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Semantic Web 1 (2010) 111–115 111

DOI 10.3233/SW-2010-0004
IOS Press

The knowledge reengineering bottleneck

Editor(s): Krzysztof Janowicz, Pennsylvania State University, USA; Pascal Hitzler, Wright State University, USA
Solicited review(s): Bernardo Cuenca-Grau, University of Oxford, UK; Sören Auer, Universität Leipzig, Germany

Rinke Hoekstra a,b

Department of Computer Science, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Leibniz Center for Law, Universiteit van Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Abstract. Knowledge engineering upholds a longstanding tradition that emphasises methodological issues associated with the
acquisition and representation of knowledge in some (formal) language. This focus on methodology implies an ex ante approach:
“think before you act”. The rapid increase of linked data poses new challenges for knowledge engineering, and the Semantic Web
project as a whole. Although the dream of unhindered “knowledge reuse” is a technical reality, it has come at the cost of control.
Semantic web content can no longer be assumed to have been produced in a controlled task-independent environment. When
reused, Semantic Web content needs to be remoulded, refiltered and recurated for a new task. Traditional ex ante methodologies
do not provide any guidelines for this ex post knowledge reengineering; forcing developers to resort to ad hoc measures and
manual labour: the knowledge reengineering bottleneck.

Keywords: Knowledge engineering, ontology reuse, design patterns, linked data, dirty data, data reuse, provenance

1. Introduction ment of large scale expert systems in the eighties and

early nineties. Well known examples are Clancey’s
The field of knowledge engineering upholds a long- identification of types of knowledge in a knowledge
standing tradition that emphasises methodological is- base [4], the KADS and CommonKADS methodolo-
sues associated with the acquisition and representation gies of [2,16] that separate a conceptual domain model
of knowledge in some (formal) language. Examples from problem solving methods in the specifications of
are the development of task-independent ontologies a knowledge based system, and Gruber’s now famous
and the recent interest in design patterns. However, the characterisation of ‘ontology’ [10] and their physical
focus on methodology implies an ex ante approach: reuse in the Ontolingua server [7] that culminated in
“think before you act”. And in fact, the same attitude is the now commonplace use of the term to refer to a
prevalent in traditional web-based publication of infor- set of axioms that can be exchanged as a file. Ontolo-
mation. Information is moulded, filtered and curated gies soon became the center of attention for the field
in a way that befits the purpose of the information of knowledge acquisition – leaving problem solving
provider. In this position paper, I argue that the field methods largely ignored until only recently in e.g. [18].
of knowledge engineering is facing a new challenge in It is the type of knowledge represented as an ontology
the linked data age as information providers become – terminological knowledge – that was the main inspi-
increasingly dependent on external data and schemas. ration for the data model and semantics of the main
Semantic Web languages.
1.1. Ex ante knowledge engineering The main focus was now directed towards the spec-
ification of design criteria and corresponding method-
The ex ante approach of knowledge engineering ologies that ensured the development of ontologies
originates in the problems identified in the develop- suited for their main purpose: reuse in multiple sys-

c 2010 – IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved
112 R. Hoekstra / The knowledge reengineering bottleneck

