Mason Forever Too Far Ch40 70 (154 245)

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"What are you most proud of?"

He was lying on the bed, hands tucked behind his head as he stared
at the ceiling.
I was kind of on top of him horizontally; my chest pressed into her
exposed stomach, the rest of my legs were on the bed and my elbow
pressed against the sheets as my palm rested on my chin.

I was completely comfortable in nothing but jeans and a crop top while
playing games on my phone.
When he didn't respond, I pulled my eyes away from my phone to look
at him. He was still looking up at the ceiling, his face completely at ease.

It was the only time I saw him look so peaceful.

I wasn't even sure he was hearing me, so I leaned over and pecked
his bare side, and he responded by placing his hand on my back.

I dropped the phone and put my head down, but I was facing him so I
could see his face. The only thing I couldn't do was get off him. Not that
he wanted to.

“Campbell Industry,” he finally said, meeting my gaze. “All my other

companies. Everything I've ever achieved, Lauren. I'm proud because I
didn't use any of my father's money.

“It was all me, my blood and sweat. I built my companies from nothing.

A smile spread across his face, so genuine that it almost

I was blinded by him. It looked like he was even glowing.
“I don't do this often, but every once in a while, I'd let everyone have a
day off just to walk around the company, and I'd feel like it was the first
time I'd seen her.
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“You won't understand what it's like, Lauren, to have something of your
own that you started and watched grow into what it was without any help.
It's amazing.
"Fine," I said, taking her hand in mine. - Hope
someday get bigger than it already is.
He shook my hand with another blinding smile. “And I hope that
someday you'll experience that.
I've always wondered what it would be like if Mason was pushed
off his pedestal.
I froze, my mind refusing to believe her words as I looked at her
with disbelieving eyes. - No.
“It was only a whisper, but I knew she heard it.
“I don't think it's up to you. Her gaze grew more venomous, and
she immediately glanced at Mason, tapping her watch. “The clock is
ticking, Campbell.
“And don't waste your time thinking there's a way out because
there isn't. The only way is for you to give up everything you own for
your wife's safety.
I turned to Mason, sending him a look and hoping he received it.

There was no way she was going to let him give everything he had
to Ginny. Things he worked hard for. Things he was proud of.

His face was set in a grim expression, and his eyes held his cold
anger. "No," he replied in a cold tone.
It was obvious he was being sincere, and I felt a sense of relief wash
over me.
Anger and displeasure were written all over Ginny's face. She must
not have thought he was going to say this, but I don't think she would
back down either.
- No?
- Boys.
Before I could wonder about the smile that was
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on his face, I felt two pairs of hands gripping either side of my arms,
pulling me away from Mason roughly, pulling us apart, and I quickly
reached out to him with a soft cry, “Mason…

And he didn't hesitate to reach out to me too, at the same time

snarling, “Lauren…
But like the villain that she was in our story, she thrust up her palm to
stop him from reaching me and rescuing me from the rough hands that
were holding me tightly, and like any other villain, she chooses that
moment to keep on top as she pulled a gun at that moment and pointed
it directly at me.

"Back off," she warned him with a steely glare.

"Ginny!" he roared. his eyes glowed with fire that didn't
it seemed to overwhelm the worry that swept through them.
His eyes shifted from Ginny to the gun she was pointing at me, almost
as if he were calculating the seconds it would take to wrest it from her.

I felt a lump in my throat. I could taste fear on my tongue, could see

my life being balanced between the land of the living and the dead.

The thing I thought couldn't get worse had quickly escalated. Now.
Mason and I were fighting for our survival, but I would be damned if I let
Ginny cut our lives short when she'd barely begun.

"I have a gun and I'm not afraid to use it," she reminded him sternly,
and the hand she held the gun in for me began to tremble slightly. “You
ruined my life, Campbell!

He looked down at her with contempt, his eyes filled with a stormy
gray. His playful tone didn't match the way he was looking at her like he
wanted permission to end her life. "A bit dramatic, isn't it?" You married a
rich man. You own everything he has. What else do you want?
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“I want to be king.
“I want to know what it's like to be Mason Campbell, the untouchable.
- She made it sound like she was jealous of everything he had achieved
in life, and not the woman who had come here to get revenge on the man
who had broken his promises to her - My
battles don't stop with you. I need everything to fight Anthony, so
you're going to sign the papers or Lauren might finally get the chance to
reunite with Vincent.
Mason crossed his arms and I stared, dumbfounded.
“I'm really not in the mood to negotiate with a woman who's going to
lose, especially one that involves emotion in it. When emotion is involved,
you are doomed to failure.

“And I don't like to share my stuff with anyone.

"You think everything is a joke, don't you?"
A smirk wasn't quite what I was prepared to see.

“I think you're bluffing. If you wanted Lauren dead, she would be

dead. Go ahead, pull the trigger,” he replied easily, as if his thoughtfulness
should be appreciated by her.

It was her turn to return her crooked smile, but her eyes flashed with
barely controlled anger.
Was he right. It just confused me.

"You think you know everything, right?" You've got it all figured out, is
that what you think? She held her hand back.
"Give me this." A cell phone was placed in her palm before she dialed
a number without taking her challenging eyes off Mason before ordering,
The cell phone was on speaker and the gunshot I heard was loud and
rang in my ears.
My heart jumped in my chest and fear crept through me.
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I didn't realize I was holding my breath until I felt my chest start to

ache and I exhaled, looking desperately at Ginny as my heartbeat
began to intensify.

What did she do?

Mason was in her face in a second.
- What did you do? he attacked. - What did you do?!
“You know, I never thought you'd tell anyone what happened
between us. I really thought you were smart, but I guess I was wrong.

His face went white and tense. Seeing this, Ginny emphasized the
small advantage she had gained. “Your friend Gale doesn't have more
than five minutes before he bleeds to death.
“If you sign the papers, I'll have one of my men drop you off at the
I took a deep breath in a small sigh, still looking at her resentfully
as Mason seemed to make a conscious effort to contain his temper,
expelling his breath so that it hissed between his teeth.

“Now, don't tell me I managed to scare you.

He didn't have time to let the mask fall back over his face before
he answered her with a crooked smile curving one side of his mouth.
"I will destroy you for this." When you least expect it.

Ginny smiled under his menacing gaze.

"That's a bit far-fetched, don't you think?" When you leave here,
you won't have anything left. Without money. Without power. With
nothing to fight me with. The least you can do is accept your defeat
with pride. I know you're good at this.
“I would give you everything except my main company. You can
have whatever you want. Her voice brooked no refusal, but she shook
her head vehemently.
“Do you think I want this? she asked seriously. “I don't want you in
half, Mason, I want you destroyed. I want to take the
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that makes you happy, and you and I both know that your businesses
and properties mean a lot to you.
I could see him fighting his emotions just as I was
I was fighting mine.

There was still a slight tremor in my voice that made him turn his
head back to me. “You can't take everything from him. Please let us
go. “I knew begging wasn't going to help me because if Ginny had a
heart, she wouldn't have done what she did.
“Shut up! The only person responsible for this is him. It's time to
he answer for his crimes.
There was something else she was hiding, something else she
wasn't telling us, and I didn't want Mason to take it lightly.

I was looking at him then, my eyes still flickering; I thought I read

defeat in your eyes. “Mason, please don't do this. Don't trust her. ’
For a moment, I thought he flinched at my voice.

“Yes, don't trust me. Let the only person who has helped you for
years die,” Ginny responded promptly, knowing the victory was
already hers.
Mason's deep gray eyes seemed to hold my gaze as he said
softly, “I'm sorry.
- No!
- You can not do that! I exclaimed softly, something in his voice
sent a shiver down my spine, and it was all I could do not to throw
myself into his arms and shake him off taking any more risks than he
wanted right now.
- I'm begging you. Stop, don't do this. 'Because I suspected there
was more to this than Ginny was letting on.
“If I don't. Gale will die. I was the one who dragged him into my
mess. All he did was help me find you. I can't let him die.

Ginny interrupted impatiently. - Be quick!

With my heart pounding, I watched Mason pick up the papers.
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her and tried to escape the grip he was in to stop him from making the
biggest mistake of his life.
We would find Gale together.
He would be safe.
The more I struggled, the tighter Ginny's men held me until I felt two
hot tears trickle down my eyes as Mason grabbed the pen, it took five
seconds before he signed, losing everything he had.

I was devastated.
Hatred was burning inside me when Ginny looked
to my wet face and smiled at me with satisfaction.
- Ready. You own everything. Jaws clenched, lips tight, he jerked
his head in my direction. “Now let Lauren and Gale go. You already
have what you wanted.
She took the papers back and looked at them with a bright smile.

“You have no idea how long I've waited for this moment,” she burst
out with a loud laugh that came straight from her chest, full of delight
and amazement.
Her head turned to Mason. - You have nothing. I did nothing to you.

Any sadness her words might have caused him was quickly masked,
except for a brief, sudden flash of white light in his eyes. Then he was
gone, and he said nonchalantly, "Let them go."

“You can't be in a hurry to leave yet. Not until I set my terms first,
then you're free to take Lauren wherever you want.

- As I said? He reacted fiercely, his bright eyes filled with rage.

Ginny raised her eyebrows.

“Oh, you think getting your properties is where I stop?
Oh no, Mason, this is just the first step. ’ She was on the phone again
before she could notice the flash of surprise in her eyes.
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his face.
“Take Gale to Dr. Jameson, see that he doesn't die.
After that, take him back to his cell.
An expression of pain and disbelief flickered in my eyes, but my face was
blank as I gritted my teeth.
“You said you'd let him go. He lowered his voice to a vicious hiss.

“I never promised you anything. Maybe you should have thought twice
before trusting me,” she replied with as much scorn as she could muster. “You
know, how I trusted you and you let me down. How do you feel now?

My eyes widened in panic as its meaning was absorbed.

"He's given you everything he has!" I shouted demanding his remorse,

guilt, anything but acceptance of the unforgivable.

I knew she wasn't going to let Gale go, not before she was satisfied. What
more could she want from him? She had already taken everything from him,
there was nothing left he had left.
His expression was not at all sympathetic.
- What a shame. I'll keep Gale with me just in case.
- Precaution? Mason asked.
“I didn't take everything from you just to let you go with a little hope in your
heart. I'll lower it.
“When you leave here, you won't be contacting any of your friends or your
family. You're not going to seek help from them, or anyone else. That goes for
you, Lauren.
Mason glared at her, but remained impassively silent, and his arrogant
refusal to submit to her will infuriated Ginny even more.

“I hope you understand what I'm trying to tell you. I don't care how you
survive now, but you two are going to get out of everyone's lives.
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“Lauren, I've made sure your bank account is monitored so you

don't withdraw any money from it. If you do, Gale dies.

“You and your dear husband are going to enjoy the beginning of your
lives with nothing.
Looking into that stern, sinister face, I totally believed she was
serious. “You can't do this to us,” I sighed, legs weak.

She ignored me, adding, “That means you need to get a job like
normal people do. It's going to be tough for you, going from boss to
employee,” she stated, casting a quick glance my way.

“Lauren is used to taking orders, but what about you, Mr.

Campbell? You are not used to it. How are you going to work for
someone and take orders?
"How would you avoid getting fired with your ego and quick
I'd dealt with her in shock after shock, and now, able only to think
of how to fight back, “None of your fucking business,” I snapped,
and my voice was a raw whisper, rough with anger.
That rage gave me enough strength to stomp the guy to my left,
causing him to let go of my left arm and turn to the other guy on the
other side, biting down hard on his arm before he hissed and let go.

I ran over to Mason to stand in front of him and glare at Ginny

like I was trying to protect him from her.
I've never felt so protective of anyone, and it was really weird.

“Mason can do anything he wants,” I told her in an unnaturally

low voice. "Do you think that by doing that you would scare us?"

"No, Ginny, I hate to break it to you, but this will only make us
stronger." He has me. I have it and there's nothing more important
than that.
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“I love that energy, Lauren. I have no doubt you can survive this,
but your husband is a little different. He's not used to being a
“Let us worry about that. “I looked at her. “But just so you know,
you didn't win anything. Sooner or later, he's going to get back
everything you stole from him, and I hope to god, when he does,
you're out of here. Because I won't hold him back when he comes
to destroy you.
Her face tightened before she asked us to leave.
Mason was the first to walk in front, and I walked behind him,
hating every second I remembered that he lost his companies he
was so proud of, worried that we were now homeless, and I was
more worried about him than I was. that anything.

He was silent and rigid, and I really couldn't read him.

We left the warehouse and the sun was about to go down. Two
black cars were outside, and one of the men beside the cars was a
familiar face that brought a slight smile to my face.
“Coop? ’ Mason’s driver looked away to look
to her shoes and I found myself frowning.
Ginny walked over to us, glaring at Coop. “Oh, I was just about
to introduce you to my new driver. See, he really wanted to be on
the winning side.
“He didn't want to work for someone who couldn't pay his salary,”
she snapped, looking at us. “And, of course, Coop may not be rich,
but he's now richer than his previous employer.
Amazement registered on my face. Now I understood why he
couldn't look us in the face.
- How can you? I rasped my voice, trying to keep the pain out of
my voice. "Mason trusted you!"
“Let it go, Lauren,” Mason's voice was as smooth and hard as
polished steel. - Not worth it.
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I bit my lip hard and turned to Ginny as she started to speak.

- Here it is. Something to help you start over. — His hands carried
a roll of money. “Please remember to stay away from the manor. “It's
mine now, and
anything you own in the house will be donated to charity. Mason
Campbell's last selfless act and his dog will be well taken care of. I'm
good enough to do this.
“No thanks,” I replied, grabbing Mason's arm. —
You would need this more than us. Come on, Mason. Let's go.
He didn't object before we both charged forward, ignoring Coop
and all. The bottoms of my lips were trembling, but I tried to stay
We had no money and nowhere to go, but at least
we had each other.
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When we had nowhere else to go, we met at a park; alone and

miserable. We were sitting on a bench, deep in thought.

Occasionally, I'd sneak a glance at him, but I didn't.

found nothing but a blank face.
- I'm very sorry.

