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Compatibility with your partner in other areas of your life

2. Deep analysis of the relationships with your partner based on a

unique birth chart matching system

3. Simple and actionable guide to improving your relationship with your


4. Warning about astrological events and practical advice that will help

you get through this period well

5. Your horoscope and upcoming events for 2023

6. Your unique strengths and weaknesses and how to get the most out of


Cancer is the 4th sign on the zodiacal wheel and represents home and family. They are a
water sign, often expressing emotions from deep within themselves. Their sensitive
nature allows them to experience the world from a place of receptivity, but this can also
feel overwhelming to them at times. The ruling planet of this sign is the Moon which
symbolizes the nurturing part of one's self. Therefore, they love to support and provide
for others, by cooking, creating a cozy environment, or lending a helping hand. This sign
is often associated with the mother archetype and therefore, Cancers are fiercely
protective of loved ones and will fight if they have to defend their families.


With the Moon as a ruling planet, Cancer can often be found in provider and nurturing
roles when it comes to working. Professions like chef, baker, server, restaurant owner, or
bar manager for example. They make excellent bartenders because of their ability to
make delicious drinks and also provide conversation and support to the patrons.


When it comes to love Cancer gets very invested and will not hesitate to put their heart
on the line. Because they are a cardinal and water sign, they have a unique approach to
love and dating. Their cardinal nature allows them to take risks and be bold while at the
same time their watery mood means they will bring their highly sensitive side and need
for security to relationships and dating. Like Cancer’s flower, the delicate orchid, they
need to be approached with care when it comes to relationships. Due to their
hypersensitive personalities, they can sometimes feel insecure or unsure when
navigating relationships. They may have a tendency to get dependent on others for their
happiness or self-worth.

Scorpio is the eighth sign of the Zodiac and represents a growing understanding of
emotional depth and perception. Their element is water, meaning they are emotional and
moody, but unlike other water signs they will hide this behind a tough or neutral exterior
due to their fixed quality. With the ruling planets Mars and Pluto, this gives them fiery
adventurous energy that is highly focused and transformative. Having these two very
powerful and intense planets ruling their sign, they tend to radiate very strong and potent
energy. The colors this sign gravitates towards are black, red, and crimson which
matches their often extreme lifestyle choices and preferences - or at least is symbolic of
their extreme moods.


Mars, one of their ruling planets, is associated with iron, blood, sharp objects, knives, and
surgery - matched with the emotional water element and fixed energy of this sign gives
Scorpio a depth of focus and spirit suitable for the surgical fields. Scorpios have a strong
stomach, intensely concentrated energy, and precision, along with a fascination with life
and death. Therefore they make great researchers, crime scene investigators, morticians,
detectives, and public health analysts - doing work related to infectious disease, hazards,
substance abuse, community health, epidemiology, and the environment.


Scorpios experience the world as a flood of emotions while keeping a calm and
detached exterior. When they get into a relationship it is usually a dramatic yet secretive
affair. Their commitment to partners is intense, along with the dominant role they usually
take on in relationships. Like one of their gemstones, topaz, they bring a flash of
brilliance and fire to their romances.
85% | Relationship
Love - 80/100

Sex - 100/100

Family - 80/100

Friendship - 80/100

Business - 60/100


When two water signs get together, especially ones as emotionally intense as Cancer
and Scorpio the bond can be quite deep and fulfilling. Scorpio, being ruled by Pluto and
Mars, will take on a catastrophic disposition at times, which Cancer is very sensitive to.
They are ruled by the Moon and have a subtler more concerned or worried emotional
experience. Their connection is strong and the relationship feels natural between them.
On the zodiac, they are three signs apart, which means they are in a harmonious trine


These two find that they have a common outlook on many areas of life. Both have very
strong views and beliefs. Together, they are highly realistic, as they both worry about
emotional and physical security needs. Cancer and Scorpio feed off of each other’s
feelings and desires, sensing their way through life, but also being very practical. As a
fixed sign Scorpio is more stubborn regarding what they want while Cancer, as a cardinal
sign, will start something new if the old isn’t working anymore. Scorpio penetrates the
mind and spirit of Cancer while Cancer allows Scorpio to explore all their deepest
insights and investigations into the meaning of life. Cancer is certainly more talkative and
wants Scorpio to engage with them in conversation. Intuition is strong among them, and
both will be able to sense what the other is feeling.


