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Name: Christine Therese V. Madula Student No.

Section: CE 3L Professor: Engr. Philip Marco Atienza


Second Semester, SY 2023-2024

Activity No. 3

In the decision process, which step is the most crucial? Discuss, explain, and elaborate
your answer.


As a student leader and individual, decision-making is something I encounter daily, both

in my role as a leader and in my personal life. When faced with a challenge or opportunity, I
begin by brainstorming alternatives, exploring various approaches or solutions. Whether it's
planning events, managing group activities, or making choices about my academic and personal
endeavors, this initial step sets the stage for the decision-making process. Following this, I dive
into the analysis phase, where I carefully assess the pros and cons of each option, considering
factors like time, resources, and potential outcomes to ensure I'm making informed decisions.

Yet, it's in the evaluation and selection of alternatives where the real weight of
decision-making lies. Here, I must take the lead in making the final call, choosing the option that
best aligns with my goals, values, and available resources. As a student leader, I understand
the impact my decisions can have on the success of our projects and the experiences of my
peers. Similarly, in my personal life, I recognize that the choices I make can significantly
influence my happiness and overall well-being. By prioritizing alignment with my objectives,
managing risks effectively, and thoughtfully allocating resources, I strive to navigate the
complexities of leadership and personal growth with confidence and clarity.

In essence, my commitment to thoughtful decision-making extends beyond my

immediate responsibilities. Each choice I make, whether in leadership roles or personal matters,
contributes to my growth and impacts those around me. By consistently prioritizing alignment
with my objectives, managing risks judiciously, and allocating resources wisely, I am empowered
to navigate the challenges of leadership and personal development with resilience and purpose.

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