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IT Learning Centre

The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong Workshop for IT Proficiency Test

02 Network & the Internet

IT Test: 4 M.C. Qns. + 1 Practical Qn.

IT Learning Centre
The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong

◼ What is Computer Network?
◼ Network and Servers
◼ Communication Devices
◼ Transmission Media
◼ Browsing the Internet
◼ Services on Internet
◼ HSUHK Moodle (Forum & Submission box)

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IT Learning Centre
The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong

What is Computer Network?

◼ A computer network is a group of
computers and devices interconnected by
communications channels.
Server Printer Printer
computer Server


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IT Learning Centre
The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong

Classification of Computer Network

◼ LAN – Local area network
(Small-sized area, i.e. home and office)
◼ WLAN – Wireless LAN
◼ MAN – Metropolitan area network
(Medium-sized area, i.e. city and town)
◼ WAN – Wide area network
(Large-sized area, e.g. the Internet is the
world’s largest WAN)

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The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong

◼ Networks allow computers to share
resources (i.e. hardware, software, data)
and communicate
◼ In many networks, one or more
computers act as a server.
◼ Server controls access to the resources
on a network.

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The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong

Dedicated Servers

File server Stores and manages files

Web server Delivers requested Web pages

Manages printers and documents
Print server
being printed
Database Stores and provides access to a
server database

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IT Learning Centre
The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong

Internet Service Provider (ISP)

Connect users to the Internet

You at home
E.g. HKBN, HKT …
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The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong

◼ Modem is a device for signal conversion
◼ Modulation
◼ Converting digital signal into analog signal.
◼ Demodulation
◼ Converting analog signal into digital signal.

User ISP

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◼ Different modem examples
◼ Dial-up modems
• Use a conventional telephone line as medium
◼ Cable modems
• Use the coaxial cable for cable TV
◼ Optic fibre modems
• Use the optical
IT Learning Centre
The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong

Network Cards
◼ Sometimes called a network interface
card (NIC pronounced nick)
◼ It is a communications device that is
installed in a computer, so that it can be
connected to a network.

NIC for

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The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong

Wireless Access Points (AP or WAP)

◼ It is a central communications device that
allows computers and devices to transfer
data wirelessly among themselves or to
transfer data wirelessly to a wired network
using Wi-Fi.

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The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong

Wireless Access Points (AP or WAP)

◼ Access points around campus allow students to
access the school network wirelessly from their
classrooms, the library and other campus

◼ To access the network, the notebook computer

or mobile device must have built-in wireless
capability or a wireless network card.

Wireless network card

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The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong

◼ Hotspot is a physical place where wireless
service is provided.
◼ Examples:
◼ WiFi.HK

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The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong

Virtual Private Network (VPN)

◼ It provides users with a secure
connection to a cooperate network server,
as if the user has a private line.
◼ VPNs help ensure that data is safe from
being intercepted by unauthorized people
◼ By encrypting data as it transmits
between a notebook computer, smart
phone, or other mobile device and the
cooperate network

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Virtual Private Network (VPN)

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◼ Use HSUHK VPN to access HSUHK library
electronic resources.

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Physical Transmission Media

◼ Twisted-pair cable
◼ Coaxial cable
◼ Fiber-optic cable

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Wireless Transmission Media

◼ Broadcast radio
◼ Wi-Fi (wireless fidelity):
e.g. 802.11b, a, g, n, ac
◼ Cellular radio
◼ 2G/3G/4G/4.5G/5G
◼ Microwave radio
◼ Satellite
Businesses use wireless transmission media in
locations where it is impossible or inconvenient
to install cables.
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Internet Protocol (IP) address

◼ Every computer on the Internet is
identified by an IP address.
◼ IP address is formed by 4 numbers each
ranged from 0 – 255.


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Domain Name Address

◼ Text version of Internet Protocol (IP)
◼ Domain Name Server is used to translate
the domain name into a unique IP
◼ Not every IP has a corresponding domain
name address

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The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong

Domain Name Address

◼ Top-level domain shows the general purpose of
the website
◼ Common top-level domain name:
◼ .com: commercial businesses
◼ .edu: education institutes
◼ .gov: government
◼ .net: non-profit making group
◼ .org: non-government but of public interest

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Web browser
◼ An application program that allows you to
view Web pages
◼ Common examples:
◼ Google Chrome
◼ Apple Safari
◼ Mozilla Firefox
◼ Microsoft Edge

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World Wide Web

◼ World Wide Web is a system implemented
on internet for all the internet resources that
are accessible by users using the Hypertext
Transfer Protocol (HTTP).
◼ Then, users can easily access the web
document by Uniform Resource Locator
(URL), e.g.

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⚫ A web document on the computer network
is located by ” Uniform Resource Locator”

Protocol Domain name Path & File name

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Search engine
◼ An application program that is used to find
information on the WWW by entering words or
phrases called search text, also called a
◼ The information may be a mix of web pages,
images, and other types of files.

Common Search Engines

Google Baidu Bing

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◼ Application programs that extend the capability
of a browser or your computer.
◼ You can download many plug-ins at no cost
from various Web sites.
◼ Also called Add-on or extension.
◼ Examples
• Acrobat Reader
• QuickTime

Department of Computing
IT Learning Centre
The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong

Services on the Internet

1. Electronic Mail (E-mail)
2. Instant Messaging
3. Online Social Network

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The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong

Electronic Mail
◼ e-mail: Short for electronic mail
◼ One of the original services on the Internet
◼ The transmission of messages and files via
a computer network
▪ Messages consist of simple text or
attachments, such as documents,
graphics, or audio/video clips

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The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong

Electronic Mail
⚫ Two forms of e-mail
▪ Free web-based: e.g. Gmail and Hotmail
▪ E-mail program run on your computer:
e.g., MS Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird

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E-Mail Address
◼ Unique name that consists of a user name
and domain name that identifies the user

User ID Domain Name

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The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong

Instant Messaging
◼ A real-time Internet communications
service that notifies you when one or
more people are online and allows you to
exchange messages or files
◼ Examples:
◼ WhatsApp, Line, WeChat, Skype,…

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The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong

Online Social Network

◼ An online community encourages
members to share their interests, ideas,
stories, photos, music, and videos with
other registered uses.
◼ Examples:
◼ Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,…

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HSUHK Moodle
◼ Forum
◼ Submission box

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The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong

◼ Shelly, G. B., Vermaat, M. E., Quasney, J. J. Sebok,
S. L. & Freund, S. M. (2012). Discovering
Computers: Your interactive guide to the digital
world: complete (Chapter 2). Australia: Course
Technology, Cengage Learning.


Department of Computing 34

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