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Drama is an art form in which the performers act a story to the audience. Play are usually
also called the words in a drama. If the play have a bit of a music its called incidental music while if the
play has a lot of music, then the result will be opera.

Some Theatre Halls in the Philippines

1. Tanghalang Pambansa (National Theater) – ccp complex manila
2. Teatro Marikina – sta Elena, Marikina

Drama in different countries

1. Ancient Greece – as a worship of the god of wine, Dionysus.
2. China – young men and women from different villages met at places where rivers joined, and sang,
dance, and acted in praise of the gods
3. Japan – a type of drama called “Noh or No” grew from temple dancing and kept its musical beginnings
in the rhythm
4. Europe – grew out of short bible stories and acted as part of the Christian holy mass
5. Italy – popular style of theatre have been developed called commedia dell arte

Shadow Puppet theatre – an important art form in asian countries like Indonesia and China
Example of shadow puppet theatre
1. glove puppet – put in his hand
2. String puppet – using string
3. flat shadow puppets – moved by rods
The dance
Dancing was an important part of anciaent greek drama. Indian, Chinese, and Japanese
dancing developed out of religious worship

Dance in Modern Society

There are two kinds of dancing in modern society, namely social sancing and stage dancing.

Social Dancing
1. Disco dancing –a retro form of dancing associated with the disco music and disco dance clubs of the
1970s. Disco dancing doesn't require a partner, and can be performed solo, as a duo, or in large groups
2. Ballroom dancing - a partnership dance where couples, using step-patterns, move rhythmically,
expressing the characteristics of music. Ballroom dancing can be enjoyed as a hobby, as a competitive
sport, or as a form of entertainment. It originated in Europe

Stage Dancing
1. Classical Ballet - known for its rigorous technique, flowing and precise movements, lithe aesthetics,
and ethereal qualities.
2. Modern Dance – similar to ballet, but it is freer in style.

The Artist as Entertainer - concept that refers to the idea that an artist's primary goal is to provide
entertainment to their audience.

Who are those kinds of Artist

- Artist
- Actor
- Musician
- Performer
- Dancer
- Singer
- Acrobatics
- Magician
- Comedian
- Mime

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