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47684-X THE

Ye U P
Marissa Piesman and Marilee Hartley

. = Cross Pen
Pin Stripe Suit
Sony Walkman

Rolex Watch
: Ralph Lauren

Cartier Tank

Coach Bag

Fresh Pasta

Gourmet Shopping Bag

Running Shoes
potenng SS
L.L. Bean Duck Hunting Boots
The State-of-the Art Manual for
Young Urban Professionals
Marissa Piesman
and Marilee Hartley

Produced by Connie Berman and Roseann Hirsch

Illustrated by Lonni Sue Johnson

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discounts for bulk purchases for sales promotions, premiums
or fund raising. Special books or book excerpts can also be
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Another Original publication of LONG SHADOW BOOKS

A Long Shadow Book published by

POCKET BOOKS, a division of Simon & Schuster, Inc.
1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y. 10020

Copyright © 1984 by Marissa Piesman, Marilee Hartley

and Ultra Communications, Inc.

All rights reserved, including the nght to reproduce

this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.
For information address Long Shadow Books, 1230
Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y. 10020

ISBN: 0-671-47684-X

First Pocket Books printing January, 1984

Book design by Jacques Chazaud


LONG SHADOW BOOKS and colophon are

trademarks of Simon & Schuster, Inc.

Printed in the U.S.A.


To John Bolt, Cheryl Hartley, Twilah and Richard Smith, Jeanette

Clafin, Ann Roberts, Dan George, Christine Ash, Gail Collins,
Conrad Grove, Jack Easton, Roger Miller, Christian Blake, Jean
Crichton, Betsy Haggerty, Marsha Sleeth, Jonathan Weiner, Ed
Piehl, Martha and Phil Sullivan, Klaus Winklemann, David Branco,
Paul Drolet, Barbara Taylor, Judith Holtzer and the Baltimores,
Karen Foss, Mark Aleshnik, Jill Paznik, Sally Rickerman, John
Robbins, Tim Showalter, Sam Posner, John Whited, Gary Gleason,
Barton Canfield, Patricia Gleason, Mary Salzman, Stephanie
Parker, Scott Hummiston.
To Jeffrey Marks, Blanche Piesman, Amy Stephson, Shannon
Such, Ann Patty, Robin Binder, Dan Clifton, Esther Cohen, Peter
Odabashian, Bruce Kitzmeyer, Sherrill Kurland, Wendy Parmet,
Gina Novendstern, Ken Rosenfeld, Vivien Wolsk, Jonathan Beyer,
Jean Gallancy, Rhonda Greenstein, Nancy Haber, Joanne Johnson,
Diana Lee, Nick Levidy, Kevin McConnell, James Morrissey,
Phyllis Ohlandt, Bernard Polak, Kate Quinn, Elaine Reid, Susan
Rifkin, Jane Rosenberg, Ollie Rosengart, Barbara Stein, Sonja
Talesnik, to Stephen Leon for his help in overcoming technophobia,
and to all the other Yuppies in our offices, therapy groups, summer
houses and health clubs.
Special thanks to Candy Dato for networking at the Caffe Sha
Sha and C. Murphy Archibald of Eufalah, Alabama, and the world
for properly introducing the authors. For their help on Yuppies
across the country, Andrea Prager, Dorothy Weddell, David
Hurlbut, Andy Dash, Mindy Jaffe, Morris Gardner, Melanie Hudak,
Cathy Beck, Harold Shumacher, Carol Kealy, Mike Bauer, Sharon
Peters, Joe Pollack, Martha Nesbit, Karin Winegar, James Martin,
Molly Abraham, Susan Steiger, Ellen and Les Schwab, Freda Pines,
Mark Silver, JoEllen Ademski, Dorothee Polson, Dennis Getto, Bob
Michelet, Alf Collins, Cynthia Reece, Michael (O.J.) Nelson,
Michael Carlton, Lucy Cooper, Sandra Early, James Neff.
To Yuppie Editors Marty Asher and Trish Todd.

To our Yuppie Lawyer, Richard Heller.

To our Yuppie agent, Al Zuckerman.
To Patricia Brennan for her cheerful and never-ending support,
enthusiasm, and typing skills.
To Joshua Rubin for kid consulting.
To Sam Rubin, Yuppie Restaurateur.
To J.J.H. for not being a Yuppie.
To Barry Hirsch, who supports my Yuppie habits.
To Brian and Nicky Hirsch for being there.
To Jonathan Hirsch, who waited until this book was almost done
to get born.


1. Yuppie: A Dictionary Definition 12
2. Yuppie: A Case Study 13
3. Variations on a Theme:
Buppies, Puppies, Guppies, et al 18
4. Yuppie Role Models 21
5. Some Essential Vocabulary Words (pp
6. Yuppie’s Eye-View of History 24
7. Your Yuppie I.Q. 26

2B, OWI 28
9. Yupification 33
10. Yuppie Homestyle 34
11. A Kitchen Quiz 42
12. The Yuppie Gardener 46
13. State of the Arf 48
14. Yuppies on Wheels 50

15. Out to Lunch 23)
16. Eating Out 54
17. Yuppie Bill of Fare 56
18. Les Artifices du Paradis 58
1, WAY. 60
20. Getting Cultured 63
21. Yup and Away: A Yuppie Vacation Guide 64

22. Yuppie Bestsellers: Books, Records, Movies 66

23. Organized Religion 69
24. Mail-Order Mania 72
25. The Ultimate Crossword 74


26. A Day in the Life of a Yuppie 77
27. The Yupscale: How to Evaluate a Job 82
28. The Workspace 8&4
29. Income Wheel 86

30. It’s Only Yuppie Love 8&9
31. The Yuppie Wedding 92
32. Wedding Gifts: Software Instead of Silverware 94
33. From Yuppie to Puppie 95
34. The Joy of Fathering Di
35. What Shall We Name the Baby Yuppie? 98
36. Kids on the Fast Track 100
37. Yuppie Divorce 104
38. Stepparenting: Child-Raising by Proxy 106

39. Psychotheryuppy 108
40. Body Therapy 112

41. Chic Eats 114
42. Field and Stream: A Guide to Yuppie Ingredients 116
43. A Wine Primer: Are the Legs as Good as Betty
44. Useful Wine Words


45. Yuppie Backlash: A Case Study

“Chip "Chartes”
1. Yuppie:
A Dictionary Definition
Yuppie or Yuppy (yop-é) pl. Yup- money or any and all combina-
pies: (hot, new name for Young tions of the above; 4) anyone
Urban Professional): A person of who brunches on the weekend or
either sex who meets the follow- works out after work. The term
ing criteria: 1) resides in or near crosses ethnic, sexual, geo-
one of the major cities; 2) claims graphic—even class—bounda-
to be between the ages of 25 and ries. Adj.: Yuppiesque, Yuppie-
45; 3) lives on aspirations of like, Yuppish, a la Yuppie. See
glory, prestige, recognition, also fast trackers, baby
fame, social status, power, boomers. &
2. Yuppie:
A Case Study
T’S MIDNIGHT ON the the joftice;
waterfront. The mist casts a dear?” she asks.
halo around the streetlamps “‘Absolute murder,” he re-
as the haunting sound of a plies, as he strides toward a large
foghorn breaks somewhere overstuffed sofa and kicks off his
in the distance. Dilapidated fac- Gucci loafers. ‘‘That damn brief
tory buildings line the deserted still isn’t done and four of us are
street. A solitary light shines ina working on it. What time did you
window overlooking the water. get in?”
Below, a lone figure walks the “About ten. After our squash
cobblestoned street. He stops to game, we stopped at that new
pull his collar up against the Mexican restaurant around the
dampness. The pocket of his corner and then I came straight
Burberry trenchcoat bulges mys- home. I’ve been working on my
teriously. He carries a leather
case secured by a combination
lock and initialed in gold with the
letters MM. Tall and powerfully
built, his broad shoulders strain
against his coat. As he resumes
his steps, he checks his watch, a
handsome gold Rolex. He
shakes his head and mutters to
He reaches the building with
the light shining in the window
and unfastens an intricate set of
locks. As he mounts the stairs, a
tall blonde in a diaphanous negli-
gee—her tight muscular body
seductively visible beneath—
opens the door at the top. She
holds out a glass of wine and
beckons to him invitingly. A
large, bearlike dog stands guard
at her side.

memo. Michael, I forgot to tell Who are these people? What

you this morning that there’s a are they talking about? What are
condominium board meeting two well-educated, affluent peo-
scheduled for Thursday at ple doing living in an old factory
eight.” building among decaying piers?
“Jennifer, you know I have Most of all, what is an Akita?
therapy on Thursday. The whole
damn board knows I have ther- Jennifer DesTuileries Har-
apy on Thursday. Why did they wood Marx is the daughter of old
schedule it then?” New Orleans aristocracy. She
“I think they need a decision grew up in the Garden district,
on that special assessment for a graduated from Miss Porter’s
sauna on the roof. You'll have to School in Connecticut and ma-
beg off. By the way, did I tell you jored in art history at Sophie
that the new people in 4 South Newcomb College. During her
have an Akita?” junior year at the Sorbonne, she
“That makes five in the build- grew tired of staring at the works
ing, doesn’t it?”’ He turns to the of French Impressionists and de-
dog. ‘‘Did you hear that, Sony? cided to switch her major to eco-
There’s a new kid on the block.”’ nomics. She spent two years

Like Yuppies everywhere, Michael and Jennifer’s most cher-

ished goals are:

1. A salary in six figures

2. Live-in help, preferably with breeding, diction and gram-
mar better than the employers’
3. A “home,” to use the modest term, that has been photo-
graphed by Architectural Digest, or at least is a likely
4. The best tables and instant recognition by the maitre d’s at
the top five restaurants in the city
5. Analysis four to five times a week, to question the value of
the above

There are certain things Yuppies will never, ever do. They will

Eat or drink anything instant

Cancel an hour of reserved court time
Read a tabloid newspaper
Wear any garment with a “permanent press” label in it
Pay cash

They will also never:

Take an afternoon nap (except on New Year’s Day)
Give up
Buy something pedestrian like a three-bedroom house in the
suburbs for $300,000, when for $450,000 they can have 2,000
square feet of raw loft space in the most run-down section of
town and spend another $100,000 renovating it into a haven of
high-tech homesteading.

Managing the family pepper being Bar Mitzvahed at the Twin

sauce business and then went on Decanters. After four years as a
to get an MB A from the Wharton scholarship student at Cornell,
School of Business. Jennifer is he went to Harvard Law School
now one of the youngest vice- and then straight to Wall Street.
presidents o! a large investment He met Jennifer at a gallery
banking firm opening in Soho, and they were
Michael }iliot Marx, on the married a year later.
other hand. is the son of a kosher Jennifer and Michael are
butcher. Raised in Brooklyn, he Young Urban Professionals—
commuted on the subway to you can call them Yuppies. Yup-
Stuyvesant High School. While pie life is life on the fast track.
Jennifer was making her debut at For Jennifer and Michael, this
the Riverboat Cotillion. he was means billing sixty hours a week.

There is a certain type of Preppie who has crossed class lines

and converted to Yuppiehood by doing the following:
1. Traded in his pink LaCoste shirt and madras pants for a
Ralph Lauren pinstripe suit and a Gucci pigskin briefcase
2. Dropped his old prep school nickname. (Charles, not
Chip, is a more suitable name for someone who negotiates
eight-figure corporate mergers.)
3. Replaced his look of smug complacency with the leaner
and hungrier look of his ethnic brethren (Remember, these
are tough times; if you’re not first, you’re last.)

working late nights and week- bracelet. When they’re pressed

ends at the office, bringing the for time, they frequent the local
cordless telephone with them gourmet take-out store, buying
when they walk Sony, and taking expensive, esoteric versions of
business trips to San Francisco chicken salad.
with no time to eat at Chez But Jennifer and Michael
Panisse. don’t let the chicken salad go to
Yuppie culture is responsible their waists. Jennifer walks to
for the popularity. of the Tigw work in her running shoes and_
American cuisine, the elevated tucks her pumps into her leather
status of pasta and the prolifera- Fendi carry-all. Her bible is Jane
tion of raspberry vinegar. For Fonda’s Workout videotape. No
Jennifer and Michael, dining has matter how stuffed Michael’s
become a religious ceremony; briefcase is, there’s always room
they worship chévre and aru- for a squash racquet. Not since
gula. Their kitchen is better the ancient Greeks has there
equipped than most restaurants, been a culture so preoccupied
and Jennifer collects food pro- with physical fitness, and like the
cessor attachments the way she Greeks, Jennifer and Michael’s
used to collect charms for her credo is: A Yuppie mind in a

Yuppie body—the necessary in- cassette of Casablanca. Michael

gredients for . . . Yuppie love. gets up abruptly and walks over
They attack all areas of life to the closet. ‘‘I almost forgot,”
with the same deliberate serious- he says. “I brought a bottle of
ness they display on the squash Dom Perignon for our anniver-
court. The name of the game is sary.’ He removes the mysteri-
THE BEST—buying it, owning ous bulge from his trenchcoat
it, using it, eating it, watching it, pocket.
wearing it, growing it, cooking it, “But it’s not our anniver-
driving it, doing whatever with sary,” says Jennifer, taking two
it. This is why Jennifer and Baccarat champagne flutes from
Michael never have enough the crystal cabinet.
money. Insisting on the best “Of course it is,’ Michael re-
gives them a reason to get up in plies as he pops the cork. “‘It’s
the morning and bill another ten been exactly one year since we
hours. Michael and Jennifer closed on our condominium.”
know deep in the recesses of ““Happy anniversary, dar-
their Yuppie minds that on the ling,” Jennifer says, staring into
fast track you’ve got to run fast Michael’s eyes.
to stay in the same place. He “‘Here’s looking at you, kid,”
who hesitates is lost. says Michael as they click
Michael and Jennifer are on ‘Arf,’ says Sony.
the couch, watching their video
3. Variations on a Theme:
Buppies, Puppies, Guppies,
et al
UPPIES, UNLIKE ladder. Some Yuppie variations
Preppies, come in all are distinct enough to have be-
ethnic persuasions come subcultures.
and from all rungs of
the socioeconomic

BUPPIES (Black Urban Profes- pies never wear ethnic fash-

sionals)}—Usually walk, talk and ions like dashikis).
look exactly like white Yup-
pies—except that they don’t @ Tendency to name their
have to worry about getting a daughters Keesha instead of
tan. The latter characteristic can Rebecca.
be a major asset on rainy summer
weekends at the beach house and = If female, the inclination to
at the beginning of Caribbean va- wear a second pair of
cations, when everyone else is pierced earrings with their
sickly pale. The significant quan- | diamond studs.
tity of time usually consumed |
getting a respectable tan can be 8 Carefully articulated and
devoted instead to improving the accentless speech. During
backhand and to shopping. This their years at good private
may explain why Buppies are schools and big-name col-
generally better-dressed and in leges, Buppies make sure all
better physical shape than their regional or ethnic distinc-
white counterparts. Other Bup- | tions in their speech are en-
pie traits include: tirely eradicated. Why do
you think so many Buppies
@ Greater familiarity with get jobs as newscasters?
Reggae music—a major as-
set when island hopping. Prominent Buppies: Bryant
Gumbel, Arthur Ashe, Bobby
@ Preference for custom- Short, André Watts, Diana Ross,
made business suits (Bup- ' Vanessa Williams

HUPPIES (Hispanic Urban Pro- also the right pectoral mus-

fessionals)—Think Geraldo cles.)
Summer holidays on Fire Is-
land instead of in the Hamp-

Use of free weights instead

GUPPIES (Gay Urban Profes- of Nautilus equipment.
sionals)—Are really super Yup-
pies because they were the A highly diverse social life.
pioneers of Yuppie culture. Gup- (A Guppie couple might
pies formed the first glorified start the night out at the
two-income families and played opera, move on to a nou-
a major part in the Art Deco velle restaurant and end up
revival. They will undoubtedly at a leather bar—shedding
be riding the crest of the next layers of clothing as they go.
trend while the rest of Yup-
piedom is still clinging to its Preference for spiffier-than-
soon-to-be-outdated Fiestaware. Brooks-Brothers Italian-cut
Perhaps because they are suits and ventless suit jack-
trendsetters, Guppies have ets.
maintained a distinct subculture,
which develops the concept of Unless stranded in upstate
lifestyle to its fullest potential. Alaska, acquaintanceship—
Some distinguishing characteris- if not friendship—with at
tics of this lifestyle include: least one celebrity from the
stage, screen, music or art
w Ardent infatuation with the world.
Body Beautiful. (The so-
cially successful Guppie
must have not only the right
address, the right career and
the right annual income, but

JUPPIES (Japanese Urban Pro- PUPPIES (Pregnant Urban Pro-

fessionals)—Juppies, along with fessionals)—Manufacturers of
Guppies, have made major con- executive maternity clothing
tributions to Yuppie culture. have made Puppies nearly indis-
tinguishable from the average fe-
@ They have a flair for design, male Yuppie—up to a point. Pup-
both interior and fashion. pies may or may not flaunt their
condition, depending on whether
@ They have mastered the art or not a promotion is imminent.
of simple but elegant floral A common Puppie dilemma is
arrangements, which are the tough choice between delay-
becoming increasingly im- ing the announcement until the
portant in the Yuppie house- fifth month, thereby taking the
hold. chance people will think you’ve
O.D.’d on nouvelle cuisine, or
@ They usually know some- making it earlier and possibly
one who can send them an losing the promotion. Telltale
electronic component not signs of impending Puppiehood
yet available in the United include frequent trips to the
States. bathroom and a box of rice
crackers stashed in the desk
@ They know what to do with drawer.
raw tuna.