Surprise flickered in his eyes as he turned his head towards

me, immediately dominating me with his gaze. I forced myself to
look away, aware of sudden difficulty in breathing.
- What? A shiver ran down my spine at the steel in his tone. -
What? he asked again softly when I remained silent.

- It's my fault. It's my fault you lost everything, and we're stuck
here with nowhere to go.
“If I hadn't walked out of the hospital mad at you, I wouldn't
have been kidnapped and you still
would have— To my dismay, his eyes turned cold. “Don't talk
shit like that. This had nothing to do with you. He pulled a strand
of hair then smoothed it behind my ear.
“None of this is your fault. "She's my... a seventeen-year-old
idiot who wanted a thrill in life." I shouldn't have messed with
these people to begin with.
“It's not your fault either,” I told him, keeping my hand on his
thigh as he closed his over mine. I looked around us, biting my
bottom lip as I reminded myself that we couldn't just sit there
We had to leave before it got dark. - What are we going to do
now? We have nowhere to go.
- Yes. - - Should we go-

"No," he replied fiercely. “Ginny's not an idiot. She would have

eyes on everyone. I can't put Gale's life at risk.
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I nodded in understanding, looking down at my shoes. "So we

just don't do anything?" We have no money and we're homeless
now? “I knew that, but I wanted to make sure he knew that.

Mason barely looked worried about it, and I might have thought
he'd lost his mind after losing his money and businesses, but he
was still sane.
He stood up abruptly, shoving his hands in his pockets as he
turned to me. - Let's go. One of his hands was extended towards
me and I reluctantly took it as he helped me to my feet. - You ate?

Shock and disbelief flashed across my features, quickly

replaced by a small smile. This wasn't what I really expected.

It was enough to get a laugh out of me. but I do not

I could do nothing but look at his cold, impassive face.
“We don't have any money,” I reminded him.
"I've got some change in my pockets." My gaze roamed over
him as if to prove his words were lies. He spoke with lips that
barely moved. “I need to make you eat. “I don't want you to get
sick again, Lauren. You are my responsibility.

My heart warmed. My toes tingled.

When I finally spoke, my voice was nothing more than a breath
of air. "Shouldn't we save money for something more important?"

“We can't spend it without thinking things through. “I was glad

he was thinking of me first, but there were more things to worry
about than me eating.
“You're more important,” he pressed, pulling me closer to
place a light kiss on my forehead. “I'll feed you, and you can take
it, or I can shut you up for you.
"It's good to see we haven't lost Mr. Idiot, I joked with
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a strange, tense voice. An uneasy feeling knotted my stomach,

building until I felt like I couldn't breathe.
He knew I was joking, but he didn't give me the smile he wanted.
he usually gave it to me whenever he talked about his silly side.
“I don't break easily, Lauren. I will entrust you with that power…”
He was silent after that, looking straight into my eyes, and then the
tense muscles in his face slowly relaxed.

“You're the only thing I know can break me. Stay with me, okay?

“I don't think there's anywhere I want to go that isn't with you.

“That's kind of cheesy. but that's okay, love,” he said, smiling

down at my upturned face.
“You really are an idiot.

After he made me eat, so much so that the thought of food made

me want to throw up, he told me he wanted to show me something.

There was a place he wanted me to see, and I pushed all my

worries aside and got excited about it.
It was a tall flat building that Mason took us to. I kept giving him a
confused, questioning look, but he didn't say anything.

When we entered the lobby, it was empty; as well as the parking

lot was also empty. Most items in the lobby were covered in white
We went straight to the elevator and he pressed the number for the
second floor.
I wanted to ask him what we were doing there, wanted to express
my concern that if Ginny knew we were there, she would do something
to Gale.
I thought Mason wanted his friend safe, not risking his life.

The hallway was just as empty and I looked around; the majority
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one of the rooms had a closed sign. Everything appeared to be working

and it didn't look like the building was being renovated.
I watched as he reached for his wallet and brought out a key card,
swiping it through the third door on the right before opening it and
stepping into a well-furnished apartment.
Surprise flashed in my eyes. Mason just smiled at me before pulling
me further into the living room. Mouth open, I looked around until I
couldn't help but ask, "Where are we?"

“My building.
I turned around in shock. "What do you mean by your building?" Do
you think it's a good idea? Ginny— He walked over
to me. brushing his fingers across my neck. "Ginny doesn't know
about this," he informed her, his white teeth flashing in a devastating
smile. “Nobody knows about this place, really.

“It's not listed in my properties.

I was impressed. Now I knew why he wasn't worried. I thought I knew
him well, but there were still things I didn't know about Mason.

"Shady business, huh?" I smiled, earning a chuckle from him.

"How many of these do you own?"
“Six,” he revealed.
“And you let me worry about us being homeless and you kept that
information a secret?
Her lips twitched from so much nr.

"It's fun to watch you worry, love."

“What else are you hiding from me?
“Nothing you don't know. His smile was irresistible, and I
I accepted his teasing humor.
- And even? I prompted, slowly walking backwards.
He took another step forward to hover over me and I backed away again.
“You have to remind me.
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“You always seem to need a warning.

For every step he took, I took one back, a slow dance that
ended when I hit the wall, my shoulder blades pressing hard
against the wall as if I could force my way through it.

His arms shot out before I could slide sideways to escape,

palms flat against the wall on either side of my shoulders, trapping
me inside the cage of his arms and body.

With a small smirk, he bowed slightly; her pulse throbbed

visibly in the hollow at the base of her throat, right in front of my
Suddenly, I had a flashback to the night we were together and
my cheeks burned, desperately trying to steady myself.

- And there? he asked, still in that dangerous, purring tone.

Her wrists tightened on my shoulders; her skin was warm

against mine. His broad shoulders and broad chest were like a
wall in front of me, and his scent made my nostrils flare with delight.

My hands were pressed against his chest, holding him like a

shield between them, I swallowed and managed to say, “You're
too close for my liking,” I teased with a forced smile, willing my
heart to stop beating out of my chest.
“You've made me suffer a lot these past few days,” he said the
words very precisely, leaning even closer until his nose was almost
touching mine.
“I don't think I've forgiven him yet, but I can be persuaded.
I ached with the need to touch him. to press myself against that
great steel body and open my own body to him once more. - I did
not answer. "Aren't you tired of getting what you want?"

- In that case. no. It's been a long time. "I tried to get past him.
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but he pulled me back and a sound very much like a growl rumbled in his
throat. He gave me a dark look as I smirked.

I held my breath as he took my hand and held it

firmly, bringing my fingers to my lips.
My voice shuddered inside me. - How are you? He paused and his
eyes locked with mine, but he didn't let me see what I wanted to see. He
looked fine, but I knew he wasn't.

There was no way anyone was going to be okay with what had
happened, especially Mason.
He gave me a grim nod as he threw a quick and
warmed look on me. “You're safe. I am fine.
- Do you want to talk about it?
He looked at me. his face strained into an unreadable mask. “Do
you want to talk about how poor I am now? "You're not going to run
away from me, are you?" Hearing his thick, anguished voice made the
hairs on my body stand up.
I swear it hurt deep, very deep, in the
bottom of my soul.

“I can't be with someone who doesn't meet my needs,” I lied with an

amused smile.
Electricity coursed through me as his eyes darkened and his lips
curved sensually, filled with the knowledge that I, contrary to what I would
say or anyone else, was the one man who rocked my world.

— There is no better person to take care of your needs anymore.

than me. As far as I know, I'm the only man in your world.
I could feel the heat of his gaze burn every part of my being, right
down to my toes.
—Tom Hiddleston.
His eyes gleamed with frustration.
- What?
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- He is an actor. A tall, handsome, sexy———He doesn't even

know you exist. And you're lucky I know,” he declared sincerely,
and I looked up at him.
"Do you want to make me jealous, love?" His thumb trailed
with sensual roughness across my bottom lip. “I don't think you
can, because I know there's no one you think of more than me.

"Actually, I think…" My words trailed off as he brushed my

mouth with his. It was just a fleeting contact, lighter than a whisper,
but laced with a tantalizing hint of her taste.

My pulse jumped again, but he drew back before I could delve

deeper. A small frown drew my brows together.

’ That felt like a jealous peck.

He loosened his hand finally and cupped my chin in the palm
of his hand. The rough pad of his thumb traced my bottom lip
again, his gaze focused on the movement.
“Who do you belong to?” - he asked. His voice was even
darker, softer.
- To me. He pinched my neck and I shivered a little.
He leaned down to slide his fingers along the back of my head,
so his husky voice danced over my skin. “Who do you belong to,
“Lauren. My answer was a whisper.
This time, his mouth lingered. He wasn't holding me; I didn't
feel embarrassed, but somehow I was powerless to pull away. His
tongue slipped into my mouth, not pushing deep, but inviting me
to taste him.
He was moving slowly, and excruciatingly slowly, and I wanted
to cry.
I missed him.
I missed your numbing kisses.
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At night, none of us could sleep. We were both in bed, and

Mason's head was thrown back as he stared at the bedroom ceiling.

He looked as miserable as I did. and he looked so frustrated,

ready to rip something apart with his bare hands.
He had been staring at the ceiling for over an hour, his chest
slowly expanding, as if every breath was meant to calm him down,
but to no avail.
I don't think he noticed that I was awake, lost in his thoughts. My
heart aches when I think of how much effort it would take to get him
out of his own head.
I wanted to whisper something to make him feel better, but I
couldn't even speak, and I knew he didn't need me right now. I had
to give him room to think.
I never realized I had fallen asleep until I woke up to find the bed
cold. Confused, I tried to get up when a shadow stopped me.

Mason was sitting on the edge of the bed, his feet on the floor and his hands
in the thigh.

He was shirtless, just watching as the wind blew into the room
through the balcony doors that were opened, and the moon was in
our perfect view.
I didn't speak, I just crawled closer to him and pressed my front
to his back, wrapping my arms around his neck and placing a soft
kiss on his shoulder.
He reacted when he reached up and rubbed my arm.
- What is wrong? I knew what was wrong, but I needed him to
say it. He was ignoring his feelings about what happened the day
He turned his head then, giving me a clear view of his perfectly
chiseled and impossibly handsome profile. - You
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want to know about your father?

I froze.
I wanted to untangle my arms from around his neck, but he held
my arm tightly. “You met him,” I said firmly. My stomach twisted.
“You buried him.
He shifted and turned, pulling me onto his lap. “Your mother's
name was Catherine. I saw her picture. She looks like you.
She loved you. I think she would have treated you well.
“Ginny treated me well. I can't…” My mouth was trembling.

Tears pricked the back of my throat. My chest ached with the

effort it took not to fall. “I don't know what changed.
“Why did she start to hate me when the memories I had with her
as a child were good ones? "I think some of the hatred she feels for
me was for you."
“When she came back, she wanted to reconnect, but when she
saw how much you care about me and not her, I think it made her
hate you even more.
“But, deep down in her twisted mind, she cares about you…
that's why she was unable to kill you.
“It doesn't change how I feel about her. — one million
Layers of pain bled through my shuddering whisper.
“I wouldn't want that to happen. With his fingertips, he swept a
tangle of strands from the curve of my cheek, his expression grim.
“You know when I caught you, you didn't scream or fight.

“I held out my hand and you took it willingly. His eyes glowed to
a fierce degree, making my heart skip a beat. “There was confidence
in your eyes, Lauren, and it took me completely by surprise.

“I almost didn't take you with me.

My heart slammed right into my ribs.
“Why do you think I trusted you?
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He narrowed his eyes, exhaling harshly through his nose. “I don't

know, but it was the first time I felt the weight of guilt.
“It was the first time anyone trusted me. and it had to be the girl whose
life I was going to ruin.
I cupped his face in my hands.
“You didn't ruin my life. You gave me the best life,” I said, kissing the
tip of her nose as I listened to her low, shuddering breaths. “And I don't
think I'd want to live with Anthony.

“I would have been alone without a mother.

“Before I met you again, I was living a life of solitude. I was already
used to it. It was one of the reasons I joined Omens.

“You had friends and you told me about some of your adventures.
How could you have felt alone?
The ghost of a sad smile touched his lips.

“Just because I surrounded myself with friends didn't mean I wasn't

alone. I'm good at hiding.
"How did you find out about this organization?"
His voice slipped into a deeper, darker tone. “I overheard one of my
friend's cousins talking about it. He didn't know I was listening, and I told
him I was interested in whatever he was doing.

“He didn't object because I gave him a lot of money. He was a drug
addict, so it was easy to convince him with a bundle of money —
"So all you had to do was take care of the kids and not ask questions?"
I tried to quell the horrifying image of Mason working for Anthony, him
taking care of the kidnapped children whose parenting lives would never
be the same, and I tried to keep the bile from rising inside me.

“It must have been awful for them.

“I wasn't allowed to ask questions. His jaw clenched hard and tight.
"And the children were quick to
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forget and play. But there was one girl who was quiet and scared.

“It took me a little while before I figured out her name. Amelia. ’
There was an affectionate smile on his face. “She was smart and
aggressive. She was the reason I loved going back there.
“Some of the kids bullied her, so I'd always find her in the corner
crying. She asked me to always protect her, and I promised her I
would. His voice turned raw. “So I left.

“I left Amelia alone when I promised I wouldn't.

My mind was telling me that I shouldn't be jealous
of Mason being someone's protector.
- Where is she now?
- Dead. His voice dropped, so low I had to force myself to
to hear. “She drowned in the bathtub when she was fifteen.
It sent knife-like pains to my heart. - I'm very sorry.

He curled his fingers around the back of my neck and closed his
eyes as he rested his head against mine. - Yes. “He walked away.
Stormy gray eyes held mine, his voice husky. — Lauren...
"I love you," I blurted out. My eyes widened
when I realized what I had said.
His jaw clenched with the force of a rock, as if he was holding
back some wild feeling. “What did you just say? he whispered harshly,
eyes bright.
- Anything. "I need you to say that again."
- I want to listen. There was desperation in his voice, and I think
he wanted to know so badly, because he may never have thought I
would love him, especially after what he did all those years ago, and
a raw ache opened in my chest.
He was desperately searching my face, and I felt as wild as looking
at his impossibly handsome features, noticing how he wasn't touching
me anymore, because he might fear that if he did, this would be a
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I touched her face on impulse, and the instant my fingers connected

with her soft skin, the words exploded out of me.

