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IIT_CO-SC Date: 27-09-20

Time: 3HRS Max. Marks: 183

Name of the Student: ___________________ H.T. NO:




Narayana IIT Academy 27-09-20_Inc.Sr.IIT_CO-SC_JEE-Adv_GTA-4_Q’P

+Ve - Ve No.of Total
Section Question Type
Marks Marks Qs marks
Sec – I (Q.N : 1 – 7) Questions with Single Correct Options +3 -1 7 21
One of More Correct Options Type
Sec – II (Q.N : 8 – 14) +4 -2 7 28
(partial marking scheme) (+1)
Questions with Comprehension Type
Sec – III (Q.N : 15 – 18) +3 0 4 12
(2 Comprehensions – 2 + 2 = 4Q)
Total 18 61

+Ve - Ve No.of Total
Section Question Type
Marks Marks Qs marks
Sec – I (Q.N : 19 – 25) Questions with Single Correct Options +3 -1 7 21
One of More Correct Options Type
Sec – II (Q.N : 26 – 32) +4 -2 7 28
(partial marking scheme) (+1)
Questions with Comprehension Type
Sec – III (Q.N : 33 – 36) +3 0 4 12
(2 Comprehensions – 2 + 2 = 4Q)
Total 18 61

+Ve - Ve No.of Total
Section Question Type
Marks Marks Qs marks
Sec – I (Q.N : 37 – 43) Questions with Single Correct Options +3 -1 7 21
One of More Correct Options Type
Sec – II (Q.N : 44 – 50) +4 -2 7 28
(partial marking scheme) (+1)
Questions with Comprehension Type
Sec – III (Q.N : 51 – 54) +3 0 4 12
(2 Comprehensions – 2 + 2 = 4Q)
Total 18 61

SR.IIT_CO-SC Page. No. 2

Education consists mainly of what we have unlearned.
Narayana IIT Academy 27-09-20_Inc.Sr.IIT_CO-SC_JEE-Adv_GTA-4_Q’P
PHYSICS Max. Marks: 61
This section contains 7 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its
answer, out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
Marking scheme +3 for correct answer , 0 if not attempted and -1 in all other cases.
1. A conductor carrying current ‘i’ is in the form of a semicircle AB of radius R and
lying in xy-plane with its center ‘O’ at origin as shown in the figure. Find the

 B.dl for the circle x  z 2  3R 2 in xz  plane due to current in curve

magnitude of


 0i 3 2
A) B) 0i C)  0i D)  0i
2 2 3

2. A conducting string of length L is connected at point A of a fixed insulated cylinder

of radius R0. A particle is attached at the other end of the string. At t = 0 the particle is
projected with a speed v0 perpendicular to the length of the conducting string. There

exist a uniform magnetic field B  B0  Kˆ  as shown in the figure. The cylinder is fixed

on a smooth horizontal surface. What will be the value of average induced emf
developed in the string till the particle hits the cylinder?


A) ind  B) ind  C) ind  D) ind 
3 3 2 5

SR.IIT_CO-SC Page. No. 3

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Narayana IIT Academy 27-09-20_Inc.Sr.IIT_CO-SC_JEE-Adv_GTA-4_Q’P
3. A vertical U tube is completely filled with a liquid of density  . The inner cross
section area of each of the vertical arms is S , total volume of both arms is V0 and
volume of bottom arm is negligible. Both the ends of the tube are of the same height.
One of them is open to the atmosphere, and the other is rigidly connected to a flask of
volume V0 filled with an ideal mono atomic gas. Find the amount of heat, which must
be given to the gas to drive slowly half of the liquid out of the tube. The atmospheric
pressure is constant and equal to P0 . Pressure of liquid vapors, effects of surface
tension and heat loss to the environment are negligible.