Prominent Juppies: Kenzo, Seiji

Ozawa, Issey Miyake.
4. Yuppie Role Models

ERE ARE SOME! Remember, however, that the ul-

superstar self-pro- | timate goal of a true Yuppie is to
moters, who may | be his own role model.
provide inspiration on
the way to the top.

1. Woody Allen (Yuppie patron saint)

2. Bill Bradley (classic case of Preppie turned Yuppie—may
be the first Yuppie President)
3. Mary Cunningham (a good Yuppie knows how to recoup
her losses)
Nora Ephron (wrote a novel with recipes—trés Yup)
Jane Fonda (pecs even a Guppie would envy)

Terence Conran (Yuppies cut their teeth in his store)

- Ralph Lauren (né Lifshitz; you’ve gotta know when to
change your name)
. Jane Brody (Yuppie nutrition guru)

. George Lucas, Steven Spielberg, Francis Ford Coppola (high


priests of Yuppie pop culture)

. Frank Perdue (masterminded the designer chicken)
5. Some Essential
Vocabulary Words
T IS ABSOLUTELY im- you ’ve spent learning what they
perative that you develop mean. Don’t be intimidated: Re-
familiarity with the follow- member, a few short years ago
ing terms. You must be able you were stumbling over terms
to use them with a casual like ‘‘fettucini Alfredo’ and
fluency that belies the hours “‘cash machine.”

pickled (that's parquet, hot herring )

(ueseanB) Coren Hee)

(has nothing to de with sewing)

Sports Medicine fen ities

| seser friendly, Fiddlehead (as in fern)

(In Texas, make that tri-coastal)

Co ok wa re (do nt eve r use the wo rd pot or pa n)


(Amn tocentesis )

6. Yuppie’s Eye-View of History

BABYLONIAN Astrology invented along with

CIVILIZATION hanging plants

ficseriin Great Pyramid, the Sphinx and

- King Tut’s tomb built to
Saeues encourage tourism

CLASSICAL Gay life-style developed hand in

GREECE hand with filo dough

po Gourmet dining got out of hand


MEDIEVAL Horseback riding was more

ERA popular than tennis

DISCOVERY First Italian to enter the

OF AMERICA import-export trade

Cc Noted for kinky sexual

practices such as stocks and

EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY Birth of the perfect dinner


Yankees discover barbecue and

Civic WAR eae
mint juleps

Advent of Art Deco followed,

along with popularit y of : leather
WwW é :
ee aviator jackets and Cartier tank

GREAT Neither Valium nor aerobics

DEPRESSION had been invented yet

By his frequent trips to

WorLD War II Campobello, FDR establishes
the second-home market

The McCarthy hearings make

lawyers media superstars

VIE v Beginning of VD epidemic

ee culminating in the return of
oe celibacy
7. Your Yuppie I. Q.

F YOU’RE A BIT insecure

about your status as a
Yuppie, you can test your
Yuppiness by taking the fol-
lowing true/false quiz:

1. Squash racquets have longe: handles than those used in racquet

ball |] True False
2. A condominium has a Board of Managers, and a cooperative has
a Board of Directors [] True (] False
3, Arugula is a darker green than iceberg []True (] False
4. A VHS cassette will not fit intoa Betamax []True [) False
5. Akitas originated in Japan as temple guard dogs
LC] True False
6. Starting salaries at some Wall Street law firms have now hit
$50,000 ] True LJ False
7. Cross-country skis are narrower than downhill skis
LJ True False
8. Olive oil should not be stored in the refrigerator
_] True False
9. Remote control on a telephone answering machine can be used
from anywhere in the world (] True [] False
10. The term ‘‘Jamaican”’ refers to the origin of a pound of coffee
beans, not an ounce of marijuana ([] True (J False

All of the above statements are gain a working knowledge of

true. If you thought any were Yuppie culture, up your Yuppie
false, study the following chap- quotient, and prevent you from
ters carefully. They will help you | falling off the fast track. Hi
8. Y.U.P.1.


On the Town:
New and Noteworthy An Eventful Urban Guide

Now available: an electric water soft- Mini-Marathon: Among the events

ener and PH adjuster made specifi- scheduled this weekend is the third
cally for your relaxation tank. Similar annual Pregnant Women’s Marathon,
to the ones sold for use on more con- sponsored by Great Expectations, the
ventional faucets, this model features maternity boutique. This 10-kilometer
a dial with raised digits so that it can (6.2-mile) race will begin at 10:30 a.m.
be used in the dark. at City Hall and will end at Great
Expectations, where a high-protein
@ A new line of cookware called celebration feast will be served to the
The Perfect Poacher offers pans runners and their parenting partners.
designed to fit strangely shaped The menu will feature tofu ragout with
food. Choose from traditional brewer's yeast.
models, such as salmon and egg
poachers, or the more esoteric
versions for flounder or eel. Photography Exhibit: A still life of a
@ Now you can take your food wok, a meat cleaver and a ginger root
processor camping. The first bat- are highlights of a photography show
tery-operated machine has just at the Upscale Uptown Gallery. The
been introduced in the United show features the “Studies in Ethnic
States; it was test-marketed in Cuisine” series by David Wood, a
France, where it became popular young English chef-turned-photogra-
for making ceviche right on the pher. The exhibit will be on view
beach and puréeing fresh vegeta- through the end of next month and
bles without ever removing them includes works entitled ““Couscousier
from the garden. and Couscous,” ‘Paella Pan with Saf-
fron’ and *‘Tortilla Press with Corn-


Subway Converted
to Housing
An underground subway station has sections, each with a distinctive de-
been converted into duplex coopera- sign theme—Art Deco, Victorian,
tive apartments with periscopic views high-tech and an eclectic decorating
of the sidewalks. Prices range from scheme entitled ‘‘metrograde,”’ which
$250,000 for a studio to $700,000 for a incorporates free-standing graffiti.
convertible two-bedroom. The com- The designer, Ralph Mezzo, is a
plex also features health club facili- former transit policeman. During the
ties, running machines on every floor subway strike last year, Mezzo en-
and a restaurant called L’Express rolled in the Parker Architectural
Stop. School and decided to switch ca-
The complex is divided into four reers. Hi


Relationships cussed during those sessions so in-

trigued Ms. Heller that she launched a
thorough investigation resulting in the
publication of her book.
Dealing with Your
Cleaning Person
A successful relationship with your Miss Harwood and Lawyer
cleaning person may be very difficult
to achieve, according to Constance Wed in New York
Heller, author of the recently released Jennifer DesTuileries Harwood,
book Coming Clean: An Honest Ex- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Har-
amination of You and Your Household wood of New Orleans, was married
Help. Ms. Heller interviewed over a yesterday to Michael Elliot Marx, son
hundred cleaner-cleanee pairs for the of Mrs. Sylvia Marx of Miami Beach
book and found that very few had and the late Sydney Marx of Brook-
what she considered a healthy rela- lyn, New York. Rabbi Shlomo Katz
tionship. and the Reverend William
“There are so many problem areas Worthington performed the ceremony
inherent in the relationship,”’ states at the Ethical Culture Society in New
Ms. Heller, ‘‘that it’s rare to find peo- York.
ple who can communicate freely and The bride, an assistant vice-presi-
without resentment. You’ve got to ne- dent of Salomon Brothers, a New
gotiate such sticky issues as how York banking firm, graduated from
elaborately meals should be prepared, Miss Porter’s School in Connecticut,
schedule flexibility, how big a Christ- Sophie Newcomb College and the
mas gift to give and how to anticipate Wharton School of Business. She is
cleaning supply needs. In years past, the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs.
the most common problems were Henry DesTuileries of New Orleans.
cleaning women who hit the booze or Mr. DesTuileries is the chairman and
stole the silver. These days you’re president of the Blazin’ Cajun Pepper
more likely to encounter the young Sauce Company. The bride’s father is
cleaning man who rummages through a professor of cardiology at the Tulane
your lingerie or plays your erotic films University School of Medicine.
on the VCR. These are tough issues to The groom is an associate with the
deal with in a thoughtful and sensitive New York law firm of Cadwalader,
manner.” Wickersham and Taft. He graduated
The author, a clinical psychologist, summa cum laude from Cornell Uni-
has had a steady procession of differ- versity and is an alumnus of the Har-
ent cleaning persons through her vard University School of Law. His
house, but never thought about the father was the owner of Trés Bon
issue until one of her patients asked if Kosher Meats, a retail meat outlet.
she could bring her cleaning lady in for The bridegroom’s mother is the na-
a few joint sessions. The topics dis- tional vice-president of Hadassah.

Y.Ad, P.%,


Henderson’s New Line

Features Clothing
for the Divorced
Jonathan McCall Henderson’s fall line | ids are designed to call attention to the
for women, unveiled last week, sur- wearer who is just returning to the
prised and intrigued the audience of social scene. Necklines plunge (albeit
customers and store buyers who discreetly) and hemlines creep ever so
packed the showroom. The theme of slightly upward. The third and final
this innovative collection is ‘‘Clothing grouping is somewhere between the
for the Divorced”’ and it breaks new first two, signaling a return to nor-
ground in fashion history. malcy. Henderson claims that this
Henderson has designed outfits to group makes the statement, “I’m
match the mood of the divorcée as she back to normal; sex is no longer a
progresses along the road te emo- priority.”
tional recovery. The first grouping, The show ended with a bridal gown
meant for those who are still nursing for the second time around: it is done
fresh wounds, is limited to conserva- in creige, a new color developed by
tive styles in somber greige. “The Henderson—a combination of cream
recent divorcée often just wants to and beige. “It’s an alternative to the
fade into the woodwork,” said Hen- | traditional and over-used off-white.”
derson. “This boxy wool flannel suit, comments the designer. “‘The color
for example, is the perfect way to do makes the fashion statement that the
just that.”’ In the next stage. dramati- wearer has totally integrated her
cally cut separates in contrasting viv- life.”

Restaurant Review by Lopwick swALLow
Minimal American
K ww K
The Native Minimalist, a popular new pagne—a taste delight. My cherry Ju-
eatery in the fashionable Riverfront bilee flambéed with domestic brandy,
Renewal District, specializes in native alas, was overwhelmed by a teaspoon
American cuisine. More important, of freshly made vanilla-bean ice
the skillful management here shows a cream. Service was friendly and de-
total understanding of the meaning of cidedly understated, and the estab-
dainty portions. There are no un- lishment’s excellent selection of
sightly mounds of vegetables or heap- domestic wines are always served in
ing masses of pasta to detract from the tiny sake cups.
visual aesthetic. Here, there is an ap- The proprietor, Giovanni Radic-
preciation for one perfect asparagus chio, is a recent convert to New
spear or one sliver of tender veal, American cuisine. The former owner
served simply and handsomely. of Mama Giovanni’s Italian Kitchen
Our meal began with a superb frog discovered nuova cocina while visit-
leg marinated in fresh coriander and ing relatives in Milan. Dining on the
chili salsa. My friend’s stuffed mush- light sauces and al dente vegetables
room was slightly overcooked, but there helped him whittle down his 300-
gracefully adorned with three fresh pound girth. Back in the United States
American caviar eggs. For the entree, and weighing in at 150 pounds, he
I chose mesquite-grilled squab ka- stripped Mama Giovanni's of its
raage (made from the delicate third plastic grapes and chianti bottles, re-
joint of the wing) whigdwas attrac- decorated the restaurant in its current
tively garnished mis Ss day lily high-tech style and introduced New
pistil and stamens. My friend chose a American cooking. He also purged his
celestial pupik (also known as the kitchen of all imported ingredients—
Pope’s nose) paprikash, made from even Italian olive oil.
the tenderest part of the chicken and The happy result has been that
served with a dumpling. His side dish everything, but everything, served at
of five peas completed the color the Native is from domestic sources.
scheme, making the dish lovely to Says a deservedly proud Mr. Radic-
look at as well as to eat. Even the chio: ‘‘The wines are from California,
bread stick was fresh, delicious and the cheese is from Wisconsin and even
artfully served with a slender curl of the seltzer is made in Brooklyn.”
For dessert, my friend tried the wild
grape poached in domestic cham-
9. Yupification

HE YUPIFICATION bag lady has had nightmares

of a neighborhood has about returning to her train sta-
been compared to ter- tion locker and finding an offer-
mite infestation. Yup- ing prospectus.) Here is a not
pies. descend..1n unlikely urban scenario:
swarms and leave nothing be- Struggling immigrant opens a
hind but dumpsters filled with tailor shop in the local ghetto. By
discarded linoleum. Sure signs of working 18-hour days and eating
impending Yupification include: nothing but rye bread, he man-
ages to save enough to open a
@ forced relocation of candy small dress factory. He rents a
stores and laundromats floor in a cast iron building and
hires a few employees. He mar-
@ proliferation of gourmet ries one of his stitchers, moves to
food stores, outdoor cafes, a better neighborhood and sends
and historical society both his children to city colleges.
plaques His son, the accountant, marries
a schoolteacher, buys a house
@ disoriented bums trying to with a two-car garage and an acre
figure out why their favorite of wooded property, and sends
bar now has asparagus ferns both of his children to private
in the window colleges. The son of the accoun-
tant, an investment banker, mar-
ries another investment banker
Residences are no longer re- and buys Grandpa’s dress fac-
ferred to as houses or apart- tory, which has been converted
ments; they are now called to a “‘loft living space’ and is
“living spaces.”’ The term is nec- going for a quarter of a million.
essarily vague. Factories and
garages are being converted into Moral of the Story: Yuppies will
living spaces. Apartments are live anywhere, as long as the
being converted into two apart- floors are genuine parquet and
ments (what once was a foyer is there’s another Yuppie on the
now considered a decent-sized block. #
studio). Co-op and condominium
conversionis rampant. (Many a
10. Yuppie Homestyle

HE YUPPIE domicile monthly plastic searches, usu-

is part and parcel of ally starting in the kitchen. Are
everything else in the spice racks, paper towel holders
Yuppie’s up-to-the- and soap dishes made of wood,
minute, space-age wicker or some other appropri-
way of life. While Yuppies usu- ate natural material?
ally hire an interior decorator, In the bathroom, is ceramic or
they must know the basics. high-tech chrome being used for
The following general rules ap- toothbrush holders and is a real
ply, whether a renovated Victo- sea shell being pressed into ser-
rian townhouse or a converted vice as a perfect nesting place for
industrial loft is being furnished. the floral English soap? Is the
toilet seat oak or maple, or insidi-
Think minimalist. In Yup- ous plastic? (Remember: The
piedom, comfort takes a back- only place where plastic is not
seat to style. For example, if the declassé is on the ubiquitous
living room sofa encourages Sat- Yuppie push-button phone.)
urday mornings plopped in front Other areas to consider in your
of the TV instead of jogging Yuppie decorating scheme:
around the park, the Salvation
Army should be immediately Art. An obvious gauge of
called in to remove the offending taste, Yuppies choose carefully
piece and a shopping expedition and use sparingly. Unblemished
organized to buy either a stiff- expanses of exposed brick can
backed Breuer chair or a Wassily go a long way in the Yuppie de-
chaise longue. Either of these cor, but sooner or later you'll
can get a wayward Yuppie back have to expose your judgment in
on the track. paintings, photographs, prints or
wall hangings. Unless you really
Plastic Is Poison: Most Yuppies CAN paint, stick to prints or
know enough not to have plastic photographs blown up to giant
ashtrays around that say ‘“‘Har- proportions. And don’t neglect
vey’s Lounge,” but there could such rooms as the kitchen and
still be lots of offending little bathroom. This is a test of the
items lurking in unsuspected truly conscientious Yuppie. Pho-
places. True Yuppies conduct tographs of vegetables are good

for the kitchen, and miniatures high-tech floor lamps. Table

are okay in the bath. lamps are out unless they clamp
on and bend in half. Track light-
Antiques. Stay away from any- ing is getting stale.
thing approaching the Louis XIV
era. Really fine Chinese pieces Walls. Think paint, or possibly
from any era are stylish. And if lacquer. Light colors—i.e.,
you’re furnishing a restored white or grey—are required. No
house built around the turn of the paper unless it’s an authentic
century, some period pieces pre-Revolutionary design for
might be appropriate—espe- your authentic pre-Revolution-
cially if it’s your country house. ary country house.
Antique farm tools mounted
over the hearth go well with a Here are some room-by-room
view of rolling hills dotted by specifics:
silos. City or country, don’t be
afraid to mix antiques with mod- Living room—This is the first
ern pieces. Anything sold in a and possibly only room a guest
modern art museum goes with will see, and the most likely to
everything. attract the attention of your local
newspaper’s style editor. There-
Floors. If you’re interested in fore, it’s worth all the attention
something a bit more daring than you can bring to designing this
parquet, try pickling your par- space. You'll want to give the
quet and tossing some pastel decorator some basic pointers.
Dhurrie rugs around to break the In furniture, modular sofas are
monotony of the wood. If the stylish and resilient if you have
upkeep of pickled parquet gets young children. But Art Deco
you down, stick with wall-to- tables and chests can be quite
wall industrial carpeting. Floors hardy if well-lacquered. By all
painted to look like marble are means let your furniture float.
also catching on. Avoid lino- Avoid right angles and the
leum, little hooked scatter rugs “place for everything and every-
made by your Aunt Bunny in thing in its place’’ look. That’s
Hackensack, anything they sell perfect for your closet, but if
at Bargainland or Carpet Uni- your living room looks the same,
verse, and whatever you may people will suspect you of saving
have seen in a dentist’s office. cents-off coupons. One wall
should be reserved for the oblig-
Lighting. Buy it in an art sup- atory bookcase/desk unit with
ply store or try low-voltage, space for stereo equipment. That
Art sheuld be origina! or
numbered and sghedand,
generall speaking; very large.

