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Marketing Lesson 6 : Promotion (Marketing Communication)

Promotion or Marketing Communication: a sequence of activities designed to inform, persuade

and convince individuals to purchase a product, subscribe to a belief or support a cause.

- Objective: translate the company’s value proposition into compelling narratives >
establish, maintain or modify a brand image in consumer’s minds.

Integral Marketing Communication (IMC): the coordination and integration of the company's
communication channels to convey a clear, coherent and attractive message about the
organization and its products

360 Plan:

- Advertising
- Personal selling
- Price promotions
- News about the company
- Product
- Social media
- Street marketing
- Search positioning
- Public relations
- Direct & Digital marketing


Strategic Intent :

- Mission
- Market

Strategic Execution:

- Message
- Media

Strategic Impact:

- Money
- Measurement

a. End goal: - Facilitate consumer’s move through their buying decision. - For that
you need know “Buyers go through different stages in the process” (see
following slides)
b. To influence someone to buy a product or service
c. Marketing communication sequence
d. Mission is communicated by the sender (company)
i. WITH Only exception: the publicity A form of communication in which
the apparent issuer is not the company but a supposedly disinterested
third party (journalist or opinion leader).
1. Publicity: the perception of other through the media or simply
one person telling another about an experience with a product
or service (at that regard, word of mouth is a type of publicity)
e. The credibility of the sender depends on: a) Cognitive factors: ➢ Prestige of
the sender, degree of competence, knowledge of the subject matter, social
category. ➢ It is not necessary that the issuer objectively possesses these
factors, but the perception that the receiver has of him. b) Affective factors: ➢
Degree of trust placed in the sender, sympathy ➢ Perception that the recipient
has of his intentions: honorability; lack of interest; inspires trust c) Other
considerations: ➢ Credibility is a dynamic factor It also depends on the degree
of coincidence between transmitter and receiver.
a. The audience
b. Age, sex, lifestyle, Media exposure, Psychographic info
c. Conscious Consumers are mindful consumers, seeking out ways to make
positive decisions about what they buy and look for a solution to the negative
impact consumerism is having on the world.
d. Animal-friendly rising fast in developed economies.
e. Social media has brought veganism to the forefront of consumers’ minds.
Celebrities endorsement.
f. Today’s Conscious Consumers having a more flexible approach to their
consumption and choosing to be vegan—or flexitarian—for one meal, one or
two days a week.
a. Effective marketing communications translate the positioning statement into a
compelling storyline.
b. 2 parts: content & format
c. Content: (what to say) Theme or argument that provokes the desired answer
i. Rational, sensory, social,ego satisfaction
d. Format: (how you say it) the way the message is coded is key to persuasion,
could be with explicit or implicit conclusions, the way to get attention
e. Informational appeals: elaborate on product or service attributes or benefits:
f. Transformational appeals on a non-product-related benefit or image that often
attempt to stir up emotions that will motivate purchase.
g. Positive and negative appeals: fear, guilt, shame, love, pride, joy
a. Defining where, when and how the message will be delivered
b. Different actions conforming a sound 360º communication plan
c. Classifications:
i. PERSONALS: two or more people communicate directly with each
other to transmit the message.
1. - Company personnel (salesmen) - Experts, authorities or
prescribers: creation of opinion leaders: BUZZ MARKETING -
Social channels (friends, colleagues, etc.): WORD OF MOUTH
ii. IMPERSONAL: the message is transmitted without establishing direct
1. - Mass media: print, broadcast, exhibitors, online - In-store
media: merchandising - Events: public relations events
iii. Conventional: traditional media
iv. Unconventional: Direct marketing • Point of sales materials and
animation in the point of sales • Fairs and exhibitions • Promotional
Games • Street marketing • Guerrilla Marketing
v. PUSH: A push promotional strategy involves taking the product directly
to the customer via whatever means, ensuring the customer is aware
of your brand at the point of purchase.
vi. PULL: A pull strategy involves motivating customers to seek out your
brand in an active process.
vii. 3 Types of Media / digital property:
1. Paid: any placements on property in which you pay to be in
front of an audience
2. Own: any property that you own or control
3. Earned: another´s property that offers you free placement in
front of a new audience
4. Shared: social media, word of mouth, referrals, partnerships
viii. Types of Media:
1. Advertising: Any paid form of non personal presentation and
promotion of ideas, good or services by an identified sponsor.
a. Objectives and types of advertising: • Informative: the
objective is to create a primary demand • Persuasive
/comparative: the objective is to show the goodness of
the product/brand • Reminder: the objective is to
maintain relationships with customers and promote
the memory of the product or brand.
2. Sales promotion: A variety of short term incentives to
encourage trial or purchase of a product or service
a. • Money • Product • Services • Samples • Games,
competitions & raffles
3. Public relations: A variety of programs designed to promote,
modify and/or protect a company’s image or its individual
products and to manage successful relations with its key
a. Functions - Seek recognition and social acceptance -
Leaving behind possible information harmful to the
company - Relations with consumers, the press, media
agencies, interest groups, investors, NGOs... - Search
for the notoriety of the product or brand - It allows the
brand to be part of the life and conversations of the
target audience.
4. Personal selling: Interpersonal tool of marketing
communication, which aims to create value for the customer
and transmit that value by attracting and maintaining a
relationship with customers
a. Functions:
i. Sell • It's part of the sales function. The
immediate objective is to close a sale and
create customer relationships.
ii. Communicate • It is part of commercial
communication through an interpersonal and
bilateral relationship. • Sellers represent the
company to customers and represent
customers to the company: feedback
b. Sales force management: analysis, planning, execution
and control of sales force activities
c. Using social and online resources to analyze problems,
seek information, seek advice, seek recommendations
and evaluate alternatives: greater control over the
purchasing process. Use of social and digital media to
attract customers, build relationships with them and
increase sales volume
5. Product Placement: a practice in which manufacturers of
goods or providers of a service gain exposure for their
products by paying for them to be featured in films and
television programs.
a. Placement usually integrated a Brand into a scene
b. Or can be passive (just show not interact with the
6. Direct marketing: promotional method that involves
presenting information about your company, product, or
service to your target customer without the use of an
advertising middleman.
a. Commons forms of direct marketing: brochures,
catalogs, fliers, newsletters, post cards, coupons,
phones calls.
b. direct marketing’s sole goal is to persuade the
recipient to take action. While getting a sale is the
ultimate goal, some customers will not be ready to buy
on-the-spot. But they might:
i. Visit a website • Call for more information •
Return a postcard requesting a quote • Enter
their name and email address • Make a
7. Digital marketing: the marketing of products or services using
digital technologies, mainly on the Internet, but also including
mobile phones, display advertising and any other digital
a. Methods include:
i. Search engine optimization (SEO)
ii. search engine marketing (SEM)
iii. Content marketing
iv. Influencer marketing
v. Social media marketing
SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

