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1. Leadership and management are collaborative core value in working with the people to
create enforcement and empowerment towards subject matter. Leadership is the value in
adapting the decision making which is the creation of positive enforcement. It more likely to
influence someone in order to accomplish the intended objectives. On the other hand,
management can be defined as a process in getting all about performance or pre-planned
tasks on regular basis with the help of inferior. It merely focuses on meeting organizational
goals and needs in efficient and effective manner.
Hence, there are four distinctions between leadership and management to be discussed.

Firstly, on the role of the person. In executing the value of leadership, the leader needs to
establish the clear direction and big picture as he needs to create a vision on how to achieve
the intended result. He is the one that responsible to set up the strategies with his inferior in
order to come out with any solutions towards the problems raised. They will achieve the
solution by assisting the individuals in envisioning their function in a wider context and the
possibility for future growth of the organization. For example, the principal will gather all his
subordinates and brainstorming the ideas on how to raise the funds for sports room

However, in management, the person in charge is usually manager who is responsible to

establish agenda and setting up the timetables to be followed. He is the person who will
allocating resources in order to make sure the agenda is run smoothly. Managers usually will
manage all the activities and they will break down long-time goals into small groups and
organize all the available resources to reach the desire outcomes. Using the similar example,
the treasurer is the person who need to track all the money from different sources and come
out with all the budget and revenue in order to build sport room in the school.

Besides, the leadership is about motivating and inspiring inferior in working out their tasks.
The leader has wider job of scope as he need to act in a way that inspires others to do their
best. The leader will use his power to empowering subordinates by giving inspiration and
energizing the inferior. They will help to satisfy the unmeet needs by solving their problems.
For example, the teacher didn’t meet the minimum target of score for that subject. Thus, as a
principal, he needs to give motivation and guide the teacher on how to achieve the target and
help their team to understand their own roles.

However, management is about controlling and problem solving. It will develop the
incentives by generating creative solutions. Manager usually has specific job within an
organization’s structure as it comes with a fixed set of responsibilities. For example, is human
resource team where they are the person in charge of salary of the person every month. They
establish their dominance and relies on that particular control.

In addition, leadership skills are developed by showing their communication skills, Leaders
always keep their team informed about what’s the current situation in the administration of
organization. They should share the details diligently with the people as honesty and integrity
is the main core value in a figure of leader. As a leader, he is the person who has the people
that believe in them and walk by their side down the path. For example, when there is any
issue of bullying happened in school, the principal need to inform to the teachers and parents
and come out with the best solution to tackle the problem.

However, management is the process in which the manager is known to look after and cater
the need of people. The management process is the direction where it is the responsibility of
day-to day efforts while reviewing necessary resources. The manager is the person who in
charge to understand the care and support in order to improve morale and employee
engagement. It is set of practices in which continuing support and guidance are given for the
employees of an organization. For example, the performance of the employee can be run
smoothly is the management process come into line too.

Also, the distinction between leadership and management are the differences in queries. As a
leader, he needs to ask what and why while the manager only focuses on the question of how
and when. Leadership can emerge as a result of your action where a leader will be the one
that has step up and ask what did we learn from this? And why has this happened?

However, the managers are not required to assess and analyze the failure. Basically, the job
description emphasizes on how and when in which it will help to assist them in ensuring the
plans are carried out correctly. The manager is more prefer to accept status quo and make no
attempt to change it. For example, when the data of the students will be completed.

In conclusion, both management and leadership are both working in their own way. The main
objective is to make sure that the employees are work together more efficiently and
effectively in order to achieve the intended objectives. Leadership is a leader for the new
vision and solution maker, whereas management controls the resources effectively to bring
those visions into the realm of reality.

2. Based on Hersey-Blanchard model, the situational leadership model is based on the

amount of direction and amount of socioemotional support which is developed based on
leader’s control and influence. This model contends on the universal effective leadership
style based on the relationship between the leaders and followers. There are different
leadership styles that could be adapted in different situations. Each style is varying based on
the degree of direction and support offered by the inferior.

The first style is telling. This kind of style is characterized by giving a great deal of direction
to the inferior and give a lot of attention to describe roles and goals. This style is suggested in
dealing with new worker in which he or she has low experience in term of skills. Besides, this
style also can be implemented when the working process is static or repetitive or where the
things had to be completed within a short time. Hence, it is a material for a leader to provide
clear instructions and closely supervise the tasks given. For example, a manager approaches
the recently hired employee who has yet to attend a company picnic and provides the detailed
instructions on what to do and how to proceed.