Cancer and Scorpio fathom each other so much that after a while they may not
necessarily need to talk to understand each other: they can tell it all from gestures and
body language. For water signs, security within their partnerships is one of the highest
priorities and both will make a great effort to make each other feel loved and valued.
Sexual chemistry is very strong between these two. For them sex is everything. They
want to connect often through intimacy and find they have no issues when it comes to
being and staying in love. With Scorpio being ruled by Mars and Pluto, their sexual
passion and drive is extreme and they will frequently want to be having sex with their
partner. Cancer will love and fully embrace this feeling of always being wanted by their
partner, making them very compatible in the bedroom. At times the emotional overwhelm
of the relationship can be a lot for both of them, therefore, time apart to pursue their own
interests and socialize with others is necessary.
Day 1: Become a better listener
While our society puts a great deal of emphasis on talking, if you can learn to listen in a
way that makes another person feel valued and understood, you can build a deeper,
stronger connection between you.

There’s a big difference between listening in this way and simply hearing. When you
really listen—when you’re engaged with what’s being said—you’ll hear the subtle
intonations in your partner’s voice that tells you how they’re really feeling and the
emotions they’re trying to communicate. Being a good listener doesn’t mean you have to
agree with your partner or change your mind. But it will help you find common points of
view that can help you to resolve conflict.

The art of listening is the art of seduction. Everyone loves a good listener, and so does
your Scorpio lover. Instead of always ranting on about yourself, why not dedicate today to
just listening...listening to every single word your Scorpio partner says.
Day 2: Talk about your secret dreams

It always feels good when your partner shows interest in you. Let your lover know you
want to learn more about inner hopes and dreams. Not only will you get to know Scorpio
better but you will also see which of these dreams match yours.

Scorpio is a complex individual, there is a lot more than meets the eye. You will be
amazed and pleasantly surprised by what you see when you enter your partner’s world.
Try to open up and show each other your true selves.

Day 3: Recognize what’s important to your partner

Knowing what is truly important to your Scorpio partner can go a long way towards
building goodwill and an atmosphere of compromise.

On the flip side, it’s also important for your partner to recognize your wants. Therefore
don’t wait until Scorpio will make a guess. Instead, state them clearly. In relationship with
Scorpio, it’s important to know and recognize each other’s values, priorities and goals.
Therefore make sure you get this covered.

Day 4: Dedicate this evening to memories

Do you remember why you fell in love with your Scorpio partner in the first place? Do
your best to find those tiny details beautiful again and appreciate them too.

Besides, today would be a good idea to spend the evening together bringing back all the
good memories and discussing some of the best moments you’ve had together: funny
holidays, exciting trips, cool purchases, hard and nice times.
Your Scorpio is a type of person who finds it fun to reminisce about the past. Therefore,
make sure this opportunity is available today.

Day 5: Tell your partner what you need, don’t make them guess.

It’s not always easy to talk about what you need. For one, many of us don’t spend
enough time thinking about what’s really important to us in a relationship. And even if
you do know what you need, talking about it can make you feel vulnerable, embarrassed,
or even ashamed. But look at it from your partner’s point of view. Providing comfort and
understanding to someone you love is a pleasure, not a burden.

If you’ve known each other for a while, you may assume that your partner has a pretty
good idea of what you are thinking and what you need. However, Scorpio is rarely a
mind-reader. While your partner may have some idea, it is much healthier to express your
needs directly to avoid any confusion.