- I love you. I love you lots. His breath caught in his chest, and I
continued in a hurry. "More than I ever thought I would." I love your
caring side and your cold side.
“I love it when you fight me, the way you push me when I pull you.

He closed his eyes and his feelings hit me so deep my heart ached.
I heard her smooth, uneven exhalation.

My voice shook fiercely. - I love everything in you.

He reached up and cupped my face with hands shaking fiercely and

pulled me into a hug, and I shuddered as I took in the feel of his arms
My heart was pounding because I knew this was the first night of the
rest of our lives. No expiration date.
Mason picked me up and placed me back on the bed, leaning over
me. I felt very small. "What if I do something to hurt you?" You know I
would do anything to hurt you from
“Lauren, you can't say those words and back off the first time I do
something stupid. When you say that, you have to mean it and you
have to stay. It doesn't matter what.
“You have the ability to piss people off and it's going to be a crazy
and exciting journey with you, but I'm going to hang in there and we're
both going to jump headlong together because we're crazy.
- I want to be with you. I want to keep fighting you. But you have to
try with me. I can't fight alone, Mason.

His eyes were a brilliant gray and lit with a fire that warmed my entire
He lowered his head and tenderly found his tongue with mine,
tracing the flesh of my lips first and stroking
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my tongue with his.

He drew back to stroke the back of a finger curled into the side
of my face.
“There isn't a single part of me that isn't yours, Lauren.
I took a deep breath. That was your I love you.
But I believed him. There wasn't a part of him that wasn't mine,
just as there wasn't a part of me that wasn't his.
He saw the acceptance in my eyes before leaning down to kiss me.
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It's been two days since we lived in one of the

Mason's secret apartments.
It was quiet.
Mason wasn't about to talk about Ginny. It was like he was
waiting for something to happen.
Every time I tried to bring up our situation, he would dodge
questions or apologize. When I pointed out what he was doing
he just kissed me to shut me up.
So I stopped asking. Mainly because I liked it when he kissed
me. And he kissed me, many times. We snuggled into bed and
kissed. We watched TV and kissed. We ate and kissed.

It was like we were so drugged that we didn't want to stop.

When we weren't joined at the hips, his eyes followed me

wherever I went, and I loved stealing glances from the sexiest
man alive, who knew my body better than anyone else.

All I wanted to do was drown in Mason's heady scent. Wrap

my legs around his waist and let him make me see stars.

He was under my skin, buried so deep I didn't think

that one day I would get him out of there.

I loved living there with him. It was peaceful and quiet. I was
myself again, and Mason was so much more playful than I'd ever
seen him. I didn't want to leave.
I didn't want to remember what was going on outside. I didn't want
to think about what Ginny was doing, and I didn't want to think about
what our friends were going through right now.
We were not allowed to contact them. And Gale, I wanted
him safe and back.
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I just didn't know what to do.

The news channel has become my favorite channel. I thought
everyone would wonder where Mason was, why his company was
being run by someone else.
I thought they would cover everything but there was nothing. Not
even a mention of his name on any news channel. It was confusing.

A big, influential man like Mason

Campbell transferring all his property to someone else deserved to
be in the headlines for two weeks. His disappearance was something
else entirely.
I just don't get it.
The next time Mason found me in front of the TV, flipping from
channel to channel, he crossed and snatched the remote out of my
hand. turning it off.
He stood in front of me, all tall and handsome and intimidating.
- What are you doing?
I leaned back on the couch and crossed my arms as he watched
me through narrowed eyes. "Why are you asking me if you already
“What do you think you'd see?
I shrugged.

“I don't know, people to talk about Ginny suddenly owning her

properties and how suspicious that is. Maybe that would lead them to
investigate. - I expected.
His dark brows drew together, suddenly wary. "And if they do, they
won't find anything." His soft voice licked a cool trail down my spine.

“Every criminal ends up faltering in some way.

His lips formed a straight line as he turned back to the TV that was
just a black screen now, like he was seeing something he didn't like
before looking at me.
“Why are you so worried?”
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“Why aren't you here? — I challenged him.

His smile was all sharp.

"Maybe because I don't care?"

I blinked and my jaw almost dropped. “Y…you don't care.”
“You're sounding like you care that I'm losing billions. His eyes held
mine, and the corner of his mouth curled into the cocky twist I loved
so much.
"I thought you didn't care about my money."
I struggled to keep my smile. “Maybe I want the billions for myself.
If you suddenly die now, I won't get anything because you gave
He got me to my feet. One hand wrapped around my waist, warm
and strong and solid, while the other hand found the back of my neck.
His smile turned devilish as he pulled me closer. "It's good to know
that you love me so much."
My breath came short. I would never not run out of breath every
time he was around. “I never said I wasn't in it for the money. But
seriously, what are you planning?
“If I tell you now, it won't be a surprise. His thumb stroked the
sensitive column of my neck. The expression in his eyes was deep
and consuming.
His steady gaze held mine completely as if he had no intention of
looking away. "Come on, we need to go somewhere. - - Which?

- Be patient.
- I am unable.
He patted my cheek like I was a dog.

- I know.
The place Mason was taking me was a 20 minute drive away. I
could tell by his demeanor that he was both excited and nervous.

When the taxi dropped us off in front of a house of the size

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medium with a white picket fence, he grabbed my hand before we walked to

the door.
He knocked on the door and, while we were waiting for someone to
opened, I looked around the garden.
This house reminded me a lot of the house I grew up in. It wasn't just the
house either. It was the neighborhood, the houses across the street that
looked alike.
I used to ride my bike on a street like this with my friends. We raced
against each other and I always ended up winning because I had longer legs
than they did.
Memories from my childhood recently kept running through my mind, but
I didn't know which ones were real.
What were my days with my sperm donor. Anthony.
I didn't think about it.
Most of the good times I was with my dad, so I
I held them and nothing else.
The door opened and the smell of flowers had me turning my head to the
elderly woman who greeted us at the door, smiling at Mason and not
hesitating to pull him into a bone-crushing hug.
She was wearing a light blue sweater and pants with black shoes. A
small smile tugged at the corners of my mouth as he furtively glanced at me
with heated cheeks.

When he pulled away, he touched her cheek affectionately. —

Helena, it's good to see you, dear.
The petite woman with short, gray hair pulled him into another tight hug.
- Oh my love! I miss you. "Even if she was shorter than he was." it didn't
make her look any less intimidating.

And watching her turn Mason around like she was looking for something
almost made me laugh. but I couldn't hold back my laughter when I heard
his next words: "Are you eating right?" You look so skinny.

He was quick to remove her hands from his body, looking

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embarrassed. - I am fine. He turned to me and I immediately

straightened up. “This is my wife Lauren.
Lauren, this is Helena.
She surprised me when she brought me in for a hug. She pushed
me far enough away that she could study my face, but kept her hands
on my elbows. “Nice to finally meet you, Miha—” “Mason told me all
about you. I'm dying .
desire to meet the woman who stole my son's heart.
I threw him a surprised look and saw the look he sent her.

“Helena…” There was a harsh edge to her voice, but Helena rolled
her eyes and pulled me into her house, abandoning Mason at the
front door.
I came face to face with a bunch of flowers in the house that
completely smelled of different types of flowers. It was a pleasant
earthy smell.
The room had a small bookcase, a coffee table
and, on top of it, magazines, cookbooks, and a crayon.
— Every time I talk about his feelings, he gets embarrassed. He
likes to pretend he's a robot, but I know my son. She pulled me into a
chair. "Come, sit with me." It's a miracle he brought you here.

"I've been dying to meet you." Mason didn't sit next to me, but
chose to sit on the arm of the chair I was sitting in.

Helena poured us a drink from the glass pitcher on the table.

“I hope you like apple cider, Lauren. I know Mason likes it,” she said,
finishing her drink and pouring herself another.
I took a sip. The ice clanged against my front teeth. A
drink was sweet and bitter, but it tasted heavenly.
I knew Helena must have added a secret ingredient because it
tasted different from the other times I'd had it.
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“I tried so many times to get him to take me to you,

or brought you here. I wasn't even invited to the wedding.
“You weren't feeling well. dear.
How could I have invited you?
“Whatever, you won't fool me. At least you brought me Lauren. "You
two make a cute couple and your babies will be even cuter," she exclaimed
with twinkling eyes, looking at me and Mason with a suggestive look.

I choked on my drink as I started to cough as he rubbed his hand

down my back, trying to calm me down.
When the coughing subsided, my eyes were red and watery.

“Stop making her feel uncomfortable. This is one of the reasons why I
was against bringing her here.
"You have a habit of saying things without thinking," I heard him
complain, taking their hands off me.
I tried not to look at the two of them. My cheeks were still red. I couldn't
even think about her words again because they scared the shit out of me.

Instead, I played with my fingers and tried not to hear how fast my
heart was racing.
She put down her glass and threw her head back in laughter.
— I'm so glad you found someone able to support you, my boy, I
prayed every day that you found someone who made you as happy as
Sergio made me.
“You made that old woman very happy. "She wiped one."
tear under his eye, sniffling and clasping his hands.
“Look at you, always crying over little things,” he told her, running his
thumb along the side of my neck in an unexpected sign of affection.

My skin came alive under his seemingly innocent touch.

“Oh. shut up. Are you staying for dinner? There was a hopeful
expression on her face as she looked up at him. "He would be happy to
see you." You haven't visited me in a while.
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Mason sighed. - I'm very sorry. I wanted to but...
"You don't have to explain, mi amore," she interrupted with love for
him in her eyes. - I understand. Why don't you go see him while I keep
Lauren company?
He nodded, and the place he occupied beside me turned cold again
as he walked farther into the house and started up the stairs, leaving me
alone with Helena.

I still wasn't sure why we were there, but I liked Helena. She looked
like a nice little granny that put me at ease the moment she opened her
And I never met my paternal grandparents or Ginny's parents. Beth's
grandparents lived a long way away, so they never visited us.
This was the first time I knew what it was like to have a grandmother.
although I knew Helena wasn't Mason's grandmother. I was going to
enjoy it while I could until I had to go home.
- Can I ask you something?
“I'm not his grandmother, if that's what you're wondering.
My cheeks flushed, she chuckled. "Do you know why he brought you
- In truth no. He has a habit of not telling me anything.
“I'm not surprised. That's a man of few words,” she said warmly. “And
mysterious. He likes to shoulder everyone's problems, even if they might
be harmful to him.
“I've known Mason since Tom's accident.
My eyes widened.
- His brother?
Helena nodded with a soft smile. - Yes of course. Miha.
I've been taking care of Tom for years.

"Is Tom here?" I said in disbelief and half because I didn't know
Mason brought me to where his brother lived. This was information I
didn't expect and didn't know what to do with.
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“I suppose you didn't know. She didn't stop when she continued, “I'm
surprised he brought you here with him today.
Nobody knows where Tom is.
“Mason has been keeping his whereabouts from his family, something
I've never questioned him about.
“Whatever my son does, I know it's in his brother's best interest. I was
rolling her words around in my brain when she added, “Mason is a good
man. Lauren.
“I don't think anyone would be able to do what he does for Tom.
Anyone would have been tired, but not him. And that's how you know he's
the best kind of man.
I couldn't agree more.
“And God forgive me, Miha, but if you break his heart, I'll break your
legs. She smiled as if she hadn't just threatened me.

"Can I... can I see Tom?"

- Clear. Follow me.
My legs were shaking as I followed Helena behind, and the minute
As we started up the stairs, I felt very nervous.
She took me straight to the room where Tom and Mason were, but she
didn't let me in yet, just made me stand in the doorway and watch the two
The room is designed for a child, but look out for Tom. with exactly the
same features as Mason - except for the short hair - it was like a knife
being twisted in my heart.
He was almost taller than Mason. wearing a white shirt and shorts.
The whole room had so many toys, a children's study table, a big TV and
an Xbox.
The bed was a medium size with a Man of Steel sheet.
Iron, night light and bookcase with bedtime stories.
As I watched Tom show Mason his toys with an excited look, two tears
welled up in my eyes.
Helena put a consoling hand on my shoulder and I
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I quickly wiped away the tears. Ginny did it.

She ruined Tom's life. If it weren't for her, we wouldn't be here. Tom would
have led a successful life, I believed. Mason wouldn't be hurting right now.

I didn't want to interrupt this private moment, especially when I knew

Mason wouldn't want me to. They were both playing with Tom's toys and
laughing, they deserved some alone time.

Throwing a forced smile at Helena, I turned away from the door and
headed down the stairs.
We had dinner at Helena's house, although Tom didn't join us at the table.
Helena talked most, Mason snarled and glared, while I laughed and listened
intently to his stories.
At one point, she got curious about me and asked a lot of questions. In
between eating his spaghetti, I told my story and Mason's. Of course, some
details were left out.
An hour later, she disappeared with Mason down the hall.
I was waiting for almost twenty minutes before deciding
that I didn't want to wait any longer.
I walked down the hall and stopped outside a door when I heard voices
speaking in low voices. The door wasn't locked, so I pushed it a little, hoping
it wouldn't creak.
Peering through the crack, I caught a glimpse of Mason and Helena in the
mirror. She was sitting on the bed while Mason leaned against the nightstand.

"I'm sorry I don't say this enough, but thank you for everything."
what are you doing.
"You say that every time you're here, mi amore, and I keep saying you
don't need to thank me for taking care of Tom," she replied with a small smile.

“He's like my son—you two are, so please don't embarrass me by thanking

me for doing my job.
He looked at the floor. “You were always more of a mother to me than my
mother. Are you sure you don't need anything? - He
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He asked.
“You've already done a lot, Mason. She held out her hand. she took his
hands and held them in her lap. “But promise me you'll take good care of
"She already knows who you are and what you've done, no other girl
I would accept you if I knew that.