5 5  gV02 5 5  gV02
A) Q  PV
0 0  B) Q  PV
0 0 
2 4 S 4 2 S

5 5  gV02 5 5  gV02
C) Q  PV
0 0  D) Q  PV
0 0 
2 2 S 4 4 S

4. Spring – 1 has a natural length of 0.5 meter and force constant K1 = 25 N/m and spring
– 2 has a natural length of 1 meter and a force constant K2 = 10 N/m. They are joined
together and their free ends are stretched so that the ends are fixed to the two walls 2
meter apart as shown in figure. The new lengths of the spring 1 and 2 at equilibrium
are respectively: (springs are massless and ignore the gravity)

9 19 8 20 7 21 16 12
A) m, m B) m, m C) m, m D) m, m
14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14

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5. The given circuit consists of an ideal battery, n identical resistors each of resistance R
and n  1 identical conducting spheres each of radius . Assume the spheres to be at
great distances from each other as well from the circuit. Find the total charge finally
accumulated on all the sphere after the key is closed

A) 4 0 rv0  n  1 B) 3 0 rv0  n  1

C) 2 0 rv0  n  1 D)  0 rv0  n  1

g cot 
6. The smooth wedge is accelerated at to the right. A cubical box of side a is
moving on it. Inside the box a particle is projected with speed u relative to the box at
an angle of 45 as shown. Find the time after which the particle will hit the box.
[Assuming a is large, so that particle does not collide with top]

u 2 2u u u
A) B) C) D)
2 g sin  g cos  g sin  2 g cos 

7. Charge distribution on a rod bent into shape of a semicircular arc of radii R follows a
function  = 0Sin. Here  is line charge density at a point on the rod, 0 is a positive
constant and  is angular position of the point as shown in the figure. Find the ratio of
electrostatic potentials at the center O and at a general point P on diameter AB at
distance r (r < R) from the center O.

A) 2 B) 3 C) 1 D) 4

SR.IIT_CO-SC Page. No. 5

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This section contains 7 multiple choice equations. Each question has four choices (A) (B),(C) and (D) out of
which ONE or MORE THAN ONE are correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for all correct options, 0 if not attempted and -2 in all wrong cases.
8. Two point monochromatic and coherent sources of light of wavelength  are each
placed as shown in the figure. The initial phase difference between the sources is zero.
If D >> d, select the correct option(s). (during the counting exclude fringes at infinity)

A) If d , O will be minima.

B) If d = , only one maxima can be observed on screen.

C) If d = 4.8 , then a total 8 minima would be there on screen.

D) If d , then intensity at O would be minimum.

9. An object of mass m moving with velocity v, explodes suddenly in two parts of mass
ratio 1 : 2. If the direction of motion of two parts makes an angle 60° with each other
after explosion and de Broglie wavelength of the lighter part is half of the de-Broglie
wavelength of the heavier part, then

A) Speed of the smaller part after explosion is .

B) Speed of the heavier part after explosion is .
2 7

C) Increase in kinetic energy of the system due to explosion is mv2

D) Ratio of kinetic energy of lighter part to that of heavier part is 4:1

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10. Points A  0,1 and B 12,5  are object-image pair (one of the point acts as object and
the other point as image) x-axis is the principal axis of the mirror. This object image
pair is

A) Due to convex mirror of focal length 2.5 units

B) Due to concave mirror having pole at  2,0 

C)Real virtual pair

D) Due to concave mirror of focal length 2.5 units

11. A partition divides a container having insulated walls into two compartments I and II.

The same gas fills the two compartments whose initial parameters are given. The

partition is a conducting wall which can move freely without friction. Which of the

following statement is/are correct, with reference to the final equilibrium position?

A) The Pressure in the two compartments are equal.

B) Volume of compartment I is

C) Volume of compartment II is

D) Final pressure in compartment I is

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12. Figure show the initial position of a system of two particles. Given that centre of mass
x2 y 2
of the system remains at rest and particle A moves in a trajectory given by a 2  b 2  1

Pick the correct option(s) for the nature of B’s trajectory and the coordinates of B at
the instant when A was at the position (0, b)

A) Trajectory of B is elliptical B) Trajectory of B is circular

b a b
C)  0,  D)  , 
 2  2 2 

13. A thin copper tube of outer radius 0.5 cm carries a liquid flowing at T = 100°C. The

copper tube loses heat according to Newton's law with constant of proportionality 3 ×

10–3 cal/cm2 sec°C. The temperature of surrounding is 20°C. Now we coat a layer with

thermal conductivity 2.8 × 10–3 cal/cm°C sec. The layer is 0.5 cm thick. Assume that

outer surface of layer loses heat with same constant of proportionality:

(Take : (ln2 = 0.7)

A) The rate of heat loss becomes times

B) The rate of heat loss becomes times

C) The temperature T of outer surface of layer is approximately 65.7°C

D) The temperature T of outer surface of layer is approximately 42.2°C

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Education consists mainly of what we have unlearned.
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14. Sound wave in form of sine wave is travelling along +x axis, P  x graph is shown.
Choose correct option.

