9th STD Biotechnology (Ls No 17)

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(@ @ Find the odd one out and give reason: #(1) Xylem, Phloem, Permanent tissue, Meristematic tissue. *(2) Epithelium, Muscle fibre, Nerve fibre, Epidermis. *(3) Cartilage, Bone, Tendon, Cardiac muscle (4) Leghorn, Minorca, Aseel, Ancona, (5) Brahma, Ancona, Cochin, Aseel Ans. (1) Meristematic tissue. (All others are permanent tissue) (2) Epidermis. (All other: (3) Cardiac muscle. (All others ‘s are animal tissues) are connective tissues) (4) Aseel. (All others are layers chicken) broiler chickens) (5) Ancona. (All others are —s ie mame "of the following Aeneas 7.@ Write th e of mouth. aeay micene lining Inner surfac © scanned with OKEN Scanner eee layers chick Se (6) Ancona. (All others are byoj = Soybear 5 er chicken: T a. @ write the names of Ss) ‘omato tissues : the following oo OT i (5) Regi ie Rad surface of mouth. — Pithelium ; . *(2) Tissue joining muscles eee custard aj Ans. Tendon - the connective tissue ne 7 *(8) Tissue responsible for increasing height _khillari ; of plants. \ : (7) Exo Ans. Apical meristem | Ans. Je *(4) Tissue responsible for increasing girth of (8) Lay stem. } Ans. Li Ans. Lateral meristem | (9) Bro (5) Tissue responding to stimulii like touch, Ans. B sound, odour, colour. (10) Ty Ans. Neuron/ Nerve cell - Nervous tissue | respirat« (6) Tissue bringing about movements of eye lids. Ans 1 Ans. Non-striated muscle tissue respirato: (7) Tissue in mucosal lining of the intestine. type. Ans. Columnar epithelium ; ay) Ti (8) The tissue on the entire outer surface of ; packed v } Ans. G: the plant. } vesicles p Ans. Epidermis 17. INTRODUCTION TO BIOTECHNOI (eS © scanned with OKEN Scanner nd blood Le tissue. sell. is covered Q. @ Each of the following statements is wrong. Rewrite them correctly by changing either one or two words : *(1) Simple squamous epithelium is present in respiratory tract. *(2) Glandular epithelium is present in kidneys. *(3) Chlorenchyma helps the plant to float in water. *(4) Striated muscles are also called involuntary muscles. *Chloroplast is present in permanent tissue. {Note : This statement given under Q. 2 in textbook exercises is not wrong. Chloroplasts do occur in simple permanent tissues such as parenchyma and chlorenchyma. Therefore tn ¥. auaanod as per the question asked. ] @ scanned with OKEN Scanner se 6) Simpl i 5 que ~ _ muscles. __ Jans. ~ simple tis ues in e ‘1, simple tissues are made up of single type of cells. 2. The meristematic tissue, epidermis and simple permanent tissue are types of simple tissues. 3. E.g. Parenchyma, chlorenchyma, aerenchyma, collenchyma, sclerenchyma, etc, CHNOLOGY DIGEST : STD. Ix ie 3. vessels. e and complex tissue in plants, Complex tissues in plants plants Complex tissues are made up of more than one type of tissues. . Xylem consists of tracheids, vessels, xylem fibres and xylem parenchyma. Phloem is made up of sieve tubes, companion cells, phloem parenchyma and phloem fibres. E.g. Xylem and phloem. @ scanned with OKEN Scanner (w Xylem and phloem. Following changes have occurred in the Crops my. ‘The varieties that cam environment can be {xylem consists of thick-walled dead ange and some si ¢ produced through ie to their changed genome. This reduces the use and the cost of chemical pesticides which are . Sieve tubes, | harinful. (6) Due to use of seeds of GM crops, there companion cells, | is improvement in nutritive value of crops phloem parenchyma | Therefore now, seeds ofa better quality of crops are are the living cells ot | b&iNé produced. (7) There is also a decrease in loss phloem. | of crops. Subsequently there is increase in the 4. Xylem conducts water |4. Phloem conducts Looe eae en et eee and minerals in the | sugar and amino resistant crops such as Bt Cotton have been produced plants. tena which is widely used in Maharashtra. various parts. ZO Which iso main techniques are used in 3.Transport in the 5. Transport in the eee ; xylan is only in Piocms isin upward |_ An: (0) Inthe biotechnology, genetic engineering and tissue culture are the two techniques which are upward direction. and downward direction, widely used. (2) In genetic engineering nucleotide sequence is changed and thereby genes are manipulated. The modified organisms are then bred and from such crosses more such organisms are created. (3) “Ex vivo growth of cells or tissues in an aseptic and nutrientrich medium’ is called tissue culture. (4) Nowadays, a complete organism can be ‘ans. (1)For the benefit of human beings, | developed from a single cell by the tissue culture biotechnological techniques are carried out. These | methods. (5) By both genetic engineering and tissue vnethods are for bringing about improvements in culture methods, cash crop production is increased. living organisms by artificial genetic changes and | (6) Environmental change-resistance varieties are by hybridization. All such techniques are together produced which can sustain the drought conditions. called biotechnology. (2) Biotechnology includes the | (7) In the field of medicines, vaccine production, early diagnosis of congenital diseases, organ @ @ Answer the following questions : +(1) Explain the meaning of biotechnology and its impact on agricultural management with suitable examples. techniques of genetic engineeringand tissue culture, (8) Natural characters of some species ™ all useful features. Some of the deleterious. In order to avoid such v or Genetically Modified Ori re created. F this purpose, the DNA is chan, modified crops then possess required features -ancer research, production of artificial n be in laboratories, w tissue and explain the 17. NTRODUCTION @ scanned with OKEN Scanner culture: Tissue culture is the technique in which ‘ex vivo growth of cells or tissues in an aseptic and nutrient-rich medium’ is done. (3) While performing experiments of tissue culture, a liquid, solid or gel- like medium prepared from agar, is