What’s more, people change, and what you needed and wanted five years ago, for
example, may be very different now. So instead of letting resentment, misunderstanding,
or anger grow when your partner continually gets it wrong, get in the habit of telling
exactly what you need.

Day 6: Stop overthinking

Giving this combination of Scorpio, the only person that can get between you and a
fruitful relationship with your Scorpio partner is yourself. So stop living in your own head.
Stop overthinking situations, stop making rash decisions. Enjoy every moment with a
laissez-faire attitude!

Take this seriously and do your best to develop a habit of taking things easier in your
relationship. No one has ever listed ‘overthinking’ among the habits that may ever
improve the relationship. Therefore, dedicate this day to eliminating this habit in order to
take your relationship with your Scorpio partner to the next level.

Day 7: Binge watch the latest Netflix hit

Netflix and chill…

It’s more than just a movement. It’s a time to explore your Scorpio lover’s preferences, to
bond, to remember that love is built upon spending quality time together.

So why not put all things off and see just what’s trending today?

Day 8: Dedicate this day to becoming more compassionate

Nothing turns your Scorpio partner on more than seeing just how sweet and sensitive
you are. Yes, show that you care about the world, that you love others, that you will go
above and beyond just to ensure that your lover remains safely in your arms!

The process of relationship improvement starts with you. Therefore, invest your time in
becoming better. This very trait is what your Scorpio partner is definitely going to

Day 9: Compliment your partner

Are you good at complimenting people? It’s time to improve this skill.

A compliment from you to Scorpio will leave your partner ecstatic. Your partner needs to
hear it from you to open up and feel acknowledged and appreciated. Complimenting
your partner on today's look, past achievements or future plans and ambitions will make
Scorpio feel incredible!
Dedicate this day to compliments and contribute to your relationship via saying nice and
kind words.

Day 10: Learn to love yourself to become more attractive to your partner

The universe loves those who love themselves. So love yourself abundantly, take care of
yourself, look good, smell fresh, work smart, and your Scorpio lover will find you ten
times more attractive than the first time your partner saw you!

Over time, you will discover that loving yourself improves everything in your life—your
relationships, your health and well-being, your ability to manifest your dreams, and your
self-esteem. This is what your Natal Chart readings say too.

Loving and connecting with yourself is the key to being able to love and connect with
others and create loving relationships. Loving yourself is the key to creating a passionate,
fulfilled, and joyful life.

Day 11: Reminisce about the times you laughed

Laughter is a gift from the gods.

Today is the day to remember all those hearty laughs you’ve heard together about this
and that. Bring memories back and recall all those warm and funny moments you’ve
been through.

And if you can make your Scorpio partner laugh some more, then by all means, go for it
Day 12: Dedicate this evening to discussing your favorite books

One of the best ways to learn more about a person is by discovering what kind of books
they like to read. And it works for your Scorpio partner too.

Tonight may be a great time to initialize this conversation with Scorpio. It will most
certainly make your bond stronger.

Today start a conversation about the books. Ask your partner about the favorite books
and ask for book recommendations.

Day 13: Take a walk together

A stroll will be a perfect bonding activity between you and your Scorpio lover today. Just
soaking in that cool, calm breeze, as you gaze into each other’s eyes is enough to kick all
the problems of the world goodbye!

Turn all your devices off and take a good walk.

Have a nice talk, discuss random things, notice and enjoy small things along the way.

Day 14: Ask how you can help your partner

We all have bad days and daily problems that trouble us. It’s crucial in any relationship to
let the other side know that they can talk to you about anything, good or bad. Create a
safe environment for Scorpio and let your partner confide in you.

Scorpio is the one who needs to feel constant support. Make sure you get this covered
and see your relationship thrive.
Day 15: Change something radically in your look

When was the last time that you changed anything in your look? Maybe now this is the
perfect timing for a noticeable change.

Your Scorpio is a demanding person who always needs something new, exciting and
cool. You can get a haircut, dye your hair or choose a new fashion style. Your Scorpio
partner will be intrigued and pleasantly surprised. You will gain more confidence and
have fun doing it.