The second style is selling. This style involves a high direction and support. It is an attempt in
encouraging people to buy into the task. However, it usually characterizes as a coaching
approach as to be used when people are willing and motivated but lack the required maturity
or ability. In this stage, the inferior may be willing to work but need guidance and support
from the leader. Hence, the leader needs to explain the decisions, and provide encouragement
in order to build confidence and competence of the inferior. For example, a new worker who
only worked for 2 months has the retail experience but still he needs to refine his skill. As a
leader, guidance is given in order to improve the new worker’s selling techniques by seeking
the input on enhancing the customer experiences.

The next style is participating where the decision making is shared between leaders and
followers. The main role of the leader is being to facilitate and communicate where it
involves high support and low direction and is used when people are able but are perhaps in
willing or insecure. This style the inferior has the necessary skills but may need more
confidence or motivation to take responsibility. This style needs the involvement of leader in
encouraging the decision-making and highly encourage for active participation. For example,
Nisa, is one-year experience lab technician. She displays the great interest and knowledge in
dealing with all the equipment’s. Hence, Ahmad who is a leader use this approach in which
he recognized her expertise and encouraging leadership with new hires. Ahmad values Nisa
expertise and seeking her idea for any matters related.

The last style is delegating where the leader identifies the problem or issue however the
responsibilities for carrying out the response is given to followers. It involves the high degree
of competence and maturity. This kind of approach helps the inferior has the capability and
motivated to work independently. The leader can still provide minimal oversight by allowing
the inferior to take responsibility for their tasks and decisions. For example, Amir who is a
chambering student is doing well in dealing with the clients in which he showed his
professionalism and good communication skills. Hence, Ah Meng who is his master adopt a
delegating style by entrusting Amir with some training such as attending conference and
webinar in which this autonomy is granted for implementing ideas with support available as

As a conclusion, the leader needs to recognize the team member and may require different
levels of direction and support. It also helps to encourage a personalized leadership approach
and meet to the specific need of their inferior.


1. a) Vroom’s Expectancy Theory is a theory in examining the motivation from the

perception of why people choose to follow a particular course of action. The
employees believe on how much they value the effort that had been made will lead to
the performance which will lead to rewards. This theory assumes to intentionally
choose from among alternatives with the aim of maximizing pleasure and minimizing
the negative consequences. Vroom was convinced that employee’s performance is
based on his personality, skills, knowledge, experience and abilities.

The expectancy theory is based on the following three beliefs or variables.

Firstly, is valence. It refers to the importance people have with regard to the outcomes
or rewards. It is an emotional orientation in which the people hold with respect to the
outcomes. Basically, the person will value the potential outcomes which has been
associated with the specific result or behaviors. It could be recognition or new
opportunities or maybe financial rewards. For example, the employee is excited to
reach at the workplace early as there is breakfast provided at the pantry. Hence, there
is a desire to satisfy the reward as it is enough to make the effort worthwhile.

Secondly is expectancy. It is the belief that effort leads to performance. Employees

have different expectations and levels of confidence about what they are capable of
doing. The person believe that their additional effort will help them to achieve the
target result or behaviors. Hence, it is really important for that individuals need to be
empowered to achieve the thigs and it may mean that they need to be supported to do
so. It might have different expectations and level of confidence on what they are
capable of doing. The management must discover what resources, training or
supervision employees need.

The last belief is instrumentality which is the belief that if a person performs as
expected, he will get what the desire as promised. Hence, the trustworthy is material
as the leader need to provide implicit and explicit outcomes and rewards that has been
agreed. If the leader broke the promise, then trust will be broken. The leaders must
ensure that promises of rewards are fulfilled and that employees are aware of that.
They believe that the rewards will actually appears in which they should achieve the
desired outcomes or behaviors.

In conclusion, this theory promoted the idea of effort where it should lead to increased
performance so that the intended objectives are achievable. It is basically help to
create motivational force in which the employee will act in ways that bring much
pleasure rather than pain.

b) Goal-setting theory is a theory which connects the goal or objective setting with the
task performance. It was developed by Edwin A.Locke as he explored the relationship
between level of performance which inter-related to the goals. This theory is clear,
specific and challenging which is more motivating so that the employees are
encourage to hit their goals.

