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Team 6
William Bradford (c. 1590–1657):
Leader of the Pilgrims
William Bradford, born into a time of religious turmoil in
England, joined the Puritans' quest for religious reform
at the age of 12. Inspired by Puritan ideals, he became
a part of the radical Separatists by 17, advocating for a
complete break from the Church of England.
Facing religious persecution, Bradford played a crucial
role in planning and financing the Mayflower's voyage to
North America in 1620. He, along with other
Separatists, signed the Mayflower Compact, marking
the first U.S. Constitution and showcasing Bradford's
Bradford's instinct as a
historian emerged early, saving
documents and chronicling the
challenges faced by the
Plymouth Colony during his 30-
year tenure as governor. His
detailed account, "Of Plymouth
Plantation," remains a valuable
historical record.
The Pilgrims' Arrival
and Early Struggles

Landing at Cape Cod The First Encounter

Upon reaching Cape Cod in In December, the Pilgrims faced their
November 1620, the Pilgrims, first encounter with Native Americans.
numbering 102 passengers, faced a The aggressive Wampanoag attacked,
but the Pilgrims, with firearms and
harsh reality. Bradford vividly
strategic defense, repelled the assault.
described the desolate wilderness, This event, named the "First Encounter,"
harsh winter conditions, and lack of marked a critical moment in their
shelter. survival.
The Starving Time

Tragedy struck as half the Pilgrims succumbed to

diseases like scurvy in the winter months. Amid the
harsh conditions, a dedicated few, including William
Brewster and Myles Standish, tirelessly cared for the
sick, exemplifying resilience and unity.
Relations and Indian Relations First Thanksgiving
Despite early tensions, With Squanto's
Achieving interactions with Native
Americans like Samoset and
the Pilgrims lea
essential skills,
such as
Prosperity Squanto proved pivotal.
Samoset, acquainted with
planting corn a
leading to a suc
nd fishing,
English from fishing harvest. The fir
expeditions, became an Thanksgiving in
intermediary, while Squanto's marked a celeb
ration of
knowledge of agriculture and abundance, sho
wcasing the
diplomacy significantly aided resilience and a
the Pilgrims. of the Pilgrims.
Have a wonderful day!

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