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Navigating the Challenges of Crafting a Subsea Master Thesis

Embarking on the journey of crafting a Subsea Master Thesis is a formidable task that demands a
comprehensive understanding of the subject matter, rigorous research, and adept academic writing
skills. Students pursuing advanced degrees in subsea engineering or related fields often find
themselves grappling with the complexity and demands of this academic endeavor.

The intricacies involved in developing a Subsea Master Thesis are manifold. From selecting a
relevant and innovative topic to conducting in-depth research and presenting findings in a coherent
manner, the entire process requires dedication, time management, and a keen eye for detail. The
unique nature of subsea engineering further amplifies the challenges, demanding a specialized
approach and profound expertise in the field.

One of the key hurdles students encounter is the extensive research required to produce a thesis that
contributes meaningfully to the existing body of knowledge in subsea engineering. Delving into the
depths of subsea technologies, environmental considerations, and innovative solutions necessitates a
commitment to staying abreast of the latest advancements in the field.

Additionally, the writing process itself poses challenges. Crafting a Subsea Master Thesis requires
not only technical proficiency but also the ability to communicate complex concepts clearly and
concisely. Striking the right balance between technical detail and accessibility for a broader audience
is a skill that comes with experience and expertise.

In light of these challenges, students often seek external assistance to ensure the quality and success
of their Subsea Master Thesis. Amid the myriad of options available, ⇒ ⇔ stands
out as a reliable and professional service dedicated to supporting students in their academic
endeavors. With a team of experienced writers possessing expertise in subsea engineering, ⇒ ⇔ offers tailored assistance in research, analysis, and the formulation of a
compelling thesis.

Choosing ⇒ ⇔ provides students with the assurance of working with

professionals who understand the intricacies of subsea engineering and possess the academic prowess
required to deliver a high-quality Master Thesis. By availing of their services, students can focus on
understanding and mastering the subject matter, leaving the intricate process of academic writing in
capable hands.

In conclusion, tackling a Subsea Master Thesis is undoubtedly a challenging undertaking that

