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Name: Mabelle A.

Section: BS Architecture 3A
Subject: ARCH 313 – Professional Practice 1

Case Study: Promoting Accessibility in a Commercial Complex

As was given in the background of the study, architect should ensure that buildings meet
all the necessary laws and regulations. They have a significant role in various aspects of building
design, including interior design, circulation, restroom facilities, parking and drop-off areas,
communication, information, and collaboration with consultants.
I. Interior Design and Circulation
• NBC Section 701
➢ The architecture should be able to identify the classification and zoning
specification of the commercial complex and what buildings proposed for
construction shall be identified according to their use or the character of its
• Elevator and Ramps
➢ To enhance accessibility for customers with wheelchairs or mobility
challenges, it is advisable to install ramps or elevators alongside the entry
• Corridors
➢ This includes the provision of spacious pathways within the interior space
to facilitate smooth and unhindered movement for individuals with
disabilities who rely on walkers and wheelchairs.
➢ Corridors shall have minimum clear width of 1.20 m to allow for both a
wheelchair user and a Non-PWD to pass. Where space is required for two
(2) wheelchairs to pass, the minimum width shall be 1.80 m
The architect must ensure that the interior design and circulation of the building comply
with building codes and regulations. This includes factors such as accessibility, fire safety,
and appropriate space utilization.
II. Restroom Facilities
Architects must ensure that restrooms are accessible to people with disabilities
• BP344 Section C. no. 2. Doors –
➢ All doors shall have a minimum clear width of 900 mm. Clear openings shall
be measured from the face of a fully open door at 90 degrees and the door
• BP344 Section C. no. 6. Toilet and Baths –
➢ A minimum area of 1.70 m x 1.80 m. Accessible public toilets shall permit
easy passage of a wheelchair and allow the occupant to enter a toilet
compartment, close the door and transfer to the water closet from either a
frontal or lateral transfer.
• BP344 Section C. no. 6.3.3. Turning Space –
➢ A turning space of 2.25 sq. m with a minimum dimension of 1500 mm for
wheelchair users shall be provided outside water closet cubicles.
The architect must design restroom facilities that meet the standards and regulations set
forth by building codes. This includes considerations such as the number of restrooms
required based on occupancy, accessibility for individuals with disabilities, and proper
plumbing and sanitation systems.
III. Parking and Drop-Off Areas
• BP344 Section A. no 1. Ramps –
o Accessible ramps shall have the following facilities and features: Minimum
clear width of 1.20 m and a gradient not steeper than 1:12.
• BP344 Section A. no. 4. Accessible Parking Slot Requirement –
➢ Where parking spaces are required to be provided, the number of
accessible parking lots for vehicles driven by persons with disabilities or
vehicles with passengers with disabilities.
➢ It should also follow the minimum width of 3.70 m and a length of 5.00 m
and a walkway with a minimum clear width of 1.20 m. provided between
the front ends of parked cars.
Architects should adhere to local zoning regulations that dictate the number and layout of
parking spaces and drop-off areas.
IV. Communication and Information
• BP 344 Section A. no. 5 Signages –
➢ Architect should follow the minimum requirements under this section for
more access to the users.
➢ Ensure that communication and information systems are accessible to
individuals with disabilities, including features like visual alarms and
signage that meets the BP344 standards.

V. Collaboration with Consultants

• Contractual Agreements –
➢ Architect should establish clear contractual agreements with consultants,
outlining responsibilities, deliverables, and liability provisions.
• Building Codes and Regulation –
➢ Collaborate with consultants to ensure that the design and construction
adhere to relevant building codes, industry standards, and regulations.

During the design and construction phases, architects need to diligently maintain precise records,
documenting their adherence to all relevant laws. Effective communication with clients, building
authorities, and other involved parties is also essential. Conducting regular inspections and
implementing quality control measures is crucial to verify that the finished building fully complies
with legal requirements, thereby reducing the risk of legal issues.

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