used. Such medium supplies nutrients and energy necessary for tissue culture technique. (4) Different processes are to be done while performing tissue culture, viz. primary treatment, reproduction or multiplication, shooting and rooting, primary hardening, secondary hardening etc. From the source plant, required tissues are taken out and all the processes are carried in an aseptic medium in laboratory. (4) Write the benefits of tissue culture in brief : Ans. (1) By tissue culture, flowers and fruits of excellent quality are produced on a large scale. @ scanned with OKEN Scanner L *(5) ‘Rearing of sheep is a livestock’. Justigy this statement. Ans. In India, the cattle are reared for milk ang also for agricultural work. Cows, buffaloes and bulls are mainly used for such purposes. Goat and Sheep are also used in animal husbandry practices. These animals are used for obtained meat and wool. Meat industry uses goat and sheep meat to a large extent in India. Wool of sheep has great demand in markets. The sheep and goat are also used to obtain manure. They are made to sit in the farms. Their droppings make farms naturally fertile due to this high nitrogen rich excreta. One need not spend lots of money for the maintenance of the sheep. They have better resistance to the diseases. Being small in size they are easily manageable by the lady of the house. Thus, rearing a sheep is like maintaining a livestock: (6) How one should take care of livestock? Ans. (1) Cattle and other domestic animals should be fed a balanced diet in enough quantity. om diet must inclnda Fikes win ..-ne0 fand. fodder: and @ scanned with OKEN Scanner ULVALL VEUPIE, LOGPUUBIL WuLow. y VuoITos, een mm can be established. This interrelationship is indicated in both the questions. Q. e Write short notes on : 287 Meristematic tissue. Ans. (1) Meristematic tissue is present in specific parts of a plant. The growth takes place only in the parts in which the meristematic tissue is present. The main function vf meristematic cells is bringing out growth. (2) There is thick cytoplasm, a conspicuous nucleus and a thin cell wall which are compactly packed together. These are characteristics of meristematic tissues. (3) The meristematic cells are highly active and . they do not have vacuoles in them. ; (4) According to the location, meristematic cells are subdivided into three types, viz. apical meristem, jntercalary meristem and lateral meristem. SHNOLOGY YN TO BIOTEC! 4 361 @ scanned with OKEN Scanner cells are xylem parenchyma. (5) Dead ces a~ sels and xylem fibres. (6) Xylem has Tracheids, ves bes. (7) Function. of structure like interconnected tu the xylem is to conduct water and minerals only in upward direction. ) Striated muscles. Za (1) Striated muscle cells are long and cylindrical in shape. (2) They are multinucleate and are without any branches. (3) Since they are joined to the bones, they are also called skeletal muscles. (4) They are also called voluntary muscles as their movements are according to our own will. (5) These muscles bring about movements of arms and legs such as running, walking etc. They help in turning, speaking, too. 362 SCIENCE AND TECHNOI © scanned with OKEN Scanner te length Oxis. (1) Animal husbandry, poultry farming, sericulture, apiculture (Culture of honey bees) are esent at | oe Agro-complementary business. : ; some of the agro-complementary businesses, 3 present ranches. (2) While agriculture is carried out at the same time aation of agro-complementary business can be practised, This gives supplementary income. (3) Such agro. stem is complementary businesses can give financial stem. It benefits and help the farmers to become more self arts such sustaining. *(6) Genetic engineering. Ans. (1) Genetic engineering is the important plant is technique in the biotechnology. By this technique, ; 3 ; ; ; ; ; ; ; made up i the sequence of nitrogenous bases can be altered. ; ; ; $ pidermis This helps us to form a species with desired between characters. (2)In addition to the natural leaves is characteristics, the plants and animals having terinthe | newer and useful characteristics are formulated by esence of / genetic engineering. (3) Genetic engineering is used in the production and improvement in varieties of cash crops and increase in abilities of plants to t tissue of withstand environmental stresses. (4) These 2k-walled techniques are also used in vaccine production, Js in the early diagnosis of congenital diseases, orga” cells are skin, cartilage, etc. in laboratories. 23 Sericulture. : ; 4 ' 4) Living | transplant, cancer research, production of artificial -‘ylem has = a Mae hay mort © scanned with OKEN Scanner tissue of ck-walled ls in the 4) Living cells are ylem has inction of Is only in ong and leate and wre joined muscles. S as their (5) These ; and legs n turning, jn the Prowucuvar anu wuapey reuse as vas scULSD UL i “ cash crops and increase in abilities of plants to withstand environmental stresses. (4) These techniques are also used in vaccine production, early diagnosis of congenital diseases, organ transplant, cancer research, production of artificia] skin, cartilage, etc. in laboratories. Sericulture. Ans. (1) Silk fibre is obtained from Bombyx mori or silk moth. (2) There are four stages in the life cycle of silk moth, viz. eggs, larva, pupa and adult. (8) The thousands of eggs laid by female of silk moth are incubated artificially. By doing so the natural period of incubation is lessened. (4) The larvae hatching out of the eggs are fed with mulberry leaves in the initial phase. Later they are kept on bigger mulberry trees. The larvae are voracious feeders and they grow rapidly by eating these leaves. (5) After 3 to 4 weeks the larva starts producing secretions from its salivary glands. Larvae spin this thread around themselves to form a cocoon. The CE AND TECHNOLOGY DIGEST : STD. IX © scanned with OKEN Scanner

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