A) Particle on just left side of A and just right side of A are moving in opposite

B) Speed of particle on just left of A is less than that on right of A.

C) Particles on just left and just right of B have opposite direction of motion:

D) Particles on just left and just right of C are moving in same direction

This section contains 2 groups of questions. Each group has 2 multiple choice questions based on a paragraph.
Each question has 4 choices A), B), C) and D) for its answer, out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
Marking scheme: +3 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and 0 in all other cases.
Paragraph For Questions 15 and 16:
A system of capacitors and resistors are connected to an ideal battery of emf V as

shown in figure. Initially all the capacitors are uncharged and switch is open. Now

switch S is closed at t = 0. (Capacitance of each capacitor is ‘C’ and resistance of each

resistor is R and all of the symbols have their usual meaning)

SR.IIT_CO-SC Page. No. 9

Education consists mainly of what we have unlearned.
Narayana IIT Academy 27-09-20_Inc.Sr.IIT_CO-SC_JEE-Adv_GTA-4_Q’P
15. Current through battery just after switch is closed.

7 V 17 V 2V
A) B) C) D) None of these
13 R 13 R R

16. Current through battery at t =  is

5 V 7 V V
A) B) C) D) None of these
26 R 13 R R

Paragraph For Questions 17 and 18:

On a certain planet which is a uniform solid sphere of mass M and Radius R. Due to
rotation about its polar axis, ratio of maximum to minimum values of apparent
acceleration due to gravity at the surface is 3 : 2.

17. What is the length of a Geostationary satellite which is a vertical uniform rigid rod
with its one end very close to planet's surface?

B) 2  3  1 R C)  2  2  R
A) R D)

18. Ignore the gravitational interaction between the elements of the satellite. If the rod is
suddenly stopped and released, then immediately after release (just before collision

with earth), what is the ratio of Tension in the rod at the distance of and distance of

3 2 5
A) B) C) D) indeterminate
2 3 4

SR.IIT_CO-SC Page. No. 10

Education consists mainly of what we have unlearned.
Narayana IIT Academy 27-09-20_Inc.Sr.IIT_CO-SC_JEE-Adv_GTA-4_Q’P
CHEMISTRY Max. Marks: 61
This section contains 7 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its
answer, out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
Marking scheme +3 for correct answer , 0 if not attempted and -1 in all other cases.
19. The major product of the reaction is

A) B)

C) D)
20. A vessel contains He gas at 20 atm and CH4 gas at ‘P’ atm. When a pin-hole is made
in the vessel, the gases coming out initially contains 80% He gas, by mole. The value
of ‘P’ is

A)1atm B)40 atm C)2.5 atm D) 10 atm

21. Which of the following reaction gives carboxylic acid as final product

A) B)

 i  O3
 ii  Zn, H 2O
C) D)
 iii  OH  , 

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Education consists mainly of what we have unlearned.
Narayana IIT Academy 27-09-20_Inc.Sr.IIT_CO-SC_JEE-Adv_GTA-4_Q’P
22. Which is NOT produce in given reaction change ?

Sodium –amalgam 


A) H2 B) NaOH C)Hg D)O2

23. The major products M and N formed in the following reactions are:–





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Education consists mainly of what we have unlearned.
Narayana IIT Academy 27-09-20_Inc.Sr.IIT_CO-SC_JEE-Adv_GTA-4_Q’P
24. The highest occupied MO in N2 and O2+ respectively are (take x-axis as inter nuclear

A)  2 px,  * 2 py B)  2 py,  2 pz C)  2 px,  2 px D)  * 2 py,  * 2 pz

25. The compound formed by dissolving gold and platinum in aqua-regia is

A)  AuCI 4  and  PtCI6  B)  AuCI4  and  PtCI6 

3- 2-  4-

C)  AuCI 4  and  PtCI6  D)  AuCI 4  and  PtCI6 

- 2- - 2-

This section contains 7 multiple choice equations. Each question has four choices (A) (B),(C) and (D) out of
which ONE or MORE THAN ONE are correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for all correct options, 0 if not attempted and -2 in all wrong cases.
26. With reference to the scheme given, which of the given statement(s) about T,U,V and
W is/are correct?