The application of goal-setting theory in motivating teachers in school can be applied

in evaluating the performance of the person. The performance management can be
done by defining and communicating the organizational vision, mission and
objectives and how they relate to the individual and team goals. Goals are the product
to strive for and a means of judging satisfaction. A person will put forth the effort in
order to meet a goal and that person will not be satisfied until his goal is met. The
person will achieve a higher performance level than is required for a goal to be
attained, hence the satisfaction will be increased relative to the amount of

Besides, goal-setting theory can be implemented in finishing any project with the
team members. For example, as a principal you need to make sure to generate the idea
to make sure the celebration of Independence Day run smoothly. Hence, you need to
set a goal to finish the project by the end of the month. Then you need to break down
the tasks into small partition for each member and make yourself available to work on
the project with them and provide feedback along the way. Thus, the clarity of goal
can help to motivate the team to get the things done smoothly. The employee’s
participation in goal is not always desirable however when there is any involvement
of other parties,
it likely can make the goal more achievable and lead to successfulness of the event.

In addition, the application of goal-setting theory can lead to self-efficacy. The

confidence will be developed happens when the employee regularly hit their goals.
Thus, it will lead to self-efficacy and better self-regulation. The faith that he has the
potential in performing the task can put a greater effort when there is any challenge
occurs facing the tasks. For example, if the teacher believe that they have necessary
skills to do well in school and believe that he can use those skills to excel, hence he
has good self-efficacy.

In conclusion, the goal-setting theory is to understand the connection between the

goal-setting includes with work motivation. It helps to raise incentive for employees to
complete their tasks quickly and effectively along with the motivation and efforts.

2. A decision-making process is a structured process in which to guide the members to

make decisions. This kind of process will help the members to analyze and overcome
the particular challenge as to collaborate more effectively. There are four types of
models in the decision-making process.

The first one is classical model which requires the objectives to be set first before
creating alternatives. A good decision is determined by the success of the objectives.
If it is the best mean to achieve the objectives, then the decision is good one. The
process involves in a comprehensive analysis where all alternatives and consequences
are considered. This model will help the leaders to make a right decision in balancing
the emotions and considering various options of solutions. It is important to weigh the
risks and gathering all the relevant data before coming out with solutions. A clearly
defined problem can help the person to make a rational decision as this model also
help to avoid any risk by authorizing the decision maker to remove all the
uncertainties during the process.

Secondly is administrative model where it also requires the objectives to be set first
before creating alternatives. This typically also means-end analysis but occasionally
as the result of analysis as the objectives can be altered. A good decision is judged by
way on how it will achieve at the end. If it is judged as a satisfactory means to achieve
the end, then the decision is a good one. It engages itself in the search of reasonable
problem-solving alternatives until they are identified. This model relies on both theory
and experience. This model is founded on the belief of that decision-maker which is
constrained by limited motivation and lack of time. As the result, they end up settling
on less ideal solutions. This type of approach also does not require a lot of resources
and also requires less time to make a decision.

Thirdly is incremental model. This model sets objectives and generates alternatives
simultaneously. However, the analysis of means and ends is inappropriate because
they are not separated. When decision makers can agree that an alternative plan is in
the right direction when the existing decision is proven wrong, then the decision is
considered to be good. However, many alternatives are ignored and as the result it
limits the search and analysis and it focuses on alternatives that are similar in nature.
This model reduces the need for theories. For example, the perceived risk in buying a
lot of expensive school reading books here an incremental decision-making is more
likely to occur with a few purchases at a time instead of buying for bulk number of
books. Basically, small decisions are correlated with smaller risks so risk-seeking
behavior increases. It also believes that the remedial approach towards the decision

Lastly is mixed scanning model where the decision making is based on broad
objectives and tentative means to achieve them. It is an adaptive strategy as it will
acknowledge the inability of the person to know in excess of what he needs to make a
rational decision. A decision is considered good if it can be shown to result in a
reasonable decision which is consistent with the policy of the organization. It limits
the search and analysis for alternatives closely related to the problem but it evaluates
alternatives related to broad policy. It uses the combination of theory, experience and
comparisons. This theory reduced the unrealistic aspects of rationalism by limiting the
details which is required in fundamental decisions.