Sculpture fo
is most
poss at least slo
1€C€ prominen

High Tech
(-loriovs Food
Amer ian Country
Enter taming
Pable Picasso:
A Retros ective
Unseen Versailles

Think minimalist. Its more intellectual.

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Use straw mats, China and 9/4323

: Ne tablecloths. ‘| from a veshaurent

= 4—)
Flatusare a -S
i te l~ S
Choose the Queer
Anne pattern whtn
tie. big event approaches.

Parquet iss safe as @ pasta selad.

pickled parquet. U3 best
Avoid linolewm.
oe 7S t

Bought at an
—— (c

art ‘suppl

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lawyer les)
| SS da Brideshead Revisited
= MsArSeH reruns
The complete werks of Woody Allen,


is, unless you’ve moved into the Dining Room—If you don’t
twenty-first century with a media have a fireplace in the living
room, where you’ve assembled room, you might try a Ben
enough electronic equipment to Franklin stove in the dining
power the starship Enterprise. If room. The table should be some-
your desk is also there, a word thing simple like butcher-block,
processor in its own gazebo is a glass or marble. Dining room and
nice touch. No-Comment De- kitchen sets are gauche.
partment: Cut-glass ashtrays, You can’t lose with white
doilies, slipcovers, plastic- dishes and simple, clean lines in
wrapped lampshades, and fake glassware. Real silverware is too
fireplaces. pretentious before the wed-
ding—stick to Danish stainless.
Bedroom—Besides the Sony When the Big Event approaches,
Trinitron, you’ll need something choose the Queen Anne pattern,
to sleep on. Just get a simple of course, but keep your Danish
platform bed and you're all set. for everyday use. After the di-
By all means avoid ruffles, and vorce, use your half of the Queen
steer clear of florals—too Prep- Anne for everyday. You deserve
pie. iG
A well-designed media room is
Bathroom—A Jacuzzi and/or a big plus. Here’s what it should
sauna could get you into Metro- include:
politan Home, but they’re really
optional. Southern and West @ Video monitor: The screen
Coast Yuppies tend to lavish should be about 19”, not so
more attention on their bath- big as to be ostentatious, but
rooms than do those in the not so small so that it looks
Northeast, where space is at a as if it belongs on your sail-
premium. A bidet is a nice Conti- boat.
nental touch, and large mirrors
can do wonders for a small m@ Video cassette recorders:
room—all the better to gaze at We dare not opine on the
those sleek muscles developed Beta/VHS controversy. We
on the Nautilus machine. An ad- will note that the new up-
justable shower head with mas- dated portable VCRs come
sage attachment is a necessity in components with specific
along with large plush bath capabilities, like stereo
sheets. Definitely out: Tufted toi- equipment.
let seat covers and tissue holders
made out of dolls. m= Tuner, amplifier, turntable

and tape deck: All should be @ Solid-oak storage cabinets:

neatly stacked. Of course, if Black or white lacquer is
you bought a digital disc also fine, but stay away
player you could eliminate from walnut veneer.
the turntable. (Before in-
dulging, remember that the Storage racks: Should be of
discs are so prohibitively varying depths to accom-
priced, you’d think they modate your video cas-
were made of gold instead of settes, stereo cassettes,
copper.) digital discs, computer pro-
grams and any record al-
Speakers: Keep them small; bums you may be keeping
giant speakers are for the for nostalgia (early Dylans
Woodstock generation. may never be available on
digital discs).
Personal computer termi-
nal: The more sophisticated Shelves for your Walkman,
the model, the more impres- Watchman, cordless phone,
sive you will look while telephone answering ma-
playing Cosmic Cruncher. If chine with beeper, head-
there’s any possible chance phone, calculator and elec-
you'll have some use for a tronic toy collection.
word processor in the next
ten years, buy one immedi- Stack of exercise mats to be
ately. Make sure the printer used while doing Jane Fon-
is IBM Selectric quality so da’s Workout tape. Hi
notes to your cleaning per-
son will look like high-pow-
ered résumés.
11. A Kitchen Quiz
HE KITCHEN is deduct 1/2 point if the appli-
probably the most ac- ance is small enough to fit in
curate reflection of a drawer.)
one’s Yuppie quotient. w Do you have a food proces-
The following quiz sor? Add 0 points. Every-
should give you an idea of how body has a food processor
secure your status is. these days. Is the make a
Robot Coupe? Add 2 points.
® Do you have a double sink? A Cuisinart? Add 3 points.
Add 3 points. After all, you Do you have a large feed
need one side just to drain tube? Add 1 point. Do you
the pasta. have a julienne disk? Add '/2
@ Are all your kitchen appli- point.
ances white or stainless s Add 1 point for anything
steel? Add 5 points. Are that requires copper
they all almond? Add 3 cleaner.
points. Deduct 1 point for a Deduct 1 point for Teflon or
any appliance that’s avo- non-stick pans.
cado or harvest gold. (Only a Add 2 points for all pans that
cannot be washed in the
@ Is there lighting underneath m@ Add '/ point for every piece
the cabinets so that no of equipment hung on the
workspaces remain in the wall or from an overhead
shadows? Add 2 points. rack. Functional decoration
Do you have a wok? Add 0 is very desirable.
points. Do you have a cous- A stovetop griddle can be
cousier? Add 2 points. Do fabulous in a country
you still have a fondue set? kitchen, but seems con-
Deduct 1 point. It’s taking trived in town. Bacon, eggs
up valuable storage space. and pancakes should be re-
Are the countertops served for Sunday mornings
butcher-block? Add 1 point. in the woods. Add 1 point
Do you have at least 2 for the country house; de-
square feet of countertop duct | point for the city.
covered with marble for Industrial stoves are worth
pastry and breadmaking? 2 points if they have stain-
Add 3 points. less-steel range tops. Also
Uninterrupted counter add | point for every burner
space counts for a lot. Are you have over 4 and every
the stove, dishwasher, re- oven you have over 1.
frigerator and freezer all
built into and under the
counterspace? Add 3
@ Give yourself 1 point for @ Subtract 4 points if your
every herb and spice visibly wine rack is in the kitchen.
displayed, but deduct 1 for However, you can give
any of the following: garlic yourself 2 points if you have
powder, onion powder, de- one that can hold at least 48
hydrated onion flakes, bottles.
MSG. Potted herbs are Do you have a convection
worth double. oven? Add 3 points. Does it
You get | point for any of have a grill? Add 1 point. A
the following: marble rolling rotisserie? Add 1 point. A
pin, salmon poacher, bottle shish-kebab attachment?
of vinegar containing actual Add '/2 point. A french
vegetation. fryer? Subtract 1 point. If
1 point for every cutting you have a microwave
knife, double if it was manu- oven, deduct 3 points. How-
factured in Germany. ever, you need deduct only
Each cookbook is worth 1, 2 if it has a browning ele-
double if it contains color ment. At least the food
photographic plates. looks decent, even if you do
Digital kitchen timer? One end up with cancer.
Scorinc: If you have managed
to score 50 points, you’re a
Super-Yuppie. By the way, a
minimal amount of cheating is
very Yuppie. Give yourself 1/4
point extra for each bit of cheat-
ing you did. If it adds up to more
than 2 points, though, subtract 3
and try to set yourself some lim-
its in the future. Hi
12. The Yuppie Gardener
A Fig Tree Grows in Brooklyn Heights—
So Does Fresh Rosemary

UPPIES HAVE herb yourself in a living room with

gardens in their snake plants and rubber trees,
kitchen windows, fig don’t let the parquet floors fool
trees in their living you. It’s definitely not a true
rooms and raise or- Yuppie domicile.
chids as a hobby. A scented gera- Herewith, the very best—and
nium or tasteful bromeliad (in worst—in the Yuppie botanical
bloom, of course) may grace a garden:
south window. Should you find

Genuine Yuppie Ersatz Yuppie

bromeliads snake plants
orchids rubber trees
scented geraniums philodendrons
herb gardens avocado trees
Ficus benjaminas marijuana

Other important points to re- a begonia, make sure it’s a rex.

member when you are green- Geraniums should be of the
thumbing it: scented leaf variety.
1. Use as many ceramic glazed 4. Avocado pits are fun to
pots and antique brass planters sprout, but too unchallenging for
as possible. If necessary, you today’s urban gardener. Keep
may resort to an occasional un-
them in the kid’s room.
glazed clay pot. But stay away
from plastic pots—they’re as bad 5. Marijuana was fine to culti-
as plastic flowers. And whatever vate in your college dorm, but
you do, don’t ever plant anything has no place in your condomin-
in a coffee can. (Not only is it
ium. Grow up.
unattractive, but it’s an an-
nouncement to the world that 6. Orchids are difficult to grow
you’re using canned coffee.) and therefore acceptable. If
you’re going to all the trouble of
2. An herb garden in the kitchen growing orchids, play it for all
is an opportunity to show off it’s worth. Join your local orchid
your culinary sophistication as society and place their publica-
well as your gardening savvy. tion on your coffee table, beside
Stick to herbs that are used in several expensive photography
Yuppie cuisine, the more eso- books on the subject. Take color
teric the better. There’s nothing portraits of your blooms and
more impressive than snipping frame them. If orchids seem to
fresh coriander leaves for a com- be too much of a production, try
plicated Indian recipe, basil for flowering bromeliads. Forcing
your pesto, fresh tarragon to in- bulbs is another alternative. Hi
clude in your vinaigrette or
crushing your own anise seeds.

3. It’s generally a good idea to *Boston ferns are too corny for the true
stay away from any plant grown Yuppie windowsill, but maidenhair,
bird’s-nest, rabbit’s-foot and staghorn
in your grandmother’s apart- varieties are temperamental enough to
ment.* Snake plants in ceramic impress. Asparagus ferns should be con-
frogs won’t do. If you must have fined to offices and restaurants.
13. State of the Arf

OR THE YUPPIE who food budget runs into double dig-

has never produced off- its, but it serves as the perfect
spring, a pet makes the jogging companion and conver-
ideal child substitute. sation piece. (Yuppies don’t get
Even Yuppies who have out to bars as much as they used
children tend to treat their pet to, so conquests made while dog-
like a member of the family and walking often determine whether
another extension of the Yuppie or not they have a date on Satur-
ego. day night.)
Yuppies take their pets every-
where, from friends’ apartments
to the South of France by jet. A
condo or summer home may be
chosen for the facilities it offers
the family cat or dog, and the
animal’s diet is as nutritionally
sound and as aesthetically pleas-
ing as any Yuppie youngster’s.
Pet owners interview for doggie Akitas are very big with Gup-
obedience schools the way they pies, as are Dobermans in collars
would for their child’s nursery that match their owners’.
school. The animal whose public Yuppies with small living
behavior becomes unacceptably spaces or little time to walk the
antisocial (e.g., chewing up the dog find cats are more conve-
stereo headphones) will be sent nient pets. Cats look equally or-
to a pet therapist. And if a be- nate in brownstones and lofts,
loved pet should kick the bucket, and are less likely than dogs to
the grieving Yuppie might seek have an accident on the Oriental
out a practitioner of one of the rug. One aspect of cat ownership
newest Yuppie occupations—the that might have been a problem
social worker who specializes in for Yuppies in the past—kitty
pet-loss counseling. litter smells—has been solved by
The ultimate Yuppie puppy is the invention of the Yuppie cat
the Akita, an overgrown | box. It is covered with a hood,
chowlike beast that can cost and filled with permanent litter
more than $1,000. Its weekly made from charcoal pellets. The

hottest Yuppie kitty is the Hima- tion. Or you may want to try an
layan, which is furrier than a exotic bird. Macaws, toucans,
Siamese and more esoteric. cockatoos, mynas, parrots and
Those with serious allergies or finches should be chosen to com-
painful memories of the destruc- plement your color scheme. And
tion of a favorite piece of furni- a brass antique bird cage can be
ture by a former pet may find a as important a piece as a Le
fish tank appropriate. Of course, Corbusier chaise longue.
it must be a saltwater tank, and it Stay away from turtles, sala-
must contain obscure and expen- manders, gerbils or parakeets,
sive varieties of tropical fish plus unless you have kids.
several specimens of sea
anemones and live coral. In fact,
if you want to do it right, you'll
call in a gravel and coral consul-
tant to make sure your tank is a
showpiece worthy of standing
next to your Brancusi reproduc- )

Naming the Beast

A pet’s name must show imagination and knowledge. Since a
Yuppie’s career is so important, it’s often the inspiration for a
pet name. Here are some examples:
Psychiatry: Transference, Compulsion
Banking: Mortgage, Interest, Cee Dee
Business: Merger, Monopoly, Perks
Law: Arguendo, Habeas
To avoid arguments in two-career families with only one pet,
it’s best to use other aspects of Yuppie life as pet name material.
For instance:

Favorite vacation spots: Aruba, Fiji and Galapagos (good for

your kid’s turtle)
Culinary terms: Kiwi, Chévre, Julienne, Chanterelle
Yuppie heroes and heroines: Colette (for cats), Fonda, Bogie
or Wolfgang (Mozart or Puck)
14. Yuppies on Wheels

HE TRUE YUPPIE, Summer weekend car rentals are

of course, rents garage big in New York, where Yuppies
space or hires some- who earn six-figures won’t buy a
one else to park his car because of the hassles in-
car. The possible ex- volved.
ception: the consultant or Whether buying, renting or
freelance who enjoys the chal- leasing (popular on the West
lenge of parking on the street. Coast), it’s important to have a
These hardy souls must deal with car that fits your self-image. The
street theft, of course. They do Yuppie image always combines
so by installing removable tape good taste and good sense.
decks, intricate car alarms or a
large sign in the back window
proclaiming, ‘“‘NO RADIO.”

Yuppie auto choices are:

VW Rabbit (especially the convertible)

Mercedes (small model only)
Pickup or Jeep (only if you have no use for one)

Note: If you live on the West

Coast, buy something you can
refer to as your ‘‘vehicle.”

Do equip your car with:

Tape deck
Ski rack (even if you don’t ski)
Radar detector
Eddie Bauer sheepskin seat covers

Stay away from:

Sponge dice hanging from the rear-view mirror
Raised rear ends
Fur-covered steering wheels
15. Out to Lunch

UPPIES HAVE two restaurant for a serious lunch.

week-day lunch op- Yuppies with expense accounts
tions: always choose option 2. Lunch
Option 1: Go to the hours vary from industry to in-
gym and work out dustry. Bankers and stockbrok-
Pick up a plain yogurt (100 calo- ers eat at noon. Lawyers eat at
ries less than strawberry) on one or two (the probate depart-
your way back to the office. ment eats at one, litigators eat at
Option 2: Since you’re going to two). Yuppies in the film indus-
the gym after work and will prob- try eat at 3:30, no matter how
ably only have a yogurt for early they came in.
dinner, you can go to a Yuppie

Things Yuppies Eat for Lunch

Tuna Sashimi Empanadas
Hunan Chicken Paté
Tortellini salad Chef’s Salad

Things Yuppies Don’t Eat for Lunch

Tuna on White Chicken Pot Pie
Chicken Chow Mein Bologna
Macaroni and Cheese Chef Boy-ar-dee Ravioli
16. Eating Out

Things you will find

in a Yuppie restaurant:

Ceiling fans
Dark green walls with white tin ceilings
Dishes that require the use of unusual mushrooms
Exotic flowers, especially various types of lilies
Menus that describe desserts as being served with
chantilly, instead of whipped cream
Amateur but friendly service by people with graduate
degrees in everything but the culinary arts
Restrooms lined with mirrors
Black shiny surfaces
A piano player who specializes in ‘‘As Time Goes By”

Things you won’t find

in a Yuppie restaurant:

Restroom signs advising employees to wash their hands.

