Self Care Kit Instructions

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Self-Care Kit

Final Output
What is self-care?
Self-care is any activity we actively choose to do to
take care of our physical, mental and emotional

Self-care is about being as kind to yourself as you

would be to others - treating yourself as you would
the people around you.

It's partly about knowing when your needs are

running low, and stepping back to replenish them
rather than letting them all drain away
cura personalis
“care for the whole person”

At its core is the belief that our skills, talents,

abilities, physical attributes, personalities,
desires, hearts, faith, and minds are all equally
worthy of care and attention.
1) Start by looking for a place to keep the items in your
self-care kit.

2) Fill it with things/activities that will satisfy and bring

joy to the different aspects of your self - to satisfy
Self-Care Kit unmet needs.
A self-care kit is a collection of items and
ideas that make you feel good, feel safe, and
cared for.
Physical Self

Areas of Self- (ex. exercising, daily water intake, healthy lifestyle, spa stuff, a massage)

Care Material Self

(ex. buy yourself something new that makes you happy, material things/possessions)

Mental/Emotional Health
(ex.books, games, journals, letters to self or from others, photos, mementos, use of arts and
crafts to express feelings, coloring books, make a playlist, social media detox)

Spiritual Self
(ex. prayer book, daily meditation log, practice gratefulness, nature walk, attend services,
spiritual retreats, read literature and spiritual discussions)

Social Self
(ex. give someone a compliment, volunteer work, join a club, family dinners, be a listener,
make a date with an old friend, join a support group who struggle with the same things you
do, meet new people)
TWO items/activities per aspect.
Combination of photos and actual items.

Photograph each item item/activity separately AND

the self-care kit as whole
Self-Care Report
Paper size: Short
Font: Arial
Font size: 11
Single spacing
Margins: 0.5 inches

• Photographs of the self-care kit and items
• Self-care Report (PDF)

Submit as a SINGLE pdf document.

DUE: 8 Oct (5PM)

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