Final Conclusions

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Final Conclusions

My time studying at Bournemouth and Poole College study Media level 2 has thought me a lot of
stuff which I didn’t know before but now I know a lot more than I did when I started this task. For
example, at the start of the course I didn’t know how to uses any off the adobe creative cloud
software but now as time as when on I have learnt a ton of new skill which I hopefully stay in my

Horror Poster

This is because for the first unit which I did I had a video to follow on this is because I have never use
photoshop this is because before I have never touch it Adobe pro software such as photoshop which
The Horror Poster was my favourite unit because I had to create a poster for a horror film and the
one which I chose to do was the shining by Stephan King which was one of the picks which we had to
choose form. Also, I have never used Photoshop before so this was something new.

Sound Design
The next unit I did was on unit 5 which was sound editing where I had to edit sounds on to clip which
didn’t have any sound on the clip so I had to add the sound on I myself and the website which I used
was called free sounds where you can download.

Video production unit.

To compare with any other projects which I had done whilst studying media at B.P.C this will have to
be the hardest unit to do this is because I had to create a storyboard and film than after that I had to
edited it than I had to did a write up on the film which I had do after I uploaded to the
first film I recreated was James Bond Casino Royale Poison scene that took a total of 4 lesson to
draw, film, edit, upload and write up after that the next one was Batman Begins which took me a
total of 3 lesson to complete but before all of that I had to do an ugly remake so I know how I will
end up

So in conclusion I have learn a lot of skills whilst being at Bournemouth and Poole College studying
media at level 2 the skills which I have learnt.

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