Placemats with crossword puzzles.
Friday night ‘‘All You Can Eat”’ fish fries.
Salad bars with macaroni salad and artificial bacon bits.
American cheese omelettes.
Waitresses named Millie, wearing short white dresses.
Menus that say the following:

Minimum at table—$2.50
Have A Nice Day!
Soup—Cup: 80¢/Bowl: $1.20
Please pay at register
No Substitutions
Column A and Column B
Visit our Passaic branch
All pies baked fresh today
Each additional topping: 25¢
Happy Hour: 5-7 p.m.
Thank you for your patronage

Snails in a mignonette sauce, peasant style

Baby Nantucket scallops with fresh puréed raspberries
on a pink clam shell
Gravlax with leeks vinaigrette, served in a lacquer box
Wild boar paté with lingonberries
Fresh asparagus wrapped in prosciutto slices
Gulf shrimp with chilis and fresh coriander
Golden American Caviar on a selection of Tex-Mex crackers


Cold tomato and basil soup garnished with fiddlehead ferns

Tepid cream-of-raisin soup
Cold Andalusian gazpacho with two kinds of croutons


Shredded duck with radicchio and mango wedges

Endive, arugula and walnuts
Sweetbread and string bean salad
Watercress, fennel and pear with
fresh California chévre dressing

Tortellini in urchin roe sauce

Seafood lasagna
Capellini primavera
Penne alla Russian vodka
Risotto with chicken liver and Calvados sauce

Hickory-smoked partridge with blueberry chutney
Curried steak tartare with pine nuts
Salmon paillettes sprinkled with cornbread crumbs
Softshell crabs with lime and peanut mustard
Roasted pheasant with poached peach, quail eggs
and glazed chestnuts
! Brook trout souffié with shaved beets
Barbecued duck thighs on a bed of dirty rice
Steak au poivre with four kinds of peppercorns
Sautéed squab with grapefruit and quince drippings
Medallions of veal with pistachio and truffle sauce
Lemon sole baked in parchment with
a julienne of root vegetables
Buffalo grilled over mesquite wood
Crayfish souffié garnished with turnips and collard greens

White chocolate mousse served with braised kiwi fruit
Cassis sherbet in an abalone shell
Peanut-butter pie with sugared black-eyed peas
Framboise soufflé, undecorated
Chocolate hazelnut torte
Kirsch granite
Bombe praline
18. Les Artifices du Paradis
(or PDR: Professional’s Drug Reference)

OR TODAY’S Yuppie, the hedonistic thrill-seeking of

the use of intoxicants the 60s and 70s. Here’s a run-
has taken on a purpose- down of the favorite Yuppie
ful and serious charac- highs.
ter completely unlike

1. Beta endorphine—Morphine- atmosphere of easy money. Pop-

like drug produced by one’s own ular at discos, recording sessions
body after 20 minutes of aerobic and market week. The ampheta-
exercise. Highly addictive. Ef- mines are a déclassé substitute.
fects: easily (and obnoxiously) Effects: a (sometimes exagger-
outrunning other prospective ated) sense of verbal power and
passengers when the bus stops acuity; insomnia; tendency to
half a block from the stop sign; purchase multiple decorated mir-
vague restlessness and guilt rors, grinding and sifting devices
when deprived of the drug; ten- and minuscule spoons; euphoria.
dency to buy multiple designer
exercise outfits; euphoria. 4. Expensive caffeine—Whether
fresh-ground and consumed over
2. Designer waters—Strictly The Wall Street Journal or fresh-
speaking, not a drug, but their ground and taken with lemon
placebo effect can be very con- peel and the latest liqueur, the
vincing. Some Yuppies become “high” here is that wide-eyed
quite giddy after three or four sense of having chosen the
Perriers, especially if they’ve proper blend, and of being able
been consumed over the course to stay awake forever (there’s so
of a business lunch. As with much to be done). Effects: In-
wines, domestic varieties are ability to fully open one’s eyes in
growing in popularity, but steer the morning without a dose of
clear of anything bottled in New the drug, and an equally inappro-
Jersey. priate inability to fully close
one’s eyes at night without a
3. Cocaine—Powerful aphrodis- dose of one of the drugs listed
jac since its presence implies an below; tendency to buy multiple

that course in wine tasting. Ex-

pense can surpass even that of

7. Good dope—Use limited to

that segment of the Yuppie popu-
lation which is unable to afford
cocaine, too busy to jog or en-
dowed with a certain sense of
history—except for its manda-
tory enjoyment during hiking ex-
peditions in the High Sierras.
expresso machines, etc.; eupho-
ria. Note: Water-processed 8. Valium—True Yuppies al-
gourmet decaffeinated coffee, ways keep a supply on hand.
fresh-ground, has been used suc- Remember when Burt Reynolds
cessfully in detox efforts. asked for some in Starting Over?
Besides, the famous muscle re-
5. White wine—Still big, but los- laxant has so many respectable
ing market share to red. Spar- uses—menstrual cramps, the
kling whites are bigger than ever. ever-present Yuppie back pain,
even insomnia (after an espe-
6. Red wine—A new era is cially late night at the office, of
dawning. Now’s the time to take course).
19. Y.U.

HEN THE self-im- ing Your Plants on the Astral

provement urge Plane.’ In New York, New
becomes’ over- School photography classes
whelming, to the have given way to socially prac-
point where the tical studies such as: ‘““What to
Yuppie is no longer content with Do When Your Shrink Is On
increasing his muscle-to-fat ra- Vacation,” “‘Avoiding Herpes,”
tio, he takes courses. and ‘‘Chutzpah—How To Get
Although bread-and-butter Anything from Anyone, Any-
classes in real estate taxes are time, Every Time.”
universally de rigueur, Sausalito Here’s a brief rundown of
Yuppies tend to supplement other popular offerings em-
them with more esoteric New braced by Y.U. students.
Age subjects, like “‘Experienc-

The Cuisinart Seder

This one-session course, offered
only in March, will teach you how to
prepare a Passover feast like your
grandmother used to make in a frac-
tion of the time. Using a food proces-
sor, you will learn how to produce
the lightest matzoh balls and the
tastiest gefilte fish. You will also
learn how to avoid common pitfalls,
such as overly processed charroses
and chopped liver, by developing the
proper “‘pulse rate.”
Ruth Goldschmidt and Myra
Seidelberg are the authors of Your
Cuisinart Goes Kosher! They are
also well-known for their popular
seminar, “‘Recognizing Pork Fat
From a Distance,” which enjoys a
large following among female con-
verts to Judaism.
———— —— iin

How to Read an
Ethiopian Menu
Most people can find their way
around a French or Italian menu
without any problem. Very few,
however, can tell the waiter how
much berberé to put in their dish or
order another plate of injera with
any degree of confidence. This
course will not only equip you with a
basic Ethiopian culinary vocabu-
lary, but provides an answer to the Restoring Antique Toilets
question “‘What’s wott?”’ Even the most conscientious brown-
Massawa Menelik is the proprie- stone renovator may overlook an
tor of the most popular Ethiopian inauthentic toilet fixture. It’s not un-
restaurant in town, The Tigre. He usual to find a perfectly restored
was trained in the finest professional Victorian bathroom with a brass
kitchens in Addis Ababa. He has lamp, floral wallpaper, a four-legged
also written the book How Ethiopi- bathtub, an antique sink and a glar-
ans Can Pick Up American Girls. ingly modern porcelain toilet. This
course teaches you how to avoid
such gaucherie and provides you
with a period-by-period historical
overview of the indoor toilet, begin-
ning with Thomas Crapper, its in-
ventor. You will learn to appreciate
the Old World charm of an overhead
How to Get Your Pet tank and where to find antique
into Commercials wooden toilet seats.
Instructor Luisa Calabrese grew
This seminar is for owners of every- up in a sixteenth-century Italian pa-
thing from Abyssinians to zebras. lazzo, with nineteenth-century
Learn where to find an agent and plumbing.
how to prepare a pet résumé. Bring
your pet with you and it will be
videotaped. The tape will then be
replayed to analyze your pet’s
strong and weak points. Lists of vet-
erinarians who prescribe animal sed-
atives are distributed. Please bring
no more than one pet with you.
Jim Swift has been an animal
agent for upwards of thirty-five
years. He has represented three
Lassies and two Morrises.

Earlobe Massage
Your earlobes are actually a map of
your body. This little-known art of
earlobe massage was developed by a
Japanese zen master in the seven-
teenth century and has been prac-
ticed in northern Japan ever since.
This course helps enable you to re-
Professional Journal lieve all types of bodily discomfort
Writing through use of finger pressure on
Ever wonder if you could capitalize your earlobes and the upper part of
on your scratchpad or turn the diary your jawbone. You will unleash the
you keep for your therapist into a free-flowing energy in your body by
best-selling novel? If you’re already the use of massage, aura balancing
taping or writing a journal, this and visualization.
course could help make you an in- Guido Ponzini has been a student
stant celebrity. If not, it may inspire of earlobe massage since 1976, when
you to start jotting down every detail he spent a year in Japan studying
of your potentially lucrative life micro-computers. Before that,
story. You'll learn all you need to Guido owned his own pizza parlor in
know about selling the film rights to New York’s Little Italy, where he
your personal correspondence and specialized in kneading dough.
copyrighting your thoughts. Tips on
how to organize your material and
how to check ‘“‘writer’s overflow”
will also be included.
Anais Nijinski is a Russian émi-
grée and pioneer in the field of mod-
ern journal-writing methods. She re- Hypnosis Negotiation
cently received the Golden Memo
Used for centuries in various kinds
award for a play based on her col-
of mind control, hypnosis is still a
lected shopping lists. Her tech-
newcomer at the conference table,
niques are taught in courses
but it can be a valuable tool in nego-
throughout the U. 8. and in Europe.
tiating sessions. This course ex-
plores how to practice this ancient
art without anyone present being
aware of it. Used properly, hypnosis
can give new meaning to the term:
Getting to Yes.
Karl Krupp learned the art of hyp-
notism from his father at an early
age. He applied it at the poker table
and used his winnings to send him-
self to business school.
20. Getting Cultured
ULTURE TO A Yup- thing else by Tommy Tune).
pie, like everything Opera: Pavarotti and public
else, means keeping television brought Yuppies into
up with the latest. It opera houses, and now little
means knowing the blue-haired ladies must scrap
important film of the week; being with ruthless fast-trackers for
seen with the “‘right’”” book on season tickets. If you do get a
the beach or by the pool; having subscription and decide you
subscriptions to the symphony, don’t like it, unused tickets make
the ballet, the opera or a theater great birthday presents or trad-
repertory company (preferably ing cards for other cultural
all four). But even if a Yuppie events. There’s no point in going
does not read the book, see the if you haven’t read the libretto
film, or attend the event, he can and listened to the record.
always carry on an intelligent Dance: Regional dance com-
conversation about the reviews. panies and balletomanes are
Although going to the movies sprouting up as fast as renovated
is number one on the Yuppie’s townhouses. All else being
entertainment list, they can ap- equal, at least a passing acquain-
preciate other art forms, given tanceship with ballet—especially
the right conditions. Here’s a modern—can help distinguish
quick run down of some of the the Yuppie from an imposter who
ways Yuppies get cultured: thinks he can get by with perfect
Visual Arts: Yuppies only go to film attendance.
museum exhibits if they require Music: Yuppies won’t have
advance tickets. It started with anything to do with concerts un-
King Tut, followed by Picasso. less they take place in the proper
Pre-opening showings get high setting. The 1812 Overture must
marks. Gallery hopping on rainy be heard out of doors while lying
afternoons is still popular, but ona blanket, drinking white wine
openings are really something to and eating brie. Jazz requires an
talk about. intimate club with a cover charge
Theater: Even Broadway mu- and a two-drink minimum. Ribs
sicals—once the domain of aging and Lone Star beer have to be on
suburban matrons—have suc- the menu if a Yuppie is going to
cumbed to the Yuppie onslaught. sit through a set of Country and
Yuppified favorites include A Western, and Punk Rock palaces
Chorus Line, La Cage aux Folles are only appropriate for slum-
(trés Gup), Dreamgirls, Sophisti- ming. Hi
cated Ladies, and Nine (or any-
21. Yup and Away:
A Yuppie Vacation Guide
UPPIES ADORE the house that looks very much like
exotic and undiscov- every other beach house. The
ered. (What’s the beach, of course, looks the same
point of going some- no matter where you sun. Every-
where if your mother one plays tennis at the same
has already been there?) The club, and eats duck at one restau-
problem is that Yuppies tend to rant and fish at another. Every
discover places at the same time now and then a Yuppie in the
other Yuppies are discovering midst of a summer novel may get
them. It’s not unusual for a Yup- a strange look in her eye and
pie to drive through the night to contemplate trekking in the Hi-
some ‘“‘undiscovered”’ inn only malayas next summer. The urge
to find the dining room packed will pass, however, and the Yup-
with MBAs ordering cassis sher- pie will then turn back to the
bet for dessert. Or to charter a important things in life—tike re-
sailboat in the Caribbean and serving court time.
head for a deserted island, only No matter how many times
to meet a member of the co-op you’ve run across your squash
board at the snorkel equipment partner in some rarefied atmo-
rental office once they get there. sphere miles from the court, at
Or to spend the afternoon least one of the following sea-
smugly negotiating what they sonal trips is required. Hi
thought was a virgin ski slope in
the Alps, only to find their
squash partner already in the
chalet, sipping coffee (with li-
queur, of course). Or to find a
member of their law school class
on top of the Great Pyramid.
All this can be quite disillu-
sioning and may force some Yup-
pies back to the conventional.
For the Yuppie who has’ stopped
trying, a place like the Hamptons
can be very comforting. The
Yuppie in defeat buys or rents a

Summer Winter
Four-week vacation to one of One week at a ski resort in the
the seven wonders of the ancient Alps or Vail, Colorado
world (e.g.. the Great Pyramid), A weekend of cross-country
an exotic island where neolithic skiing
culture is still practiced (Easter One week at a Mexican or Car-
Island) or a continent with ibbean beach resort (cruises are
strange wildlife and raging for retired people—Yuppies
waters (Australia) always fly)
Backpacking in the High Sier- One week sailing a chartered
ras boat in tropical waters
Rafting in the High Rockies Christmas in rural England
Two weeks at a classy beach (rural New England will do)
(Fire Island, Big Sur, Nantucket) Carnival in Rio

Fall Spring
Foliage tour of New England, Cherry blossom time in Tokyo
with bed and breakfast at a Riverboat trip up the Missis-
‘charming country inn” sippi
Fishing trip to Montana, stay- Fishing trip to the Smoky
ing at a quaint hunting lodge (no Mountains
hunting) Trip to the Cannes Film Festi-
Grape harvest tour of North- val
ern California
22. Yuppie Bestsellers:
Books, Movies, Records

1. Getting by on $100,000 a Year, by Andrew Tobias (most Yuppies
2. In Search of Excellence: Lessons from America’s Best-Run Com-
panies, by Thomas J. Peters and Robert H. Waterman, Jr.
3. Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In, by
Roger Fisher and William Ury (and anything else with two male
authors and at least a sevenword title)
4. Chez Panisse Menu Cookbook, by Alice L. Waters
5. The Silver Palate Cookbook, by Julee Rosso et al.
1. The White Hotel, by D. M. Thomas (read by all Yuppies who
have ever been in analysis)
2. The Group, by Mary McCarthy (read by Yuppettes during the
college admission process)
3. The World According to Garp, by John Irving
4. One Hundred Years of Solitude, by Gabriel Garcia Marquez (just
say it’s your favorite book)
5. Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen (every Yuppie knows that
Elizabeth Bennett would have gone to law school had she lived


. Annie Hall (and anything else by Woody Allen)
. Breakfast at Tiffany’s: Audrey Hepburn lives beyond her means
and George Peppard wears a Burberry trenchcoat in the final
. Casablanca: Responsible for the proliferation of ceiling fans in
Yuppie restaurants
. Chariots of Fire: Focused on athletics, competitiveness and
expensive clothing—three important Yuppie values
. Citizen Kane: Based on the life of William Randolph Hearst, an
early Yuppie role model who had the foresight to buy land in
. The Graduate: Yuppies still smile with recognition at the word
. Jules and Jim: Good assertiveness training for Yuppie women;
also showed that the condo could be cheaper split three ways
. King of Hearts: Demonstrates the possible dangers of missing too
many therapy sessions
sh Scenes from a Marriage: Glimpse into the life of a two-career
Swedish family
10. Sophie’s Choice: Interesting look at a Victorian mansion before
101 An Unmarried Woman: Excellent footage of Soho lofts

1. Vivaldi: The Four Seasons, transcribed for flute by James Galway
2. ‘Empty Bed Blues,’’ by Bessie Smith—Yuppies are fascinated by
musical geniuses who died in miserable circumstances
“Jalousie,”’ by Yehudi Menuhin and Stephane Grappelli
khn W

Anything by Peter Allen of recent vintage (a Guppie discovery)


Soundtrack from any failed Stephen Sondheim musical

Synchronicity, by The Police (just to show you’re still on the fast

For Buppies or Yuppies who are addicted to the Caribbean: anything
by Jimmy Cliff or Bob Marley
For avant-garde Yuppies: any artist who uses as many media as
possible (e.g., Philip Glass, Laurie Anderson, the Paul Winter
23. Organized Religion

UPPIES HAVE their @ Religious education classes

own form of orga- at a Yuppie adult education
nized religion. They center
invariably worship at
the altar of self-im- w Daily sunrise devotionals in
provement. And they’re very or- the running track
ganized about it.
Rituals include: mw Adherence to a strict
dietary code: No processed
@ Weekly confessionals at the foods; no dessert before
psychotherapist aerobics, etc.