Day 16: Go to the cinema together

When was the last time you watched a new movie together?

Watching a new movie release might just be what you and your Scorpio partner need to
relieve the stresses of the day. Dress well, head out, and go see what’s currently
screening at your local cinema joint!

Day 17: Relax

Take a deep breath, then exhale. Do this again and again until you feel completely
relaxed. To enjoy the time you spend with your Scorpio partner, you have to live and let

Relax, let your love take you on an epic journey!

Day 18: Embrace the imperfections of your partner

We all can’t be perfect. So can’t Scorpio.

It’s those perfect imperfections that make us unique. And so, you should appreciate your
partner despite minor mistakes or imperfections. And if your lover sees that you do this
unapologetically, Scorpio will only come to love and appreciate you more!

Dedicate this day to learning how to become fine with all the imperfections and become
less bothered and annoyed with this minor little things that you used to find imperfect.

Day 19: Don't put unnecessary pressure on your partner

Your partner may usually be the one who you put most pressure on since you share
everything with this person, good and bad. However, try to take some pressure off
Scorpio at this point. Especially, given the upcoming astrological events.

Your relationship will function more smoothly this way.

Day 20: Schedule a Date this evening

It would be nice for you and Scorpio to spend some time together this evening. Why not
ask your lover on a date? This will show you enjoy your partner’s company and it will give
you two a chance to bond more.

It’s not necessary to wait until the weekend. Go on a date together in the middle of the
week. Your Scorpio will like it.

Day 21: Learn to see beautiful things

Leading a busy everyday life, people stop noticing all the beautiful things around them.
Even if you forgot how to do this, you can learn it again. Just focus on the small things
and start enjoying them. This works for your relationship as well.
Your Scorpio is full of small beautiful details. Learn to notice them and appreciate them

Turn this into a habit and see your well-being gradually improves over time.

Day 22: Learn to be happy on your own

You can’t be happy around others if you can’t be happy on your own. Take some “alone”
time to watch a movie, read a book, go for a walk or just spend some time in silence. The
important thing is to learn to be happy on your own.

This way your Scorpio partner will be able to be happy around you as well.

Day 23: Practice using empathy to foster a closer connection

Empathy is the fuel of a good relationship. Being empathic is about imagining yourself
walking in your partner’s shoes and seeing the world from their perspective. When you
can respond empathically to your partner, it facilitates a deeper bond and creates a
strong sense of safety and trust between you. It does require you to be able to step
outside yourself and begin to appreciate a reality different from yours.

It’s crucial for your Scorpio partner.

Practicing empathy does not mean that you have to completely surrender and give up
what you want or give up your own reality. It just means you need to suspend your own
perspective, even momentarily, so you can appreciate the smallest part of how your
partner sees things.
Day 24: Learn to excuse yourself and walk away if you’re getting angry or upset

Every new fight gets you a few steps away from a perfect relationship. Therefore learn to
work with your emotions and avoid the unnecessary fights.

If you notice that you often get mad over the same topic, you can prepare for your
emotions and manage them better.

Think about topics that make you feel angry or uncomfortable and avoid them when
interacting with your partner. Scorpio is a type that doesn’t like repeating fights and will
appreciate it if you help to avoid the next one.

Day 25: Show your affection

Along with expressing your gratitude to your partner, expressing actions to show how
much you care about your Scorpio partner. From grabbing your partner’s hand at a
restaurant to going to bed together at the end of the night - be the one who ignites your

No doubt, your partner wants your relationship to prosper too. It’s just sometimes that
Scorpio can be reluctant or confused with what to do. Therefore, be bold enough to be
the one who moves a needle.

Day 26: Ask friends out

Invite friends to your place or go out together with them to some fancy place. Scorpio
tends to have a strong connection with friends. Therefore you can use this trait as a way
to strengthen your connection with your partner too. Become closer with each other with
the help of friends.
Spend time around other people, discover new interesting topics, play board games and
enjoy a relaxing night out. If you manage to find shared interests then good time and an
improved relationship are guaranteed.