His face turned serious. - I know. I just don't think I deserve it.
It was with those words that I walked away and returned to the living room.
When they left the room, she pulled me in for a hug.
“It was really nice meeting you. Miha. Keep in touch. — —
Thanks for dinner.
Mason kissed her on the cheek and I gave her a small wave as he led me
out of the house, closing the door behind us. When we got home, there was a
black envelope waiting for us by the door.

I was the only one who froze in terror. Had Ginny found us?

Mason just smiled as he picked it up and rubbed his thumb

against the golden S stamp.

We went inside, and I expected Ginny and her men to show up.
attacking us with weapons, but there was no one but us.
Mason pulled me with him to sit on the couch before tearing open the
black envelope, bearing a black card. He turned it over. There were five words
written in gold.
Enjoy the show, old friend.
- Who is he?
He replied as he put the card back in the envelope, "Someone I don't want
you to meet." I raised an eyebrow and he explained, "Let's just say I'm nothing
compared to Rogue Slade."
“The skeletons in your closet are enough to scare you, love. — — Ali,
then, is there anyone better than you out there?
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I should meet you.

His tone was amused and confident. "I can give you an address if you
like." But I give you an hour before you call and beg me to take you back.

"Is he really that bad?" I asked fascinated.

He leaned down and whispered seductively against my
cheek, — Uhmm. - He kissed me.
A comprehensive kiss. A possession. He wasn't kissing my mouth.

He was claiming me as his own, and his lips were soft

and fleshy, yet hard and needy at the same time.
His lips left my mouth to trace my neck to my collarbone as I shoved
my hands inside his shirt to feel his rock hard chest, and he groaned,
gripping my hair and forcing my head back hard.

His lips came back to mine and his tongue slipped in and out of my
mouth, moving in sync with mine.
He rocked against me, and I no longer felt like my body was mine.

“You need to see something,” he whispered against my lips.

"No," I whimpered, trying to get his lips back together.
in mine.

He chuckled. - Is important. He pulled back and I groaned, running

my fingers through my hair as I glared at him. - Look at this. — He took
the remote and turned on the TV.

If I hadn't been sitting down, I would have slipped and fallen to the floor.
Right on the screen, in big bold letters was: Millionaire's Widow, Ginny
Huddleston Arrested.
My eyes did not deceive me.
I was watching Ginny being escorted out of her house by two police
officers in handcuffs. Reporters tried to ask questions and take pictures
of her, and she tried to shield her face from them.
- What the hell is that? I blurted out when Mason turned off the TV.
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"I'm sorry I didn't say this was going to happen."

I looked at him.
- You did it? When?
“I knew she would want to try to get my properties, which is why I
made a plan before she could get hers.
Remember when I went to the US? - I agreed.
“I met with Rogue, and we both came up with a plan. I made some
changes and transferred everything to his name, so when I signed the
papers, I didn't give her anything.
“And I was the one who told Coop to pretend he'd switched sides for
the chance to put cameras and microphones in his house, cars, and
office, and everything would be automatically uploaded to Rogue's
My jaw dropped.
“Everything she did was recorded and turned over to the police. Ginny go
stay in prison for the rest of your life.
I cocked my head to the side, my brown eyes filled with wonder. -
Why did not you tell me?
“Because you wouldn't be able to pretend you didn't know anything,
and I couldn't risk it. When I was in America, there were so many times I
wanted to pick up the phone and call you. — — I almost did, Lauren, but
I had to stop myself. I'm very sorry.
- He is well. You don't have to apologize to me for anything.
You did what you had to do,” I whispered. "Ginny is out of our lives now."

He nodded. His hands covered my shoulders fully, and he began
circling his thumbs at the base of my neck. "Are you ready to go home?"

The feeling was out of this world. My body was relaxed and my mind
calm. - Maybe tomorrow? I'm in no rush to get back to anything. It's really
nice here.
Lowering his mouth to my neck, he brushed his lips over my skin
before gently sucking. - you love having me
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only for you. He chuckled softly, trailing feather-soft kisses up and

down my chin.
I looked up, meeting him right in the eyes.
"Yes, that's it," I purred, and he absorbed my gaze for a few
seconds, his expression satisfied, before planting a soft kiss on
my lips and letting his hands slide down to my hips.

I narrowed my eyes, trying my best not to jump forward.

- I love you lots.

“So, you're crazy,” he murmured as he kissed me, gently

stroking my tongue with his. Releasing my lips, he looked at me.
breathing hard with unabashed hunger gleaming from their silver
I was pretty sure my eyes were matching his.

“I was crazy when I agreed to be your assistant. I closed my

arms around his shoulders and kissed him on his lush, wet lips.
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- Oh my God! Beth screamed, dropping the glass she was holding

and spilling its contents onto the floor. — Lauren!
- Are you alive! “She pounced on me. hugging me so tightly I could
barely breathe. When she pulled away, I didn't expect her to start hitting
me with her hands. "You fucking bitch!"

“Oh, Beth! Stop hitting me! "I tried to slap your

hands, but she kept coming at me without mercy.
I found that when I left her, I would be sore.
"I'll kill you for scaring me!" She seemed to choke on her scream.

- I'm very sorry! “I ran outside. "Really, it was bad!"

She finally stopped hitting me and relaxed, wiping the tears from her
face. I missed her a lot.
"I thought something had happened to you." Where have you been?!

- It's a long story. My voice was soft now, almost gentle as if I had to
put some distance between myself and my memories.

"I bet it is!" I saw your mother arrested. How the hell is that
happened, and how long will she be at the police station?
"Do you mean prison?" It will stay for a long time.
She gasped.
- Tell me everything. Beth took a deep breath, shocked by what I had
just told her about being kidnapped by Mason, my parents not being my
parents, and the Omens. - What? This is so confusing.

“How did you handle it?

My face creased in pain. “Honestly, I don't even know.
She looked at me and gave me a wry look that contained a
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curious tone of pain and guilt. When several moments passed, she
alerted me. "Are you sure you're okay? Emotionally?"
“It's a lot to handle, Laurie. Everything you knew about
her life and her husband was a lie.
Cautiously, I wondered if I would ever forget what had happened
or if I would still be able to talk about it without feeling an absolute
pain in my heart.
“I'm trying not to think about it. What would I gain by clinging to
the past? I'm trying to move on. "It's good that you're trying to move
on, but seeing someone might help a little."

"You mean a therapist?"

“Yes, but I'm not saying you should go. It's just a suggestion. If
you really want to move past all of this, you might want to talk it all
through with a therapist — .
My voice was strained when I answered, “I'm not sure I want to
expose Mason like this.
— You can always omit some small details. I could see that
Beth was still trying to figure it all out. “I can't believe everything
that's happened to Ginny. — — It's like she's a completely different
person than the one we knew before. How could she have done
this to you? - - I want to see her. - I decided.

- What? — — I want to visit her in prison. Beth, I know it's a bad

idea- "Yes.
and even!
Stunned, she looked at me. almost as if she wasn't quite able to
believe what I was saying, which she automatically assumed would
be the last thing on my mind. “Mason would never let you do that.

I knew.
No doubt he'd fight me about it, and he'd probably succeed. If
he forbade me to see her, I would never be able to move on.
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“He doesn't have to know. It's important that I see her if I want to
forget everything.
“I don't want anything to stop me, especially her. It wasn't like me
to give in to defeat, and the hold Ginny still had on me made my eyes
dull, my voice dull.

"She still has a piece of me." If I don't confront her one last time…”
She hurt me in so many ways, and my mental and physical exhaustion
drowned out my voice.
Beth struggled to have an even tone.
- OK. She quickly shook her head, not looking pleased, but adding
fiercely, "But I'll have to go with you, and you're not going to change
my mind."
- Closed. I watched her move nervously around the kitchen, pouring
herself a cup of tea before returning to sit on the stool next to me,
exhaling smoke as she tried to avoid looking at me.

- What is wrong?
She looked up, feigning innocence.
— Hmm?
- Closed. I watched her move nervously around the kitchen, pouring
herself a cup of tea before returning to sit on the stool next to me,
exhaling smoke as she tried to avoid looking at me.

- What is wrong?
She looked up, feigning innocence.
— Hmm?
I rolled my eyes. —Beth. i've known you for years and i know when
you've got something on your mind. Say it,” I encouraged, feeling my
stomach tighten.
“I'm not sure how you're going to react.
“I've responded well to a lot of things.
She gave me a tight-lipped smile.
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— I got promoted at work. My eyes widened.

Feeling happy and proud, I went to hug her when she added,
“I'm going to run the company in the US—” .
“Laurie, I'm going to have to move.
If I had been less shocked, I would have laughed out loud,
but as it was, I sat there frozen, looking at Beth as if this were
the first moment I was seeing her.
I sat very rigid, very still, my expression calm,
my eyes still and level.
“What do you mean you have to move to the US?

— Yes, I received the promotion letter two days ago, but I still haven't received it.
Said nothing. I wanted to wait until I spoke to you first.
A hard knot of pain formed in my chest as my shoulders
slumped. The breath was knocked out of me.
I searched Beth's face for irony, anything to convince myself
that it was all a big joke she wanted to play on me for worrying
His eyes were filled with nervousness, but I couldn't see
not a trace of joke.
- You are cheating on me?
- I am not. And so unexpected- "And
do you want it?"
Sadness crept into her eyes. - I do not want to leave you.
I hugged my arms to my chest.
- Then no.
“It's a good offer. Lauren. A unique opportunity. No
I can assure you that I would have this chance again in the future.
I half expected the ground to shake or cave in at her words,
or at the decision she already seemed to have made. 'Why
would you need to leave London?' If you want a good job.
Mason can get you a job.
“He can give you any position you want. I
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I'll ask him. He will do it.

“Lauren,” she quickly interrupted. And when she tried to add a
smile to her words, her voice faltered: “Thanks, but I can't take any
work from him.
“I don't understand how you could just decide to leave me out of
nowhere. And why didn't I tell you what was going on?

"Of course not, that's not it!" - she cried.

“Well, you can't just leave your best friend and go to another
country. I was breathing deeply, almost desperately, but my hands
fell apart and now my fingers were laced with hers, holding her
- I need you here. I need you with me.
She smiled at that, then scrutinized me with appraising green
eyes. “Lauren. She grabbed both my hands in her lap, looking down
at me. “We've been friends for over ten years.
“We were always side by side. But you don't need me anymore.
You have Mason. Your place is beside him. I need to find my own
place too.
It hit me in the gut, but I couldn't be selfish to stop her from
finding her place in life. No matter how much I missed her, I had to
put her happiness before mine.

"And you're sure it's not here?" “I already knew it wasn't, but it
wouldn't hurt to try again.
- You'll be fine. You have Mason, Athena and even Aaron.
I sighed, looking at my best friend. The only one who really
cared for me before Mason. The only one who liked me the way I
was. “None of them are you,” I admitted, solemnly.

- You are right. She pushed me away with a smile. “There's only
one Beth Wallace in Lauren Hart's life.
A smile appeared on my lips. - When you go away? “I asked the
most dreaded question.
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“Are you okay with this?

The light had already faded from my eyes, and it was just the painful truth when
I replied, “Fine. I have to let you go, don't I? Let you find your own place or whatever
since I found mine.

“I'm going to miss you so much.

His features softened.

“We still have a week together. Let's enjoy every second.
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Prince was happy to see me. He barked at me while wagging his tail,
and I patted him on the head before taking off my coat and heading
The first thing I did was peek my head into Mason's room. finding it
I knew he was home because his car was outside and he wouldn't
leave Prince home alone.
My room was also empty, so I went downstairs, crossing the hall to
check room after room. I finally found him in another living room that
wasn't as big as the rest of the rooms.

I shook my head, unable to suppress a smile.

Looking at him as he slept so peacefully on the couch with his right
arm draped over his eyes, a blanket thrown over him and a pillow under
his head left me confused as to why he sleeps here and not in his room.

I walked into the living room and approached the couch, placing my
hand on her blanket-covered shoulder, feeling the warmth of her flesh
even through the fabric. “Mason. wake up.
I didn't have to shake it. At my touch, my voice, he turned and lowered
his arm, wrapping himself in the blanket, and his lids lifted to reveal pale,
glistening irises.
His soft smile greeted me. "Hey," he said with a
hoarse voice.

I ran my hand through his soft hair. "Have you been sleeping for a
long time?"
“Uhmm. He sat up, running his fingers through his hair before
to rub your eyes. “Why do you smell like smoked salmon?”
- Oh yes. Beth cooked.
He arched an eyebrow. "And you didn't bring me some?"
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"I didn't know you'd like to eat."

Mason didn't hesitate to give me a not-so-pretty look.

- Why? Why are you the only one who eats? he asked sarcastically.

I couldn't help the laugh that bubbled up. — you stay still
grumpier after a nap.
He reached out and took my hand, his gaze on my face radiant and
smiling. - It depends on the company.
“I can be cheerful if I want to. He slid back into the reclined position,
closing his eyes, my hand still held loosely in his.

I shook his shoulder with my free hand. “Hey, you're not going back to
Without opening his eyes, he tugged on my hand and I found myself on the couch with
him, sprawled over him in a very intimate position.
My eyes widened and I began to squirm in an effort to push down my
skirt that I had pulled all the way up, but my efforts were thwarted as my
feet somehow became tangled in the blanket and I couldn't straighten my

Mason sucked in his breath sharply and his hand gripped my hair,
holding me immobile.
"Stay still," he murmured huskily, his fingers exerting just enough
pressure to bring my head forward slowly, an inch at a time until he could
place his mouth on mine.

I shuddered, my lips parting for his as his tongue lazily slipped in and
explored the softness of my lips, the sensual undulation of my tongue as
it found his.

His hand left my hair and moved down my back,

looking for the slim curve of my spine.
I wrapped my arms around his neck, my hands tightening in his hair,
meeting the open hunger of his kiss with
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mine. It was so sweet and good. and it was all I could ask of life to be in
your arms.
I felt his hands on my body, hands practiced and calm, as they slid
down my sides to the curve of my waist and then down to my hips.

It left me reeling with pleasure, unable to control my emotions.