Orthodox Yuppies are up
Regardless of upbringing, bright and early Sunday morning
many Yuppies find themselves for even more intense than usual
working a half day on Saturday. exercise. ““The extra mile” to a
This leaves Sunday as the only Yuppie means at least five more
option for the Yuppie Sabbath, a than weekdays. Sailing, tennis,
day devoted entirely to self-wor- cross-country skiing, hiking and
ship. ice skating may be substituted
Orthodox Yuppies usually be- for jogging. The more casual re-
gin Sabbath observances at sun- form Yuppie will sleep late on
down on Saturday with a ritual Sundays based on the doctrine
dinner party during which the that one’s beautiful Yuppie
hosts lead the guests in paying body—having exercised all
homage to the gods and god- week—needs extra rest, not ex-
desses of New American cook- tra jogging.
ing, estate-bottled wines and de- All branches of the faith re-
signer evening wear. Reform serve late Sunday morning for
Yuppies may simply join friends the reading of religious texts:
at a Yuppie restaurant, before or real estate and business sections
after a Yuppie cultural event. of the Sunday newspaper and

articles on the three F’s (food, things in a single day than is

fashion, furnishings) from the humanly possible. On the Sab-
Sunday magazine section. bath, the devout Yuppie makes
At noon Yuppies don their an extra effort in this direction.
most casual and most flamboy- Brunch, for example, may be ob-
ant designer clothes (Gogging served two, three, even four
suits, jeans, caftans, etc.) in times, since its appointed hours
preparation for Holy Commu- stretch from before noon to after
nion. This involves partaking of four. The multiple brunch is of-
the holy sacraments—cham- ten combined with pilgrimages to
pagne and brioche—during a cer- the ski lodge or country house,
emony called brunch. Brunch especially on High Holy Days—
may be observed at home with three-day weekends occasioned
several guests or in an appropri- by federal holidays. Between
ate Yuppie restaurant. Musical brunches, good Yuppies try to
accompaniment is important. schedule some shopping, per-
This can be a classical guitar, but haps a movie, a little self-im-
high mass requires a string quar- provement reading or anything
tet. Reform services favor jazz else that will keep them on the
combos. In good weather, fast track that leads to the
brunch is often held out-of- wrought iron gates of Yuppie
doors—in a sidewalk cafe or pri- heaven.
vate yard. In winter, a roaring The only thing lacking in Yup-
fire is de rigueur. pie religion is a full-fledged Yup-
A Yuppie most nearly ap- pie Bible—so we wrote this
proaches sainthood when he or book.
she is able to accomplish more

The Yuppie ten commandments are:

Thou shalt not kill whales

or baby seals (save murder
for the stock market).
Thou shalt have no other
gods before thyself. Vil
Thou shalt not commit
il adultery with thy boss.
Thou shalt take unto thee
only designer labels. Vill
Thou shalt not steal. Your -.
Ill lawyer is a pro at it—
Thou shalt always speak that’s why you have one.
the name of thy wine mer- _
chant and the name of thy Ix
cleaning person with re- Thou shalt not wear false
verence. materials, neither polyes-
ter nor vinyl; nor serve
IV false consumables, neither
Thou shalt remember to Cool Whip nor Tang.
have brunch on Sunday.
vi Thou shalt not covet thy 3
Honor thy investment neighbor’s southern expo- ---*
banker and thy real estate - sure. (If you’d paid
agent. $10,000 extra for the co-
op, you could have had
one, too.)
24. Mail-Order Mania

HAT’S THE PER- Maine hunting shoe and wear it

fect insomnia cure with pride.
for Yuppies when
Sominex, red wine Eddie Bauer: For those who con-
and Mary Tyler sider Bean’s to be for city slick-
Moore reruns won’t work? They ers with rustic pretensions; try
whip out their charge cards and Bauer’s Superior Polar Parka,
dial 1-800, because that stack of guaranteed to keep you warm
catalogs on the coffee table can even above tree line.
do what sleeping pills can’t.
Once the urge to acquire strikes Williams Sonoma: Kitchenware
at 2:00 A.M., it will gnaw at the for the terminally esoteric; fea-
Yuppie soul until an order has tures croissant cutters, crusta-
been placed. The true Yuppie, cean crushers and quail cutlery.
always on the fast track to mate-
rialism, gleefully succumbs to The Sharper Image: Gadgets for
mail-order mania. those who worship the digital;
It’s the middle of the night and now you can take your tempera-
our Yuppie has the urge to buy. ture and get a reading to the third
Like all authentic Yuppies, he decimal place.
demands instant gratification.
What are his options? Forget Hemmings Motor News: A listing
Sears and Montgomery Ward. of vintage cars; you can certainly
We’re talking posh parcel post. order a Rolls-Royce Corniche,
Here are some possibilities: but the federal government will
not permit them to ship the
Conran’s: The best cure for Y 1)- chauffeur by mail.
pie insomnia might be a new bed.
United Farm Agency: Tired of
L. L. Bean: Bean’s clientele was scouring the countryside for a
originally confined to genuine charming weekend retreat? Se-
Preppies with at least one uncle lect one from the pages of this
who actually hunted ducks. catalog and you’ll never have to
These days, even Yuppies whose house-hunt again.
uncles made it big in the seltzer
or mozzarella business order the Victoria’s Secret: What Playboy

and Penthouse are to the beer sensible, natural fabrics from the
and bowling set, this lingerie cat- fogged-in-at-Heathrow end of
alog is to the Yuppie set. Fea- the color spectrum. When you
tures wet lips, stray tendrils and get the urge to blow major money
lots of tastefully displayed cleav- on clothes, remember that the
age. health club is one of the best
places to display your plumage.
The American Express Catalog: Exercise outfits come in a daz-
Sent to all cardholders. Keep it zling array of vivid colors and in
in full view since it gives the a range of styles from neo-punk
world a glimpse into your credit to the lace-trimmed baby doll
card case. look. Striped leotards have be-
come especially popular since
A warning to catalog voyeurs: Jane Fonda lifted her leg on the
Getting on the mailing list is sim- front of her workout book.
ple; staying on is trickier. The Matching accessories are even
computer will drop apostates, so more fun to buy. For each outfit
try to order at least a trinket you'll need socks, leg warmers,
every now and then. sweatbands, headbands, tote
bags, even fingerless gloves to
protect your hands while work-
The Fashionable Yuppie ing out on the nautilus.
If they can find the time during Outdoor sports such as skiing,
waking hours, Yuppies love to tennis, backpacking, and wind-
spend money on clothes. How- surfing call for top-of-the-line
ever, Yuppie office wear does not clothing and equipment of the
lend itself to displaying impecca- latest scientific design. The
ble taste or knowledge of current knowledgeable Yuppie can casu-
trends. The idea is to look as ally toss off words like gortex
much like John Dean as possible, and thinsulate as effortlessly as
whether you’re a man or a he can discuss natural sources of
woman. Indeed, Yuppie Vitamin A. Be sure you purchase
women—through careful re- your equipment at a fine sporting
search and numerous lunch time goods store staffed by knowl-
seminars—have proven beyond edgeable salespeople. In other
any doubt that they can look just words, never buy a backpack at
as boring as men. K-Mart from a salesgirl wearing
But even the most conserva- fingernail polish. Hf
tive Yuppie eventually tires of
25. The Ultimate Crossword

Across Down
. Use a Cross pen instead of . Verb meaning to eat on
this Sunday
. Yuppie puppy Yuppiest of fruits
. Degree received from 29 Yuppie winter vacation spot
across Used in 21 down
Yuppie direction Yuppie form of home owner-
. Body sculpture equipment ship
. Only an Amex gold one will Beyond peanut butter
do Yuppie trenchcoat
. Chair for butcher-block endorphine, Yup-
table pie drug
Heartbreak of the Boston . Predecessor of plastic
Marathon . Yuppie member of the onion
. Yuppie word for choose family
Extra support for running Sauce made with 38 across
shoes . Yuppie summer vacation
. Being a Yuppie means never spot
having to say you're . Arugula on the Yuppie scale
Yuppie saving bank . What Yuppies don’t do, ex-
Hill, historic Yup- cept during 31 across
pie neighborhood Favorite Yuppie sitcom
Oxford of Yuppie education . Tuna salad a la Yuppie
. Yuppie film classic How Yuppies do everything
. Advice for Yuppies with run- Use for 19 down
ning injuries Granny Smith is a Yuppier
. Obligatory wristwear version than delicious
. Ingredient in 19 down . Only on your legs, not on
Disease contracted in a Jap- your cucumber
anese restaurant . Eaten only in the form of
barbecued ribs
Chévre’s mom

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26. A Day in the Life
of a Yuppie

A.M. 7:00 Digital alarm clock goes off. It is programmed to play a

cassette of Pachelbel’s Canon in D Minor.
7:02 Krupps coffee machine turns on automatically, while
Jennifer rewinds Jane Fonda Workout videotape.
7:03 Jennifer breezes through advanced segment while
Michael lathers up with a natural boar bristle brush and
Crabtree & Evelyn shaving soap in a wooden bowl.
7:30 They take turns showering. Both use the most powerful
setting on the shower massage.
7:56 Michael and Jennifer drink their coffee while donning
their respective single-vented navy blue suits. Jennifer
puts on Adidas over her stockings and tucks her pumps
into her briefcase. Michael wears his wingtips.

8:05 Jennifer picks up The Wall Street Journal and boards

the subway. Michael buys the daily newspaper and
walks to the office.
8:30 Arriving at their separate offices, they eat breakfast at
their desks. Michael has a croissant with jam, no butter.
Jennifer munches on a toasted bagel with butter, no jam.

9:10 Jennifer calls Michael to discuss the dinner party

they’re having that night for their Guppie friends, Bruce
and Bob. He’s away from his desk.
9:20 Michael returns Jennifer’s call.
M: I know what we should serve Bob and Bruce for
dinner tonight—mesquite-grilled eels. I just read
a recipe in the Lifestyle section and it sounds
J: Terrific. The B’s love seafood. I'll decide on the
wine. Talk to you later.
Michael and Jennifer spend the rest of the morning
revising their respective memos. Michael is working on
the third draft of his memo on utility mergers. Jennifer is
on her fourth draft of a memo on utility divestitures.

P.M. 12:30 Jennifer ducks into a sidewalk health food bar for a
quick bite, and spends her lunch hour at a seminar for
executive women, which concerns the lack of advance-
ment opportunities for male secretaries.
1:00 Michael grabs lunch at a sidewalk clam bar and spends
the rest of the hour tracking down mesquite.
2:10 Michael calls Jennifer. She’s in conference.
2:30 Jennifer returns his call.
J: Does Steven still have our tape of Sherpa music?
We could show Bob and Bruce our slides from the
M: No, Steven hasn’t sent back the tape yet, and you
know the slides just wouldn’t be the same without
it. Why don’t we show them our documentary on
Sony at obedience school? You know their little
Kenzo is interviewing now.
J: Fine. Meet you on the court at six.
Jennifer and Michael continue working on their memos
for the rest of the afternoon.
337 Cleaning lady calls Michael to ask where she should
send the Dhurrie rug to be cleaned. He tells her to wait
until next week because of the party.
3:45 Stockbroker calls Jennifer to see if she’s interested in
hot new municipals.
5:30 Jennifer and Michael leave work and race to the racquet
7:03 Jennifer beats Michael by a narrow margin.
M: I guess I'll have to work on my strategy.
J: That’s all right. I love to win. How about Napa
Valley Chardonnay with the eels?
M: Sounds excellent. See you soon.
F237. Jennifer leaves wine shop and heads for gourmet deli.
7:45 Michael finds fish store is out of eels and tries another
one two blocks away.

7:58 Michael and Jennifer arrive at home in separate cabs,

kiss and check their watches.
8:04 Jennifer and Michael finish emptying an array of appe-
tizers from cartons onto Fiesta serving dishes.
8:14 Bob and Bruce arrive bearing a bouquet of day lilies,
smail orchids and a bird of paradise.
8:24 Bob helps Michael start the mesquite fire on the roof
garden, while Bruce helps Jennifer with the Kir

8:35 The four of them munch gravlax, leeks vinaigrette and

vegetable paté as they watch the eels grill. A Scarlatti
sonata accompanies their conversation from the out-
door speakers.

9:37 When dinner is over, the four of them play ‘The

Cleaning Person Did It,” a new murder mystery game,
on the computer.
10:43 After a Courvoisier nightcap, Bob and Bruce head for
the door. Everyone exchanges a kiss on the cheek.
(Bruce works in the theater.)
10:52 Michael and Jennifer undress and prepare to retire.
J: (From the bathroom) ‘Do we have time for sex
tonight, dear?”

M: “No, not tonight. It’s late and we have to be at

couples therapy by 7:30 tomorrow morning.”
r02 Michael sets the alarm for 6:30 A.M. “‘Night, darling.”
They kiss. (Fade out)
27. The Yupscale: How
to Evaluate a Job
NTERESTING WORK | job provides feature material for
and a solid five-figure salary | the six o’clock news or the style
are only two aspects of the | section of the newspaper, so
right Yuppie job. It must | much the better. Here then is the
also sound impressive at | way various professions and ca-
dinner parties and be open to | reer specialties stack up, on a
exploitation in the media. If the | scale of 1 to 10.

Lawyer 6
Corporate lawyer who
specializes in takeovers 8
Divorce lawyer who rates an
article in People magazine 10

Banker 5
Investment banker 6
Banker who handles Steven
Spielberg’s investments 2

Therapist 4
Therapist with a group 6
Therapist with two celebrity clients 8
Therapist with a syndicated
column or book 9

Chef 3
Pastry chef 6
Frostier 7

MBA at a Fortune 500 company 5

MBA who could be quoted in
Forbes Magazine 7
MBA who’s an executive at a
movie or record company 8

Nurse 2
Psychiatric nurse 4
Nurse who writes medical thrillers 7

Doctor 6
Sports medicine doctor 7
Doctor who has switched to
commodity trading 9

Restaurateur 4
Restaurateur with a nouvelle
cuisine restaurant 6
Elaine 10

Hairdresser 1
Hairdresser who cuts Jill
Clayburgh’s hair 3
Hairdresser who’s now a
movie producer 8

Newspaper reporter 5)
Investigative journalist 7
Gossip columnist 8

Computer programmer

Systems analyst

Programmer who’s invented a

new computer
AS] /

Graphic artist
Interior decorator
Interior decorator who guarantees
a feature in Architectural Digest
28. The Workspace