In conclusion, the decision-making process is based on objective which orderly

structured the information and analyze the action. It will help to determine and
understand the root cause of the problem and develop the alternatives way.
3. a) Empowerment is the authority or power which has been given to someone to make
decisions on their own and implement the changes in the school particularly. This
kind of empowerment will help the teachers to have enough resources and freedom to
provide the education that they deserve. However, failure of empowerment at school
still can be happened as there are some issues or factors that might contribute to this.

There are many reasons for empowerment failure at schools. The first reason is the
failure of empowerment was due to the unwillingness of the principals to yield and
share the decision-making process. The critical task in an organization of school is the
process in deciding the desirable course of action as to respond to encountered
problems and opportunities. When there is no involvement of other it might lead to
the expectations that other teachers might not agreed on certain matters. Hence, it is a
prerequisite to do meeting with all the staff members before coming out with a
solution. The informational function refers to giving and receiving information from
others to know what is going inside and outside the organizations.

Besides, the failure of empowerment also might because of there is not enough time
given to plan and implement the process as to familiarize the inferior with the new
responsibilities. As a principal, in order to boost the efficiency as to automate the
tasks as possible is by school teachers’ collaboration through your project and staff
management efforts. The principal need to implement regular meetings or calls, using
team-building strategies, and focusing on developing the school culture which can
help to create work environment in which staff can easily collaborate.

Moreover, the leader gives a free hand to his empowered inferior right from the start
and due to inexperience, they might fail to carry out their empowered responsibilities.
The leader should mentor them until a time when they become familiar with the
processes and then they can stand by their own. As a great leader who is always be
ready to mentor and teach their inferior in order to bring out the best version of them.
Hence, it is prerequisite to put extra effort in order to make the team successful by
using positive reinforcement, motivation or by rewarding achievements to them
In addition, the leader is not trained the people who are empowered by the leader to
take responsibilities successfully. The success and failure of the organization is on the
shoulder of a leader. It is important to take responsibility and be accountable for their
actions. As a leader, he needs to come out with strategies and devise the improvement
instead of pointing fingers and blaming others.

In conclusion, a good leader must empower his inferior with information, skill and
professional development in order to avoid failure of empowerment. It should identify
the good attributes in other and focus on the goal in the organization rather than
individual matters.

b) The belief of theory Y appears to be applicable to the educated, skilled and

professional employee who understand their responsibilities and doesn’t need any
direction and control. It is people self-motivated and enjoy the challenge of work in
which there is an assumption that they love to collaborate with the people and
motivate them by allowing to do their work based on their initiative.

The belief of a principal with theory Y inclination towards empowerment where this
theory has the view in which the individual and organizational goals can be
integrated. The contribution of physical and mental effort in work are as a natural as
play or rest. The external control and the threat of punishment are not the only means
for bringing out effort toward organizational objectives.
Basically, the commitment of objectives is a function of the rewards associated with
their achievement. The average human being learns under proper conditions is not
only to accept the tasks but also to seek responsibility. The capacity to exercise a
relatively high degree of imagination, imagination and creativity in the solution of
organizational problems widely.

A principal with this theory is more trusting others and as the result this inclination
would more likely to empower his subordinates to trust them as to carry out the
responsibility of being empowered. Besides, the belief that their subordinates can be
successfully empowered as would enable the teachers who has been empowered by
their principal to have self-confidence and self-esteem to carry out their ideas and
experiment. This kind of freedom also due to empowered process as to enable the
schools to progress towards achieving their objectives which if this freedom does not
exist then there would be not be any changes that could lead to better education for
all. Also, the knowledge and skill of these teachers who have achieved post-graduate
degrees could be made use for school improvement.

The purpose of this theory is to encourage the integrations and also to create situation
in which an employee can achieve their goals by directing his efforts toward the
objectives of the organization. It is a thoughtful attempt to link improvement in
decision-making competence with the satisfaction of a higher-level personality and
self-actualization needs. This theory also leads to a concern with the nature of
relationships with the creation of an environment which will encourage commitment
to the organizational objectives and which will provide opportunities for the
maximum exercise of initiative and self-direction in achieving them.
For example, if the employee is not motivated, then the manager will provide the
employee with more responsibility and authority. The manager will trust the
employee’s decision and help them to understand their contribution to the company.

In conclusion, the person has a hidden capacity to develop and accept responsibility.
Is not by nature resist-at on to organizational needs. It can be motivated towards
management goals in order to achieve their goals through organizational objectives

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