A) T is soluble is hot aqueous NaOH

B) U is optically active

C) Molecular formula of W is C10H18O4

D) V gives effervescence on treatment with aqueous NaHCO3

27. Ammonia, on reaction with hypochlorite anion, can form


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Education consists mainly of what we have unlearned.
Narayana IIT Academy 27-09-20_Inc.Sr.IIT_CO-SC_JEE-Adv_GTA-4_Q’P
28. Select the correct statements -

A) More solute is adsorbed on activated charcoal when solution is diluted

B) All colloidal solutions show Tyndall effect significantly

C) Dialysis may be used to coagulate the sol.

D) Lyophobic sols can be coagulated easily compared to the lyophilic sols.

29. In a voltmeter, mass of a metal deposited in 30 seconds in 200 gms. Analyse the

current v/s time graph shown below and identify the correct statement(s):

A) Electrochemical equivalent of the metal is 100 g/coulomb

B) 33.33 grams got discharged in the first 10 seconds.

C) A constant current of 66.66 mA would also discharge approximately the same

amount in same time

D) 100 gms of metal got discharged in the first 15 seconds

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Education consists mainly of what we have unlearned.
Narayana IIT Academy 27-09-20_Inc.Sr.IIT_CO-SC_JEE-Adv_GTA-4_Q’P
30. By which compound's reductive ozonolysis the following products are obtained :

A) B)

C) D)
31. If an optically active compound ‘A’ decompose through given parallel 1 st order

Initial mole of A is 2 (k1=0.0693 sec-1, k2 = 0.1386 sec-1). If only A, B & D are

optically active compounds and their angle of rotation per mole are 600,300,-900
respectively, when which of the following is /are correct.

A) Angle of rotation after time 3.33 sec is 200

B) Mixture is levorotatary after 75% decomposition A

C) Overall t1/2 of A is 10/3 sec.

D) Percentage of C formed in the product is 11.11%

SR.IIT_CO-SC Page. No. 15

Education consists mainly of what we have unlearned.
Narayana IIT Academy 27-09-20_Inc.Sr.IIT_CO-SC_JEE-Adv_GTA-4_Q’P
32. A cubic crystalline ionic solid AB is like rock salt structure in which B- ion is present
at body centre. If all the ions along one axis passing through opposite face centres are
removed, then which of the following statements is/are correct resulting crystalline

A) Formula of resulting crystalline solid is A2B

B) Minimum distance between B- ion in the resulting crystal is equal to times of

edge length of unit cell

C) Number of nearest B ion of B- ion is ‘8’ in the resulting crystal

D) Percentage decrease in density is 25%

This section contains 2 groups of questions. Each group has 2 multiple choice questions based on a paragraph.
Each question has 4 choices A), B), C) and D) for its answer, out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
Marking scheme: +3 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and 0 in all other cases.
Paragraph For Questions 33 and 34:
Properties such as boiling point, freezing point and vapour pressure of a pure solvent
change when solute molecules are added to get homogeneous solution. These are
called colligative properties. Applications of colligative properties are very useful in
day-to-day life.

One of its examples is the use of ethylene glycol and water mixture as anti-freezing
liquid in the radiator of automobiles. A solution M is prepared by mixing ethanol and
water. The mole fraction of ethanol in the mixture is 0.9. Given, freezing point
depression constant of water

K f
 =1.86 kg mol -1

Freezing point depression constant of ethanol

K f
 =2.0 K kg mol -1

Boiling point elevation constant of water

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Narayana IIT Academy 27-09-20_Inc.Sr.IIT_CO-SC_JEE-Adv_GTA-4_Q’P
K b
 =1.2.K kg mol -1

Standard freezing point of water =273K

Standard freezing point of ethanol = 155.7K

Standard boiling point of water =373K

Standard boiling point of ethanol =351.5K

Vapour pressure of pure water =32.8mm Hg

Vapour pressure of pure ethanol =40 mm Hg

Molecular weight of ethanol =18g mol-1

Molecular weight of ethanol = 46g mol-1

n answering the following questions, consider the solutions to be ideal dilute solutions
and solutes to be non-volatile and non-dissociative.