NCE UPON a time, desks and chairs. Your computer

not too long ago, Yup- needs more support than your
pies still had offices, back. Furniture for use with
and a title on the door computers must achieve ‘‘maxi-
rated an Oriental on mum effective machine integra-
the floor. The modern Yuppie tion.’’ In other words, your
now has a ‘“‘workspace”’ instead, furniture and your Apple II are
which consists of wall-to-wall in- almost indistinguishable.
dustrial carpeting, upon which
rest a few, modular chairlike Ergonomic seating: Ergonom-
forms covered in grey flannel, ics is the study of the human
and an open work station sans body in relation to the physical
door. The old rules obviously no environment, especially in the
longer apply. Forget about diplo- workplace. Ergonomic seating is
mas and bulletin boards on the simply jargon for a comfortable
wall. For the up-and-coming Yup desk chair.
faced with designing his own
workspace, it helps to know the Open-plan work station: Parti-
jargon (‘“‘workspace”’ instead of tions are the contemporary alter-
office is only the beginning). natives to walls. The higher the
Herewith, a glossary of terms: partition, the more important the
employee being partitioned. If
Task lighting: Variable inten- your partition panel measures
sity provides just the right light 68”, you’re okay, but a panel of
for any job. Also known as fast under 48” might be an indication
track lighting. of slow tracking. Open-plan
work stations are becoming so
Modular furniture systems: prevalent that new terms had to
Designed to be disassembled and be invented for the office as we
moved for specific projects, used to know it. If you’re high
they’re also handy for corporate enough on the corporate ladder
mergers and quick reorganizing to have an office with walls, you
under Chapter 11 bankruptcy must refer to it as an “enclosed
proceedings. office.’ Your walls are known as
“ceiling height partitions” and
Computer support furniture: should you be lucky enough to
Don’t think about bookcases, have a four-legged desk, you’re

writing on something known as when done in museum-

“freestanding furniture.” grade leather. The same
goes for Mies van der
Once you’ve got the terminol- Rohe’s Barcelona chair and
ogy down, you’re ready to hire a Marcel Breuer’s Cesca
workspace designer (formerly chair. Whichever you
known as an interior decorator). choose, an L-shaped sofa in
If you’ve got a big design budget, matching leather with a
you should shop at Roche, glass and chrome coffee
Atelier International, Knoll or table is de rigueur.
anywhere that you can’t get into
without a professional. Here’s Walls made from glass block
what surrounds the rich and laid like masonry and
powerful as they doodle on their shaped into curved planes
desk blotters and stare out of the look as good in offices as
window: they did in 1950s motel bath-
= A pedestal desk with pol-
Edward Fields, the ultimate
ished chrome base and a
in carpets for the work-
marble top containing
space, makes what they call
a leather inset instead of a
pure wool corporate fanta-
desk blotter.
sies. For a higher-tech look,
ceramic tiles work well or—
@ An executive desk chair up-
if the cleaning staff is truly
holstered in Hermes or Con-
outstanding—why not a
nelly leather. (That’s the
genuine leather tile floor?
stuff they use for Rolls-
Royces. The perfection of Office plants in chrome
the leather is attributable to planters are important de-
the fact that they don’t sign elements, but don’t
fence their cows in with trust your workspace de-
barbed wire.) Varieties in- signer for this; hire an “‘of-
clude Ward Bennetts’ Mo- fice landscaper.”
bius chair, Knoll’s classic
Pollack chair and Herman Framed posters are only
Miller’s Ergon chair. (Just one step removed from un-
make sure your chair has framed posters. Do you
someone’s name attached to think Malcolm Forbes has
it.) New Yorker Magazine cov-
ers on his walls? Only lim-
@ For visitors, Corbusier’s La ited edition lithographs will
Grande Confort is nice do.
29. Income Wheel

5% Ski house share
BMW payments

Mortgage payments
on the condo

Dry cleaning
chinese laundry 1% 4%
Business Akita food
rental fees

Food processor

2% 4%
Health club Additional fees
membership ,for court time 6%
American Express
card payments


Red wine

White wine

1% vinegars
2% 2%
Szechuan Self-improvement
courses (includes
2% bills materials fee
African 3%
: for sushi class)
dance troupe
subscription ae Sookie 1%
uy Running shoe
1% 2% maintenance
Other books Gourmet/cuisine
and periodicals magazine
30. It’s Only Yuppie Love

UPPIES DON’T love coming together for the better

their lovers. They life, lower housing costs and a
love Vivaldi, their combined annual income in the
new apartments and six figures. In fact, the marriage
the color of the ocean of two Yuppies is not unlike the
off St. Thomas in January. They merger of two corporations.
have relationships with their lov- Even before the marriage
ers, which come in three stages: takes place, Yuppies write their
own corporate bylaws in the
1. Getting into the relation- form of a prenuptial agreement.
ship—much like getting into a Thus, signing the marriage certifi-
canoe. cate is a mere formality, very
much like signing a certificate of
2. Working on the relation- incorporation. The partners of
ship—much like working on the marriage have been known to
your tax returns. pencil each other in for lunch,
not unlike two corporate vice
3. Ending the relationship—a presidents. The joint tax return
simple matter since it’s only is so complicated, it’s often
Yuppie love. thicker than an annual report.
Since Yuppies train themselves
Yuppies do marry (or buy a to be competitive and “‘asser-
joint condo if gay) and tend to tive,”’ power struggles are inevi-
remain monogamous to avoid table. As anyone on Wall Street
herpes. Although children are can tell you, there is only room
not in the forefront of Yuppie for one at the corporate helm. If
preoccupations, straight couples it’s not true love, the unfortunate
will consider a family if they consequence is often a decree of
have dovetailing schedules. The dissolution.
number of Yuppie children per Michael and Jennifer met at a
family ranges from 0 to 1. gallery opening in Soho. It was a
Notoriously short on time, perfect evening—the moon was
Yuppies don’t look for emotional full and the mozzarella was
riches in marriage. Instead, they smoked. Their initial conversa-
view themselves as two well- tion was promising. Of course,
educated, highly paid people what they said bore little rela-

tionship to what they were actu- (Great, I can ask him to lunch.)
ally thinking. MICHAEL: I’m in the corporate
department at Cadwalader,
JENNIFER: The smoked mozza- Wickersham and Taft.(If she’s
rella is excellent, don’t you at Salomon Brothers, she
think? (What great thighs he probably works 8 to 6 and can
has; I wonder if he’s a biker.) pick up the kids at the day-care
MICHAEL: Yes, it must be from center).
Dean and DeLuca’s. (What JENNIFER: Let’s have lunch.
broad shoulders she has; I Here’s my card. (If he’s at
wonder if she’s a swimmer.) Cadwalader, he probably
JENNIFER: I don’t get to Dean works from 10 to 8 and can
and DeLuca’s often since I drop the kids off at the day-
live at 79th and Third. (I might care center.)
as well find out right away. If MICHAEL: Here’s my card. (Her
he lives in the Village, forget card says that she’s a vice-
it, too inconvenient.) ; president. I bet she makes six
MICHAEL: Really? I live at 78th figures. I think I’m in love.)
and Lex, right near the Rose-
dale Fish Market. (Fabulous,
if I stay at her place during the
week, I can pick up my shirts
at the Chinese laundry before I
go to the office.)
JENNIFER: They have the best
tortellini salad in town. Do
you like the neighborhood? (I
wonder if he runs around the
MICHAEL: Yes, I like it because I
can run around the reservoir.
(I wonder if she runs around
the reservoir.)
JENNIFER: Same here. But it’s a
long trip down to Wall Street. Does the Gold Rolex Yield
(I wonder how many laps More Satisfaction than the
around the reservoir he does.) Big sq)???

MICHAEL: Oh, do you work

downtown also? Let’s face it—sexually transmit-
JENNIFER: I’m at Salomon ted diseases have nothing to do
Brothers. Where are you? with it. The real reason for the

New Celibacy is that Yuppies

simply don’t have time for sex.
And a Yuppie would be the first Don’t’s
to admit it. The only alternative
to celibacy seems to be monog- 1. DON’T enter new names in
amy. Yuppie couples realize that your address book unless you
occasional lovemaking is as nec- use pencil.
essary to their well-being as a
brisk game of squash. But it 2. DON’T start knitting anything
takes careful planning to find larger than a sweatband unless
time for personal activities in you're sure you can finish it be-
two hectic schedules already fore you break up (big needles
filled with therapy sessions, help).
health club workouts, extended
office hours and meetings of the 3. DON’T be afraid to ask about
co-op board. Take Michael and contagious diseases. Having her-
Jennifer, for example. Their eve- pes is even worse than having a
nings are so filled with outside half-finished sweater in the
commitments, they barely have closet.
time (or energy) for a good-night
kiss at the end of the day. 4. DON’T give up your apart-
Ironically, the less time Yup- ment if you’re moving in. By all
pies have to practice sex, the means, sublet it on a day-to-day
more they like to read about it. basis if possible. Even one week-
The well-versed Yuppie must not end at your mother’s can be un-
only be familiar with the state of bearable when you've just di-
the art in home computers, but vided up the kitchen equipment
also the latest in erogenous (especially if he keeps the ice
zones, G spots and exotic posi- cream maker).
tions. You never know when the
topic might come up at a dinner 5. DON’T ever have an affair
party. Yuppies also engage in sex with your boss. Falling out of
as a pretext to play with their love in this case usually means
newest set of technological falling off the fast track.
equipment. The Betamax, video
camera, jacuzzi and hot tub are 6. DON’T consider celibacy an
among the Yuppie’s favorite sex- embarrassment. It’s now a full-
ual paraphernalia. fledged movement; you can actu-
ally brag about it.
31. The Yuppie Wedding

Assuming the essentials are there and it’s time to tie the knot, a
Yuppie wedding is in order.

Here’s what Yuppie weddings have:

Poached salmon
A string quartet
A double-ring ceremony
A double-chaplain ceremony
(if the couple is intermarrying)

Here’s what Yuppie weddings don’t have:

An accordion player
A cash bar
Little hot dogs in blankets
Bridesmaids dressed in sherbet colors
A schedule that permits a honeymoon
Adv yBHL OF:L AdWyARL 09:
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°z 6/ Lf YIaYO | 9/ saudg¥D 1d9 Si 4 }
AdvyINL OL davyays 0O%L
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yim f2aw-Z
£/ 1 HW o/ 8 Sig
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J Wa Ms S
32. Wedding Gifts: Software
Instead of Silverware
HE BETROTHED branch of Tiffany’s? Besides, a
Yuppie couple is likely lovely little Lenox swan won’t
to have acquired, even thrill a 32-year-old corporate
before their wedding, vice-president the way it will a
a full line of decorative 20-year-old graduate of Briarcliff
and kitchen accessories. What Junior College.
do you buy as a wedding gift for To achieve effective wedding
two people who already have the gift-giving, one must do thor-
15-piece Le Creuset enameled ough research and exercise crea-
cookware set in caviar grey and tivity and imagination.
enough Waterford to open a

Here are some suggested approaches:

Flora and Fauna: Add to existing Lessons/Classes: Try something

collections or create a new cate- new.
gory. Examples: Technical rock
Examples: Saltwater tropical climbing, hot-air ballooning,
fish, orchids in bloom or a parrot condominium pricing
trained to speak a phrase mean-
Subscriptions: Renewals are
ingful to the bride and groom
Hobbies: Supplies make good Examples: Health club, ballet
gifts. or repertory theater (stay away
Examples: A year’s supply of from five free sessions at the
wax to go with their cross-coun- couples’ therapist)
try skis or an entire ounce of
Software: Writing a special pro-
saffron to go with their new
gram for the couple’s home com-
paella pan
puter is today’s equivalent of
yesteryear’s homemade quilt. Hi
33. From Yuppie to Puppie

FTER THE HAPPY station wagon with a kiddie

couple has spent a seat in the back?
few months integrat- @ Has a videotape featuring
ing their possessions, an exercise program for
using their new pasta pregnant women been pur-
machine and carpeting the plat- chased? (There’s a good
forms in the loft, it might be time chance you'll have to give
to think about the replication of up your 7:00 A.M. aerobics
the species. Before any IUDs are class due to morning sick-
removed or diaphragms thrown ness.)
out, however, the following @ Have you told your cleaning
checklist should be completed: person that you won’t be
able to change the cat litter
@ Has the condominium pur-
from now on, because of the
chase agreement been exe-
danger of toxoplasmosis?
cuted and financing ob-
tained? If the answer is yes to all of the
@ Has disability insurance above, consider yourself ready.
been purchased, if neces- When a Yuppie couple decides
sary? it’s time to reproduce, they set
@ Has the prospective mother out to accomplish the task with
already been made a partner the same obsessive efficiency
or vice-president, which- they apply to everything else in
ever is applicable? life. The aspiring mother usually
@ Have all dissertations been goes into training several months
completed? (There’s noth- before the diaphragm is actually
ing worse than a mother or relegated to its plastic clamshell
father with an A.B.D. de- for good. Her high-protein, low-
gree—All But Disserta- fat diet resembles that of a top-
tion—trying to compile data flight athlete. Nutritional supple-
with an infant wailing in the ments replace haute cuisine
next room.) sauces, and even white wine is
@ Has indoor plumbing been completely banished. She will
installed in the country pad her exercise program with
house? extra aerobics and workouts for
@ Has the Mercedes 380 SL the abdominal muscles.
been traded in for a Volvo The couple will probably want

to try to control the sex of the Aprica stroller and scores of

child, thereby necessitating men- other items that will guaran-
strual cycle tracking and basal tee the Yuppie baby a
thermometer charts even before toehold on the fast track.
any possible fertility problem Lamaze classes and pedia-
may appear. (The secret to sex trician interviews are time
selection is impregnation early in consuming, as are field vis-
the cycle for a girl, later for a its to potential birthing facil-
boy.) ities and weekly meetings of
If the candidate for mother- the Financial Women Vice-
hood hasn’t conceived by the President’s Prenatal Club.
second or third month, the Yup- A lot of creative energy
pie couple is sure to launch a full- must go into proper prenatal
scale fertility campaign involv- nutritional planning. Since
ing counselors, physical exam- sugar, alcohol and caffeine
inations, sperm counts and are all no no’s, a Puppie
dietary adjustments. After all, must be clever enough to
many Yuppie pregnancies re- find something other than
quire careful long-term as well as red wine to poach her pears
short-term planning. If concep- in. Scrutiny for chemical ad-
tion takes too many months, will ditives must be stricter than
the delivery conflict with a na- ever, and important ques-
tional ad campaign the mother tions such as to B, or not to
has planned for one of her ac- B, must be answered.
counts? Through it all, a Puppie will
Once successfully impreg- inevitably manage to wax
nated, there’s so much for the eloquently and endlessly
gleeful Puppie to do: about prenatal exercise,
what music to play for the
m The shopping is endless. Af-
fetus, the benefits of in utero
ter assembling the proper
massage and the emerging
wardrobe (business suits,
role of the Yuppie father.
leotards, running shorts and
Speaking of which, Dad
even leather pants now on
must be fully informed
come in maternity sizes),
all of the above and exhibit
the nursery must be
at least a few sympathetic
equipped with stacks of
pregnancy symptoms.
flashcards, a high-tech
34. The Joy of Fathering

HEN THE BIG last? Only a few months at most,

day arrives and the as Yuppie mothers are loath to
contractions are extend their maternity leaves.
coming every five And even if the Yuppie mom is a
minutes, the Yup- real showoff who dashes home
pie father will arrive at the hospi- on her lunch hour to continue
tal with his panting wife in tow, breast-feeding after she’s back at
usually lugging some form of work, bottle-feeding is sure to
photographic equipment to re- creep in eventually.
cord this major event. At the In fact, really thoughtful Yup-
very least, a Polaroid, but for pie mothers introduce the breast
really ambitious Yuppies, a pump almost immediately so
video camera is more like it. In Dad can have a chance to get up
between ordering his Puppie to in the middle of the night and
pant-blow and take deep cleans- feed the little darling too (with a
ing breaths, he’ll be busy photo- pre-filled bottle of Mother’s
graphing the arrival of his new milk). Dad may also bear chief
offspring. responsibility for bathing baby
Should a Cesarean be neces- or taking him to the doctor.
sary because the baby is so big Which brings up another
and healthy, both Yuppie parents rough spot for the Yuppie father:
will be terribly disappointed and how to explain child-related ab-
might even go so far as to try for sences to the boss. (Remember
a second child. Dustin?) It’s safest to say you
As soon as baby is born, a true have to see the doctor yourself.
Yuppie mother will clap him to Leave the kid out of it.
her breast for infant bonding pur- If parenthood gets a bit over-
poses, and while this will pay big whelming, cheer yourself up
dividends in the future, Dad with the reminder that it offers
should get in there and try to ever-increasing opportunities for
make his presence felt as much one of a Yuppie’s favorite pur-
as possible. Unfortunately for suits—shopping. The kid will
him, he can’t really compete need a new wardrobe at least
with a built-in bottle. Yuppie fa- every two months. And then
thers are best advised to adopt a there are the education toys,
future-oriented attitude. After Steiff stuffed animals, Lionel
all, how long can breast-feeding trains etc.,etc.... Hf
35. What Shall We Name
the Baby Yuppie?
N THE BEGINNING, Here’s what Yuppies steer
there was Joshua. And Ja- clear of:
son, Jonathan and Jonah.
Then there was Benjamin, m Very ethnic names. Being a
Daniel and Noah. All along Yuppie means being an in-
there had been Rachel, Rebecca vestment banker who just
and Sarah. Most Yuppie nursery happens to be Italian, not
school rosters read like con- the other way around.
densed versions of the Old Testa-
ment. @ Very Preppie names. Nam-
Then Woody Allen put Mia ing your kid something like
Farrow in a film and called her Chatsworth Osborne, Jr.
Ariel. It caught on like wildfire, means you run the risk of
but cautious Yuppie parents, en- having him end up breeding
visioning classrooms filled with horses instead of going to
little Ariels, branched into other business school.
names that began with vowels.
Popular today are Alexis, Alex- @ Names that give clear ca-
andra, Allison, Amanda, Aaron, reer hints. It’s every Yuppie
Eli, Emily, Ezra, Ethan, Evan child’s birthright to decide
and Ian. whether to go to law school
Expectant parents are now or business school. And a
more concerned with appropri- banker named Clarence
ateness. Are they giving their Darrow Schwartz makes
child a name the kid can live everyone wonder if he
with? Get into graduate school couldn’t get into law school.
with? Does it have too many let-
ters to fit standardized test Norte: Unique spellings enable
forms? How does it look on a Yuppies to give more pedestrian
mock-up of a business card? A names a certain flair. Fillice for
memo pad? A nameplate? Phyllis, for example. Consider
also Noa, Iyan, Jasyn, Mykel,
Kahnee, Muryelle and Alysin.
Unique spellings are not at all
difficult to come up with. Just
think phonetic—er, fenetic. Hi

Predictions for the

These names could be real com-
Share—If you’re into the
stock market, generous divorce
settlements or renting beach
houses, this could have special
significance. It has the added ad-
vantage of being totally androgy-
Maris—Particularly apt if you
like baseball.
Durry—Change the spelling
and no one will know the kid’s
been named after a rug.
Adida—Who says your child
can’t remind you of your favorite
Booth—Coming on strong
with AT&T stockholders. (Add
an ‘“‘e”’ if it’s a girl.)
Chauvan, Chauvanne—For
boy/girl twins, a perfect choice,
particularly if the mother is an
avid feminist.
36. Kids On The Fast Track

0 years Baby Yuppie is born one month early, which pleases her
parents since this can mean an early school admission.
The child is named Emily, which means “industrious.”
8 months Emily successfully completes her “‘Water Babies”
swimming course and receives her minnow certificate.
1 year Emily celebrates her first birthday at a pool party, with
alumni of her swim course. Emily is clearly the best
swimmer, but her parents are concerned because she
hasn’t yet spoken her first word. Fearful that she will
grow up to be an inarticulate jock, they cancel her
Tumbling for Tots course.
1 year Emily speaks her first word. It is spoken in the kitchen
1 month at milk and cookie time. Emily’s first word is “‘bis-

1 year Emily enrolled in Tumbling for Tots.