Day 27: Learn to respect the boundaries

You should know when you cross a line and make sure even in a worst-case scenario
you don't. Unfortunately, fights are impossible to avoid completely but there should be a
limit set.

Be it about fighting or making a joke about each other, you should know that there is a
nerve that hurts very deeply when pressed and once done there is no going back to
normal for a very long time.

Scorpio is the type that does have certain boundaries and personal space. Respect them
and don’t try to push the limits.

Day 28: Listen to the stars

Astrology has answers to all the questions. Your task is just to listen carefully to what
stars are saying.

Stay up to date with the upcoming planetary events as well as daily predictions for you
and your partner and see how planets and stars are going to influence your zodiac
Scorpio today, tomorrow and in the long-term future.

This knowledge will help you avoid the unnecessary decisions and actions as well as
help you do the right things in the right time to strengthen your relationship and eliminate
any emotional strains between you and your Scorpio.
Trust - 100/100

Interests - 100/100

Dependability - 80/100

Fun & enjoyment: 80/100

Though conflict can and often does arise within their friendship, Cancer and Scorpio are
known to enjoy an intense but exciting alliance.

An emotionally intense friendship

Scorpio and Cancer share intensity and passion. Their friendship just fuels those traits
even more. They’re naturally compatible and enjoy their relationship effortlessly, despite
the conflicts that do arise.
Cancer and Scorpio aren’t the most secure of signs and may seek validation through
manipulation. Both of them do it and understand this behavior from the other, so it’s not
much of a problem-causer in their friendship.

They can both count on the other to provide them validation and a sense of security.
They know the other will have their back and truly understand them, unlike anyone else
(with Pisces being the possible exception).

As friends, these two go deep, collaborate with ease, and nearly perfectly balance each
other out. Cancer’s positive traits help take the edge off Scorpio’s negative traits, and
vice versa.

This friendship is passionate, intense, fiery, and known to last the test of time. They can
go far and fast together, and love every minute.

What you need from your friends

You need to know that your friends have your back even when you’re wrong. Sometimes,
you just need to vent and your squad needs to listen and agree with you…on everything.

What they value in you

No other sign is as loving, loyal, and protective as you. Having you as a friend is like
having your own personal lifelong therapist who knows ALL your secrets and NEVER tells
anyone else.

How you can make new friends

Usually, only those who are super close to you get to see your (incredible) sense of
humor. So unleash your inner comedian, Cancer.
Trust - 85/100

Communication - 80/100

Goals - 75/100

Result orientation - 75/100

When Cancer and Scorpio collaborate together, the resulting partnership brings together
two individuals with plenty of personality depth. Indeed, signs such as these normally
have a pleasant combination, with each associating strength’s balancing the other’s

These signs have a strong liking and connection to one another, and when they combine
their ideas and ambitions, the temperature in the room tends to rise.
As for Scorpio and Cancer, they have a lot in common and they tend to keep their
alliances strong.

When it comes to business, Scorpio and Cancer thrive working together towards a
(acquisition) common goal; as well as when it comes to creating a comfortable working

Nevertheless, it’s clear to see that Cancer prefers to have comfort while Scorpio relishes
the power. Both of these signs are focused on material wealth; including stocks, bonds,
and inheritances.

They exude a lot of passion and can be emotionally affected by various aspects of life –
which also includes their work.

They suit each other well because both Cancer and Scorpio are greatly concerned about
their homes; and both have a strong loyalty towards their family groups.

You are a successful entrepreneur

You need a business partner who can execute your imaginations. Your partner should
match your speed and should have the guts to switch over as per the need.

The best feature about the Cancer-Scorpio collaboration is their powerful teamwork
especially when they have similar goals and objectives.

In terms of business, when Cancer realizes that the Scorpio will be present long-term,
and that their partnership is bearing fruit, they both can flourish tremendously.

