executive
jobs than it is for them. And they assume that if and
when they have children, it will be even harder for them
to advance in their
While the public sees greater workplace equality
between men and women now than it did 20 -30 years
ago, most believe more change is needed. Among
Millennial women, 75% say this country needs to
continue making changes to achieve gender equality in
the workplace, compared with 57% of Millennial men.
Even so, relatively few young women ( 15% ) say they
have been discriminated against at work because of
their gender.
As Millennial women come of age they share many of
the same views and values about work as their male
counterparts. They want jobs that provide security and
flexibility, and they place relatively little importance on
high pay. At the same time, however, young working
women are less likely than men to aim at top
management jobs: 34% say they're not interested in
becoming a boss or top manager; only 24% of young
men say the same. The gender gap on this question is
even wider among working adults in their 30s and 40s,
when many women face the trade-offs that go with
work and motherhood.
These findings are based on a new Pew Research
Center survey of 2,002 adults, including 810 Millennials
(ages 18 -32) , conducted Oct. 7-27, 2013. The survey
finds that, in spite of the dramatic gains women have
made in educational attainment and labor force
participation in recent decades, young women view this
as a man's world just as middle-aged and older women

16. What do we learn from the first paragraph about Millennial women starting their
careers? [单选题] *

A. They can get ahead only by striving harder.

B. They expect to succeed just like Millennial men.

C. They are generally quite optimistic about their future.

D. They are better educated than their male counterparts.(正确答案)

17. How do most Millennial women feel about their treatment in the workplace? [单选
题] *

A. They are the target of discrimination.

B. They find it satisfactory on the whole.

C. They think it needs further improving.(正确答案)

D. They find their complaints ignored.

18. What do Millennial women value most when coming of age? [单选题] *

A. A sense of accomplishment.

B. Job stability and flexibility.(正确答案)

C. Rewards and promotions.

D. Joy derived from work.

19. What are women in their 30s and 40s concerned about? [单选题] *

A. The welfare of their children.

B. The narrowing of the gender gap.

C. The fulfillment of their dreams in life.

D. The balance between work and family.(正确答案)

20. What conclusion can be drawn about Millennial women from the 2013 survey? [单选
题] *

A. They still view this world as one dominated by males.(正确答案)

B. They account for half the workforce in the job market.

C. They see the world differently from older generations.

D. They do better in work than their male counterparts.

Part Ⅱ Cloze (1*20 points)

Directions: There are 20 blanks in thefollowing passage.
For each blank there arefour choices marked A.B.C and
D. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the
passage and mark the corresponding letter on the
Answer Sheet.

Since our twins began learning to walk, my wife and

I have kept telling them that our sliding glass door is
just a window. The 21 is obvious. If we 22 it is a door,
they'll want to go outside 23_. It will drive us crazy. The
kids apparently know the 24 . But our insisting it's 25 a
window has kept them from 26 millions of requests to
open the door.
I hate lying to the kids. One day they'll 27 and
discover that everything they've always known about
windows is a 28 .
I wonder if 29 should always tell the truth no matter
the 30 I have a very strong 31 that the lie we're telling is
doing 32 damage to our children. Windows and doors
have 33 metaphorical (比喻) meanings. I'm telling them
they can't open what they absolutely know is a door.
What if later in 34 they come to a metaphorical door,
like an opportunity of some sort, and 35 opening the
door and taking the opportunity, they just 36 it and
wonder, "What if it isn't a door?" That is, "What if it
isn't a 37 opportunity?"
Maybe it's an unreasonable fear. But the 38 is that I
shouldn't lie to my kids. I should just 39 repeatedly
having to say, "No. We can't go outside now." Then
when they come to other doors in life, be they real or
metaphorical, they won't 40 to open them and walk