Hot sparks of desire shot through my body.
I moaned loudly, and the sound carried into his mouth. He started to
nibble on my flesh, his teeth taking in my bottom lip, the curve of my jaw,
and the back of my ear.
My breath was coming in and out of my lungs, my heart was racing
out of control. The feel of him was driving me crazy, and I wanted to sink
into him.
Now, he was biting my neck, his teeth burning into my skin; then he
soothed it with little licks of his tongue. My hands had fisted his hair,
tugging at the thick mane without thinking.

I wanted to give him everything, every part of me. mixing the softness
of my body with the hardness of his.
— Mason...
He moaned and his hands squeezed my ass; then, he reluctantly
withdrew his touch from my curves and pulled away from the kiss. - What?

“You won't let me sleep and you won't let me kiss you,” he growled,
pulling me to the side.
“Are you really complaining?

His teeth grazed my neck and then he murmured, in

my ear: "I have a right to complain, don't I?"
"I don't think you would have the heart to complain about anything."
Mason had that twinkle in his eyes when he tilted my head back at
him. “I like to express myself when I feel a certain way, Lauren.

"When did that become a crime?" “He looked into my eyes.

with a look that flashed through me.
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- Hmm. excuse me? Since when?

"I'm going back to sleep." ’ With that, he closed his eyes and put his arm
behind his head for support, and it only made his muscle bulge.

I stared at his face. “Mason, get up. I nudged him in the side, but he
didn't respond. I propped my elbow up and touched her eyes then ran my
finger over her long lashes. "Are your eyelashes fake?"

"Can you tell me where you got them?" I would like to buy some. “Still,
he chose to ignore me, and there was no way he was sleeping.

My finger glided across her face, tracing every angle and touching every
nook and cranny. He was so devastatingly handsome. "Did you have plastic
surgery?" Were you an ugly child? "Is that why there aren't
any pictures of you as a child?" I joked, pouting when he refused to
answer me.
Leaning over. I brushed my lips over her cheek and whispered, "Love you."

He snorted without opening his eyes.

"Is this to shock me?"

“It was supposed to get you to talk and it worked.
His gray eyes were warm and I could see dozens of bright lights shining
in his irises. He squeezed me as he looked down at me, watching the dazed
smile on my lips.
“You were supposed to spend the night with Beth.
A dark cloud formed over my face as I remembered
that he only had one more week with Beth before she left.
I was struggling to be okay with this, I really was, but this would be the
first time since we'd met that we'd be thousands of miles away from each
I looked down at Mason's shirt to avoid meeting his eyes.
- Yes. I think it should. We won't be seeing each other after a week,” I
mentioned, a little too emotional for my liking.
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His smile turned into the best kind of sinister. - One of

are you going to die? Very sad.

I hit him in the chest, but it felt like I hit a brick wall. “Don't be an idiot.
She was promoted to manager, but the company is based in the United
His eyes were hooded and unreadable as he watched me, but his
hand smoothed over my shoulder as if he couldn't stop himself from
touching me, his fingers warming my skin before sliding up over my throat
to cup my chin and lift my face.

“Good for her,” he told me with his breath deep and slow. “You must
be feeling sad.
“Are you kidding? She is my best friend. I'm devastated.
- He is sure? You really don't look like someone who is devastated.

I looked deeply at him. my hand moving up to rest along his jaw,

where the back of his neck tickled my palm. - I hate you.

He chuckled, a husky, masculine sound that rippled through me like

hot water. - Good. Can you remember this and let me sleep?

— How can you sleep when your wife is sad?

Without waiting for him to sit down, his face turned serious. "Lauren,
do you want to move in with her?" he asked, his voice sounding stronger.
I sat up and let the blanket fall to the floor.
We were still sitting too close, but there was a sudden tension that I
was the reason he existed. “I can visit you every weekend. I'm fine with it
and it will work.
“Shut up,” I said.
- Is this a no? he asked with irony and his deep voice.
- He is going to screw it up.

- Look the mouth. "You son of a-" He kissed me so long and

so deeply that I almost melted on the spot.
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Holding my waist, he slid his lips to my neck as he nibbled my neck

before pulling back to look into my eyes.

“I'm serious about what I said, Lauren. We can make a long-distance

relationship work. I won't be happy with you living so far from me. but if
it makes you happy i'm willing to do it.

"Do you really think I would leave you?" “He didn't say anything to
defend himself.
“I'm just sad that Beth and I were never apart, but that doesn't mean
I would want to leave you alone to go with her.
How many times do I have to say I won't leave until you understand? "I
don't know," he answered honestly. "Probably when the fear of you
leaving me leaves me?"
I didn't know what to say and I don't think he expected me to
respond. Instead, I moved and laid my head on his chest, closing my
arm over him.
Mason wrapped his arm around my waist and placed his free hand
on my head, snuggling me into him.
Her heart was beating so fast, and so was mine.
I loved him so much. And he was mine.

I wouldn't let him. No accident. Someday I hoped that

he could understand that.
I was sitting in a chair in front of a glass booth-like wall, my legs
shaking and my hands running freely in my lap.

There was a phone on the wall next to me, and I couldn't wait to get
out of there. I didn't want to be there, but I had to.
I could only come because Mason was at work and I lied to him that
Beth and I were going out. It wasn't exactly a lie; I just left some details
But if he knew I was there to find Ginny, all hell would break loose,
but I would never let him know. I hated myself for doing this, for hiding
it from him.
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Mason and I were trying to be honest with each other, but I lied
through my teeth to him just so he could find Ginny in prison.

Arriving at the prison entrance with Beth made me anxious and

scared, but I'd been to hell and back, so that shouldn't scare me.

However, I couldn't deny the sense of trouble squirming behind my

eyes, the stinging sensation I felt stinging my soul.

And there she was, being escorted in handcuffs to my cabin,

dressed in an orange jumpsuit. Her blonde hair wasn't as shiny as it
used to be and there were dark circles under her eyes.
If she was surprised to see me, she didn't show it.
She sat down and picked up the phone in front of her, raising an
eyebrow when I didn't move to pick up mine. I just stared at her with
conflicting emotions.
When I got up the courage to pick up the phone, I put it to my ear.
“Lauren,” she greeted with a little tilt to her mouth. "I thought Mason
would keep a tighter rein on you."

Does he know you're here?

I held the phone in my hand. “I didn't come here to talk about him.

- Of course. You came here to see your mother.

“You're not my mother,” I tried not to hiss but failed miserably. I
knew all she would try to do was tease me. Maybe this was starting to
be the worst thing I'd ever thought of doing.

“I came here to talk to you, so you could hear me.

This time, her face lit up with a smile that didn't reach her eyes.
“You're here to tell me how much you hate me again. Lauren? I think I
already understood when you chose him over me.
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I laugh humorlessly. “He hasn't abandoned me. He didn't try to hurt

me. Mason didn't—” “Kidnapped you? she suggested wryly.

“What's the difference between what I did and what he did?

“You're a killer,” I snarled fiercely. “And I'm glad Daddy isn't alive to
see where you ended up.
"He always spoke well of you." I laughed and looked down at my lap
briefly, looking back at her. She wasn't smiling anymore, not that I
expected her to.
“Hell, I've been lying to myself the whole time. I do not hate you. I am
not capable of hating you at all.

"And because I'm your mother." I held you when you cried.
I put you to bed. I made you lunch and helped with your homework. You
don't have the nerve to hate me completely.
I didn't remember doing that, but before I could stop myself, water
started dripping from my eyes. - No. I shook my head, leaning toward her.

The glass was the only thing separating the two of us. “It's because
you're nothing to me.
"You're not even worth my hate, Ginny, and once I'm out of here,
you'll be nothing but ashes," I continued grimly, watching her face pale.
“I won't think about you.
“I'm not going to visit you while you rot here. When I leave here, I'll
leave you with all the memories. - - You can not do it with me.

I ignored his pained and petrified voice. “I'm going to start a life with
Mason, and you won't be a part of it. My children will not know your name
and their children will not know either.
"I'm going to completely erase you from my life, Ginny,
because that's what you deserve. — — Laurie...
I got up because I didn't want to listen to her anymore. “I don't wish
you peace. I want nothing but pain and terror. I hope that when you close
your eyes, you think of nothing but what you
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it lost.
“And when you're on your deathbed, you'll feel nothing but the pain
you've caused so many people.
Tears started to well up in her eyes, which meant nothing to me.
She was nobody to me anymore.
Just a memory that was fading. A past that no longer had a place in my
“This is the last time you'll see me again. Goodbye.
Ginny. She started to open her mouth to speak when I dropped the
phone and turned away, not wanting to see her face again.
I didn't want to stay another second.
When I finally got out of prison and breathed in the fresh air, I was
surprised at what I was feeling. My heart didn't hurt anymore.
My chest didn't feel heavy.
It felt like it was the first time I had a taste of freedom.
It was fine. I almost wanted to cry.
I got in the car and Beth scanned my face for something. Probably
hoping I would have a meltdown. A bubble of laughter escaped my lips
and I found myself going into shock.

"Hey, what the fuck is going on with you?" she asked in shock. -
You are laughing. You shouldn't be laughing. Are you okay9 Do we
need to take you to see a doctor?
“I…I'm fine. In fact, I feel more than fine, —
I admitted with a wide smile.
“I'm overjoyed. Looking away from her, I turned on the radio. "Can
you start driving?" I'm in the mood for a donut.

“You've lost your mind,” Beth said, starting the engine.

I wasn't crazy.
I was free.
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I squinted at the light hammering my sensitive eyes and closed

them again. Oh, it hurt.
Crawling to my side, I immediately realized that no
I was in my own bed.
My eyes fluttered open and I sat up. My hands grabbed my head
to try and ease the pain. Did not work. It seemed that nothing was
going to ease the beats.
I looked around the room, recognizing my surroundings
immediately; I was in Mason's room. I had no idea how I had ended
up there, and how it could already be morning.
I tried to reconstruct my night, instantly remembering that I'd
been with Beth and Athena the night before and that we'd been drinking.
In short, the night ended with us getting drunk.
I was experiencing a hangover. Crap.
I couldn't remember what happened next.
I wondered how I'd gotten home, but I really didn't need to ask
that question if Mason was with me. I just didn't remember him
picking me up.
Grabbing the bedclothes, I lifted the sheets to look underneath
and found myself in one of Mason's shirts, but at least I was in my
underwear. I needed to brush my teeth and get rid of the bad taste
in my mouth.
Maybe I shouldn't have let Beth talk me into playing
who drinks more, but I remembered having a great time.
I carefully pushed myself up, untangling myself from the bed as I
walked, reveling in the scent of Mason's perfume that hit my nostrils.
Every slight movement collided with my poor head.

When I stood up, my shirt not reaching my knees,

I staggered. I was still a little drunk.
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I brushed my teeth and took a quick shower. I felt a little better

than when I woke up, but the hangover was still there.
Wearing only a crop top and jean shorts, I headed downstairs
with my cell phone in hand.
“How's my girl? His voice was smug. He was having fun.

Mason walked up to me and he looked delicious in his shorts.

black with a gray polo shirt and messy hair.
I knew I probably looked awful with my loose brown hair that I
hadn't bothered to comb.
“Ugh, I feel terrible,” I confessed sullenly. I heard him chuckle
to himself as I felt his arms around me. and I was grateful for the
I buried my head in his chest and could have easily fallen
asleep if he hadn't started tickling me. - Stop this. What happened
last night?
“Don't you remember? he asked, stroking my hair.
Even its gentle rubbings against my skull were unbearably painful.
He must have guessed what I was feeling at the time because he
chuckled again.
And when I shook my head in response, he spoke slowly with
an exaggerated sigh, “Well, what didn't happen?

“Don't fool me,” I murmured into his chest with a little pinch.
"Tell me exactly what happened." I don't remember you picking
me up.
"So, you don't remember calling me and saying you wanted to
sit in my...
I cut him off with a sigh, my cheeks flushed red. - Shut up! That
didn't happen at all. “How would you know?” he asked with a
laugh. “You don't remember anything, and I'm just trying to fill in
the blanks here, love.

- Lying?
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I could almost see him in my head rolling his eyes.

"Can you let me finish what I started?"
"Sure, anyway, cheer me up with your fake version of
that happened last night.
He picked me up and carried me into the kitchen, setting me
down on the counter gently. When I looked at him. he chuckled
again, easing his grip slowly, like he was afraid I might fall.

God, I really felt terrible.

I gripped the edge of the counter for balance and watched, eyes
narrowed, as Mason opened a cupboard and pulled out a glass
before grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge, filling the glass
quickly before turning back to me.
"Here, drink this." You will feel better.
I glared, but made no attempt to pick up the glass. - And water.

He had an amused smile on his face as he replied,

Yes. love. Water is good for you.
“I'm not stupid, I'm just hungover,” I relayed, thinking about going
upstairs and going back to bed. Anything to help my throbbing head,
and I felt a little dizzy. I also felt like throwing up all over the kitchen.

“And you think I'm the grumpy one. ” Without another word, he
moved between my thighs and brought the glass to my lips for me.

- More? He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and kept his

hand on the side of my head.
“No, I'm fine. I fell into his chest, inhaling his musky scent. "Why
did I get drunk last night?" I will never drink again. I can promise you
“No way, dear. You drunk are more fun than sober. I'll arrange
five truckloads of alcohol for you.
He caressed my back, running his hand in circles and creating a
new sensation.
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“You want to turn me into an alcoholic? - I

I murmured. — Husband of the year. — — I really am, right?
"That wasn't a compliment!"
His shoulders began to shake. “Anything that comes from you is a
compliment,” he stated, with the tone of one who has mastered the skill
of lying.
I lifted my head from his chest and smiled at him. fluttering my
eyelashes. - There. you are so cute. ’ So I looked at him and
smacked his arm. - No.
His hands came back to cup the sides of my head. — You're
cute when you're a little mad — . He said softly, tracing the line of
my jaw. "Turns me on, actually."
Kind of reminds me of what you said last night.
“What I said last night?” I breathed.
Mason smiled and guided my head back to his chest, wrapping
my legs around him as I let my arms fall around his neck, and he
slid me off the counter.
He carried me through the mansion and placed me on the chair
in front of the dining table, walked back to the kitchen and came
back with a plate of food which he placed in front of me.
He took the chair next to me. “I'll tell you all about it when you
have breakfast.
My face contorted with disgust at the omelette and bacon. The
smell of food made me want to throw up, and I quickly covered my
mouth with the palm of my hand.
I shook my head and pushed the food away from me before
throwing it up onto the table.
That would be embarrassing and gross at the same time,
especially when I knew he'd be the one to clean up.
- No. thanks. I do not want it.
“You have to eat something.
“I wish I didn't throw up,” I replied, moving to stand up, but he
threw me back down. - I really
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I don't feel like eating anything right now, Mason.