Their mutual desire to succeed makes their partnership a formidable strength.

Trust - 85/100

Interests - 90/100

Dependability - 90/100

Fun & enjoyment - 80/100

For someone that is as emotionally driven to be successful as a way and means to

provide for yourself and your family, you are a force to be reckoned with and dedicated
to your cause and goals. Security is your drive and purpose, and with this comes your
unequivocal loyalty and ethics. You could find yourself very successful in a career where
you can nurture others, and focus on the emotional side of helping others be supported
and comfortable.

When working together, Cancer and Scorpio greatly balance the other’s weaknesses.
Both signs have depth and emotion paired with drive and ambition, making them highly
compatible in the workplace. They’re naturally drawn to one another and their shared
interests and traits help keep their relationship strong. While Cancer desires comfort,
Scorpio goes after power. Their shared goal of acquisition allows them to work together
for power and comfort, pushing one another and enjoying the process as they go. Both
signs hold deep emotion for all aspects of life, from family to work. They’re deeply
passionate and fiercely loyal. The importance they both place on both home and work
life allows them to work together even more harmoniously.

When Cancer and Scorpio are working together towards a shared goal, they’re teamwork
is incredibly powerful. If Cancer can recognize that their partnership is productive and
trust that Scorpio is committed to the relationship, then they can achieve almost anything
together. Combined, their unique traits create great strength.
Trust - 80/100

Understanding - 70/100

Interests - 90/100

Leisure - 80/100

Learning your boss’s zodiac sign can give you understanding of their personality traits
and leadership style, from which you can determine the best ways to get ahead and build
your career. There are advantages and disadvantages to each zodiac sign as a boss; the
trick is learning what to expect from your boss and how to show them you have the skills
and personality traits they want in an employee.

Your boss is emotionally invested in his employees, making firing a loyal employee
extremely difficult for him. He sees his workplace as a second family; however, this also
means if you betray him, do poor quality work, or upset a coworker, he will take it
personally. Show your chief respect and commitment and do not take his kindness for
granted. If you show him loyalty, your boss will protect and nurture you like a family

Your Boss

Strengths: low-key, easy, harmonious

Weaknesses: overly demanding, expectant, particular

Interactive Style: persuasive, feeling, empathic

This is a work relationship where dedication and positive energy meets seriousness and
protectiveness. You can quickly transform into the go-to person for your boss. Don’t
waste time and lose any motivation you have, as the most difficult thing in the world is to
regain your boss’s respect and forgiveness once it is lost.


Your boss would like to see that you value being part of the work family. Go the extra
step to foster teamwork and ensure you mentor any junior members that are part of the
team. Once you show that you appreciate the care your boss provides to you, they will
show that they value you as well.
The year ahead of you will be an encouraging and favorable one for you. The
challenging and tough time you went through the last year will come to an end. You will
finally feel joy and relief. You will experience a lot of pleasant moments that you have not
felt in some time. It is time for you to come out of your shell and start experiencing all the
wonderful things life has to offer. This is a good time to take action and improve your life.
Enjoy every moment that you have because this is a lucky year for you.

In 2023 you have the chance to put your skills and talents into good use. Go out there,
socialize and meet new people who will help you transform your perspective of life.
Listen, watch, and observe these people, let them teach you how to get the best of life
and live life to its fullest potential. That is how you are going to be able to grow in all
areas of your life.

Leave the past behind and concentrate on what is ahead of you. Make sure that your
present is exactly what you want, and if not, make changes. Fears, distress, and worries
should not discourage you from fulfilling your dreams. Take charge of your life and make
your dreams come true.
Planetary Influence: a look at the year ahead
The June Solar Eclipse is in your sign, it means it is a time when you want to reinvent
yourself. You could maybe decide to change your hair color or style, or the way you
express yourself. How you present yourself to the world and how you relate to other
people can become a very important aspect of your life at this time. This year will be an
essential time to set new goals in life for you.

