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The Success Of ‘build Build Build’ Program For The

Philippine Economy
We're wondering how economically the Philippines would grow in the future? The transforming
economy of the Philippines through the success of Build, Build, Build Program yet solving
obstacles that the program may encounter resulting into risks of wasting of money, time and
effort. Because the Philippines is suffering from unemployment and poverty due to poor
infrastructure, according to Philippine Daily Inquirer, President Duterte launched the 'Build,
Build, Build' (BBB) program aimed at accelerating infrastructure spending and developing
industries that will deliver robust growth, create jobs and improve the lives of the Philippines.
Public expenditure on infrastructure projects between 2017 and 2022 is targeted at P8-9 trillion.
Building will be largely concentrated in Mindanao, Metro Manila and Luzon in the short to
medium term, with the charge being led by transportation and energy projects.

The medium-term economic growth strategy is strongly anchored in its ambitious program for
infrastructure development. He's said he's set to embark on an ambitious $ 180 billion spending

bonanza on infrastructure, set to transform the economy of the Philippines. They have settled
that the infrastructure will continue to be upgraded, more people and communities connected

and more jobs created. As the Government also aims to build four energy facilities to ensure

stable energy supply at lower prices; ten water resource projects and irrigation systems to
increase agricultural output; five flood control facilities to help protect vulnerable communities

and boost their resilience to climate change impacts; and three programs of redevelopment to
deliver sustainable solutions that best meet urban population needs. Every ambition has plans

and it can be successful or not. It would affect every circumstance how our plan works and how
we identify and work with it. Taking the risk of having this program would have a major impact

on our country, whether the system is actually working or not, many of the Filipinos might suffer.

Supporting this program will be the best way for the program to work, observe and identify what
the crucial part would be and make possible solutions is a great help for the success of the
‘BBB’ Program. The problem facing the program is the lack of manpower, which delays the
implementation of the ambitious infrastructure plan of Duterte's administration, and urges
Filipino builders working abroad to return home. That it meant stimulating overall economic
growth to a steady faster pace delays have been suffered due to a lack of workers. That it
meant stimulating overall economic growth to a sustained faster pace due to a lack of workers,
delays have been suffered.

Other opinions that may be true like how a detained senator from the opposition described the
program Build, Build, Build, among other nonsensical descriptions and false narratives as '
grossly inefficient. ' In a recent study published by the Philippine Institute for Development
Studies, author Epictetus Patalinghug, citing the World Bank report, said the government needs
to address the 'particularly low efficiency rate of public transport expenditure and high levels of
corruption' before it boosts infrastructure expenditure. The chance that an economic factor or
variable turns out to be different from its usual expected behavior describes essentially what we
call economic risk. The likelihood that an economic factor or variable is different from its usual
expected behavior essentially describes what we call economic risk.

Although the program has several factors that continue to have this risk of taking BBB Program,
it is evident that most Filipinos did not support the program to have a major impact on the
economy of our society. That these allegations prove that they are holding back on the lack of
jobs and supporting the potential growth of the Philippines as a whole for a possible solution
that most citizens wanted in our economy. Duterte said that even private firms at home are
encouraging Filipino workers abroad to return by offering higher pay, according to Philstar. The
president said, “That’s why the Build, Build, Build program has been slightly delayed. There’s
a labor gap. There are many Filipinos. If we don’t help each other, nothing will happen”. Some
observers questioned the ability of the Duterte administration to take on and finish the big-ticket
projects on time, citing, among others, a lack of technical expertise in the midst of a labor

The ' BUILD, BUILD, BUILD' program will be the big start on rising Philippine economy, giving
the Filipinos more opportunities to have jobs to support their needs. It speeds up infrastructure
and develops industries. Because the Government is aiming to build four energy facilities to
ensure stable energy supply at lower prices; ten water resource projects and irrigation systems
to increase agricultural output ; five flood control facilities to help protect vulnerable communities
and boost their resilience to climate change impacts; and three programs of redevelopment to
deliver sustainable solutions that best meet urban population needs. With all the results the

people will have, it will surely satisfy how the program really would help the economy.

According to Forbes ' article, Karl Chua, Chief Economist of the Philippine Department of

Finance (DOF), said In an interview, the government looked at 75 flagship projects, including six
airports, nine railways, three rapid transit buses, 32 roads and bridges and four seaports aimed

at reducing production costs, improving rural income, promoting rural investment, making goods
and people more efficient and creating more employment.

As the World Bank expects Southeast Asia's highest Philippine Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
to grow by 6.7 percent in 2018 and 2019. However, the Duterte administration hopes to nudge
growth to the territory of 7-8 percent. Supporting the ‘BBB’ program with most of the world's
Filipino skilled workers, by the government’s committee and financially supporting local
businesses to continue the process and its progress. This program's success will pay off in the
country's future. Corresponds to a statement of an individual that were degrading its process;
“A detained senator from the opposition has described the Build, Build, Build program, ‘grossly
inefficient,’ among other nonsensical descriptives and false narratives,” the Palace official said
in a statement. It could results on delaying the program from the accusations that shouldn’t be
done to stop the progress of the event.

In a speech at the kick-off rally of the ruling party Partido Demokratiko Pilipino-Lakas ng Bayan
in San Jose del Monte City, Bulacan, the President said:

“Eh ‘yang ‘Build, Build, Build’, medyo atrasado nang konti. Walang trabahante (Build Build
Build is a bit delayed due to a lack of workers).”

“Alam mo, dito sa Pilipinas ngayon, maraming trabaho… Ang construction humihinto kasi
walang trabahante... (There’s a lot to do here in the Philippines, but construction halts due to a
lack of workers like) master electrician, master carpenter, master plumber,” he added.

“Ang karamihan ng may alam niyan wala na dito sa Pilipinas at andun na sa Middle East (Many
skilled workers are no longer here in the Philippines but have gone to the Middle East)…”.

It shows how the Filipino workers wanted bigger salary to sustain their needs and wants for their
families. They didn’t want to work with lower rate of wages even they would help the Philippines
future economy and industry.

Having the program successful, first, they should encourage the Filipino workers on having the
project successful through the right wages that they should. Second, They should convince
investors to support the project financially. Third, is to convince the whole government’s
committee on supporting this project by trusting the process. And the last would be the financial
state should be settle, by monitoring its capacity on doing project that it will goes well to
continue. For these reasons, the 'BBB' program should be supported by monitoring actions
involving committees on the process, should have the support of most Filipino workers to fully
settle the program as time goes by and spontaneously have the development that begins from a
rising country in Asia and around the world. The success of the 'BBB' program depends on how
the Filipinos take the risk and take part in building the country's great head start on our


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