33. The freezing point of the solution M is

A)268.7K B)268.5K C)234.2K D)150.9K

34. Water is added to the solution M such that the mole fraction of water in the solution
becomes 0.9. The boiling point of this solution is

A)380.4K B)376.K C)375.4K D)354.7K

Paragraph For Questions 35 and 36:

A carbonyl compound P, which gives positive iodoform test, undergoes reaction with
MeMgBr followed by dehydration to give an olefin Q. Ozonolysis of Q leads to a
dicarbonyl compound R, which undergoes intramolecular aldol reaction to give
predominantly S.

P   Q   R  S

1.MeMgBr O3 /Zn-H 2 O OH
+ heat
2.H ,H 2 O


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35. The structure of the carbonyl compound P, is

A) B)

C) D)

36. The structures of the products Q and R, respectively, are





SR.IIT_CO-SC Page. No. 18

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Narayana IIT Academy 27-09-20_Inc.Sr.IIT_CO-SC_JEE-Adv_GTA-4_Q’P
MATHEMATICS Max. Marks: 61
This section contains 7 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its
answer, out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
Marking scheme +3 for correct answer , 0 if not attempted and -1 in all other cases.
37. Let a  R . If the equation ax2  4x + 9 = 0 has two integer roots, then the sum of all
possible distinct values of a is
A) 1/12 B) 1/6 C) 1/3 D) 
 
If Lim    n  1! n 1   n ! n   , then   is
1 1
a b
n 
  b a


A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4
39. 8 clay targets are arranged as shown. In how many ways can they be shot (one at a
time) if no target can be shot until the target(s) below it have been shot.

A) 240 B) 360 C) 560 D) 840

40. The triangle PQR of area ‘A’ is inscribed in the parabola y 2  4ax such that the vertex
P lies at the vertex of the parabola and the base QR is a focal chord. The modulus of
the difference of the ordinates of the points Q and R is:
A A 2A 4A
A) B) C) D)
2a a a a

41. Coordinates of the vertices B and C of a triangle ABC are  2,0  and  8,0 
respectively. The vertex A is varying in such a way that 4 tan tan  1 then locus
2 2

of A is
 x  52  y 2  1, then k is
25 k2
A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4

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  
42.  
Let a three-dimensional vector V satisfy the condition, 2V  V  i  2 j  2i  k . If
3 V  m . Then the value of m is.

A) 4 B) 5 C) 6 D) 7
z z
43. Number of complex numbers z such that z  1 and  =1 is
z z
A) 0 B) 2 C) 4 D) 8
This section contains 7 multiple choice equations. Each question has four choices (A) (B),(C) and (D) out of
which ONE or MORE THAN ONE are correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for all correct options, 0 if not attempted and -2 in all wrong cases.
44. If I n   cos x cos 2 x cos 3x.........cos nxdx (n  N ) . The integer 'n'
for which I n  0 is

A) 5 B) 6 C) 7 D) 8

45. A set of lines x  y  2  1  2 x  y  3  0 represents incident rays on an ellipse S  0 and

2 x  3 y  23  2  2 x  y  3  0 represents the set of reflective rays from the ellipse where

1 , 2  R . If P(3, 7) is a point on the ellipse normal at which meets the major axis at N,

then which of following option(s) is/are incorrect?

A) Eccentricity of ellipse is
2 2 1

B) N divides line segment joining two foci in the ratio 2 2 :1

C) N divides line segment joining two foci in the ratio 2 5 :1

D) Eccentricity of ellipse is
2 5 1

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46. Let f :  a, b   a, b (where a<b and real numbers) be a differentiable non-linear
function for which f  a   b and f  b   a . Then which of following option(s) is/are
A)  at least one c   a, b  such that f  c   c

B)  c1 , c2   a, b  , c1  c2 such that f   c1  f   c2   1

C)  c   a, b  such that f   c   1

D)  c   a, b  such that f   c   1

47. A is a non-singular matrix of order n  n such that 3ABA1  A  2A1BA then

A) A & B both are identity matrices B) A  B  0

C) AB A 1  A 1BA is not a singular matrix D) A + B is singular matrix

48. f  x  is defined for x  0 and has a continuous derivative. It satisfies f  0   1, f   0   0,

and 1  f  x   f   x   1  x . The values f 1 can’t take is (are)

