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The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong Workshop for IT Proficiency Test

05 Spreadsheet
MS Excel 2019
II. Excel Functions

IT Test: 1 Practical Qn.

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Spreadsheet II
◼ Formulas
◼ Built-in functions

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Sample spreadsheet using

formulas and build-in functions

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1. Formulas
◼ Using a formula can help you analyze data on a
worksheet more easily and efficiently.
◼ With a formula you can perform operations, such
as addition, multiplication, and comparison on
worksheet values.
◼ A Microsoft Excel formula always begins with an
equal sign =
◼ Without = at the beginning, Excel treats the
numeric or text value that you type directly into
a cell as a constant

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Operator Description Example
- Negation =-10
% Percent =A1%
^ Exponentiation =A1^2
* and / Multiplication =A1*A2/A1
and division
+ and - Addition and =A1+A2-A3
& Text joining =“HELLO”&A1
= < > <= >= <> Comparison =IF(A1<>A2,1,0)

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◼ References are the addresses of cells,
i.e. A1 or B1 etc
◼ 2 major types (differ in the copy-and-
paste action):
◼ Relative reference
◼ Absolute reference

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Relative References
◼ When relative references are used, as you copy and
paste the cell, Excel will automatically update the
references relative to the position of pasted cell(s).

In this example, the formula at cell D3 is =B3-C3

As you copy the cell to D4, the formula is automatically updated as =B4-C4

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Absolute References
◼ When absolute references are used, the data in that
particular address will be used without change.
◼ An absolute reference is designated by adding a
dollar sign ($) before the column letter and the
row number.

is kept

Hint: You may press F4 to switch between relative and absolute reference 9
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2. Excel Built-in Functions

◼ All Excel functions must include brackets

Function_name ( Parameter(s))
SUM(B2, B3, B4)
Specifying a range

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Using Simple Built-in Functions

1. Always begin with =
2. When you start typing a function name, Excel will show you a list
of functions related to what you have typed
3. Double-click to select a suitable function

4. Highlight the required

range or cell(s),
5. Type close bracket
6. Press Enter

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Simple Built-in Functions by Category

a) Statistical functions
b) Mathematical functions
c) Logical function
d) Text functions

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a) Statistical Functions
⚫ MIN()
⚫ MAX()
⚫ SUM()

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AVERAGE(Range) / AVERAGE(Num1, Num2, …)

◼ Examples: AVERAGE(A1:B7) / AVERAGE(A1, A2, …)

MIN(Range) / MIN(Num1, Num2, …)

◼ Examples: MIN(A1:B7) / MIN(A1, A2, …)

MAX(Range) / MAX(Num1, Num2, …)

◼ Examples: MAX(A1:B7) / MAX(A1, A2, …)

SUM(Range) / SUM(Num1, Num2, …)

◼ Examples: SUM(A1:B7) / SUM(A1, A2, …)
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◼ counts the number of numeric entries
in the given range
◼ Example: COUNT(A1:B7)

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b) Mathematical Functions
⚫ ABS()
⚫ SQRT()

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◼ returns the absolute value of a given
◼ Examples: ABS(3) returns 3
ABS(-3) returns 3

◼ returns the square root of a given
◼ Example: SQRT(16) returns 4
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ROUND(Num1, Num2)
Number of decimal places

◼ rounds a number to the specified nearest

decimal place(s)
◼ Examples:
ROUND(10.475, 2) gives 10.48
ROUND(10.824, 0) gives 11
(Notice: if the cell is formatted to show one d.p., then it will show

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TRUNC(Num1, Num2)
Number of decimal places
◼ truncates a number to the specified
decimal place(s)
◼ Example: TRUNC(-8.956, 2) gives -8.95

◼ If Num2 is zero or not specified,

i.e. TRUNC(Num1, 0) or TRUNC(Num1)
 removes the fractional part of the number
◼ Example: TRUNC(8.956) gives 8

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c) Logical Function - IF()

◼ returns one value if logical test is true,
another value if logical test is false
◼ Syntax:
IF(logical_test, value_if_true, value_if_false)
◼ Example: G2=IF(F2>50, “PASS”, “FAIL”)

Copy this formula

to other cells

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d) Text Functions
⚫ MID() ⚫ LEN()
⚫ TRIM()

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MID(text, start_pos, Num)

Starting position number of char. to copy
◼ copies character(s) from a string,
starting at the position specified
◼ Example: MID(“School”, 3 , 2) returns “ho”

◼ removes all spaces from text except for
single space between words
◼ Example:
Trim(“ First Quarter ”) returns “First Quarter”
spaces 22
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◼ converts all letters in a text string to
◼ Example: UPPER(“School”) returns “SCHOOL”

◼ converts all letters in a text string to
◼ Example: LOWER(“School”) returns “school”

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◼ returns the length of a string
◼ Examples
LEN(“Excel”) returns 5
LEN(“MS Excel”) returns 8

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CONCATENATE(text1, text2, …)
◼ joins several text strings into one
CONCATENATE(“EXCEL ”, “is easy”) returns
“EXCEL is easy”

*May use & for the joining instead

◼ Example
“EXCEL ”&“is easy” returns “EXCEL is easy”
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◼ capitalizes the first letter in text and any
other letters in text that follow any character
other than a letter. Converts all other letters to
◼ Examples
PROPER(“this is a TITLE”) returns “This Is A Title”
PROPER(“76BudGet”) returns “76Budget”

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◼ To join Intermediate/Advanced Level of
IT Workshops to learn more skills

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