Cangrejo Festival 2024 Guidelines

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Prepared by: Dr. Kier P. Dela Calzada

Barangay Vitali, with its rich mangrove ecosystems and clean coastal waters, provides an
ideal habitat for crabs (Cangrejo), earning its reputation as Zamboanga City's Crab capital. The
area's natural environment offers abundant food sources and shelter, crucial for crab sustenance
and breeding. Sustainable management practices ensure the preservation of this habitat, supporting
both biodiversity and local livelihoods of Vitalianos.

The Cangrejo Festival Dance Competition, a highlight of the Dia De Vitali Fiesta 2024,
celebrates the rich cultural heritage and maritime traditions of the barangay. This competition pays
homage to the vital role crabs play in the local economy and ecosystem, symbolizing both
sustenance and ecological balance. Through expressive dance, participants creatively interpret the
crab's unique movements, fostering community engagement and artistic innovation.

This event also boosts tourism, inviting visitors to immerse in local customs and cuisine
centered around crab delicacies. It's an educational platform, too, raising awareness about marine
propagation and conservation while strengthening communal bonds through shared cultural


To celebrate the Dia De Vitali Fiesta through a dance competition that showcases
creativity, cultural heritage, and the theme of the festival, which is the crab, a symbol of vitality
and prosperity.


Below are proposed guidelines and mechanics to ensure a successful and enjoyable
competition for all participants and spectators.

1. Participants
Eligibility: Open to all primary, secondary and tertiary schools in Vitali district.
Group Size: Minimum of 30 and maximum of 50 dancers per group excluding the
instrumentalists and props men.
Category: Category A- primary, Category B- Secondary and Tertiary
2. Registration
Requirements: Profile of Participants & Parent`s Consent
Deadline: January 30, 2024, 5:00 PM.
Process: Online registration and submission through the google link, including group details and a brief
description of their performance.
3. Dance Theme and Music
Theme: All performances must revolve around the Cangrejo Festival concept that depicts
the elements of Crab industry in Barangay Vitali to include fisheries, propagation,
conservation, cultural influence, livelihood and economic impact.
Music: The participants can use live musical instruments or recorded music of choice
during the performance. Can be any genre but must be suitable for all ages. The use of live
musical instruments is encouraged but not mandatory.
4. Costume and Props
Costumes: Should reflect the theme and be culturally appropriate.
Props: Use of props is allowed but must be safe and not hazardous to the participants and
others. The use of backdrop is allowed during parade and final showdown. The use of live
animal is allowed but no animal should be harmed during the competition. The use of
flammable materials such as fireworks or pyrotechnics as part of the performance are
strictly prohibited. A five (5) points deduction shall be imposed against any contingent who
violates this rule.
5. Performance
Duration: Festival Dance Parade performance should not exceed 2 minutes. Final
Showdown performance should not exceed 8 minutes.
Staging: The performance must be suitable for an outdoor stage. During the Festival Dance
Parade, only the left side road must be occupied following 4-line dancers. The final
showdown performance must conform to the crosswise positioning of the standard covered
Choreography: Originality, creativity and high-level of difficulty is highly encouraged. The
use of traditional and contemporary dance forms is allowed. Risky stunts like Flips,
somersaults, partner lifts and throws, head spin, tossing, thumbling and the like are strictly
not allowed. A five (5) points deduction shall be imposed against any contingent who
violates this rule.

The parade will start at 8:00 AM from Vitali Bridge to Vitali Central School Covert Court.
The designated areas for the judges are as follows:
Station 1: Vitali Bridge
Station 2: Bataan Crossing
Station 3: Tamion Crossing
Station 4: Front of Vitali Church
The final Festival Dance Showdown will be held at Vitali Central School.

6. Judging Criteria
Judging will be done in 2 phases: The Festival Dance Parade will comprise 30%
and the Final Showdown will comprise the 70% of the total score. The same criteria will
be used for the two performances.

Festival Dance Parade & Final Showdown Criteria:

Choreography (25%) (Level of difficulty, Use of space, Artistry of steps,
Formation, Alignment, Fluency & Projection)
Theme Interpretation (20%) (Relevance to the theme as interpreted in music, dance
movement and artistic expression)
Costume and Props (25%) (Artistic choice of color and style, effective use of Props
relevant to the interpretation of theme)
Musicality (20%) (Creativity, Instrumentality, Transition, Appropriateness,
Rhythm & Timing, Balance and Beat)
Overall Presentation (10%) (Spatial interest, Blend, Wow Factor, Memorability,
Stage Presence, Energy, Consistency, Audience Impact)

There will be two sets of judges for the Festival Dance Parade and Final showdown

7. Prizes
Prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places, including cash prizes, trophies, and certificates.
Special awards for Best Costume, Best Musicality, Best Festival Queen and Best

Category A (First Place: 20,000.00, Second Place: 10,000.00, Third Place:

5,000.00, Consolation Prize: 2,000.00)
Category B (First Place: 30,000.00, Second Place: 20,000.00, Third Place:
10,000.00, Consolation Prize: 3,000.00)

8. General Rules
a. All participants must adhere to the festival’s guidelines.
b. Safety of performers is paramount. Any risky or dangerous acts are prohibited.
Safety must be observed in the execution of presentations. Injury caused by dance
routines will be the responsibility of the contingent.
c. Groups must be ready at least 30 minutes before the performance time.
d. Performers must hydrate and take food/snacks prior to their performance.
e. In case of inclement weather, the event may be rescheduled or relocated.
f. The festival organizer reserves the right to make changes to the rules and
mechanics of the competition.
9. Promotion
Participants are encouraged to promote their participation in the competition on
social media using the official hashtag of the festival. #DiaDeVitali2024 #CangrejoFestival

10. Contact Information

For queries, the organizing committee can be contacted at the Facebook Page of
SK Vitali or the Festival Organizer Mr. Shaterlan Tacbobo though his facebook page.
Regular updates will be provided on the SK Vitali Official page and social media pages.

By adhering to these guidelines, the Cangejo Festival Dance Competition at the Dia
De Vitali Fiesta 2024 promises to be a colorful, energetic, and memorable event,
celebrating both the joy of dance and the unique theme of the festival.
February 23, 2024
Profile of Participants

Name Signature Grade/Year Contact Age Parent`s Name

Level Number


I/We hereby willingly and voluntarily give consent the participation of my/our
son/daughter ____________________________________________ to attend/participate the
____________________________________, at _______________, Zamboanga City on

I have considered the benefits that my son or daughter will derive from his/her
participation in this activity provided that due care and precaution will be observed to ensure the
comfort and safety of my son/daughter and that the organizer of the Festival Dance Contest may
not be held responsible for any untoward incident that may happen beyond their control.

Signature of Parent/Guardian Over Printed Name

Verified by:
School Head/Principal/Administrator

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