- Good. His eyes sparkled. - About me?
I almost choked on his words as my face turned red. - What?

"What do you mean by what?" This is what you promised me last night.

I was mortified. I was sure he could be lying and taking advantage of

my temporary memory loss. - My God. Are you serious?

His eyes sparkled, glinting with humor as he enjoyed the way he was
affecting me.
- Good. you have to go ahead with it. It's having your breakfast or
having me for breakfast. And I would like to add that the latter is much
more edible. A smile danced across his lips.

My arms, which had previously been hanging at my sides, were now

pushing the plate towards me as I began to eat quickly, breathing through
my mouth so the smell wouldn't make me vomit.

- Same? Should I be offended by this? I heard him say, and I gave him
a half shrug.
After I finished eating, he carried me upstairs to the bathroom and set
me on my feet in front of the sink.
He left for a few seconds, and as soon as he got back in front of me
again, I slumped forward into his chest.
“Do you know what else you said? He picked me up and placed me
on the dressing table. "That you finally got me where you wanted me."
That you were destined to mess up my life.
"Did I say all that?"
- And much more. He placed his hand on my cheek. “We were always
going to be together, no matter what path each of us took.

“We would land exactly where we are now. ’ He took out his toothbrush,
which I loved to use, squirted a
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little bit of toothpaste and put it on the faucet. "Open it up," he ordered.

He started brushing my teeth gently, holding my

chin with your free hand.
I watched him focus on his little circular motions around my mouth, as
if he was doing an important task that needed his one hundred percent
“You like it when I order you around. It turns you on,” he decided to
say when I wasn't in any shape to defend myself.
A glare was all he got before I cupped his stubbled cheek in my hand,
and his eyes jumped to mine, his lips parted slightly.

He stopped brushing and turned his face into my palm, kissing it

tenderly. “No need to be embarrassed. We all have weird things that turn
us on.
I took my hand away from his face and leaned over the sink to rid my
mouth of the toothpaste before turning back to glare at him.

Running his thumb across my lip, he picked up a stray folder.

and slid his thumb into his mouth to clean it. It was so hot.
"You must not tell lies, Mr. Campbell.
"Has anyone ever told you that you're clingy and horny when you're
drunk?" You almost jumped me in the car. If I hadn't stopped you, you
would have taken advantage of me.
I gasped in indignation.
"Take advantage of you?! ’ I almost screamed. "I was the one who
was drunk!"
The corner of his mouth curved in a half smile.
“You don't remember anything, love. He smiled, leaning down and
kissing me softly and slowly on the lips, his tongue sweeping my mouth
He pulled me out so I stood before him. “So, do you have any plans
for today. Mrs. Campbell? — — I don't know, but I'm going to make some
plans to get away from a certain person
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He chuckled and ran his middle finger along the side of my cheek.
A wave of tremors went through me as he kissed my nose softly. -
Have a good time.
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— Oh! I hate him! I sat on the bed and spread my arms, looking
up at the ceiling.
"What did he do now?" Beth fell back beside me and
looked at the ceiling. "Besides giving you the best fuck of your life?"
I smile absently. "He gives the best fuck." He is very
primitive,” I yelled, squirming a little at the thought of him.
A pillow landed on my face. I turned my head and glared at her.

“I can't wait for you to have what I have.

"A good fuck?" That's what one-night stands are for, honey.

“Ugh, but wouldn't it be better with someone you have a connection

“According to the one-night stands I've had, the answer is, not
really. "Is this a party we weren't invited to?" asked a voice from the
I sat up to see Aaron, in harem pants and a polo shirt, standing
beside Athena, his green hair now a pale pink that was effortlessly
tied back in an effortless knot.
- What are you talking? Athena asked while
jumped on the bed with his boots on and everything.
"I hope you have tequila." Her leather top clung to
her skin and the leather skirt she is wearing was tight and short.
“We're not drinking again.

“Oh. Come on, Lauren. We can't have a party without drinking.

My nephew sucked the fun out of you?
“Speaking of your nephew, he's an asshole. — — I'll have to
agree. He really has a nice ass. Aaron walked over to my old desk
and turned his chair around to sit down.
I gave him the middle finger while looking at
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Athena, who made her head comfortable in Beth's lap. with legs crossed.

"Do you know what happened last night?" I can't remember anything
and Beth is still laughing. And I don't trust your idiot nephew's words.

She smiled and nodded. - I remember. I wasn't as drunk as you guys

were, but it was fun. But I promised Mason not to tell you anything.

- You what?
“I'm sorry, Lauren. but we are under his rule now. Not true9.” Beth
and Aaron nodded in confirmation.

“I'm trying to take his side after he found out I investigated him, which
is all your fault, by the way,” Aaron said with a shudder. “Don't feel bad
about switching sides. He scares me.

I groaned. — I came here to complain about him, but are you on his
side? What kind of friend are you? "My head fell back into the

“He was a jerk this morning, and I'm pretty sure he wanted to ask me
out on a date or something.
“He asked me if I had plans today and I didn't, but I wanted to make
him sweat a little so I said I'd make plans just to get away from him. Do
you know what he said?
- Have a good time? - Athena guessed, at the same time as Beth and
Aaron burst out laughing. I didn't even worry about them.
I threw an accusing look at Athena. "Did you talk about me with him?"

What an idiot.
- No. I just know him. - She laughed.
“Honestly, he said that to piss you off. I would have known this
because he said I should update him on his mood swings.

I screamed and almost hit Beth in the face. - He what?! wow... what
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“I love him,” Beth said. “He drives you totally crazy on purpose, Laurie,
and you're letting him enjoy himself. I threw a pillow at her head and she
ducked. “Hey, aggression is not the right answer.

"I can't wait for you to leave."

“You'll be the first person to cry, Lauren.
I didn't notice the moment Aaron left the room, but he came back with
a bag of chips in his hand. "We're still having a party for you." Beth?

- For sure! With pole dancing and strippers. Gotta make it count, kids.
She rolled out of bed, grabbed his bag, and started to eat. “I recently had
a date with a stripper. — — He taught me some tricks.

"Planning to use them in the US?"

She smiled and tossed the empty bag to me.
— Duh. I have to get there with everything.
Aaron said, “You're leaving your leash here,” and jerked his head in
my direction. “Beth without the collar is going to be terrifying. "I'm not a
dog, idiot."
I laughed. Beth and Aaron continued to argue, hurling insults at each
other as if they were in some kind of battle. Even though I knew I had
Athena and Aaron. it wouldn't be the same without Beth.
She would do very well in America, and I also knew that people would
love her. It would be hard not to love her though she can make you want
to smother her at times.
I left Beth's apartment at half past nine. I expected Mason to send
Coop to pick me up or drive over there himself to send me home.

I was surprised he didn't do anything, and my cell didn't have any

messages from him. Having no idea what he meant, I pushed him out of
my thoughts as Aaron left me before leaving with Athena.

The house was dark when I entered. Everything was so quiet,

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but I could hear the sound of the fire crackling in the fireplace and I
could smell something burning.
I went deeper into the house until I reached the living room, where the
room were unlit, but the only light came from the fireplace.
Moving a little closer to see what was burning in the firebox, I tilted
my head down and my breath hitched.

Deep inside, burning, was something I hadn't seen in a while. It

hadn't crossed my mind until I was seeing it now; burning to ashes.
Our contract.
That sent a slew of emotions running wild inside me.
I didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but I was too shocked to do that.

He did that. Mason burned the contract.

There was nothing keeping us together except love. We weren't
limited by anything other than the feelings we had for each other. I took
a step back, feeling overwhelmed all of a sudden.
- Turn. Mason's husky voice drummed against my skin.
When I didn't turn around, he buried his face right in my neck and I
grabbed my clothes. “Turn around, Lauren. - He tried

I turned now, and when he focused his bright gray eyes on me, I
knew what he was thinking. I knew what he was about to do. But I was
still caught off guard.
He smiled at me as if he expected me to run away from there. In all
honesty, I was about to do just that.
Even though I was prepared, I lost my breath when a
small black velvet box was placed in front of me.
I was taking a deep breath when it opened to reveal the most
beautiful diamond ring. It was the same size as the one he'd given me
The only difference between then and now was that he was giving it to
me himself.
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I looked sharply back into his face. With his love inside me hot,
suffocating, ready to explode - he leaned closer, lowering his voice. -
Marry me?
My throat tightened and I blinked back a few tears. "Is
this how you ask someone to marry you?" "That's what I managed
to come up with." I almost clapped my palm. I didn't know why I was
scared. It wasn't like we weren't already married, but this was different.

When we got married, it wasn't real. When we shared vows, it

wasn't wholeheartedly. Now, he wanted it all to be real. And I was
freaking out.
“If you're still waiting for me to kneel, you wouldn't take it.

I returned his hot gaze with one of my own, showing a stubborn

line as I tried to catch my breath. “But that's how you ask someone to
marry you.
“Lauren, are you stalling? "He found out, while
I still held the box in front of me. - You want to be mine?
I breathed in heavily, the sound hanging in the air as the tingles
coursing through my entire body came in crashing waves.

And to top it off, every second he looked at me the way he was, it

was getting hotter and more intense.
- I am already yours.
"Do you want to be mine again?" For real this time. I want
I see you walk through the church and I want to hold your hand.
"Except there's no one to walk me down the aisle," I said.
I remembered, feeling a burst of pain as I thought of my father.
“I can do this,” he said with a warm, gentle smile.

I laughed as tears trickled down my eyes. “That's not how it works,

Mason. You can't walk me down the aisle and hand me over to you.

"Would it help if I dyed my hair gray and you pretended you were?"
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some old man walking you down the hall?

I laughed.

- Stop this.

“Lauren, I want to marry you again. "Slowly - very slowly -" he

licked his lips as his glittering gray eyes hardened with such intensity.

“I want to write extravagant vows with you and read them in front
of our loved ones.
“I want to see you in the wedding dress of your choice, your face
bright and full of love when you see me standing at the altar waiting
for you.
Looking at him, my heart bounced in the hollow of my
chest, but I was unable to form a sentence.
“I want you to use my last name. I want you close to me, like my
wife. ” Leaning in closer, he lowered his voice to a whisper. “I want
to start over with you. To build a life.

“God only knows we got off to a rocky start. I was an idiot with
you. Maybe I liked it a little too much. Seeing the fire in your eyes
when you looked at me every time I was rude to you.

“I didn't want you to look at anyone like that but me. The more I
squeezed and teased you, the more I wanted you. I knew we had a
spark from the moment I took you away from Anthony.

— When you sent me your resignation letter, I went crazy.

I realized how far I would go to get her back to me, even if it meant
hurting her. I just needed you and I didn't know why.

He was still smiling and I almost broke down, weakness gripping

me at the knees.
He wiped away the single tear that slipped from my eyes.
“I tried to take it easy on you. I wanted to know you more and for
you to know me, but every time I opened my mouth,
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ended up just hurting you, Lauren.

“I was afraid you'd know everything about us and risk messing things
up. I tortured myself every day, thinking about you and wishing things
were easy. "Mason," I breathed.
“I knew you were too good for me,” he added in a deep, husky
whisper, holding me entranced by his words, his liquid gaze. “I couldn't
even be selfish and have you all to myself. — — But I think you were
braver than me, Lauren.

“You bet on me. before I even realized that I had already bet my chip.
’ Leaning down to me, he trailed his nose along my temple and a shiver
of heat ran down my spine as he whispered close to my ear.

“I want you, Lauren. For me. I want to be good to you.

Be the right man for you. I can't promise I won't hurt you again, but I want
you to give me a chance.
The lump was in huge proportions in my throat, and I was shaking my
head as I wiped away my tears, unable to tell him how madly I was in
love with him because I couldn't find my voice.

Mason Campbell made me feel a lot of things.

Every day I loved him even more, sometimes he pissed me off and
other times I just didn't know what to do with him. He makes me laugh
and smile.
I loved all your kisses and touches. He was rude, arrogant, and kind,
and I loved every side of him. Every time he looked at me I just knew he
was exactly where I wanted to be.

“You did good,” he whispered, tenderly, as he cupped my chin. “You

knocked down my structures. It made me start to feel. He grabbed my
hair and pulled me close to his lips. "And I want to keep her with me."

I pressed my body against him as I looked into his

eyes. “Hi,” I said, beaming.
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“I'm Lauren Hart. My father is dead.

My best friend is Beth Wallace. I do not have any pets. I like sitcoms.

- My favorite color is blue.

“Hi,” he murmured, his eyes twinkling.
“My name is Mason Campbell and I'm an idiot. Please marry me because I'm in
love with you.
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We only decided to get married five months later, when everything calmed
Mason finally launched his product and it was a success; the man got
richer every day and his name was stamped on every cover of the magazine.

Your father, to my surprise when I found out who he was, was

who walked me down the aisle.
When he told me he wanted to, I cried because I couldn't understand why
he would do that, but he told me that he saw me as his daughter, and that my
father would want someone to walk me down the aisle.

Before marriage, he wanted to get to know me more and repair the

damage in his life and that of his son; although I had to press Mason before
he agreed to start seeing his dad once a week.

He became someone close to me. Every time he was in

city, he invited me to have dinner with him.
Even without saying it, I knew Mason liked that I was getting along with
his dad.
The rest of your family; like her mother, she was still trying to get along
with me.
She doesn't hide her disgust at the sight of me, but she's learned to keep
her mouth shut for the sake of her husband and son.
Mason still didn't like her one bit and wasn't afraid to show it, even though
the woman was still struggling to mend their damaged relationship, and it was
like I was against it, I always met her accusing eyes.

