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ECE413 – Field Placement Observation and Interaction Chart

Frame: Belonging and contributing:

Observations of field Mentor/other ECEs. Write a brief My planned/spontaneous interactions/invitations (at

description of what occurred and what specific least one should be planned and communicated with
expectation (section 4.3) it demonstrates. your mentor in advance – this can be done verbally).
Write a brief description of what occurred and what
specific expectation (section 4.3) it demonstrates.
During Playtime, my field mentor asked the children to (Planned) I made Ice Paint, I put out different colors of
share their materials and toys and after playing she also cube ice with a stick and a white paper for the children
asked the children to help each other tidy the toys that to draw anything that they wanted. I also invited them
they used in playing. This demonstrates the children’s to share their favorite things that they always draw. I
sense of belonging and contributing to the classroom interacted with the children by asking questions such as
community. what they felt when they touched the ice cube with
This demonstrates expectation 26 – develop an paint and what are their favorite colors.
appreciation of the multiple perspectives encountered This demonstrates skill 22– communicate their thoughts
within groups, and of ways in which they themselves and feelings, and their theories, and ideas through
can contribute to groups and to group well-being. various art forms

While the kids were busy playing, my mentor initiated a (Spontaneous) During Snack time in the afternoon, I
“Simon Says” to catch the attention and gather the asked the children to wash their hands before eating
children in a circle on the carpet. She begins by and find their partner to become their handwashing
demonstrating various actions, saying “Simon says, buddy. I explained to them that each child is
touch your nose,” and the children excitedly follow suit. responsible for making sure their buddy washes their
They giggle and enjoy the engaging activity. The hands properly and they take turns being the helper.
purpose of the activity was to encourage the children to Some examples of questions I asked were “How do you
actively participate by following the commands given by feel when you help your friends wash their hands?” and
my mentor. “Why do we need to wash our hands before eating?”.
This demonstrates skill 1 – communicate with others in This demonstrates skill 3- identify and use social skills in
a variety of ways, for a variety of purposes, and in a play and other contexts.
variety of contexts.

During playtime, the children engaged in a dramatic (Spontaneous) while the children were busy playing, I
play session where they took the role of sick people and took the alphabet book and showed it to the children.
a doctor. The ECE had the chance to discuss the roles of the book has pictures of animals and different things. I
doctors in the community and asked questions about asked the children to identify the things and the
how doctors help sick people. The child uses the toy as animals and make the sounds they make. The children
a medical kit and plays out scenarios of examining take turns pointing to the things and animals saying
patients. This scenario helps preschoolers understand their names. I then ask the children to name other
the responsibilities of doctors and foster empathy. animals they know and what sounds they make. The
This demonstrates skill 28.1- recognize people in children share their knowledge and learn from each
their community and talk about what they do (e.g., other.
farmer, park ranger, police officer, nurse, Indigenous This demonstrates skill 1 – communicate with others in
healer, store clerk, engineer, baker). a variety of ways, for a variety of purposes, and in a
variety of contexts.

Reflection and connection to ideas in the KP (2016): write a 150–200 word reflection about how the examples above
connect to research/theories in section 2.1

Field Mentor Signature, date, and email/phone #:

(Please sign only after the chart and reflection above are completed)
Frame: Self-regulation and well-being

Observations of field Mentor/other ECEs. Write a brief My planned/spontaneous interactions/invitations (at