A) 2 B) 1.75 C) 1.50 D) 1.35

b cos x b  sin x
49. The value of 'b ' such that the equation  possess solutions,
2 cos 2 x  1  cos 2 x  3sin 2 x  tan x

belongs to the set

 1 1   1
A)  .  B)  .  C)  . D)  .   1. 
 2 2   2

50. Let x, y, z be positive reals. Then

4 9 16
A)    81 if x  y  z  1
x y z

x y z
B)   3
y z z x x y 2

C) If xyz  1 , then 1  x 1  y 1  z   8

1 1 1
D) x  y  z  1, then   9
x y z

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Education consists mainly of what we have unlearned.
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This section contains 2 groups of questions. Each group has 2 multiple choice questions based on a paragraph.
Each question has 4 choices A), B), C) and D) for its answer, out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
Marking scheme: +3 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and 0 in all other cases.
Paragraph For Questions 51 and 52:
Let S  set of triplets  A, B, C  where A, B, C are subsets of 1, 2,3,.....n E1  event that
a selected triplet at random from set S will satisfy A  B  C   , A  B   , B  C   ,
E2  events that a selected triplets at random from set S will satisfy

A  B  C   , A  B   , B  C   , A  C   . P  E  represents probability of an event E

51. P  E1  is equal to

7 n  6 n  5n 7 n  2  6 n  5n 7 n  2  6n 7 n  2  6 n  5n
A) B) C) D)
8n 8n 8n 8n
52. P  E2  is equal to

7 n  3  6 n  5n 7 n  3  6 n  3  5n  4 n
A) B)
8n 8n

7 n  2  6 n  2  5n  4 n 7 n  6 n  5n  4 n
C) D)
8n 8n
Paragraph For Questions 53 and 54:
Let x 2  y 2  4 x  3  0 be two fixed circles. A triangle ABC has vertices A(0, 2),

   
B 2, 2 3  2 , C 2, 2 3  2 . It starts moving downwards (i. e., In the negative direction

of y-axis) and stops when its sides touch the circles (AB at P1 and AC at P2 ) then

53. The ratio in which P1 divides new positions of A and B, is

3 3 4 3 1 3 2 3
A) B) C) D)
3 3 3 3

54. The ordinate of the new position of vertex A of the triangle ABC, is

A) 2  3 B) 2  2 3 C) 2  2 3 D) 1  2 3

SR.IIT_CO-SC Page. No. 22

Education consists mainly of what we have unlearned.
Sec: Inc.SR.IIT_CO-SC GTA-4 Date: 27-09-20
Time: 3HRS 2017_P2 Max.Marks: 183
1 A 2 A 3 D 4 A 5 C

6 B 7 C 8 ABD 9 AB 10 ABCD

11 ABCD 12 AD 13 BC 14 BCD 15 C

16 C 17 A 18 C

19 C 20 D 21 B 22 D 23 C
24 A 25 C 26 ACD 27 C 28 CD
29 ACD 30 ABC 31 CD 32 ABD 33 D
34 B 35 B 36 A

37 A 38 B 39 C 40 C 41 D

42 C 43 D 44 CD 45 CD 46 ABCD

47 BD 48 ABCD 49 ACD 50 ABD 51 D

52 B 53 B 54 B
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0 i 1 1  0i
1. B   
4 3R  2 2  4 3R
 0i i
 B.dl  B.2 3R 
4 3R
 2 3R  0
2.  max 
 max T

  L  R  d  v  dt

2v0 R
d  BdA   L  R  d .B
 max
 0
d 
 BLv0
eave  
T 3
3. U  n T
  Pf V f  PV 
i i
3 9  gV02
 PV
0 0 
4 8 S
W  Wgravity  Watmosphere

 gV02 PV
  0 0
8S 2
Q  U  W
5 5  gV02
Q  PV
0 0 
4 4 S


Education consists mainly of what we have unlearned.
Narayana IIT Academy 27-09-20_Inc.Sr.IIT_CO-SC _JEE-Adv_GTA-4_KEY&SOL
4. As k1x1 = k2x2
25x1 = 10x2  x2 = 2.5 x1 and x1+x2 = 0.5
1 5
 x1  and x 2 
7 14
9 19
Hence their stretched lengths are x1 + 0.5 = met. and x2 + 1 = met
14 14
5. C  4 0 r
V0 V
p.d  R 0
nR n
V0 2V 3V nV
Total charge  C  C 0  C 0  ....  C 0  nterms 
n n n n
 1  2  3  ....  nterms
CV0 n  n  1  n  1
  4 0 rV0
n 2 2
 2 0 rV0  n  1
 g cos  ˆ
a Bg  g sin ˆi  j
 Acceleration of box with respect to ground