21. A. relief B. target C. reason D. case [单选题]


22. A. admit B. believe C. mean D. realize [单选题]


23. A. gradually B. constantly C. temporarily D. casually [单选题]


24. A. result B. danger C. method D. truth [单选题]


25. A. merely B. slightly C. hardly D. partly [单选题]


26. A. reviewing B. approving C. receiving D. attempting [单选题] *


27. A. win out B. give up C. wake up D. stand out [单选题]


28. A. dream B. lie C. fantasy D. fact [单选题]


29. A. parents B. twins C. colleagues D. teachers [单选题]


30. A. restrictions B. explanations C. differences D. consequences [单选题]


31. A. demand B. fear C. desire D. doubt [单选题]


32. A. physical B. biological C. spiritual D. behavioral [单选题]



33. A. traditional B. important C. double D. original [单选题]


34. A. life B. time C. reply D. history [单选题]


35. A. by comparison with B. in addition to C. regardless of D. instead of [单选题]


36. A. get hold of B. stare at C. knock on D. make use of [单选题]


37. A. real B. Typical C. similar D. limited [单选题]


38. A. safety rule B. comfort zone C. bottom line D. top secret [单选题]


39. A. delay B. regret C. enjoy D. accept [单选题]


40. A. hurry B. decide C. hesitate D. intend [单选题] *


Part Ⅲ True or False (2*5points)
Directions:For this part you are going to read a passage
with 5 statements attached lo it. You are required to
decide whether the statements are True or False.Mark
A (for TRUE) if the statement agrees with the
information given in the passage; mark B(for FALSE)if
the statement contradicts the information given in the
passage. You should make yourjudgement and mark
the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

Mr. Lang worked in a factory. As a driver, he was

busy but he was paid much. His wife was an able
woman and did all the housework. When he came back,
she took good care of him and he never did anything at
home. So he had enough time when he had a holiday. A
few friends of his liked gambling and he learned it soon.
So he was interested in it and hardly forgot anything
except gambling. He lost all his money and later he
began to sell the television, watches and so on. His wife
told him. not to do it but he didn't listen to her. She had
to tell the police. He and his friends were punished for
it. And he was hardly sent away. After he came out of
lockup, he hated her very much and the woman had to
leave him.
It was New Year's Day. Mr. Lang didn't go to work.
He felt lonely and wanted to gamble again. He called his
friends and the came soon. But they were afraid the
police would come. He told his five-year-old son to go to
find out if there were the policemen outside. They
waited for a long time and didn't think the police would
come and began to gamble. Suddenly opened the door
and in came a few policemen.
"I saw there weren't any policemen outside, daddy,"
said the boy, "so I went to the crossing and asked some
to come.

41.Mr. Lang was paid much because he had worked there for a long time. [单选题]


42. Mrs. Lang did all housework because her husband spent all time in gambling.
[单选题] *


43.Mr. Lang often gambled so he was put into lockup. [单选题] *


44.The boy hoped his father to be put into lockup again. [单选题] *


45. The woman had to leave Mr. Lang because he didn't love her any longer [单选
题] *


Part Ⅳ Translation(40points)
Section A English-Chinese Translation(2*5)
Directions: This part, numbered 46 to 30, is to test your
ability to translate English into Chinese.Each sentence
isfollowed byfour choices ofsuggested translation
marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best
choice and mark the corresponding letter on the