description of what occurred and what specific least one should be planned and communicated with
expectation (section 4.4) it connects to. your mentor in advance – this can be done verbally).
Write a brief description of what occurred and what
specific expectation (section 4.4) it connects to.
During circle time, my mentor played lively music to (Spontaneous) while the children were eating, I used
energize the children as they engaged in simple this opportunity to talk about the benefits of eating
exercises like jumping and stretching. Everybody is healthy foods and why we need to eat them. Some
happy and smiling while doing the exercise. These examples of questions I asked were “Are carrots good
breaks provide opportunities for physical activity and for our body?” and “Can you name some
help regulate energy levels. fruits/vegetables that you like to eat?”.
This demonstrates skill 7.1 participate actively in This demonstrates skill 6.2 – investigate the benefits of
creative movement and other daily physical activities. nutritious food.
During snack and mealtime, the ECE encourages the (Spontaneous) During story/singing time, children need
children to independently select and serve themselves. to sit quietly and listen to the ECE. I used this
The ECE put some milk/water in the measuring cup, and opportunity to sit beside children who were not
let the children pour it into their cup. This fosters a participating to teach some calming techniques, such as
sense of responsibility and promotes self-regulation in inhaling, exhaling, and placing a hand on their heart,
making choices. adapting their behavior to the specific context of a
This demonstrates skill 2- demonstrate independence, group setting.
self-regulation, and a willingness to take responsibility This demonstrates skill 2.4 – demonstrate self-control
in learning and other endeavours. and adapt behaviour to different contexts within the
school environment.
During their outdoor play, The ECE asked the children to (Planned) I put out coloring sheets, crayons, and
get ready to go outside. The ECE lets the children be colored pencils. I spread out nature-themed coloring
responsible for gathering their outdoor gear, putting on sheets on the table and invited them to choose the one
their shoes, and making sure their personal belongings, that interests them the most and colored them. While
like hats and gloves, are with them. This promotes a they color, I engaged in conversations about their
sense of responsibility for personal items. choices and what they were creating. I asked questions
This demonstrates skill 2.1 – demonstrate self-reliance such as “Who can tell me some things we find in
and a sense of responsibility. nature”, “What colors do you think would look nice for
the sky or the flowers”, and “Tell me about the animals
you are coloring. What sounds do they make”?
This demonstrates skill 2.4 – demonstrate self-control
and adapt behaviour to different contexts within the
school environment.

Reflection and connection to ideas in the KP (2016): write a 150–200 word reflection about how the examples above
connect to research/theories in section 2.2.

Field Mentor Signature, date, and email/phone #:

(Please sign only after the chart and reflection above are completed)
Frame: Problem-Solving and Innovating

Observations of field Mentor/other ECEs. Write a brief My planned/spontaneous interactions/invitations (at

description of what occurred and what specific least one should be planned and communicated with
expectation (section 4.6) it connects to. your mentor in advance – this can be done verbally).
Write a brief description of what occurred and what
specific expectation (section 4.6) it connects to.
During activity time, The RECE put out vinegar, baking (Planned)I provided each child with sphaghetti pasta
soda, and ice cubes with different colors. The RECE and marshmallows to use in the “Marshmallow
encouraged the children to make predictions about Building”. I began the activity by introducing and
what will happen when vinegar is added to baking soda. explaining that they would be using marshmallows and
This sets the stage for critical thinking as the children pasta to build something fun and creative. I encourage
begin to formulate hypotheses. They drop vinegar into them to work together and share ideas. I challenged
the baking soda and observe the immediate fizzy them to build a tower using marshmallows and craft
reaction. As the children engage in the activity, they sticks or create a structure that can hold a small
start to explore different variables. They try adding lightweight toy. I also emphasized the importance of
more or fewer drops of vinegar, altering the speed at sharing materials and taking turns. I let them start
which they add it. This process involves problem- building their structures and helped them when they
solving. needed but I also encouraged them to try solving
This demonstrates skill 23 - use problem-solving problems on their own. I asked open-ended questions
strategies, on their own and with others, when like “How can you make your tower stand tall?” and
experimenting with the skills, materials, processes, “Can you try a different way to connect the
and techniques used in drama, dance, music, and marshmallows?”.
visual arts. This demonstrates skill 4 - demonstrate an ability to
use problem-solving skills in a variety of contexts,
including social contexts.

During activity time, The ECE put out different materials During playtime, I asked the children to build a tower
for making “DIY Musical Instruments”. The children using the magnetic blocks. They encounter challenges
were given a variety of materials like empty paper rolls, such as stability issues and uneven surfaces. Problem-
different colors of tape, and rice to create their own solving skills come into play as they innovate by
musical instruments. They problem–solve to figure out experimenting with different ways to stack and balance
how to make sounds and innovate by designing unique the blocks. I interacted with them by asking questions
instruments with different pitches. such as what they felt while building the tower and
This demonstrates skill 24.4 - select and use tools, what other materials, they used to build the tower.
equipment, and materials to construct things. This demonstrates skill 13.3 - select and use materials
to carry out their own explorations.

