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Task 2: English is easy and fun. Writing Task.

Rubiel Candamil Buitrago



Alexander Basabe

National Open and Distance University

School of Social Sciences Arts and Humanities

English A2

Module 1, Module 2, Module 3


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Module 1 Module 2 Module 3

Step 2: Participation in the Student’s Talking Time (STT).

Student 1 - Name: Rubiel Candamil Buitrago

Date: September 19 Tutor in the workshop: Diana Topic and What did I learn? Whats was goin

Marcela Bermudez Navarro on? Reading exercises. Practicamos la manera

correcta en ejercicios de lectura, escritura.

Date: September 20 Tutor in the workshop: Adolfo Topic and What did I learn? Writing Task -

León Restrepo Barbetti Students' Practice - Live Feedback. Aprendi de

manera interesante la correcta pronunciacion de

algunas palabras claves.

Step 3: Simple past and Past Progressive Simple past – Explanation

Simple past Past progressive sentence

sentence Student’s name

David slid the sled Grandma was walking on the snow Rubiel Candamil Buitrago

They stood on the snow Grandma was falling down Rubiel Candamil Buitrago

David pulled his Granmother on the sled The woman was picking the balls in the bag Rubiel Candamil Buitrago

The girl run to her house David and his friend were pulling Granma to the house Rubiel Candamil Buitrago

Granma served the chicken on the table The girls were drinking juice Rubiel Candamil Buitrago

Tortoise crossed the finish line The bear was watching the tortoise victory Rubiel Candamil Buitrago

The tortoise won the race The deer was not running to the rope Rubiel Candamil Buitrago

The bear thought of the hare Did the other animals think of the hare? Rubiel Candamil Buitrago

The bear did not kidnap the hare to the tree The tortoises were tying the hare Rubiel Candamil Buitrago

Step 4: With the sentences above, write the story of each picture, use the simple past and the past

progressive and the connectors

Picture A: Once upon a snowy winter´s day, youg David eagerly grabbed his sled. His heart raced with

exciments as he envisioned the adventures that awaited for him. David went to the snow mountain and decided to

slid the sled while their Friends did the same thing and his grandma was walking on the White and thick snow, As

David reached the bottom of the slope, he turned to see his Grandma trying to join in on the snowy fun. They

stood on the snow to see the landscape, however the only thing they were able to see was his grandma falling

down in a graceful way. David rushed toher side to help her. Determined to include Grandma in the fun, David

pulled his grandmother on the sled, she was enjoying a lot, at the same time the woman was picking balls from the

snow to the bag in order to go home. The girl run to her house , her cheeks rosy with excitement. Seeing David

and his Grandma on the sled, she couldn't resist the temptation to join in on the winter adventure. Together with

David's friend, they decided to help David and his friend pulling grandma to the house. Back at the cozy house,

with rosy cheeks and noses, Grandma served a delicious, warm chicken dinner. The aroma filled the room,

making everyone's mouths water. Granma served the chicken on the table and girls were drinking juice getting

prepared to eat the delicious meal. It was a day filled with love, laughter, and unforgettable memories, as a simple

sled ride turned into an adventure that brought family and friends closer together in the heartwarming embrace of

winter's wonder.
Picture B: Once upon a time, in the heart of the forest, there lived a tortoise named Timmy. Timmy was

not the fastest animal in the forest, but it had a heart full of determination. One sunny morning, the animals

prepared a raced, all the creatures were excited to participate. As the race began, the tortoise Timmy plodded

along, one slow step at a time. It was determined to finish the race, no matter how long it took. To everyone's

surprise, after a while,Tortoise crossed the finish line, winning the race! Even the bear, who was expecting Lyon

victory and was watching the tortoise´s victory. Yes, you read it right, the tortoise won the race! However, not all

the animals were running to the finish line. Among them was a deer, who had not been participating actively. The

deer was not running to the rope, as he found the race less interesting. After the race, the deer sat down. He

couldn't help but thought of the hare, who was known for being the fastest animal in the forest. The deer

wondered, "Did the other animals think of the hare too?. Now, there's something interesting about the hare. Some

mischievous tortoises decided to have a bit of fun. They had a plan, but it was all in good spirits. The bear did not

kidnap the hare to the tree as some thought, but instead, the tortoises were tying the hare to the tree as a prank. So,

the forest had its share of races, surprises, and laughter that day. And it was a reminder that sometimes, even the

slowest among us can achieve incredible things through determination and a bit of teamwork.
Step 5: Reflection and personal growth Esta etapa está orientada a su reflexión y crecimiento personal

donde usted como estudiante debe realizar una autoevaluación en español:

Student 1

 ¿Cómo se sintió con la actividad?

Rta: La verdad es un poco desafiante me senti un poco enrredado pero con deseo de superacion y


 ¿Qué siente que debe mejorar en su proceso académico?

Rta: Indispensablemente la forma en cómo estoy abordando los temas y sobretodo no predisponerme para

las tareas o los diferentes temas con el fin de no bloquearme y asi hacer más facil el aprendizaje.

 ¿Cómo cree que esta actividad le aportó a su proceso académico?

Rta: Fue un desafío pues la construccion de las oraciones tomando como referencia las imagenes y el

elaborar las historias me sirvió para darme cuenta que el idioma ingles es verdaderamente divirtido y es de

atencion y practica.
 ¿Cómo percibe usted la importancia de aprender un segundo idioma?

Rta: Es realmente importante y de suprema relevancia pues la segunda lengua apertura posibilidades

laborales, profesionales, y para muchas otras situaciones de la vida diaria, saber otra lengua y en especial el ingles

represernta un mundo de aventuras y de conocimiento.

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