demands dedication, expertise, and time. For those seeking reliable support in this academic journey,
⇒ ⇔ emerges as a trustworthy ally, offering specialized assistance to ensure the
successful completion of a comprehensive and impactful Subsea Master Thesis.
The cost for the additional equipment and the pressure losses is hard to estimate, a 10% cost increase
of the construction was used as an approximation. The first phase involves locating an analysis of the
influencing determinants. The concept of the Nordic power system will also be introduced to the
reader, creating a context on which following reasoning will build. This includes all the cost features,
including investment, interest rate, operation and maintenance costs and efficiency (IRENA, 2013).
The important ageing and life extension codes and standards are shown in. The progress from
corrective to preventive maintenance was very critical. This. This book is written for those who wish
to become subsea engineers. The comparison of analytical solution results with the experimental. In
both cases a connection between the storage unit and the surface is needed for facilitating the needed
flow of gas (air), transmitting energy and controlling the system. There will be lower investment
costs for the power generating components (fewer components), but higher investment costs for the
additional piping and a cost related to the increased pressure losses. The data entries are given for
each hour of the year, resulting in a total of 8784 entries (due to that 2012 was a leap year). A higher
density corresponds to smaller units for the same energy content. This case provides new insights to
the technological development enabling petroleum activities offshore, specifically how OLGA
transformed the flow of oil and gas from below the sea to the shore. With an increased amount of
renewables in the energy system, it is important to have turbines running with variable speeds in
order to have the ability to follow the fluctuations from these sources. When evaluating the financial
results, storage capacity and the power conversion system the actor’s perspective defined in Chapter
3.3.1 is used to describe the technology on a single unit level. 4.3.1 Financial results Income
When running the energy systems model it became apparent that the income, i.e. the income from
selling electricity at peak hours minus the cost of buying it at off-peak hours, was not enough to
overcome costs for operations and maintenance. Figure 4-3: Joint selection for inspection (Piva,
Latronico. The efficiency used in the model was thus a simplification of the real value. Before
entering the turbine the air is heated by letting it flow through a heat exchanger together with the
turbine exit gases. Depending on which application is considered, the capacity and rated power is of
interest. Figure 2-4: Histogram showing causes of equipment failure. (Wright, 2011). This
approximation is valid since the power generating components work with similar efficiencies in both
technologies. Page 35. This report has only considered concrete as the material to use for
construction of the storage reservoir due to its low cost, low scarcity and the large amount of
knowledge connected to it. But we recommend a proper laptop or desktop for completing
assignments comfortably. During the 1980s it became evident, however, that the Norwegian offshore
petroleum industry was struggling with rising costs, and declining oil prices threatened the future of
Norwegian oil and gas business. Figure 2-7: Alexander Keilland Platform fatigue failure (Exponent
Inc, 2010). 15. The Francis turbine on the other hand has the advantage of having high efficiency in
both pumping and generating mode (if working under designed conditions) and fewer components
are thus needed. Page 26. The interaction of magnetic fields mediates the energy conversion between
mechanical and electrical energy. In addition, a discussion of the benefits and challenges of this
strategy was also presented. TSC Subsea collaborated with DOF Subsea Norway AS to complete the
project for the operator in Angola, West Africa. Lately structures that have reached their life
extension stages are being dealt.
The issue of ageing offshore structures is very crucial to the offshore industry. Download Free PDF
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This is a very crucial element of the life extension process. A generator connected to a 500 rpm
turbine and working with 50 Hz frequency should have 6 pair poles to achieve the wanted condition.
This paper is based on archives from the Norwegian institute of nuclear research, the Norwegian oil
administration and Statoil. The operating medium is salt water which requires a material that is highly
resistant to corrosion. The standard subsea control system is built from a suite of preauthored quality
control, material, welding, and coating specifications that simplify and expedite our execution
processes. They have aggregated annual revenues of approximately NOK 50 billion and employ
approximately 20,000 people in 26 countries. ISO 13822, Basis for design of structures, assessment
of. Different water depths (depths of 100, 458 and 1212 meters were evaluated) will thus give
different volume flows for the same power output and are calculated with equation (1). At a deeper
location the energy density is higher and even though the thickness of the container shell needs to be
increased, the material needed for the construction is less. The difference is that the resource (water
elevation, chemical energy, rotational speed, pressure difference etc.) is charged by a non-perfect
energy converting technology. A conceptual sketch of the idea is shown below in Figure 1. Similarly
to the analysis of SPHS, a range of values for the cost components were used for PHS and CAES,
the most occurring values in literature were in this case used (see Appendix A ). As mentioned the
wanted discharge time and the available energy storage capacity determines what rated power is
used. This means that the PHS technology is a combination of a storage and generation unit,
resulting in lower costs for storage compared to other storage technologies and higher costs for
generation compared to a hydro power plant. Page 55. This reduces the need of production rigs and
ultimately reduces the cost. OneSubsea works with approved vendors to ensure that they can
manufacture the required components, enabling high confidence in quality and lead time. Goteborg
June 2013 John Almen and Johan Falk Page 10. NORSOK N-004, Design of steel structures,
Chapter 10. Asset life extension methodology has to focus on two aspects. Depending on what
technology was studied different economic lifetimes were implemented in the calculation.
Significant Guidance for Design and Construction of Marine and Offshore Struc. A CAES system
produces roughly three times more power in the expansion part of the system than a conventional gas
turbine, in which two thirds of the power generated by the turbines is needed for compression of the
air, since compression has been achieved prior to production (Ter-Gazarian, 2011). Your degree will
be recognised by industry employers around the world. The maximum possible amount of delivered