Uranus is in your career field since last year, and has brought few sudden shifts in your
professional life. The planet will remain in this area of life for another 6-7 years, urging
you to gain more freedom and independence in this aspect of your life. Remember that
this is not the best time for making any impulsive decisions built on your desire to be
free. You may discover some great skills and talents that you had in you but wasn’t aware
of it. This could also be a time of unexpected developments taking place in your
professional career.

Monthly Horoscopes: Important Tendencies

January 2023 begins with Mercury in retrograde motion, increasing the chances for
miscommunication and misunderstandings if you are not clear and straightforward in
your communication. Stay organized and keep track of your schedule to minimize the
effect of this transit. Don't rush with your conclusions, and double-check before you
make any important decisions.

February 2023 is an ideal month to focus on education, learning, and building up

experience. Mercury in Aquarius makes your brain hungry for knowledge, and you will be
more open to new and visionary ideas. Leaving your comfort zone and trying out new
things is more accessible and will help you thrive and evolve in all areas of life!
March 2023 is bringing you romance and tranquility. With Venus in Taurus, you will focus
on achieving harmony and balance in your everyday life. Moreover, time spent with your
loved ones becomes a source of happiness and fulfillment. As a result, you'll be creating
healthy and strong relationships, favoring comfort and stability over chaos.

April 2023 begins with Mercury in Taurus, helping you keep both your feet firmly on the
ground. It is a transit that provides clear and pragmatic thinking, increasing your chances
to succeed in your plans as you will be more logical and calculated in your actions. It is
an ideal time to simplify your life in order to feel calmer and in balance with yourself.

May 2023 has Mars transiting in Leo, which increases your self-confidence and helps
you come out of your shell. Under this transit, it is easier to go after what you want, as
you will have solid goals and a clear vision. The passion for fully experiencing life with all
it has to offer is now amplified. You will focus on the big picture instead of losing time on
trivial details.

June 2023 is a game changer when it comes to love and personal relationships. With
Venus in Leo, you will take pride in your loved ones and ensure you show them how
much you respect and appreciate them. It is also a month of extravagance when you'd
want to show your generosity and greatness by buying everyone around you gifts that
will symbolize the tokens of your affection.

July 2023 is an energetic and vibrant month for you! Mars in Virgo will increase your
workforce, and you will easily tackle any challenge on your path to success. It is a great
time to focus on work that requires strong attention to detail. In the next 31 days, you will
be able to do more work than usual due to your increased productivity and extremely
good organization.

August 2023 is about introspection and reassessment. Venus is in retrograde motion

throughout the whole month, influencing you to reflect on your relationships and make
sure you have made the right choices. This transit will test your closest bonds, and if they
pass the trial, they will become unbreakable. You may also need to deal with loose ends
from your past in order to move forward.

September 2023 begins with Mercury in retrograde motion, requiring you to be careful
in your personal and professional affairs. Delays are much more likely to occur under this
transit, so you need to be very patient. Important contracts, documents, and papers must
be read with attention, focusing on details, especially the small letters at the end of a

October 2023 could make you a bit reserved and withhold your emotions as Venus
transits in Virgo. It is a time when you are more likely to express your affection in more
practical manners. Make sure to reflect on your emotions and process your feelings.
Although you would prefer all things to make sense, emotions are one part where you
may need to go with your heart instead of your head.

November 2023 opens your range of vision, and you will expand your horizons. Mercury
in Sagittarius is inspiring you to ask questions and seek answers. You are more curious
and open-minded under this transit, but you need to be cautious with your decisions.
During this month, your judgments may be overly optimistic, leading to taking tasks
beyond your capabilities.