2 months

2 years Emily does an independent project for art class—a

sculpture piece made from green, red and white pasta.
She brings the project with her to her nursery school

interviews and is a big hit. Emily gains admission to the

nursery school of her choice.
3 years Parents attend open school week and are told by Emily’s
teacher that her favorite activity is building high-rise
condominiums with her Lego set. They promptly sub-
scribe to both Architectural Digest and Real Estate

4 years Emily takes her first ski vacation and shows great talent
on the bunny slopes. She decides to buy her own skis
and considers doing her undergraduate work at the
University of Colorado. Her parents worriedly remind
her that Cambridge is only a few hours from Vermont.
5 years Due to her late autumn birthday, Emily is able to begin
first grade. After considering many offers, she decides
on school in close proximity to an ice skating rink,
evidencing a continuing commitment to winter sports.
6 years Emily attends day camp and is placed in the Wellesley
group. Amanda, her best friend, is separated from her
and put in the Radcliffe group. Furious, Emily refuses to
attend camp. Her frantic parents debate whether this
calls for a family therapy session. Emily also threatens
to boycott the therapy session. The crisis blows over

when Emily and Amanda are both transferred into the

Vassar group, which is more fun anyway, since it’s co-
7 years Emily is chosen to dance in The Nutcracker Suite with
the city ballet at Christmas. This means dropping both
Chinese cooking class and figure skating lessons, but
Emily decides that it is worth it.
8 years Emily scores highest in her class on the standardized
reading exam. She decides to buy only hardcovers from
now on.
9 years Emily switches schools due to inadequate computer
facilities. She transfers to one that offers parent and
child courses after school, since Emily feels fine about
her own skills, but her parents lack a firm grasp of even
the basics.
10 years Emily is written up in a local magazine for an award-
winning independent research project concerning the
various parasites potentially contained in raw fish. Em-
ily swears off sushi and spends the prize money on new
skis, her own ice cream maker and a new wardrobe from
the ‘‘Kamali for kids”’ section of Bloomingdale’s.
11 years Emily spends her spring vacation in Los Angeles, visit-
ing a girl friend who used to be in her therapy group.
Upon her return, she sells a magazine piece entitled
“The Sociological Implications of Val Speak,” so that
her parents can write off the trip.
12 years Emily signs up for a puberty-consciousness-raising
course to help her make a smooth transition to the
teenage years. Her parents at once register for the
seminar, ‘‘Coping with Adolescent Aggravation.”’ They
recognize that Emily’s years as a Yuppie child are over.

During the summers,

Yuppie kids do not:
. Work as a waitress or waiter
at the Jersey shore. (Hiring on
as an au pair on Nantucket or
Cape Cod, however, is ac-

. Volunteer at a center for un-

derprivileged children—un-
less the center is located in
someplace interesting like In-
dia or Nicaragua.

. Hang out at McDonald’s or

the mall.

. Go camping in a recreational

. Visit Disneyworld, Disney-

land or Epcot.

. Stay home and watch TV.

37. Yuppie Divorce
LIMONY IS FOR tiated for half the wedding gifts.
housewives and pali- Prospective employers, for-
mony is for rock merly wary of the potential for
stars. Lump-sum set- instability, have come to regard
tlements are for Yup- divorced employees as good job
pies. Because it’s assumed that candidates. They’re responsible
both partners have decent sala- for child care only half the time
ries and hectic schedules, cus- and exhibit tendencies toward
tody and child support are often workaholism in order to get over
split down the middle. All that’s ‘their recent emotional trauma.
left to fight over is the condomin- What leads to Yuppie divorce?
ium, the country house and the There are basic incompatibility
Akita. That’s where the lump- factors that can be spotted from
sum settlement comes in— the beginning—
although many Yuppies feel that
even the entire market value of @ One partner insists on
the condominium won’t compen- ’ downhill skiing, while the
sate for the carefully chosen oak other will only cross-coun-
kitchen cabinets, the track light- try.
ing and the irreplaceable parking @ One wants a country house
space. in the mountains, while the
Divorce is no stigma in Yuppie other prefers the beach.
culture. On the contrary, Yup- @ One partner likes Szechuan
pies view their divorced status as while the other eats only
a badge of an exalted state of Cantonese.
consciousness that comes from @ Dovetailing schedules that
having a vaster wealth of experi- seem great for child-care
ence. ‘I’m divorced” is some- purposes can prove danger-
thing Yuppies say with pride, the ous. When you find your-
way they say “I’ve been to selves penciling each other
Egypt” or ‘“‘I have my scuba div- in for breakfast, you know
ing certification.” you’re in trouble.
Divorced Yuppies are a better @ Infidelity is not a wide-
prospect for a relationship. They spread reason for Yuppie di-
understand mortgage financing vorce. Most Yuppies don’t
and have a good idea of where have the free time to negoti-
the interest rates are going. Their ate an affair or even a
kitchens are better equipped quickie dalliance. What is
since they’ve undoubtedly nego- problematic is a Yuppie who

finally realizes after years of cherished objects forever, Yup-

therapy that he or she is pies are now initiating programs
actually a Guppie. Or a where, although divorced, they
Yuppie who only enjoys sex share possessions of the care-
in the morning and has a fully selected belongings. In
spouse who refuses to give other words, the Gelati ice cream
up his or her post-dawn maker goes to him one month,
squash game. (Weekday and her the next. He hangs the
morning court time is not Robert Rauschenberg in his liv-
easy to come by.) ing room for half the year, while
she places it in her foyer for the
Divorce lawyers catering to
other half. After consultation
Yuppies are catching on to the
with a pet psychiatrist, this con-
fact that it’s a whole new
cept has been successfully ap-
ballgame out there. Other con-
plied to all resident pets except
cepts they’re boning up on are:
cats, who are usually stubborn,
Prenatal agreements: Entered inflexible and highly resistant to
into before the birth of the child, possession sharing. (They de-
they govern child support and mand that the couple make a final
custody provisions in case of di- choice.)
vorce. They are also used by Visitation rights for the country
Yuppies who are too cautious, home: Although one Yuppie usu-
too independent or too busy to ally buys out the other’s share in
get married, but decide they the country home, an increasing
want to replicate for business or trend is for the bought-out Yup-
personal reasons. pie to have privileges for one or
Apartment remodeling compen- two weekends a year.
sation: The Yuppie who must Scheduling for restaurant dining:
move out of the jointly held To avoid awkward encounters,
abode (usually the one who initi- Yuppies have their lawyers ar-
ates the divorce proceedings) range who gets to go to the favor-
must be not only compensated ite Italian trattoria or French bis-
for half the cost of renovations tro on which night. Usually for
but also financially redressed for the duration of one year, this
enduring the psychic pain of re- prevents those sticky times
modeling. Recognition must also when one freshly divorced Yup-
be paid for the deprivation of that pie with a new beau meets her
one-of-a-kind wall hanging and former spouse with his new girl
the Spanish bathroom tile that is friend. Some pioneers are ex-
now discontinued. panding this concept to movie
Joint possession custody: Rather theaters and athletic clubs.
than be separated from their
38. Stepparenting:
Child-Raising by Proxy
1. For the Yuppie who feels full- 1. It’s hard enough to juggle two
time parenthood would interfere complex, high-powered sched-
with a career, stepparenting can ules, let alone three. Will the
be a reasonable facsimile. The Yuppie stepparent be able to
female Yuppie stepparent side- keep up with family therapy, in
steps pregnancy, maternity addition to individual and cou-
leaves and breast-feeding. Both ples counseling? Not to mention
male and female Yuppies can in- the occasional children’s theater
dulge in the art of parenting with- performance?
out full-time commitment. In 2. The ready-made child may
most cases, the noise and mess have a ready-made pet with bad
will be a problem only every habits like ripping up Breuer
other weekend. chairs. Or the Yuppie stepparent
2. If a Yuppie wishes to have may turn out to be allergic to the
offspring of his own, the step- kid’s Peruvian guinea pig. Even
child provides a perfect opportu- worse, the stepchild could be al-
nity to judge the potential lergic to the Yuppie step-parent’s
spouse’s parenting abilities. own pet—especially that beauti-
Likewise, there’s a ready-made ful Abyssinian cat purchased for
print-out of the prospective a three-figure sum.
mate’s genetic material. 3. The kid will surely have to
3. If the kid is a computer genius have his own room or at least his
or media star, he might not only Own space in the apartment.
augment social standing, but also Does this mean giving up plans
increase total annual income. for a media room? Or worse yet,
4. Like parenthood itself, step- purchasing an unsightly high-
parenthood offers endless new riser or convertible couch in-
opportunities for shopping and stead of a more stylish modular?
buying. 4. Tax deductions notwithstand-
5. If nothing else, the stepchild ing, private schools, summer
can provide a source of addi- camp and piano lessons are ex-
tional tax deductions. pensive. Will the kid’s upkeep
payments plunge the combined
disposable incomes below ac-
ceptable standards?
39. Psychotheryuppy

T’S SEVEN P.M. ona Tues- terested in having a relationship

day evening, prime time for with Ellen, after all.
Yuppie psychotherapy. The THERAPIST: Let’s explore this is-
seven o’clock appointment sue a bit. Last week you were
is the most desirable and | having feelings of ambivalence,
sought after—some Yuppies but now you seem quite definite.
spend years with their therapist What led to this decision?
before they achieve a seven Yuppie: Ellen knows I have ex-
o'clock slot. (A six o’clock slot | cellent subscription seats to the
means you have a job with little | ballet, so when I invited her last
responsibility, and an eight | week, she was delighted to ac-
o’clock is awkward: it necessi- cept. I was looking forward to it
tates either eating before therapy and even left work early to go to
or spending the entire session the gym and take a sauna before
thinking about food—and all curtain time. We met in the the-
self-respecting Yuppies know | ater lobby and she looked won-
that dinner before eight o’clock derful. Actually, she admitted to
is only eaten by people who use me that she had just come from
bottled salad dressing.) An alter- the sauna too. There was some-
native to the seven o'clock ap- thing magical about the perform-
pointment is the eight A.M. ap- ance and about the evening.
pointment. This serves a dual THERAPIST: What happened af-
purpose: it frees up an additional ter the ballet?
evening for the gym and makes YupPliE: It was a lovely night,
the statement that you have | and we decided to take a walk
enough status in the office to before dinner. We talked about
come in late on a regular basis. intimate things and I felt very
Anyway, it’s seven P.M. on a close to her. The feeling lasted
Tuesday evening. The Yuppie through dinner. We went to a
enters the therapist’s office and restaurant with a breathtaking
seats himself in a stressless view. We were in such a festive
chair. The session begins. . . mood that we ordered cham-
pagne, which made the lights be-
Yuppie: I’ve had a very rough low us seem to twinkle even
week. I decided that I’m not in- more. The food was excellent

and she invited me to her apart- must have cost at least one hun-
ment for dessert. dred thou, who wears a gold Ro-
THERAPIST: Did you feel any lex watch and knows enough
anxiety about the thought of go- about ballet to write a treatise.
ing home with her? How could she use instant cof-
Yuppie: Absolutely not. We had fee? She didn’t even offer an
been out together several times explanation. All she said was
and I felt that the time for sexual “Milk?” as she dissolved those
intimacy had arrived. I kissed dessicated crystals into boiling
her in the elevator and the pros- water and handed me the cup. I
pects seemed promising. We was so taken aback I couldn’t
went into the kitchen and she even answer. I just took the vile
started to make coffee. And then substance and sat down on the
it happened. couch. Of course, I didn’t drink
THERAPIST: What happened? it;
Yuppie: She pulled out a jar of THERAPIST: Were there any
instant coffee. I was horrified. other events that contributed to
This is a woman with an MBA, your feelings of alienation from
who makes fifty thousand a year, Ellen?
who owns a condominium that Yuppie: Truthfully, I was so

turned off at that point that I group or any combination of the

didn’t even want to discuss it. I above.
feigned a severe headache, made
some vague reference to getting 2. What school of therapy
together again and fled. would be most helpful? Is there
THERAPIST: Now that you’ve enough time for traditional four-
had a few days to think about it, morning-a-week analysis, or
what are your thoughts about the does a demanding schedule call
incident? for short-term goal-oriented be-
YuppiE: Frankly, I think that if havior modification?
I’m going to work on getting over
my fear of intimacy, it’s going to 3. Is theme therapy appropri-
have to be with a woman who ate? If so, what’s the theme?
grinds her own beans. Theme therapy is the psycho-
logical equivalent of spot reduc-
At some point in a Yuppie’s ing. It’s for those “problem ar-
life, he or she will probably de- eas’’ that create stumbling
cide to enter therapy. The deci- blocks in a Yuppie’s eternal
sion might come on the heels of a striving for perfection. The same
crisis, such as getting a divorce themes recur throughout Yuppie
or being turned down for the culture, resulting in well-es-
vice-presidency of a division. Or tablished modes of theme ther-
the Yuppie might simply be envi- apy. These include:
ous of other Yuppies who discuss
their psyches with Freudian in-
sight, almost as if they were dis- Stress Adaptation: This is
cussing a Bergman film. probably the most popular form
Yuppies choose a therapist of Yuppie theme therapy. Stress
with the same serious delibera- therapy focuses on such areas as
tion that they display when se- megavitamins, bioenergetics,
lecting home video equipment. nutritional counseling and all
The search undoubtedly will in- sorts of massage. (See body ther-
clude many field inspections apy, p. 112.) But then stress is a
called ‘‘consultations.”’ Before favorite Yuppie preoccupation.
embarking upon a costly series The only thing more prestigious
of consultations, however, three than talking about how much
threshold decisions must be stress you’re under is telling peo-
made: ple about stress therapy. Also
since Yuppies are ambivalent
1. What type of therapy is about relinquishing stress, suc-
needed? Individual, couple, cessful terminations are rare.

Assertiveness Training: Fa- Ethnic Awareness Therapy:

vored by women who have just For Yuppies who have been
made their first court appearance over-assimilated, groups are
and are eager to avoid further formed to get them back in touch
encounters that make them feel with their ethnic roots. Issues
like a Christian meeting the lion. discussed include: “‘Why Italian
If the therapy is successful, their Yuppie Women always marry
personalities will deteriorate to Jewish Men,” ‘“‘The Nose Job
the point of resembling those of and Its Psychosocial Implica-
their colleagues. tions,” and ‘“‘Why Bob Dylan
Changed His Name from Bob
Sex Therapy: Originated in the Zimmerman.” The session often
days when impotency and frigid- ends with group chanting, such
ity were still considered prob- as ‘IamaJew,” “lama Greek,”
lems. These syndromes have etc:
been replaced by the disorder of
the decade—asexuality. For Couples Therapy: Not really
many Yuppies, overworked and theme therapy per se, but certain
time-pressured from nursery themes are pervasive. In addi-
school on, celibacy has become a tion to commitment phobias,
way of life. tracking problems are often dis-
cussed. Problems are intense
Intimacy and Commitment when one partner is on a faster
Training: If a program of sex track than another, something
therapy is successful, a follow- that never occurred to husbands
up course of intimacy training of yesteryear who expected only
will probably be in order. Suc- their mistresses to be fast.
cessfully treated female patients
have even been known, in rare
cases, to assume their husbands’
40. Body Therapy

SYCHOTHERAPY Chiropractors: Yuppies with

may be fine in the long bad backs or pains of dubious
run, but it won’t neces- origin will have their spines
sarily cure the excruci- aligned by a chiropractor. In this
ating back and stomach case, the lack of a medical degree
pains that are the inevitable out- is not important.
come of a high-stress Yuppie
existence. Nutritional counseling: This
therapy involves spending an in-
Shiatsu massage: A sort of acu- ordinate amount of time diagnos-
puncture without needles, ing various types of nutritional
Shiatsu massage focuses on any allergies and deficiencies. It also
of the 6,000 pressure points on a provides rare instances when
Yuppie body. Many Yuppies you will find Yuppies and subur-
spend an evening a week balanc- ban matrons sharing a couch in
ing their energy this way. the waiting room.