tems [9]. For, it was thought, if ontologies are well- “The problem of knowledge acquisition is the crit-
designed, they can be reused as task-independent ical bottleneck problem in artificial intelligence.”
knowledge components, enabling and facilitating more [8, p. 93]2
rapid construction of knowledge based systems by cir-
In contrast, the knowledge reengineering bottleneck
cumventing the knowledge acquisition bottleneck [8]. refers to the general difficulty of the correct and con-
In the late nineties, and early 2000s, with the expected tinuous reuse of preexisting knowledge for a new
increase in the number of ontologies, a similar boot- task. The first difference between the two bottlenecks
strap seemed attainable by developing methods for is that knowledge acquisition concerns the extraction
reusing (parts of) ontologies in developing new ontolo- of generic knowledge from a domain expert, while
gies, thus spawning research on ontology types, ontol- knowledge reengineering involves both generic and
ogy merging, ontology alignment [15], ontology map- assertional knowledge. Indeed, knowledge engineer-
ping, and – more recently – ontology modularisation. ing has contributed a lot to enabling schema level
In [12] I criticised the underlying assumptions of reuse, but traditional ex ante methodologies do not pro-
the alignment and merging of ontologies as these in- vide any guidelines for this ex post knowledge reengi-
evitably alter the ontological commitments of an on- neering. Semantic web developers therefore resort to
tology, rendering the claim of more reusable and com- ad hoc measures and manual labour. The second differ-
patible knowledge system components an empty one.1 ence is that on the linked data web, reuse is not a copy-
This criticism is moderated by the fact that many (if and-paste operation, but rather a continuous relation of
not most) ontologies are never used as a component of trust between a knowledge provider and its ‘clients’.
an expressive knowledge based system, but rather as Simply replace ‘applied artificial intelligence’ with
facilitator for knowledge management; i.e. as ‘seman- ‘the semantic web’ in the following quote from Feigen-
tic’ annotations of information resources (documents, baum:
users). Knowledge management has indeed turned out
“If applied artificial intelligence is to be impor-
to be the key use case for ontologies (and vocabularies) tant in the decades to come, we must have more
on the Semantic Web [6,12,18]. This is partly given by automatic means for replacing what is currently a
limitations of web-scale reasoning on expressive on- very tedious, time-consuming and expensive pro-
tologies, although these limitations are of decreasing cedure.” [8, p.93]
severity [17].
The tedious procedure alluded to by Feigenbaum is
the procedure by which we integrate (existing) knowl-
edge into a new system. The web of data may be more
2. The bottleneck
accessible than expert knowledge in a human brain, it
is often expressed in a very convoluted manner, mak-
The methodologies and technical solutions we briefly ing it hard to reuse [11].
discussed in the preceding section have been motivated
and developed in a world without actual data: ontol-
ogy engineering is an activity that takes place at design 3. Challenges
time. In a knowledge management setting, ontologies
are often used for the annotation of fresh data. But the The rapid increase of both quantity and importance
world has changed; the linked data cloud is growing at of linked data poses new challenges for knowledge en-
an exponential pace, and more and more applications gineering and the Semantic Web project as a whole:
become dependent on it. This has a significant effect
on the way in which knowledge is being reused on the Challenge 1: Data Dependency Knowledge engi-
neering is not yet fully accustomed to the ubiquity of
instance data. An example is current work on ontol-
Feigenbaum’s knowledge acquisition bottleneck
ogy and vocabulary alignment. The Ontology Align-
refers to the difficulty of correctly extracting expert
ment Evaluation Initiative (OAEI) annually specifies
knowledge into a knowledge base:
2 The knowledge acquisition bottleneck is often misunderstood as
1 Infact, this extends to the reusability of ontologies and ontology the high threshold in effort before knowledge representation starts to
design patterns. pays off, and practical reasoning problems can be solved.
R. Hoekstra / The knowledge reengineering bottleneck 113