a Pg  g sin  ˆi  g cos  ˆj

 Acceleration of particle with respect to ground

 g cos  ˆ
a PB   j
 Acceleration of particle with respect to Box

u PB  u cos 45ˆi  u sin 45ˆj
 Initial velocity of particle with respect to Box
2u sin 45 2 2u
Time of flight = 
g cos  g cos 
7. The intensity of electric field on the line AB is perpendicular to the line AB. So, AB is equipotential


Education consists mainly of what we have unlearned.
Narayana IIT Academy 27-09-20_Inc.Sr.IIT_CO-SC _JEE-Adv_GTA-4_KEY&SOL
8. x at O = d(path difference is maximum at O)
5 7
So, for d  and , O will be a minimum and for d = , O will be a maximum.
2 2
There would be total 5 minima for d = 4.8 .
p12  p 22  2p1p 2 cos 60  p 2 (where p = mv)
 p12  p 22  p1p 2  p 2 …..(i)
p1  2 2
   p1  2p 2 …..(ii)
p 2 1 1
From equation (i) & (ii)
p mv 2p 2mv
p2   and p1  
7 7 7 7
p1 6v p 3v
v1   and v 2  2 
m/3 7 2m / 3 2 7
Increase in kinetic energy of the system du e to explosion
2 2
1 m  6v  1  2m   3v  1 13
        mv 2   mv 2
2 3  7  2  3  2 7  2 28

10. Join, object and image with a line that intersects the principle axis at point c . (Center of curvature)
From the similar triangles

1 5
  x  2cm
x 12  x
Apply mirror formula we get f  2.5 cm
11. In the equilibrium position the net force on the partition will be zero.
Hence pressure on both sides are same.
Hence, (A) is correct.
Initially, PV = nRT
P1V1 PV  2P  2V   4 PV
n1   & n2   n2 = 4n1
Moles remains conserved.
Finally, pressure becomes equal in both parts.
Using, P1V1 = n1RT1


Education consists mainly of what we have unlearned.
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P2V2 = n2RT2
 P1 = P2 & T1 = T2
V1 n1 1
    V2 = 4V1
V2 n 2 4

Also V1 + V2 = 3V  V1 + 4V1 = 3V
3 12
 V1  V And V2  V
5 5
Hence (B) and (C) are correct.
In compartment (I):
P1 V1  n1RT1

 3V   PV 
P1    R T
 5   RT 
PV 5
P1   P
3V 3
Hence (D) is also correct.
2mx B  mx A a
12.   xA = a – 2xB
3m 3
2my B  my A
 0  yA = – 2yB

 a  2x   2y 
2 2

Trajectory of B is  1
a2 b2
13.  b  T  T0 
= 3 × 10–3 × 2 × 0.5 ×  × 80
= 2.4 × 10–11 cal/sec
= 3 × 10–3 × 1 ×  × (T – 20) × 2
 × (100 – T)
n  2 

2.8 103
3  T  20   100  T 
3T – 60 = 400 – 4T
7T = 460
T  65.7C

Education consists mainly of what we have unlearned.
Narayana IIT Academy 27-09-20_Inc.Sr.IIT_CO-SC _JEE-Adv_GTA-4_KEY&SOL
dH 3 103    460  20   2
  1  460  140  320
dt   7   
1 
dH 2.4 10   40  7  280
14. P  B So, y-x graph is

Now shift graph in +x direction and find direction of velocity of particles.

