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This Agreement of association of persons executed on date 02/11/2023 by and between:

1) Rtr.Parth Patil – President

2) Rtr.Sanika Deshpande – Secretary
3) Rtr.Shoiba Shaikh – Treasurer

Whereas the above named parties have decided to from an ASSOCIATION OF PERSONS (AOP)
w.e.f. date 02/11/2023 in the name as “ROTARACT CLUB OF PUNE VIBRANT ELITE ”
The main motive of this organization is personality development of the youth and community
Whereas it necessary to reduce into writing into terms and conditions for the above AOP known
We the parties aforesaid do hereby of our freewill and desire consent and agree to and conform
as under
1. That the above named parties have decided to form an AOP known as ROTARACT CLUB OF
PUNE VIBRANT ELITE to provide an opportunity for young men and women to enhance the
Knowledge and skills that will assist them in personal development to address the physical
and social needs of their communities and to promote better relations between all people
worldwide through a framework of friendship and service, cultural activities and allied other
activities as mutually decided , under the name of AOP with its principal place of business
shall be at: Address: Wagholi.
2. That the AOP shall run, organize , and conduct activities namely personality development
sessions , community services , cultural activities and allied other activities. The business
activities may be extended to other activities with the mutual consent of all the parties of all
the parties the name of AOP i.e. ROTARACT CLUB OF PUNE VIBRANT ELITE.

3. That the formation of AOP under the name ROTARACT CLUB OF PUNE VIBRANT ELITE is
chartered by the governing organization ROTARY INTERNATIONAL

4. That the sponsor of AOP will be ROTARY CLUB OF PUNE VIBRANT ELITE.

5. That the financial year of the AOP shall be from 1st July to 30th June every year. The
financial year is aligned to the main Rotary group

6. That the duration of the AOP shall be at will

7. That a bank account shall be opened in any nationalized bank in the name of AOP i.e.
ROTARACT CLUB OF PUNE VIBRANT ELITE and the same shall be operated jointly and/or
severally by any two or by all the parties as decided mutually among them. Till the time of
opening the account the treasurer will operate all transactions through his personal bank
account as decided mutually among all members

8. That president, secretary and treasurer have a right to create construction and bylaws of the

9. That president, secretary and treasurer have a right to look after day to day work and all the
activities as mutually decided.

10. That president, secretary and treasurer have an authority to look after and manage the
business of AOP fruitfully in the interest of AOP and do such activities namely signing
documents to enter into any business contracts and so other activities which are required
for smooth running of the AOP with the greatest of the business activities carried over by
the said AOP i.e.

11. That president, secretary and treasurer have an authority to amend any clause of this
agreement as mutually decided for smooth running of the AOP. The amended agreement
will supersede all previous agreements made by AOP.

12. That treasurer and president/secretary shall sign any agreement, document etc. as and
when required on behalf of the AOP i.e. ROTARACT CLUB OF PUNE VIBRANT ELITE

13. That the AOP shall have regular meeting and maintain proceedings in detail in the separate
minutes book.
In witness where of we the parties have signed this Agreement of Association of Person –
“ROTARACT CLUB OF PUNE VIBRANT ELITE ’’ on 2nd November 2023 at Pune in the
presence of the following witnesses.


1) Rtr.Parth Patil – President

2) Rtr. Sanika Deshpande – Secretary

3) Rtr. Shoiba Shaikh – Treasurer


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