electricity from the storage unit, with an efficiency of 75%, is: The factor. Far away from pre-
existing facilities and with less than 50 million bbl of median technical reserves at the time of project
sanction, the Okwori oilfield development went a step further. Using porous rock formations as
reservoirs often result in the lowest costs, but hard rock mines and aquifers can also be used. Detta
arbete har analyserat ett sadant koncept, vilket ar ett undervattensbaserat alternativ till ett
pumpkraftverk. Design properties like using a separate pump or a reversible turbine, constant rpm
(mass flow) or constant power output, part load efficiencies and starting characteristics of the turbine
are important to consider.
Table 6-1: Fixed platforms destroyed by Hurricane Ivan (Energo Engineering. The future energy
targets in this region are also well defined and give a solid base for modelling future scenarios. The
total of the risk reductions for a particular inspection program provides a. A good example found in
many applications is the honeycomb. Or a decentralized capacity is considered, with each unit
containing a separate turbine and generator. Getting familiar with the performance of materials and
structures is a continuous. For the CAES the rated power has the potential of being as high as the
energy storage capacity allows. In some cases it can also include losses occurring during storage. We
are extremely proud to support the degree programme and help develop business links that will
enhance the overall learning experience for students. Future economic means of reducing CO2-
emissions could lead to a higher potential income as the running costs for power plants run on fossil
fuels will increase. An Overview of Design, Analysis, Construction and Installation of Offshore Pe.
Table A-1: Assessment of PoF due to individual influencing determinant (Barton. With respect to the
external pressure, the second best shape to withstand this is a cylinder. A lot of offshore structures
are created according to codes and guidelines or. Participants learn about subsea pipelines, risers,
umbilicals, manifolds, control systems, and other essential infrastructure elements. The energy
content in the resource and the electricity generation is known and thus the efficiency can be
calculated. These depths where determined to be 458 m and 1212 m, respectively. Regular PHS and
CAES are technologies considered for the same widespread implementation (bulk storage). For the
centralized case the amount of delivered electricity is 98 650 MWh, an equally large increase as the
increase in storage capacity (20 times). This panel of experts from across the subsea sector ensures
your degree content is always current and informed by the very latest industry needs and
developments. The turbine is set to operate under a fixed power output. The standard subsea control
system is built from a suite of preauthored quality control, material, welding, and coating
specifications that simplify and expedite our execution processes. ISO 13822, Basis for design of
structures, assessment of. Help our planet transition from oil and gas to net-zero, with a degree you
can study online, flexibly. Furthermore, the total operation and maintenance cost will be lower due to
the fact that fewer components are needed. Calibration determinants are assessed from data gotten
from the average. Ageing is broader than considering only structural integrity. They will be available
online and you do not have to buy your own copies. Figure A-1: Comparing alternate inspection
programs with same range but. The water depth determines, as mentioned, the possible pressure drop
and energy density.
The data obtained for this assessment included post-Ivan inspection results. Development of a
Recommended Practice for Structural Integrity. Participants learn about risk-based approaches to
maintaining the integrity of subsea infrastructure. Cables used are dimensioned based on the
operating current and voltage of the turbine and generator (Akerlind, 2013). When estimating the
LCOE a modified version of equation (1) was used. The critical parameters are: installations costs,
operation and maintenance costs, the round trip efficiency, electricity prices and the water depth.
Literature study and guidance by involved individuals determined a suitable design. The first depth
analysed was 100 m, which was chosen since it is likely that an installation at this depth can be
achieved within a foreseeable future. These reserves consist of plants not usually connected to the
system but with short start-up times, such as gas turbine power plants, and plants with the possibility
to be shut off (Huggins, 2010). The change in numeric data automatically updates the graph.
Goteborg June 2013 John Almen and Johan Falk Page 10. Download Free PDF View PDF See Full
PDF Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Energo Engineering
Inc. (2005). Assessment of fixed offshore platform. SINTEF Report for The Petroleum Safety
Authority Norway. Platforms get constructed on an element-basis; aggregate of loads. Participants
learn about subsea pipelines, risers, umbilicals, manifolds, control systems, and other essential
infrastructure elements. Due to this finding it is recommended to investigate an alternative concept,
in which an offshore wind turbine is directly connected to the storage unit. Because of the large
amount of possible configurations the cost for the turbine setup can differ widely. This thesis is
submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for. Hydro-Lek is a leading supplier of remote
intervention systems for the subsea. The issue becomes an optimization problem with certain trade-
offs, and depending on the properties sought a lot of different configurations are possible (Ter-
Gazarian, 2011). 2.5.2 Compressed air energy storage In a compressed air energy storage (CAES)
system air is pressurized by a compressor powered by an electrical motor, the air is then stored in
geological formations (cf. Page 18. In 2035 Denmark expects the power sector to be 100% carbon
dioxide emission free with only renewable sources contributing to power output. Figure 2-4:
Histogram showing causes of equipment failure. (Wright, 2011). 9. An aggressive structural integrity
management (SIM) is required for the life. You pay this fee to your chosen exam centre, not to us.
An Overview of Design, Analysis, Construction and Installation of Offshore Pe. This means that the
extreme arbitrage levels, which can lead to higher incomes, are lacking in this scenario. The
difference is that the resource (water elevation, chemical energy, rotational speed, pressure difference
etc.) is charged by a non-perfect energy converting technology. A large share of the costs for both
storage and generating technology will be shared if this concept is implemented. Taxes and emission
trading schemes would affect these facilities but not renewable sources, which already have low
running costs, and as the renewable power system is expanded the off-peak prices will be reduced as
CO2 neutral power providers are able to deliver all needed electricity at those times.

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