So whenever circumstances put us in front of each other, I tried to avoid

her as much as possible.
I was getting along with the other sister I met, Olivia. but Rebecca still
hated me and was supporting her best friend.
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Chloe, who was no longer welcome in the family.

Mason threatened everyone that anyone who let Chloe back into
their lives he would consider them dead.
I wasn't sure if Rebecca got the warning, but she and Mason barely
liked each other, so I guess she didn't mind. On the other hand,
Sebastian was an absolute sweetheart.
Every now and then, he would call and ask me to hang out. We never
talked about Dominic; I learned that no one knew where he was, not that
I cared.
Beth was loving America and being the big boss. She said she could
understand why Mason was such an arrogant and jerk; power lifts people
up and makes them feel like they are on top of the world.

I was glad she was having fun. With her help through FaceTime. the
three of us, along with Athena, planned the wedding. My dream wedding.

It was everything I could have imagined.

It was beautiful; I got to wear the most amazing dress and I got married to the
most amazing man.

We renewed our vows and I almost cried. But Mason had to train.

Honestly, the man found expressing himself through tears to be

We moved into a new house, twice the size of the old one. His reason
was that the old mansion was a little too small for us, and all I did was
nod because I didn't have anything else to say.

The old mansion was enough, but he told me he wanted a fresh start
and that included a new house. He bought me a car, a red Lamborghini
and I spent the whole day laughing with tears in my eyes.

At the end of the day I asked him to send it back because it wasn't to
my liking. Also, I loved his car.
Every time I was in it, I could smell it in the car; your
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sweet cologne and the remnants of its warmth that a red Lamborghini
could not provide.
We were supposed to have dinner with Mason's dad, Olivia and Sebastian;
our monthly dinner that we always had.
This time, I was shocked that Mason's mother would be there, as
she had declined all other invitations.
And I had a feeling Mason was going to give up or pretend he
couldn't remember, or worse, turn off his cell phone, so that's why I
was making sure my threat was clear and my point was crystal clear.

He would be there even if it killed him. And so that I could

get my point across, I had to go to his office.
Entering Campbell Industry brought back so many memories
that when I thought about them, I wanted to laugh. I couldn't believe
that. last year I was an employee there, struggling to make ends
Many things have changed. Many things happened. Others I
couldn't even believe had happened.
Nothing has really changed at the office, and some of my old
co-workers were still out there kicking ass.
When they saw me, we chatted briefly or they waved at me. The
only person I nearly tripped over was Jade; we were both surprised
to see each other.
She still looked the same as the first and last time I saw her.
She still had that cocky air, still the bold red lipstick she loved to
wear and clothes that would make you think she was about to walk
down the runway.
“Hi, Jade,” I greeted with a small smile. I never really hated that
woman. Though she had pissed me off for a long time, she never
gave me a reason to hate her. - How is it going?

I knew she was going to give me a bite. Rumor had it she was
still trying to get Mason to notice her, or maybe give her a chance,
so I expected hostility from her.
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Jade tucked a lock of hair behind her ear and hugged the folder to her
chest, looking up at me. “Hi, Lauren. I am fine. You look great.

Hostility? Not detected. Rage9 Nothing. Kindness?

Smile? Confirmed.
I blinked, but still tried to keep the smile on my face. jade was
being nice to me, my god.
But it was Jade, despite appearing to be a completely different person.
I wanted to ask what the hell happened to her, but
I kept my mouth shut.

- Thank you too. I mean, you're doing great. Actually, I'm here to see
Mason. I see you around. ’ With a slight nod, I walked past her to get into
the elevator when she called after me.

I stopped and turned around when she came in front of me again.

She looked nervous; she was fumbling with her hand and avoiding eye
contact with me.
She was more interested in her shoes before she managed to look at
"I was just thinking..." She paused briefly, swallowing
a little. A finger brushed her brow. She was nervous.
"If you have time, can we talk over lunch?" A tense smile was visible
on his face.
"Of course, Jade," I said, keeping my disbelief in check. I was
surprised. Confused. But I was glad she wanted to talk. “I'll text you when
I'm free, okay?

I don't think she noticed the deep sigh that escaped her before she
blinded me with a smile I never thought I'd get from Jade.

She waved at me and walked away, and I had to watch her leave before I could.
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shake the head. And laugh.

Mason's assistant was a guy fresh out of college; Damon. When he saw
me, he nearly tripped in his haste to greet me. Every time I saw Damon,
the guy was always stumbling over his words.

He always looked nervous and cautious around me. and I always

reminded him to call me Lauren, not Mrs. Campbell.
There was only one Mrs. Campbell, and was Mason's mother.
I decided a long time ago to keep my name; Lauren Hart. It was my
father's name that I didn't want to part with.
Mason had no problem with that, but he liked to call me
from Mrs. Campbell when he was with in order to tease me.
His office was still the same when I walked in, but there was no one
inside. I could hear movement in the bathroom, so I kept my bag on his
mahogany desk and walked around to sit in his chair.

I crossed my exposed leg over the other and turned toward the bathroom.

It took three minutes before the door opened and he emerged, his tie
loosened and his white shirt untucked. His hair was all messed up, but he
still looked sexy.
I tried not to look at him and my breath caught in my throat. He looked
beautiful and he was mine.
He was on his cell phone when he saw me. “Michael, I'll call you later,
but make sure you pick up by Tuesday,” he muttered into the phone, his
gaze hard and intense.
I straightened my shoulder and gave him a seductive smile. He watched
me as I strolled by, his mouth relaxed and his gaze hooded. Anticipation
made my stomach lurch and my thighs clench.

That man was absolutely stunning.

And he moved with the swagger of someone who knew eyes
would turn in his direction, no matter what he wore.
Mason didn't pull me out of the chair and onto his lap. He
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stopped in front of me and grabbed the handle and crouched down in front of me.
As he looked at me, his lips lifted at the edges and his eyes gleamed,
the slight creases at the corner softening their usual intensity.

“You look good in my chair,” he said, dragging my

eyes to her pretty lips. "But you would look better at the table."
I couldn't resist reaching out and dragging my finger down his chest,
past his throat until my finger rested on his bottom lip. He opened his
mouth, playfully biting my finger.

I smiled, continuing up and running my hand through his hair.

“I like what you're wearing. He dragged his eyes to my front, where

the V-neckline of the dress was long, exposing some of my chest. I used
it for him because I knew he would like it.

I followed his gaze to my dress which was tight and hugged my

curves, stopping mid-thigh, not really the kind of dress I would have worn
before when I lacked confidence. “It's for you,” I told him with a
cheeky smile.
“You know I would have liked it even more if I'd been on the floor. He
pulled out the piece of cloth. "Should we remove it?" He raised an
eyebrow at me. the corners of her mouth twitching.

"Or maybe still dressed?"

“Can't say I've heard that before. He got up and tapped me on the
nose, walking over to sit on the couch that hung his jacket around it.

He placed his right arm on the back of the sofa and looked at me.
- What are you doing here? Not that I don't want you to be. "Thought I'd
go down memory lane."
He smiled before getting up and starting to walk to his desk. There
was the kind of confidence in his step that some people crave for a
lifetime, and he wasn't doing it all at once.
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That's how he was. He moved around me, but made sure to brush
his fingers across my neck and bent down toward the desk drawer, his
cheeks brushing lightly against mine.

His head turned a little and a wolfish grin replaced his heated gaze.
The air grew warmer and my heart beat faster.

There was a rustle and the sound of a drawer opening before

he would lean against the table and hold up a flash drive for me to see.
- What is that? - I asked.
His smile was irresistible. "Your memories," he offered, his gaze
looking challenging, the kind that was already lost as soon as it was
I gasped and jumped out of my chair to grab it from her hand when
I realized what it was. - No! Give me that! "I tried to catch him." but he
lifted the flash drive higher so I couldn't reach him.
I tugged at the sleeves of his shirt and he kept laughing every time I
got close to picking it up, but he just lifted it higher.
In the end, I punched him in the stomach.
He laughed. - Why did it?
I looked at him and crossed my arms. I couldn't believe he kept
footage of the times I worked here for his entertainment. “Whatever,” I
said, walking over to sit on the couch.

“I came here to talk about tonight.

Mason sat next to me. "Do you know what we should do?"
Cancel dinner and go out tonight. What do you think?
- It seems good. but we will not abandon your family.

“Trust me, they won't mind. His warm hand slid around my neck
before his fingers slid into my hair. “They already love you.

I pressed my lips together. "Half of them don't even like me, Mason,"
I reminded him. Hell, his mom didn't even like me and she
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it was important.
No matter how many times he told me it didn't matter if
your mother didn't like me. That mattered to me.
- Who cares? You just need me to like you, and I
I already like it, my love. He dipped down and kissed me lightly.
I pushed him away because I knew he wanted to distract me from
saying what I needed to say. “This dinner is important to me. You have
to come with me.
"There's a chance your mother will come this time...

“Have fun,” he cut me off with a hard look as he put some distance
between us. “I have a lot of things to do, Lauren. I can't spare even an
I knew his mood swing had something to do with the supposed
mention of his mother. “Listen, I know you don't like your mom and I'm
not saying you should. I'm just saying that you should help me.

“I really want her to like me. It may not mean much to you, but she is
your mother. I have to get along with her.

- OK. He clasped his hands together and looked down at his shoes.
“I'll go with you to dinner with my family, but I don't promise to stay for
more than thirty minutes.
I agreed. “It's okay with me.
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As usual, a private room has been set up with tables and

chairs in the best restaurant.
I wasn't even going to ask how much money had been spent just
to book an entire room.
But I knew that any amount deducted would mean nothing to the
Campbell family. I wish I could spend two hundred quid on something
without feeling like it was the end of the world for me.
Since we were five minutes early, Mason's parents hadn't arrived
yet, but I was happy to see Olivia and Sebastian already seated.

Olivia looked a lot like Mason.

There was so much calm and elegance about her; she was
someone you longed to be but also knew you would never be able to get.
Her hair was always perfect and, like me, she wasn't a fan of
makeup. All she needed to wear was lipstick.
I wasn't even sure if this woman had ever looked bad in her entire
When she saw me. she smiled and Campbell's gray eyes were
big and bright. She slid off the chair and pulled me into a tight hug,
her perfume smelling nice and calming.

“Lauren, hi. You look as beautiful as ever,” she gushed, her

eyes roaming my body with an approving smile.
"Not as much as you," I replied, and it was true.
She was only wearing a plain red jumpsuit with a black headband,
but I believed that she would look beautiful if she wore a garbage
bag on her body.
The woman was absolutely stunning.

"Can you two break up so I can get my share of love?" I'm kind
of alone here," Sebastian complained.
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from your chair. I chuckled as he gave me a brief hug as we all

found our seats.
“How is my cousin treating you, Lauren?
Mason looked at him. "Do you always have to ask that
Blowing out a sigh, he rubbed his face with his hands. “I'm just
checking to see if you're doing her any good, cousin. You have
the reputation of being the biggest idiot. He took a sip of wine.
“People's words, not mine.
I played.
"He treats me better than he treats himself." ’ ‘Always so
shocking to hear. I'm convinced you've put her into a mesmerizing
“I think he's just jealous because he hasn't had anyone that is
remotely close to Lauren,” Olivia said, a beaming smile on her
lips. “Not everyone will be as lucky as my brother.

Mason and I shared a brief smile before he turned to look at

Olivia. "I hear the mother is coming."

"Do you mind telling me why she decided to come today?" He

threw the question at Olivia, who looked a little surprised that he
was asking her something.
"Perhaps she misses her son," Sebastian interrupted, unable
to keep the laughter out of his voice. It wasn't the smartest thing
he could have said, but then again, he loved teasing Mason.

He was different from all of them. Sebastian was more fun,

carefree and the most flirtatious.
He loved teasing people to have fun and not
it mattered if you ended up getting hurt.
Everything was just a game to him. Wherever he went, all he
looked for was a good laugh.
Mason turned his hard gaze on his cousin.
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“You're really asking to get punched tonight.

“Nah. I don't think your highness can ruin your reputation.
A restaurant fight with Mason Campbell? You wouldn't dare risk someone
tarnishing your good name.
Olivia glared at him, but her voice remained oddly calm. “He can
always hire people to beat you up, asshole.

“You should, mate. I need a good spanking since I've gone soft...
hanging out with women is hurting my masculine side.

Mason rolled his eyes dismissively. Close to the family, he

he hardly made an effort to speak more than ten sentences.
He always seemed to be a completely different person around him,
usually responding to them with gestures or expressions.
I didn't understand anything.

“You really are asking to die,” I said to Sebastian, who was playing
with his fork with a teasing smile on his face, his green eyes sparkling
with mischief.
"I like to dance with the devil," he replied with a careless, effortless
“Oh, Lauren, I just remembered I brought you something. I'll send it to
you tomorrow,” Olivia muttered.
- What is it?
- A cat! I bought one for myself and thought I should get one for you
too. Look, I have pictures. She took out her cell phone and gave it to me.
I looked at the screen and saw the cutest cat ever.
He was brown and his eyes were big and blue.
"Oh my God, this is so cute!" I said, holding up the phone so Sebastian
could see my new cat.
"What did you buy?" Mason's brows furrowed as he tried to keep his
voice under control. - A cat? By whose permission9 Cocking my head to
the side, I studied
Mason's demeanor before rolling my eyes, trying to
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suppress the sudden urge to punch him right in the face. - Ignore him.
He is so cute. Thanks a lot, Liv!
His voice left no room for argument. “There's no way I'm going
to let that happen. You better cancel before they deliver, Liv,” he
cut in.
“Next time, you should think twice about taking a pet without my
“The king has spoken,” Sebastian teased.
My brown eyes narrowed.

"You have Prince!" Why can't I have a pet

pet? — I whimpered.
“We already have a pet, love,” Mason replied in a surprisingly
calm tone. “And Prince doesn't like company.