46. As long as I heard the familiar song, memories of my university came running in my
mind. ( ) [单选题] *

A. 我一听见那首熟悉的歌,我大学的记忆就浮现在我的脑子里。

B. 我一听见那首著名的歌,我大学的记忆就浮现在我脑子里。

C. 只要我听见那首熟悉的歌,我大学的记忆就浮现在我脑子里。(正确答案)

D. 只要我听见那首歌,我就能想起来我大学的事。

47. Visitors are allowed in the garden on condition that they don’t touch the plants. ( ) [单
选题] *

A. 游客们被允许在花园里只要他们不触碰植物。(正确答案)

B. 游客们不被允许在花园里因为他们触碰植物。

C. 游客们被允许在花园里如果他们不触碰植物。

D. 游客们不被允许在花园里以免他们触碰植物。

48. It is no good complaining about the living condition here, you should adapt yourself
to the environment. ( ) [单选题] *

A. 抱怨这的居住环境是不好的,你应该使你自己适应这个环境。

B. 抱怨这的居住条件是没有用的,你应该使你自己适应这个环境。(正确答案)

C. 抱怨这的居住条件是不好的,你应该使你自己适应这个地方。

D. 抱怨这的居住环境是没有用的,你应该使你自己适应这个地方。

49. Business usually slacks off at this time of the year. ( ) [单选题] *

A. 每年这个时候生意都很好。
B. 每年这个时候生意一般都很火爆。

C. 去年的这个时候生意很好。

D. 每年这个时候生意一般都很清淡。(正确答案)

50. Don't try to impose your ideas on me. ( ) [单选题] *

A. 不要妄想把你个人的观点强加在我身上。(正确答案)

B. 不要妄想改变我的想法。

C. 不要试图去改变我的想法。

D. 不要努力用你的想法说服我。

Section B Blanked Cloze(2*5)

Directions: For this part, there is a passage with 5
blanks. You are required to select the best choicefor
each blankfrom a list ofchoices given in the box. Read
the passage through carefully before making your
choices. Each choice in the box is identified by a letter.
Please mark the corresponding letterfor each choice on
the Answer Sheet. You may not use any of the choices in
the bar more than once.

华山位于华阴市,据西安 120 公里。华山是秦岭的一部

从前人们常去朝拜的泰山不同, 华山过去很少有人光
的药草。 自上 世纪 90 年代安装缆车以来,参观人数大

Mount Hua is 51 in Huayin City (Shaanxi, China), 120

kilometers 52 Xi'an. It is part of the Qin Mountains,
which divide not only northern and southern Shaanxi,
but also south and north China. Unlike Mount Tai that
used to be frequented by pilgrims, Mount Hua was not
well visited by pilgrims as the roads up the mountain
were 53 dangerous. Back then, however, those who
wished to enjoy longevity ventured in Mount Hua quite
a lot because numerous 54 , rare ones in particular,
grew in the mountain. Since cable cars were 55 in
Mount Hua in the 1990s, the number of visitors has
increased dramatically.

A.arrived B. located C.far D.away from E.herbs

F. grass G.extremely H.insisted I.huge J. installed

51. [填空题] *

52. [填空题] *

53. [填空题] *

54. [填空题] *

55. [填空题] *

Section C Chinese-English Translation(3*5)

Directions: There are 5 sentences in this part. Please
translate sentences 56-60from Chinese into English.
Write your answer on the Answer Sheet.

56. 我没有听清楚他说的什么,因为我坐的地方有太多噪音了。 [填空题]


57. 为了探测月球的表面,人们一次又一次地发射火箭、卫星和飞船。 [填空题]


58. 如果明天还下雨的话,雨就整整下了一个星期了。 [填空题]


59. 她去年在首尔学习,我不知道她回来了没。 [填空题]

60. 到 2050 年我们将把我国建成世界上中等发达的国家之一。 [填空题] *

Part V.Error Correction(2*10 points)

Directions: There are 10 sentences. Each of thefollowing
sentences has 4 underlined parts marked A, B,C and D.
You are required to identify the incorrect part, then
write the corresponding letter and the correct answer
on the Answer sheet.

改错排序,依次为 A. B. C. D.

61. I A.don't like the way B.which Jack C.speaks to D.her. [填空题]

62. It is essential that the application forms were sent back on time. [填空题]

63. I will tell him the good news when he came back to the company tomorrow. [填空

64. Let ’s keep the point or we never reach any decisions. [填空题]
65. The competition from experienced staff members, some of whom are higher in rank
work to my disadvantage. [填空题]

66. Tom is very interested in this poem now, but he thought it boring for the first
time he read it. [填空题]

67. A man escaped from prison last night, it wasn’t long when the guards
discovered what had happened. [填空题]

68. Her sister always spends so much in her clothes that she can’t manage to live with
her salary. [填空题]

69. The speaker raised his voice but still couldn’t make himself hear. [填空题]

70. Let ’s put the matter to the vote and not waste our time arguing

about it, will you? [填空题]


Part VI. Writing(20 points)

Directions: For this part, you're supposed to write a
composition on how to best handle the relationship
between parents and children. You should write at least
120 words.

How to best handle the relationship between parents

and children

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