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Number 1:

He is holding up a picture frame

He is hanging up a jacket

He is stacking some glasses on the counter

He is using a touch screen

Number 2:

A woman is folding a newspaper

Some people are gathered for a meeting

The people area seated across from each other

One man is speaking into a handset

Number 3:

He is arranging some women’s clothing.

He is packing up some computers

He is examining some mobile phones

He is looking down at a laptop

Number 4:

Passengers are waiting for a taxi to arrive.

Some vehicles have arrived on the runway

The taxis have been parked beside each other

A lineup of travelers leads into the terminal

Number 5:

Some dishes are being prepared by the cooks

Customers are selecting food items at a market

A kitchen is being cleaned by a staff

Some chefs are taking off their hats

Number 6:

The men are pushing a cart in the store

Some shelves are being set up in a warehouse

A rolling ladder has been placed along the shelves

One man is loading some boxes onto a cart.

Part 2 :

Question 7 : what time is the staff meeting this afternoon ?

A/ right after lunch

B/ I had a nice time

C/ Down the hall on the left.

Question 8: who is going to attend Ms.Lennon’s retirement party ?

A/she isn’t too tired.

B/ Let’s get together again soon

C/ everyone except Bill

Number 9: How long is the drive to NY from here ?

Every other weekend.

B/ about 5 hours

C/ its’ a great place to visit

Number 10: did you know that John got a promotion ?

A/ yes, it’s a motion picture

B/ No, I didn’t know he was hiring

C/ yes, I heard about it this morning

Number 11: You work in the editing department, don’t you ?

A/ Yeah, I’ve been there for 10 years

B/ It’s the latest edition

C/ No, I’m leaving the department store.

Number 12: can we postpone the sales meeting until next Friday?

A/ The post office was closed on Friday.

B/ here are the ticket sales results

C/ You’d better ask Ms.Garcia

Number 13: When is your next business trip?

A/in 2 hours

B/ an orientation seminar

C/ with my colleagues

Number 14: where are the ink cartridges we just bought ?

A/ the office supply store is closed today

B/ look in the desk drawer

C/ do you have enough money ?

Number 15: how will we get home form the convention center ?

A/ we can take a taxi

B/ did your reserve exhibit space ?

C/ I got home at 8:00

Number 16 : whose sunglasses are these ?

A/ not mine

B/ thanks, I’m really thirsty

C/ on the conference table.

Number 17: could you please tell me where the children’s department is ?

A/the kids are playing outside

B/ it begins at 2:00

C/ take the elevator to the second floor

Number 18: why was your appointment canceled ?

A/ I have to be there before noon

B/ because you try to punctual

C/ Dr.Nelson got an emergency call

Number 19: Is there any coffee in the lounge ?

Yes, I just made a fresh pot

Lunges are good for body

Yes, I have an extra copy

Number 20 : what does your sister do for a living ?

A/ she lives in Orlando

B/ she’s a bank executive

C/ she will be moving soon

Number 21: the hotel is near the airport, isn’t it ?

A/ I hope so

B/ The hotel stay cost a lot of money

C/ the air ticket was sold yesterday

Number 22: Do you want to start working on the new project now or later ?

Actually, I started it this morning

I have to work late, too

I’m glad to hear the good news

Number 23: Where should I put this box of file folders ?

A/ The computer files are easy to find

B/ will it fit on the bottom shelf

C/ They sell them at the local stationery store.

Number 24: Should we review the contract once more before sigining it ?

A/ yes, I saw the sign above the graphs

B/ No , I couldn’t reach him

C/ Yes, I think that would be a wise thing to do.

Number 25 : When is your office manager planning to relocate ?

A/ we need more space

B/ as soon as she finds the right place

C/ she manages the Human Resources Department.

Number 26 : I have to call my landlord about the heating system.

A/ My brother’s rent has been increased

B/ Are you still having problems

C/ The weather will be rainy this time the year.

Number 27 : Would you like to reserve a compact car or mid-sized ?

Whichever is cheaper.

I parked in the garage

Yes, that would be fine

Number 28 :

Why don’t you invite your friend Marcus to our office party ?

A/ No, he doesn’t

B/ sure, I will turn it off

C/ that’s a great idea

Number 29: our new business cars have finally been delivered.

A/ yes, I got mine yesterday

B/ the cars are efficient for work

C/ twice a week

Number 30: don’t you need to set up the overhead projector for your presentation ?

A/ a few people were present

B/ no, I’, wearing a suit

C/ Thanks, I almost forgot about that

Number 31: why hans’t tony arrived yet ?

A/ about an hour ago

B/ he’s probably stuck in traffic

C/ the arrival date has been moved up

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