16. At t = 0 All the capacitors are short circuited. So current at t = 0 can be calculated as below.

Now at t = . Current through each capacitor reduce to zero.
So at t =  circuit is

17. Attraction force between planet and rod.

R R  
The satellite is in pure rotation about centre of earth

Education consists mainly of what we have unlearned.
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 m2  R   / 2  ___________ (1)
R R  

g eq 2 g  2 R 2
  
g pole 3 g 3
g GM
2   2  ___________ (2)
3R 3R 3
from equation (1) and (2)  = R
18. Conceptual
19. Reaction proceeds via diazonium salt with neighbouring group participation.

r1 M 2 P1
20.  
r2 M 1 P2
21. Bayer villegar oxidation type for aldehyde
22. Na  Hg  H 2O  NaOH  Hg  H 2


Education consists mainly of what we have unlearned.
Narayana IIT Academy 27-09-20_Inc.Sr.IIT_CO-SC _JEE-Adv_GTA-4_KEY&SOL
24. For N2
KK  2 s 2   * 2 s 2   2 PX2  22 PPY2   2 PX2

For O2+
KK  2 s 2   * 2 s 2   2 PX2  * 22 PPY2   2 PX2   * 2 PZ
* 2

Au  4 H  NO3  4Cl   AuCl4  NO  2 H 2O

3Pt  16 H   4 NO3  18Cl   3PtCl62  4 NO  8H 2O
26. A) T undergoes an ester hydrolysis in hot aqueous alkali as

B) LiAlH4 reduces ester to alcohol as

“U” No chiral carbon optically inactive.
C) U on treatment with excess of acetic anhydride forms a diester as
D) U on treatment with CrO3|H+ undergo oxidation to diacid which gives effervescence with

27. 2NH 3  OCl   N 2 H 4  H 2O  Cl 




Education consists mainly of what we have unlearned.
Narayana IIT Academy 27-09-20_Inc.Sr.IIT_CO-SC _JEE-Adv_GTA-4_KEY&SOL

32. Formula A3B3 =AB

Minimum distance =
Neighbour =8
% decrease =  100  25%
33. In the given solution ‘M’, H2O is solute.
Therefore, molality of H2O =  1000  2.4
0.9  46
 T f  K f ethanol  2.4  2  2.4  4.8
 T f  155.7  4.8  150.9 K
34. Now ethanol is solute
Molality of solute =  1000  6.17
0.9 18
 Tb  6.17  0.52  3.20
 Tb  373  3.2
 376.2 K


Education consists mainly of what we have unlearned.
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Q R is a focal chord  Q   at , 2at1  and R   at2 , 2at2   t1t2  1
2 2
40. 1

0 0 1
A  t2 at12
2at1 1  a 2t1t2  t1  t2    a 2  t1  t2   2a  t1  t2  
at22  2at2 1

41. 4 tan
tan  1 
 s  c  s  a    s  a  s  b   1
2 2 s  s  b ss  c 4
sa 1 2s  a 5
   
s 4 a 3
 b  c   6  10  a  BC  6

Therefore, equation of locus of A is

 x  5 2  y 2  1
25 16
 
42.    
2V  V  i  2 j  2i  k ......1
   2
     
Dot product of (i) with i  2 j  2V . i  2 j  2  V . i  2 j  1  V . i  2 j cos 2   1
(  is the angle between V and i  2 j )
 2  2
 V .5sin 2   5 V  1.....  2 
From equation (1)
   2  2  2
 
2 2 2
2V  V  i  2 j  2i  k  4 V  V . i  2 j sin 2   5  9 V  6  m  6

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43. z  1  x 2  y 2  1 circle

x z
  1  z 2  z 2  1
z z
 x 2  y 2   Rectangular Hyperbola
47. 3ABA 1  3A  2A 1BA  2A
3ABA 1  3A AA 1  2A 1BA  2A 1AA
3A  B  A  A 1  2A 1  B  A  A
3n A  B  2n A  B
 AB  0
c) 3ABA 1  3A 1BA   A 1BA  A
= - A 1BA  A 1AA
3n ABA1  A1BA   1 B  A  0


4 9 16  4 9 16 
50. A. x  y  z  1        x  y  z
x y z x y z 

 4 y 9 x   16 y 9 z   4 z 16 x 
 29        
 x y   z y   x z 
Use AM  GM .

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 y  z   z  x   x  y  3
B.  y  z  z  x  x  y 
 x  y  z  3
 y  z  z  x  x  y  ----------- (1)
1 1 1
 
yz zx x y 1
Similarly   y  z  z  x  x  y   3 --------- (2)
On multiplication of (1) and (2) and expanding, we get the desired result.
1 1 1 2
D.  x  y  z   3
x y z

SR.IIT_CO-SC Page 12

Education consists mainly of what we have unlearned.

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