During outdoor activities and due to unfavorable During playtime, the children were playing with the big
weather, children face challenges in engaging in blocks and two children wanted to play with the same
physical activities. The RECE and children collaborate to toy and one of them didn’t want to share the toy. I
find ways to incorporate physical activities within the encouraged them to think of some solutions to solve
available space. They come up with creative indoor their problems. I suggested that they divide the big
exercises that promote physical well-being while blocks into half and they both agreed and played. This
adapting to the constraints. innovative solution teaches the concept of sharing to
This demonstrates skill 6 - demonstrate an awareness aid in conflict resolution.
of their own health and well-being. This demonstrates skill 4.1- use a variety of strategies
to solve problems, including problems arising in
social situations (e.g., trial and error, checking and
guessing, cross-checking – looking ahead and back to
find material to add or remove)
Reflection and connection to ideas in the KP (2016): write a 150–200 word reflection about how the examples above
connect to research/theories in section 2.4.

Field Mentor Signature, date, and email/phone #:

(Please sign only after the chart and reflection above are completed)
Frame: Demonstrating Literacy and Mathematics Behaviours

Observations of field Mentor/other ECEs. Write a brief My planned/spontaneous interactions/invitations (at

description of what occurred and what specific least one should be planned and communicated with
expectation (section 4.5) it connects to. your mentor in advance – this can be done verbally).
Write a brief description of what occurred and what
specific expectation (section 4.5) it connects to.
During activity time, my mentor asked the children who (Spontaneous) while the children were playing with play
wanted to join in making a playdough. She let the dough, I made different shapes like circles, hearts, and
children help her in measuring and counting the squares using the playdough and I asked them to
ingredients needed for the play dough recipe. This identify the shapes that I had made. I also asked them if
introduces basic math concepts of measurement and they could make one shape out of the play dough.
counting, helping them understand quantity and This demonstrates skill 1 – communicate with others in
proportion. a variety of ways, for a variety of purposes, and in a
This demonstrates skill 20 – apply the mathematical variety of contexts.
processes to support the development of mathematical
thinking, to demonstrate understanding, and to
communicate thinking and learning in mathematics,
while engaged in play-based learning and in other

During story time, the ECE read a book and explained (Planned) I began my activity by gathering the children
about rhyme. She sang a song with rhyming words like in a circle time. I introduced the concept of counting
“oh la la la” while clapping her hands to create a pattern and subtraction playfully by telling the children I have a
and encouraged the children to follow her and she story about five mischievous monkeys. I put out my
asked them to create their song with rhyming words. props such as pictures of monkeys to represent the
This demonstrates skill 1.11 – demonstrate an monkeys in the song. I also asked them if they knew
awareness that words can rhyme, can begin or end with how to count from one to five and encouraged them to
the same sound, and are composed of phonemes that count along with me and started to sing the song “Five
can be manipulated to create new words. Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed”. After each monkey
fell off the bed, I discussed the concept of subtraction in
simple terms, such as “We started with five monkeys,
and now we have 4 left.”
This demonstrates skill 20.2 - use, read, and represent
whole numbers to 10 in a variety of meaningful
While the children were busy playing with their chosen While everybody was busy playing with toys, I got a
activity, the ECE asked the children to identify the chance to discuss similarities and differences with the
numbers they were holding. She also asked if they children. I encourage them to sort the toys into groups
could arrange the number from 1 to 10. She based on a specific attribute, such as placing all red toys
encouraged the children to count from 1 to 10 and used in one pile and all blue toys in another. After, I asked
the counting cubes to put into the corresponding the children what similarities and differences they
number. observed while sorting.
This demonstrates skill 20.1 – demonstrate an This demonstrates skill 20.5 - investigate and describe
understanding of number relationships for numbers how objects can be collected, grouped, and organized
from 0 to 10, through investigation (e.g., show small according to similarities and differences (e.g., attributes
quantities using fingers or manipulatives). like size, colour).

Reflection and connection to ideas in the KP (2016): write a 150–200 word reflection about how the examples above
connect to research/theories in section 2.3.

Field Mentor Signature, date and email/phone #:

(Please sign only after the chart and reflection above are completed)

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