December 2023 is when you will yearn for deeper and more profound relationships in
your life. Venus in Scorpio will influence you to look for people with whom you share the
same passion and lust for life. Shallow and superficial communications will no longer
interest you or keep your attention. Instead, things that are profound, mysterious, or
distinctive can be more appealing to you now.
Your Life

Career and finance

The Total Solar Eclipse is positioned in Sagittarius in December 2023. This will have an
impact on your professional field bringing a refreshing start or even a new chapter in
your life associated with work and your daily life. The year will bring you courage and
increased motivation, and you are going to be recognized and awarded for your efforts.
New plans and projects will certainly be on the horizon for you.

Chiron will remain in your sphere of career throughout the whole year, affecting you to
become successful on your own terms. During this time there could be days when you
may feel like you are not being recognized enough for your achievements. However, do
not let this discourage you from fulfilling your goals.

Mars enters your area of income and finances at the beginning of June, where it will
remain until the end of July. During this time, you are likely to experience a boost of
energy and a high motivation to generate more money. It is possible for you to get
involved in new money-making projects. Stay away from any impulsive purchases during
this time. Your spending habits can be rather excessive, than beneficial.

Both Jupiter and Saturn enter your area of debts, taxes, and other people’s money.
Saturn is likely to restrict the energies of benefic planet Jupiter, which usually brings luck
and abundance in whatever area if the chart is in it transits. The enormous energy of the
two planets this year will encourage you to work harder on your financial plans and
ideas. With Saturn present here, you may be pressured to deal with issues in the field of
debts, taxes, or insurances. Don’t get worried you are more than capable to find a way on
how you could resolve any issues in these areas of your life.
Love and relationships

Pluto remains in your area of love and relationships until 2023 when it finally moves into
the air sign Aquarius. Until then you will continue to experience deeper and more
profound elements of your own personality as you communicate and interact with other
people, especially those close to you. Since this is a lengthy transit, you have probably
already experienced some or most of these energies over the last few years since Pluto
entered your sphere of love and marriage. That is the reason why any significant
changes in the structure of your close and intimate relationships, hasn’t happened. As
the year goes by you will find it easier to deal up with these energies.

Jupiter stays in Aquarius this year, and with that, he is influencing your area of intimacy,
giving you a boost into this aspect of your life. This is also a time when new sexual
opportunities can emerge

Saturn also enters this area this year where it will remain until 2023. This will make you
occasionally feel overwhelmed by intimacy, or feeling restricted in your sexual


The planetary alignments for the year 2023 suggest that you will be in good shape and
health all throughout the year. 2023 will pass without any major or life-treating health
problems. You will be aware that it is very important to take care of your health, so we
can only advise you to sleep whenever possible. Pay attention to your nervous system
and blood circulations, as these may need closer observation.

Your immunity and vitality are likely going to be very good, so you shouldn’t experience
any worrying symptoms in this regard. Mars continues to give you a boost of energy and
helps you to stay active and energized. Your physical and mental health will be at their
best this year.

Take full advantage of all the good things you have in your life. Take care of your body
and eat healthily. Be reminded that it is very important to have your meals regularly.
Working out will be good for your body and mind as well. If the weather allows it, try
working out more out in the open. Have a peaceful and well-balanced life, and if there is
something that needs to be put back in perspective, this is the ideal year for that. 2023 is
also a great year to get rid of your unhealthy habits, like smoking or drinking, because
they are seriously affecting your health.

Family and Travel Zodiac Predictions

All the members of your household and family will be fortunate this year, including your
children. This year is an excellent time for family reunions and gatherings because
happiness and joy is the theme of this year. For that reason, make sure you use every
given opportunity to get the family together.

Travel 2023 Forecast reveals that this year doesn’t include a lot of business traveling.
Most of your work will be handled in the office or from your home. You will, however,
travel a lot with your family, visiting different destinations across the county.

Significant and big changes in your life are on the way this year. You need to learn to trust
people around you, as this is not a good time to be suspicious about everybody. Devote
yourself to hard work so you can reach your goals, and do your best. In 2023 you may
need to step out from your comfort zone, do it with courage, and don’t doubt yourself.
This is a great time to socialize and grow your friend's circle. Let this be a year of
increased self-esteem, joy and fulfillment.

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