I scoffed.
“Go to hell, you and Prince. You can sleep outside, but I'll get
that cat. Leaving no room for argument, a smile played at the
corner of my lips.
"And do you know what I'm going to call him?" But is. “It was what he deserved.
His eyes narrowed like a snake as he looked at me in disbelief.
“You wouldn't dare.
- You will see.
He looked at Olivia. “Look what you've done. ’ And she looked
back shyly.
“Lauren. I didn't know you liked animals. I'll buy you a whole
zoo for your birthday. Sebastian placed his palm over his heart.
“That's a pledge from Campbell.

I let out a snorted laugh.

"There is no promise from Campbell," Olivia yelled, throwing a

piece of food in his face.
“If you disappear for two months, no one will care. There's a
perfect place for you," Mason declared, the
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words rolling off his tongue like a piece of melted ice.

“If you stick with your words.
He laughed. - Great. A vacation.

Mason's parents were stuck in traffic and had no idea when

they would arrive at the restaurant, so they gave us a chance to
order our food.
He got a message from his dad five minutes ago and
seemed to be in a better mood at the news.
At some point in our conversation. Mason leaned over to me
and asked, "When can we leave?"
“When your parents arrive and we finish dinner,” I told him.
He didn't look too happy about it.
“This could take a while.
Between the proximity and his hot breath brushing my skin, I
thought I was going to pass out for sure. I could read his need
clearly in his eyes.
"Be patient, Mr. Campbell.
In one swift movement, his gaze flicked to my mouth and
then back to my face. “My patience is wearing thin,” he
whispered, his gray eyes intense.
“We can't just leave. That would be rude.
He looked straight into my eyes.

"I think you forgot who you're talking to." Everyone is used to
me disappearing. They won't care if we leave.

“I don't abandon people.

He bit down on his bottom lip, dragging it slowly between his
teeth. "Not even for me?" The husky sound of his voice sent a
new cold front rushing into my stomach.
“You need to work on your seduction skills,” I breathed, my
heart bouncing in my chest so hard I swore he could see it. He
really didn't need to because he had me all horny and
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"Can I make a confession?"

“I want to fuck you right now, and I don't even care who's watching
or listening. ’ Then he straightened up.
My eyes widened and my throat closed, and the image he planted
in my head started to spin.
I started to feel hot and quickly wet my throat with water, ignoring
the smirk Mason was giving me.

I hate him.
I hate him.
“Lauren. are you well? Olivia asked, finally getting a good look at
“She's not feeling well,” Mason answered for me before I could do
it myself. "You wouldn't mind if we went home, would you?"

- No! I am fine-
“Of course not,” she replied, despite me shaking my head. “I'm
going to tell Mom and Dad that Lauren isn't feeling well. I'm sure they
will understand.
He stood up. - Excellent.
“Liv, I'm really feeling good. We can wait for them…” Mason pulled
out my chair and grabbed my hand, pulling me to my feet. I looked at
him. but he ignored me and took my bag from the table.

“Lauren. I hope you get better. ’ Sebastian’s sly smile and bright
eyes made my cheeks burn. “I know you'll feel better in the morning.

I didn't even have the heart to say anything else before Mason took
me away.
I had just started to fall asleep when the bed started shaking with
laughter. I was exhausted and naked on the bed, with Mason's hands
caressing my back. That's what made me
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fall sleep.

But now, I was wide awake.

I moved closer to him and opened my eyes. Her back was against
the headboard and her phone was in her hand.

Without sitting down, I lifted my hand to his chest and reached my

hand out to where his chest was pounding.
- Why are you laughing?
He placed his phone on the bedside table and pulled me over.
your chest. “My dad texted me.
— He said he expects to hear good news. His chest rumbled again,
and I couldn't understand why that was funny to him. — Hmm?

“He thinks you're sick because you're pregnant.

I launched myself off his chest, my eyes threatening to fall out of
their sockets. "You saw what you did!" “I bleated him with a pillow as
he laughed. - You did it!
"Calm down, Lauren. He grabbed the pillow and threw it across the
"And what did you say to him?" I demanded, forcing my voice to
stop shaking.
He slid his fingers into my hair, his gaze never leaving me. "That he
might consider starting to call himself Grandpa."
I screamed and started hitting his chest, anywhere I could find it
until he pinned me to the bed. His eyes were a little brighter, the
intensity lurking within them. They were alive and hungry.

"Relax, I'm kidding. I didn't say anything to him,” he whispered into

my ear, his teeth grazing over my earlobe. He pulled back to look at
me. "Does the idea of having my baby scare you?"

“You know, one day I'm going to give you a baby, right? — He pinched
my right cheek. “Your cheeks are red.
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My face shot up and all I could do was glare and

say, "Shut up" .
“I want a daughter as cute as you with a little sass. Two of you
wouldn't be a bad thing.
An amused laugh left me. I could very well imagine that he would
love her. Probably more than me. I might even be a little jealous right
now, and I wasn't even pregnant.
As I pulled him closer to my face, I touched every bit of his skin I
could find.
"And one second of you would be a nightmare." I can barely handle
you.” If we ever had a son, I knew he would inherit Mason's qualities. He
would be stubborn.
He would be a tough guy.
I would love you very much.

Mason's lips curved in a sexy, provocative way.

“Well, you're going to deal with him the same way you're dealing with
Dad. His breath was warm in my ear as he murmured, "Let's get started
- What?! I yelled as I felt butterflies in my stomach.
Her shoulders shook.
“You're so easy to piss off, love.
He kissed me on the mouth before rolling onto his side, wrapping his
arm around my neck as he pulled me into his side. I stared at his left
thigh where his tattoo was located.

It was the size of my thumb, written in a language I didn't understand.

“I love your tattoo. — — It's in Chinese. You don't even know what it
I looked into his bright, playful eyes. - So you
should tell me.
- I don't think so.
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I grimaced and pouted. - Please? If you don't tell me, I could die,” I
told him with a dramatic edge that made it obvious I was overreacting,
but his smile was dazzling and huge.

"Dramatic as always," he muttered, chuckling.

- Tell me, please. He tells me.
He grabbed me and kissed me full on the lips before pulling away
and saying, “Guãng.
“You know I meant the translation, not Chinese. Stop being a tough
— Light.
My brows furrowed. “Light?

“That's what I saw. He wasn't smiling anymore. And her eyes had
taken on another shade of color.
- When? “I pushed.
Mason sighed and cupped the back of my head, tucking my head
against his neck, and I found myself closing my eyes. “When I first saw
you, I saw the light, Lauren,” he admitted in a low tone.

My heart skipped a beat and I tilted my head to look at this man who
had barely enough love in his life, who had leapt into the darkness with
no one to pull him back. "Is that being too emotional for you?"

“I don't know what to say,” I muttered, sincerely.

“I don't expect you to say anything. You asked and I answered.

My lips curled into a smile as I playfully nudged him, my nostrils

catching the delicious scent of his perfume. “I should get a tattoo too,
and mine should say idiot.

Suddenly, he flashed me an endearing smile.

“The only thing that would mark your skin is my teeth,” he teased,
kissing my lips, my nose, my forehead, and my cheeks.
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“I'm not sure I agree with that.

“You shouldn't,” he argued. “I'm your boss, and what I say is final.

"Is this one of your delusional fantasies?" — I teased


His eyes flashed and he rolled me over again, trapping me

once more. - What did you say?! He attacked me with a tickle,
and the only sound in our room was my laughter echoing off the
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There was nothing but the sound of music blasting from the
speakers and the lights pulsing with the deep thumping bass playing
on the heavy techno that echoed through the great room.
Everywhere I turned, people were dancing on the dance floor
with their partners, and it wasn't long before I saw Athena among
them, dancing with a guy she'd been drinking with, and not far from
her were Aaron and Roland. .
I was the only one sitting at the bar, sipping my martini and
enjoying not dancing. The shoes I was wearing weren't made for
They were made to hurt my feet.
But I looked so beautiful in them that I couldn't bear to take them
And I was beautiful even that night.
From head to toe, I was killing it.
Thank you to Athena, who tried so hard to make me look good
that night.
The dress I was wearing wasn't even that expensive, but it was
too short and too tight, and it shimmered in the dim club lights.
Anyone who walked in would see me.
“Greetings from the gentleman behind you,” the bartender said,
placing another drink in front of me.
I turned to look for the man who bought me a drink and found him
looking right at me. He was dressed all in black, sitting in the opposite
corner of the bar.
I picked up the drink he'd bought me and poured my
back to him, not before seeing the smile that graced his lips.
It didn't take more than ten seconds before I felt a
body brushing mine and a smell hitting my nose.
Turning around. I met the look of the man who had me
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bought a drink and couldn't hide my smile

“Thanks for buying me a drink, but you shouldn't,” I said, as he sat down
next to me, smiling at me like he wanted to welcome me to his next meal. "I
don't think my husband would like that."

"I don't see your husband around." He looked around at the club, then his
eyes landed on me again. "You think it's silly of him to leave a beautiful woman
like you alone."

I held his intense, unblinking eyes.

“He knows I'm a big girl. I can take care of myself. I gulped down my
second drink, swirling the glass around and running my finger over the rim.

He was still standing beside me in all his height and glory and muscle.

- Serious? You never know what might be lurking around.

"So are you ready for a night job?" You are going
keep me safe tonight9
He slipped his free arm around my waist to pull me close. “I wouldn't want
to do anything but keep a beautiful woman safe. He dragged his teeth down
my neck and sunk them into my collarbone.

I knew he was piercing my skin, branding me

for everyone in the club to see and know.
I shook my head before sliding off the stool, winking at him before walking
to the dance floor, making sure my hips were swaying. I found Athena, who
welcomed me with sighs and cries.

She tipped her glass of drink to my lips, which I happily drank, after all why
not? That night I was supposed to let go. I was supposed to have fun.

I was swaying to the music, letting my hands run over me when I was
grabbed around the waist and
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I turned. It was Aaron. He yelled something in my ear, but I wasn't

I was looking at the man I left at the bar. focusing on your approach.
His expression was grim and hungry, and I was completely enveloped
by his tall, muscular body moving closer.

He really demanded attention.

He was beautiful in every way.

Mysterious and impressive.

Cold and hot.
By the time he was in front of me, as close as he could get, but
without touching me, I had stopped moving, completely mesmerized
by him. My breathing was heavy.
He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me down to his
body, causing my hands to fly up and grip his flexed biceps as he
rested his forehead against mine.
We were both breathing heavily, touching and not
moving with the music.

“Oh. hi,” I breathed.

“You're the sexiest thing on the dance floor.
Everyone is looking at you. I don't know if I should stay with
jealous or hitting them.

I laughed. “Should you be saying this to me when you know I'm

He gave me that delicious smile that made me melt, reserved just
for me. - I don't mind. He pressed a kiss to my lips, then grabbed my
hand and tossed me off before pulling me back into his arms.

"You took my drink." It means you are mine. —

He had the biggest self-assured smile on his face.
“It was a free drink. I couldn't let it go. I ran my hands over his
shoulders and down his chest.
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dangerously ducking into his pants.

My heart was hammering as he breathed in my ear – long, hot,
heavy breaths.
“Unless you don't want me to bend you over and do something
right here, then you better stop what you're doing. He spun me under
his arm, pulling me back to his chest and pushing his hips into my
I gasped, reaching out to stroke his crotch, raising my eyebrows
when he shook his head in warning. “Lauren.

I chuckled as he continued moving to the beat with the

movement of a professional.
He threw me across the dance floor, and all of his attention was
on me and me alone, and nothing or no one else existed but me and
Mason took me by surprise; the way he was dancing like we were
the only two people on the dance floor.

He didn't care. He was confident.

And he was getting people's attention on the dance floor,
mainly from women.
But he was all mine.
He pressed a kiss to my lips and I wrapped my arms around his
neck, singing into his mouth. "You can dance, young man." I'm really
jealous because there's nothing you can't do.

"Come home with me and I'll show you everything I know," he

replied with a promising look.
I smiled, an emotion running through me. “That sounds exciting,”
I whispered, reaching out and curling my fingers around his jaw.

- Is that a yes?

“I don't know…you still haven't given me a reason for that. Try

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With lips curled in an arrogant way, he spun me around.

a mischievous smile. "What if I tell you I love you?" That's enough?
My heart slammed in my chest. I would never get tired of hearing
those words coming out of your mouth.
It was a constant reminder that I warmed that ice man's heart, that I
made him love me when he thought he'd never be able to love anyone
“Say that again, please,” I begged.
“I love you, Lauren,” he murmured, kissing my neck hotly, opening
his fingers through mine and bringing them together as his lips brushed
and danced with mine.
- I love and want you like I've never wanted anything in my life.
And I whispered in his ear, “I love you so much, Mason.
I loved it, a lot. He made me feel wanted, protected, wanted and
loved. Your love was in my veins.
He made this organ in my chest beat for none other than
from him. He pumped life into it.
I used to think that I would never be able to love anyone more than
my father, but then Mason came along; with all your shit and changed
my life. I was very much in love with that man.

Ever since I first saw him in his office when he was doing nothing but
intimidating me, I had no idea I would be forever changed by him.

For your love.

What consumed me every day.

I used to dream of my family destroyed, but now, I dreamed of my
gray-eyed man, the man who surprised and loved me.

I inhaled a deep breath, my veins tingling with excitement. "Are we

still leaving or not?" I can't wait to take your clothes off and have fun with
you. — — That's my line.
I let out a laugh. "Do you think you can have it all?"
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He grabbed my face and kissed me, his warmth spreading through my body.
my body. - No. I have you and that's what matters.
We move in complete harmony with the music. It was perfect.
He was perfect.
“You're being corny. Mr. Campbell.
"And you're being incredibly irritating," he whispered,
stroking the thumb where your lips just came out.
“That's a very rude thing to say to your wife.
His perfect teeth gleamed behind his wild smile.
“You can't change me. Take me or leave me,” he said,
his voice deep and full of warmth.
I chuckled as he spun me around on the dance floor again,
pulling me back into his chest to kiss me again.
“I don't want you to ever change.
That was it.

That was our normal. There were no more secrets and heartaches
head. Nobody was hurt, there was only love and happiness.
And the smile that graced my lips was a constant reminder that this
perfect gray-eyed man was mine.
I had it.
And I always would.
End of book one.
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