Rolfing: This method of deep Facials and body wraps: Used

muscle massage embodies the by Yuppie women and Guppies
Yuppie credo: no pain, no gain. to eliminate every possible blem-
ish and inch of cellulite. Hi
Reflexology: A popular form of
foot massage. Yuppies often take
courses so that they can perform
this on each other.

Foot rehabilitation centers:

These are springing up in all
parts of town. Poshly furnished
in museum-grade leather, these
places cater to the incapacitated
Yuppie whose life has been ru-
ined by a jogging injury.
41. Chic Eats

UPPIES HAVE ele- plete protein and cold-pressed

vated cooking to the oil were incorporated into their
status of the perform- vocabularies at an impression-
ing arts. Starting with able age. Although they may
nouvelle and culmi- serve wild rice instead of brown
nating in the New American rice these days, they haven’t for-
cuisine revolution, food and its gotten that white sugar is a hard
preparation have become a ma- drug. Hence the emphasis on
jor preoccupation for even the fresh, seasonal, wild, nonpro-
most casual Yuppie. Culinary cessed and organic ingredients.
artistry now ranks with venture Can the cans.
capitalism and sports medicine In addition, most Yuppies try
as an acceptable Yuppie occupa- not to defeat the work of their
tion. Celebrity chefs include cardiovascular exercises with
Alice Waters of Chez Panisse in heavy cholesterol-laden or
Berkeley, Wolfgang Puck of Spa- cellulite-producing dishes. This
go’sin L.A., Lawrence Forgione explains the need for smaller
formerly of The River Cafe and portions, light sauces and vege-
now of An American Place in tables stir-fried with polyunsatu-
New York and Paul Prudhomme rated fats.
of K-Paul’s in New Orleans. Finally the Wholeness move-
Food critics such as Mimi Shera- ment—whole earth, whole food,
ton and Gael Greene and serious whole wheat—gave rise to a
periodicals like Gourmet Maga- tendency toward simplicity and
zine help the Yuppie stay abreast integrity of ingredients. Season-
of what’s in and who’s out. ings shouldn’t be submerged in a
Yuppie food, be it nouvelle, murky Wagnerian brew. Instead,
New American, northern Italian they should be separate and in-
or French peasant, is uniquely tact—something that can be
suited to the Yuppie lifestyle. identified right off the top of the
Here’s why: palate and discussed at length.

Nutrition: Most Yuppies came of Time: Another reason for the

age in the late sixties and early simplicity factor. The nouvelle
seventies. Terms such as com- chef who has to create a new

menu every day doesn’t have a diversity. They also revel in ex-
chance to spend all week prepar- otica—that’s why they go to Eas-
ing the sauce. For the amateur ter Island and Machu Picchu for
chef, time is even more scarce. their vacations. The outcome
Between late nights at the office has been a penchant for anything
and workouts at the gym, there foreign, especially the more ob-
isn’t much time to simmer the scure cuisines such as Ethiopian,
now-disdained stew. Serbo-Croatian and Outer Mon-
golian. The same curiosity, para-
Technology: Add the Yuppie’s doxically, has prompted Yuppies
time crunch to his love of tech- to dig up native roots—produc-
nology and you have the makings ing such discoveries as Jerusa-
of a kitchen equipment orgy. lem artichokes and fresh hearts
Professionals set a killing pace, of palm.
glorifying the food processor,
then resurrecting the blender af- Appearance: Most likely it was
ter having relegated it to the dust the Japanese influence that
bin. Even for home use, gadgets spawned the current passion for
must be heavy-duty industrial presentation. A dish has to look
strength. right on the plate or it might as
well be canned dog food. That
Diversity: Yuppies are city means carved raw vegetables,
slickers, choosing to live in ur- fresh sprigs of mint and the right
ban areas because of the cultural balance of color and shape.
42. Field and Stream: A Guide
to Yuppie Ingredients
Veggies: In the salad department, Marine life: Fresh-off-the-boat
avoid iceberg lettuce like the and down-home varieties are
plague. Arugula and radicchio or best. That includes swordfish,
wild chicory are the chic greens. catfish, periwinkles, conch,
Use them fresh or wilted under fresh tuna, salmon, crawfish,
grilled fowl or baked cheeses. trout and American caviar. Any-
Romaine, watercress (especially thing made into sushi will pass.
wild), dandelion greens or any-
thing hard to find in suburban
shopping centers is fine.
Additional au courant vegeta-
ble matter includes truffles, wild
mushrooms (chanterelle, morel,
porcini and shitake), fiddlehead
ferns, Jerusalem artichokes, fen-
nel root and greens, wild day
lilies (for salads and soups), tur-
nips (very ethnic), leeks, red bell
peppers and red chard.
Another noticeable trend is Fowl: Along with fish, very Yup-
the Yuppie obsession with young pie. Game birds of all kinds are at
vegetables: ‘‘new”’ potatoes the the top of the list—quail, par-
size of golf balls, ‘““baby”’ corn tridge, pigeon, squab, etc. Duck
the size of a pinky, ‘‘young”’ as- is next. Chicken is suspect, un-
paragus the size of a pencil. less you stick to the deboned
Cookbooks and gourmet maga- breast.
zines dwell on the tender age of
produce in an embarrassing man- Complex carbohydrates: Fresh
ner, especially in their color pho- pasta, new potatoes, and soba
tography captions. This going on noodles are standard. Southern
and on about tender, young suc- corn—grits, hominy, hushpup-
culent vegetables comes danger- pies—is the rising star. Keep an
ously close to child vegetable eye out for Mexican versions of
pornography and, in our opinion, the native American staple.
should be nipped in the bud. Homemade tortillas, perhaps.

about feta from the deli here.

Tortas from Italy (layered
cheeses seasoned with herbs,
mushrooms, fruits or nuts) are
fashionable if you choose the
right filling; basil torta is sure-fire
Yuppie. Smoked or baked ver-
sions of old favorites (brie, moz-
zarella) give them sex appeal.
Serve cheese as a separate
course before or after the meal.

Meat: Many Yuppies have an

aversion to red meat and won't
allow it in their kitchens. If they
get an uncontrollable urge, the
usual remedy is a visit to the
best-known local rib house for a
Cheese: Going to the gourmet platter of barbecue and a pitcher
take-out store and picking a of Lone Star beer.
cheese has become as compli-
cated a ritual as wine tasting: a
sample of this or that, a cracker
to clear the palate, a few cryptic
comments about the age or re-
gion of origin, even a slight
squeeze to test the ripeness.
Yuppies like chévre (or goat
cheese) in imported and domes-
tic varieties. We’re not talking

Condiments: Fresh herbs are de

rigueur. Coriander is especially
stylish. Try filé—a Cajun and
Creole spice—red chilis and any
of the fruits mentioned below—
especially the berries—as sea-

multiple vinegars (red wine,

tarragon, raspberry, green
multiple oils (olive, walnut,
hazelnut and sesame—with
and without chili)
multiple mustards (smooth Di-
jon, grainy Dijon, English
and German)
multiple coffee bean blends
(French roast, Jamaican
blue, espresso and water-
processed decaffeinated)

soning. Wine will never go out of

style as a condiment but try un-
expected combinations like chi-
anti with shellfish. Spirits such as
vodka (throw some on your
penne) and whiskey are catching
on as well.
Yuppies do eat out a lot, but no
matter how empty the refrigera-
tor may be, a Yuppie pantry will
always contain:
multicolor peppercorns—
black, white, green and pink
(pink peppercorns are actu-
ally a type of berry that may
cause an allergic reaction;
pink peppercorn. poisoning
is a common Yuppie afflic-

Fruits: Wild berries (especially

juniper, huckleberry, elderberry
and blueberry), kiwi, beach
plums, rhubarb and exotica of all
kinds. Poach fruit in wine or mar-
inate it in liqueurs for dessert.

has it that it was invented by a

young entrepreneur who had in-

herited his parents’ failing Bronx
ice company. One morning he
found arubber stamp with a Dan-
ish map on it in the garbage,
made up two Danish-sounding
words and Yuppie ice cream was

Better still, make it into home- Some final guidelines on what

made ice cream or sherbet. If ingredients are Yuppie:
you don’t have an ice cream
maker (shame on you), buy a Anything ethnic, especially
Yuppie brand and garnish it with regional American
a Yuppie topping like Scotch and Anything that grew wild, espe-
a few grains of espresso coffee, cially if you had to gather it
freshly ground. Note: A com- yourself
mercial ice cream may be classi- Anything fresh, especially
fied as Yuppie if it meets the organically grown
following criteria: 1) its name Anything smoked, except eels
must consist of two words, both Anything imported, except
foreign and unpronounceable; from Taiwan
and 2) it must be expensive, e.g., Anything grilled over mes-
Haagen-Dazs, Frusen Gladjé, quite, fresh pine needles or
Alpen Zauber. Haagen-Dazs is hickory chips, except hot
the original, of course. Legend dogs Hi
43, A Wine Primer: Are the
Legs as Good as Betty Grable’s?
UYING AND order- The wine steward will then de-
ing wine can be lik- cork the bottle and pour a little
ened to investing in into your glass. If your wine
stocks and bonds. Un- steward is crass enough to offer
less you know what you the cork to sniff (that’s his
you're doing, make cautious and job), just drop it in the ashtray.
conservative commitments. Dis- Cork-sniffing is one of the most
creetly seek the advice of ex- glaring faux pas you can make,
perts whenever possible. Learn and anyone who tries to steer
the jargon, which can always get you in this direction deserves
you by, no matter how limited your utter disdain.
your basic wine knowledge. Hold the wine up to the light
The most telling—and easiest and look at its color. Murmur
to master—aspect of wine eti- appreciatively “‘Very appropri-
quette is ordering it in a restau- ate.’”’ Unless you’re really up on
rant. This should be handled subtle differences in shade,
with all the care and sensitive there’s nothing else you can say.
savvy that would be required ina However, if the wine is com-
major diplomatic mission. pletely opaque or has so much
Even if you know absolutely sediment in it that it looks like
nothing about wine, you can the Hudson River, action must
make your way through tasting it be taken. In this case, look the
without having to shrug apolo- steward sternly in the eye and
getically. The following steps, say ‘‘That’s inappropriate,” just
taken dramatically yet in an un- as a fourth-grade teacher or a
derstated manner, should result psychotherapist might.
in pure theater. Swirl the wine in the glass. Do
When the wine steward brings it slowly, because if you achieve
the bottle, examine the label, more than 78 rpm, you’ll end up
memorize it for later use, nod staining your shirt. Examine the
and say ‘‘Very good.” This is the way the wine runs down the in-
only time you'll be able to say side of the glass in lines. These
“Very good” without going out are called “‘legs.”” You can say,
on a limb. All you’re actually ‘*Look at those legs.”’ It helps to
doing is complimenting the wine think about Betty Grable while
steward on his ability to read. you’re saying this, to lend emo-

tional conviction. Examining the aroma rises into your nasal pas-
legs is a pointless preoccupation, sages. Make subtle chewing mo-
but at least this way everyone tions to experience the full body
knows that you’re aware of their of the wine. Swallow, pause a
existence. moment, looking upward, and
Hold the glass near your nose then nod. Repeat the name of the
and take a few deep sniffs. Un- wine (you should be able to do
less the wine smells rotten, smile this without rechecking the bot-
and say with warm appreciation, tle, which is why you were in-
‘*‘What a lovely bouquet.”’ If you structed to memorize the label at
have difficulty mustering up the outset). Nod to the steward
warm appreciation, pretend that with the merest hint of a smile.
you’re Leontyne Price on open- Grins and wide-mouth chuckles
ing night. This lends the same are obviously outré.
emotional conviction that Betty Congratulations, your ordeal
Grable does to the legs, since to is over. You have managed to
most people wine smells like taste the wine, making nothing
wine. but noncommittal statements
Take a tiny sip and hold it in and successfully hiding your
your mouth for a few seconds complete ignorance. Hi
until the wine warms and the


DON’T order rosé. Unless you can throw your weight around in
the world of wine or are so rich it doesn’t matter what kind of
wine slob you are, this gaucherie is an opening for jokes back in
the kitchen. It’s okay, though, for picnics and cold buffets.
DON’T serve wine in the three-ounce goblets with hand-painted
flowers that your grandmother gave you, unless the old girl is
actually present.
DON’T drink hard liquor before good wine—it will spoil your
palate—unless your boss is along and says, ‘‘Let’s have a
DON’T let the champagne breathe.
44, Useful Wine Words

Nouns Negative Adjectives

nose pale
bouquet thin
body acidic
acidity anonymous
balance blurry
texture rough
personality dull
intensity flabby
nuance characterless
style immature
complexity closed
character flat
Positive Adjectives overbearing

velvety Words to Be Avoided

supple in Describing Wine
lively i oa
majestic good
mature tasty
concentrated fine
firm awful
tannic stinko
charming yucky
45. Yuppie Backlash:
A Case Study
OST>] YUPPIES ble with his visiting mother. He
manage to stay on developed a small paunch that he
the fast track, mak- seemed almost fond of.
ing at least twice Jennifer was horrified. She
their age in thou- looked the other way when he
sands per year. However, each brought her dyed blue carnations
year brings more victims of Yup- on their anniversary, but when
pie burnout. Severe cases have she found him in the kitchen,
been known to move to far-flung whipping up a batch of Rice Kris-
suburbs and take jobs in the help- pie marshmallow treats, she
ing professions. (There is noth- sued for divorce on the grounds
ing sadder than a once successful of cruel and inhuman treatment.
Wall Street attorney who, after As part of the settlement, she
not making partner, gives it all up bought his share of the condo.
to teach nursery school, wearing He took his money and spent it
a T-shirt that says ‘“‘Running on forty lakeside acres in a re-
from the Law.’’) mote area of northern Michigan.
In Michael’s case, the syn- He fixed up the old cabin on the
drome was triggered by a knee property and traded in his BMW
injury that kept him out of the for a half-ton pick-up. Jennifer
gym for a month. During the first
week, Michael thought he would
not survive. He had that de-
mented look that Yuppies get
when they don’t exercise for
three straight days. The second
week, however, he found that he
enjoyed sitting in front of the
television after work, nursing a
six-pack. It brought back memo-
ries of his pre-Yuppie days and
he soon forgot about the gym.
Before he knew it, he found him-
self wearing sneakers instead of
running shoes and playing Scrab-

got the pasta machine and he that she ran a feature on the
bought himself an outdoor bar- renovation. Before they knew it,
becue. Michael started a small the brothers were flooded with
woodworking business, a skill he requests for similar improve-
had learned from his grandfa- ments. Steven decided to relo-
ther, who had been a carpenter in cate to Michigan, having tired of
the old country, and settled hap- endless Bay Area conversation
pily into this peaceful existence about communicable diseases.
until his Guppie brother Steven, They made plans to subdivide
a San Francisco architect, vis- the 40 acres and build lakeside
ited one summer. The brothers condominiums.
decided to completely redesign Marx Brothers Development
the cabin just for the fun of it. Corp. is now worth eight figures,
Michael’s neighbor, a weekender and Steven and Michael are ac-
who turned out to be the Home tive in five states. The moral:
Design editor of a major Mid- Once a Yuppie, always a Yuppie.
western daily, was so impressed
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Some Essential The Yuppie Gardener
Vocabulary Words: Genuine Yuppie: Ersatz Yuppie:
Beta Endorphine Orthotics scented geraniums snake plants
Dhurrie Wraparound fig trees avocado trees
Mesquite Mortgage herb garden marijuana

Things You Will Find in a Things You Won’t Find in

Yuppie Restaurant a Yuppie Restaurant
hickory-smoked exposed brick soup—Cup: 80¢/Bowl: $1.20
partridge on a ceiling fans waitresses named Millie
bed of dirty rice tuna sashimi tuna on white
chocolate chip pancakes

The Yupscale Yuppie University

How to Evaluate a Job ona The Cuisinart Seder
Scale of | to 10 How to Get Your Pet
Lawyer 6 into Commercials
Corporate lawyer who Restoring Antique Toilets
specializes in takeovers 8
Divorce lawyer who rates an
article in People magazine 10

Buppies’, Guppies*, and Puppies”;
A Kitchen Quiz; State of the Arf; The Ultimate Crossword Puzzle;
Useful Wine Words; Yuppie Backlash

(*Black Urban Professionals)

(*Gay Urban Professionals)
(*Pregnant Urban Professionals)


ISBN O-b71-47b84-X

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