- SEO is necessary to create online exposure for your brand and strengthen your
company’s competitive position
- SEO is a complex system of digital techniques, strategies and practices designed to
increase the quantity and quality of online traffic to your website through organic
search engine results.
- It helps generate traffic from their target audience through the customer's own
- SEO techniques earn traffic to your website through unpaid efforts

SEM (Search Engine Marketing)

- Increase visibility, creating targeted traffic through sponsored links displayed above
organic search results.
- SEM is implemented through techniques such as pay-per-click marketing, paid search,
display advertising and remarketing ads.
- With paid advertising, brands can successfully increase visibility in search engine
results pages, which can ultimately result in an increased number of site visitors and

Content Marketing: a form of marketing focused on creating, publishing, and distributing

content for a targeted audience online.

Influencer Marketing: a form of marketing that focuses on targeting key industry leaders to
drive brand message and awareness to a specific market of consumers.

Social Media Marketing (SMM)

- consumer acquires a role never seen before: social networks give him the power to be
the voice of the brand from the first moment.
- goal of SMM is to produce content that users will share with their social network to
help a company increase brand exposure and broaden customer reach
- helps a company get direct feedback from customers (and potential customers) while
making the company seem more personable. The interactive parts of social media give
customers the opportunity to ask questions or voice complaints and feel they are being
heard (social customer relationship management)
- Community managers are the ones who produce content
o Create brand profiles in the web
o Listening to social “buzz”
o Make the Community grow
o Distribute Content (generated by the brand) to the right audience / target
o Be part of the conversation (bi-directional communication on social networks)

Unconventional Marketing

- often referred to as guerrilla marketing, often consists of creative, low-cost marketing

methods used by small businesses to temporarily promote a product or service
a. How much is spent to communicate
a. How will impact be assessed
b. ROI is calculated using two primary metrics: the cost to do something, and the
outcomes generated as a result (typically measured in profit, but for this
discussion, let’s use revenue).
c. Relative impact of multiple touchpoints
i. six touchpoint types: brand advertising, retailer advertising, in-store
communications, word-of-mouth, peer observation (seeing other
customers), and traditional earned media such as editorial.
ii. in-store communication is in general more influential than that of
other touchpoints including brand advertising.
d. Acknowledge the long vs. the short term effect


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