a set of ontologies for benchmarking alignment sys- quences, certainly as we cannot assume that all occur-
tems. These systems are evaluated against a reference rences of sioc:User will be replaced, nor that tool de-
alignment, or checked for coherence, but not against velopers will provide the necessary update. But, what
a set of instance data.3 At the moment, this does not are these consequences, and how do we prevent or
seem to be a very pressing issue. The most promi- amend them?
nent use case for ontology alignment is information The pragmatic, ad hoc approach to dirty data is to
retrieval, and formal characteristics of the aligned on- “just fix it”. An example is the recently started “Pedan-
tologies and datasets play only a limited role. In a re- tic Web” group; a group of concerned experts that
trieval setting, alignment quality can be assessed by functions as a communications channel between data
comparing precision and recall with or without using owners, schema owners, and users, allowing them to
the alignments. A limited loss of retrieval quality can file bug reports, and suggest fixes.5 Indeed, repairing
be outweighed by the added advantage of search us- dirty data and schemas is a noble effort, but it is doubt-
ing two vocabularies. In a more knowledge intensive ful whether this initiative can scale and remain effec-
setting, however, loss of quality has a more significant
tive over the coming years.
effect: instance data can be classified under the wrong
In the end, data and schema quality have to be as-
type. How current ontology alignment techniques will
sured in some automatic way. Description logics rea-
scale to use cases for tasks that require higher expres-
soners will tell you whether a knowledge base is con-
siveness is at the present time still an open question.
sistent, but there is a tradeoff in optimisation between
Challenge 2: Limited Control Although the dream of expressive TBox reasoning, or reasoning on a large
unhindered knowledge reuse is a technical reality, it ABox (see e.g. [5]). Approaches that allow reasoning
has come at the cost of control. Similar to the Web 2.0 on very large amounts of (dirty) data, such as [17], are
revolution, where information consumers transformed based on forward chaining algorithms that do not de-
into information producers; semantic web content can tect inconsistencies or other problems. An additional
no longer be assumed to have been produced in a con- issue is that the results of tableaux algorithms are very
trolled environment. First of all, this means that data is hard to explain [13] and problems can only be fixed
‘dirty’; it may not be the latest version, it may be in- one at a time. Techniques for reasoning with inconsis-
consistent, it may use multiple identifiers for the same tent ontologies, such as e.g. [14], show promising re-
resource, it may have gaps in coverage, or be redun- sults but their value depends on task context. Knowl-
dant. The prototypical example of the dangers of this edge engineering can certainly play a role in investi-
type of issues is the excessive use of owl:sameAs asser- gating reasoning strategies for tasks on the web of data.
tions between resources in different data sources. Fur-
Another question is, what should a knowledge
thermore, there is no guarantee that the ontologies that
reuser do when encountering a problem? If it is not
define the classes and properties used in the data are
your own data, who should fix it? The model chosen
used in the specified way: the relata of a property may
by the BBC music website is to fix the original infor-
not be of the correct type, the data may be expressed in
mation source (e.g. Musicbrainz).6 Clearly this model
terms of an older version of a schema, or the data may
cause the schema to become inconsistent. only works when dealing with community-developed
Recently, the SIOC Project has made a change to its open data; in a more restricted setting, other models
schema – an increasingly popular vocabulary for ex- will be more suited (including not fixing it). Differ-
pressing social networking knowledge.4 sioc:User was ent users may adopt conflicting models for the same
changed to sioc:UserAccount to avoid conflation of the data: a knowledge provider has to make clear how its
class with foaf:Person. The change was announced on data and/or schema should be used, what its versioning
the SIOC website, and the schema owner advised users regime is, and has to provide provenance information
to change their data accordingly. Arguably, a change to for quality assurance.7
such a widely used schema can have enormous conse-
5 “We want you to fix your data”, see
3 See for evaluation methodology the OAEI and Ontology Match- 6 See and http://www.musicbrainz.
ing workshop pages at org, respectively.
4 SIOC: Semantically-Interlinked Online Communities. See 7 See other contributions in this volume, and the W3C Incubator Group on Provenance,

114 R. Hoekstra / The knowledge reengineering bottleneck

Challenge 3: Increased Complexity The issues raised data into account. The challenges discussed in Sec-
by the two preceding challenges are not new to many tion 3 are not new, but have to be faced in order to
of us working with Linked Data. However, in con- make the Semantic Web – and not just a web of data –
text of the decennia-old debate between neats and a success. Indeed, that these challenges arise is a sign
scruffies,8 these challenges are currently addressed of a maturing domain. The dependency on data means
only through the pragmatics of the latter perspective. that the web of data has become an object of study in
Most of the experience gained there precipitates in its own right. It has grown beyond the control of the
blog posts, or best practices documents, rather than tra- (academic) community that gave rise to it – similar to
ditional scientific discourse.9 the Web itself [1].
With scruffy linked data on the rise, it is likely Insights from knowledge engineering have played
that new Semantic Web applications [6] will capitalise an important role in the initial design of Semantic Web
on this data and move beyond the simple lookup and technology, but the field seems to be sticking to its
mashup services listed by [18]. These applications may own turf rather than reaching out to help overcome the
not all live on the web or produce linked open data, reengineering bottleneck.
but they will depend on it and require more expres-
siveness. As a consequence, the complexity and task-
dependence of content on the web of data will increase,
emphasising the need for a knowledge reengineering Acknowledgements
perspective. What does task-dependence of data mean
on the web? Is there a role for knowledge engineering I would like to extend my thanks to the reviewers for
insights from the nineties, such as the problem solving their comments on the first version of this paper.
methods of CommonKADS [3]? Understanding pat-
terns in data reuse (as opposed to ontology design pat-
tens) is currently uncharted territory. References
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