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Q1: In which directory by default user home directories are created??

a /etc

b /user

c /tmp

The correct Answer is: None

e /home

f /usr

Q2: The following command can be used for turning off or restarting a Linux host.?

a shutdown

b None

c exit

d taskkill

e reboot

f None

Q3: Which of the following attribute triggers event after the document is printed??

a offlineprint

b onbeforeprint

c None

d onprint

e onafterprint

f None

Q4: Apart from the <b> tag, what other Tag makes text bold ??
a <emp>

b <fat>

c <strong>

d None

e None

f <black>

Q5: Which command can be used to display file contents in octal??

a oct

b oshow

c octal

d None

e od

f None

Q6: Which command shows merged kubeconfig settings??

a None

b kubectl config print

c kubectl config list

d None

e kubectl config view

f kubectl config show

Q7: Which of these is a valid call to a function (watch The Spaces Carefully!)?

a None

b CONCAT( A , B )
c None

d CONCAT ( A , B )

e CONCAT( "A" . "B" )

f CONCAT ( "A" , "B" )

Q8: Which of the following is true for Kube-proxy??

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

c Kube-proxy can run on each and every node and can do simple TCP/UDP packet
forwarding across backend network service.

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

f Kube-proxy is a network proxy that runs only on the master node

Q9: How do you call a function named "myFunction"??

a call myFunction()

b call function myFunction()

c None

d myFunction()

e None

f None

Q10: How to logout from dockerhub.?

a None

b $ docker log-out

c None

d $ docker exit
e None

f $ docker logout

Q11: Who is known as the father of world wide web (WWW)??

a Charles Darwin

b Tim Thompson

c None

d None

e Robert Cailliau

f Tim Berners-Lee

Q12: How to list all the docker containers are running with container details.?

a $ docker details

b None

c None

d None

e $ docker ps

f $ docker ls

Q13: Docker Toolbox is an installer for quick setup and launch of a Docker environment on
Mac and Windows systems. Select all of the Docker tools that come with the Docket

a A shell pre-configured for a Docker command-line environment

b A shell post-configured for a Docker command-line environment

c Oracle VirtualBox

d Docker Machine for running docker-machine commands

e Docker Compose for running the docker-compose commands

f Oracle RealBox Containers

Q14: What is the difference between Wordpress Posts and Wordpress Pages??

a None of the above.

b There is absolutely no difference between Posts and Pages.

c Pages are entries listed in reverse chronological order on the site homepage and
Posts are static and are not listed by date.

d None

e None

f Posts are entries listed in reverse chronological order on the site homepage and
Pages are static and are not listed by date.

Q15: JavaScript is the same as Java.?

a None

b None

c True

d None

e False

f None

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