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Definition (Interest Rate, Exchange rate, inflation’s rate, Balance of payment,

Economic Growth, Economic development)
● Interest rate
Interest rate is the rate that a borrower must pay to use a unit of loan capital for a specified period
of time (usually 1 month or 1 year). This is a special type of price determined based on use value.
The borrower here can be an individual or a legal entity (business, organization, bank...)
Interest rates are divided into 2 types:
*Nominal interest rate: is an interest rate used to express the growth of money after a specific
period of time, usually a year. However, this amount is calculated based on the theoretical value
without taking into account the impact of inflation.
*Real interest rate: is the interest rate that has calculated the impact of inflation. The real interest
rate is the difference between the nominal interest rate minus the expected inflation rate.

● Exchange rate
The exchange rate (also known as foreign exchange rate) between two currencies is the rate at
which one currency will be exchanged for another. It is also considered the price of one country's
currency expressed in terms of another currency
*Exchange rates based on banking operations include two main types: Buying rate and selling rate
*Types of exchange rates based on the foreign exchange mechanism include: Fixed exchange rate,
dynamic exchange rate, soft exchange rate, dual exchange rate.

● Inflation rate
Inflation rate is the rate of increase in the price level of the economy. It shows the level of
inflation in the economy. Normally, people calculate the inflation rate based on the consumer
price index or GDP deflator index. The inflation rate can be calculated for a month, a quarter, a
half year or a year.

● Balance of payments
The balance of payments, or international balance of payments, records a country's economic
transactions with the rest of the world over a specified period of time. a country with other
countries in the world (foreign countries). These transactions can be conducted by individuals,
businesses residing in the country or the government of that country. Transaction objects include
goods, services, real assets, financial assets and some transfers.
*Components of the balance of payments: current account( CA), capital account( KA), official
reserve( OR), errors and omisions( EO).

● Economic growth
Economic growth is the increase in GDP or GNP or per capita income over a certain period of
time. Economic growth represents quantitative changes in the economy.
- Gross Domestic Products (GDP) is the monetary value of all final products and services
produced and created within an economy during a certain period of time (usually a fiscal year).
- Gross National Products (GNP) is the monetary value of all final products and services produced
by the citizens of a country during a certain period of time (usually a year). Gross national
product is equal to gross domestic product plus net income.
- Total income per capita is the total national product divided by the population.

● Economic development
- Economic development is the process of growing and improving the level of economic
development in a country or region. It includes many factors such as: productivity and investment
production efficiency, industrial and service growth, poverty reduction, increased income,
improved quality of life and improved education and health levels.
- Economic development can also be measured by economic indicators such as GDP and the
United Nations human development index. In addition, policies and decisions made by
governments, international organizations and businesses can influence the economic development
of a country or region.

2. Interest rate of the 5 largest bank in Vietnam

Ngân hàng Đầu năm 2023 Cuối năm 2023 đầu năm 2024

Vietcombank 7,4%/năm 4,8%/năm 4.8%

Viettinbank 7,4% 5.3% 5.3%

Agribank 7,5%/năm 7,5%/năm 7,5%/năm

BIDV 6%/năm 6%/năm 7,4 %/ năm

MB 8%/ năm 5%/ năm 4.8%/ năm

3. Exchange rate of 10 currency compared with Vietnam

Currency Việt Nam

Korea (1 KRW) 17đ

UAS (1 USD) 23.400đ
Switzerland (1CHF) 27.233đ
Japan (1 JPY) 159đ
Europe ( 1 EUR) 24.681đ
Australia (1 AUD) 15.746đ
Singapore (1 SGD) 17.858đ
Canada (1 CAD) 17.758đ
UK (1 GBP) 30.293đ

4. Inflation rate of the country in Asia (2022,2023)

+ Malaysia:

Malaysia's annual inflation rate stayed at 1.5% in December 2023, matching market expectations
and holding steady for the second consecutive month. The figure remained the lowest since
February 2021.
+ Singapore

Singapore's annual inflation rate unexpectedly rose to 3.7% in December 2023, from a 25-
month low of 3.6% in November, beating market expectations of 3.5%

+ Brunei

Brunei's annual inflation rate rose to 0.7% in December 2023 from 0.2% in the
previous month, the highest level since May.

+ Thailand
Thailand records an inflation rate ranging from only 1% to 2% for the entire year 2023, and is
the lowest among the 7 ASEAN countries that have announced this rate.
Previously, Thailand's inflation rate in June 2023 increased by 0.23% over the same period last
year, recording the lowest level in 22 months due to falling food and energy prices.
Although inflation has decreased every month since the beginning of this year, on August 2, the
Central Bank of Thailand still decided to increase the basic interest rate by 0.25% to 2.25% - the
highest level.
+ East Timor:
East Timor's annual inflation rate stood at 8.7% in October 2023, unchanged from a six-month

+ Laos:
Inflation in 2023 in Laos remains at its highest level. Despite the Government's efforts to lower
prices of goods and services, the country's average inflation rate in 2023 still reaches 31.2%.
+ Cambodia:
Cambodia's inflation situation tends to respond quickly to changes in global oil and food prices,
due to a significant decrease in the proportion of food items in the CPI basket as well as a high
dependence on imported oil. password. For the whole of 2023, CPI inflation is forecast to fall to
2.3%, before rising to 2.7% in 2024, in line with stronger economic growth.
+ Myanmar:
The updated regional 2023 inflation forecast is higher than the October assessment due to the
inclusion of data for Myanmar—where inflation is forecast to reach 14 percent. Excluding
Myanmar, inflation for the rest of the region in 2023 is essentially unchanged from the previous
October forecast, at 3.5%. Inflation is expected to moderate in 2023 from more than 6% in 2022 as
global energy and food prices decline.
+ Indonesia:
Indonesia is currently among the countries with the lowest inflation rates in the world.
Specifically, in July, this country's consumer price index (CPI) decreased rapidly and returned
close to the target level of 3%.
Indonesia's inflation has decreased from 5.51% at the end of 2022 to 3.08% in July 2023 and is at
the lowest level in the world.
+ Việt Nam

In 2023, Vietnam's average inflation rate was 3.25%, achieving the target set by the National
Assembly of controlling inflation at 4.5%.

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