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Astrophytum seed germination tips

1) store the seeds in your fridge for a week before sowing, the cold improves germination (this is called cold stratifi-
cation, I have done this already for you)
2) pre-soak the seeds in water for a few days, or in 3% hydrogen peroxide (available in Woolworths and Coles where
bandaids and medicines are found) for 30 minutes before sowing - this step is not absolutely necessary but helps
increase the germination rate
3) drop the night temperature by 10° C or more to simulate the natural habitat; eg. aim for around 28-32° C during
the day, 16-22° C at night
4) when you think there will be no more germination after a few weeks or months, sometimes allowing the top layer
of the substrate to dry for a week or two then wetting it again will result in a second flush of germination.

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