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IB Biology Topic 1 Review Video ANSWERS

1. 1.All living things are composed of cells (or cell products)

2.The cell is the smallest unit of life
3.Cells only arise from pre-existing cells

2. Content taken from BioNinja

3. Metabolism
Sensitivity (responsive)

4. As volume increases, surface area increases at a smaller rate meaning a large cell will not have enough surface area
to support cellular functions. This limitation keeps cells small.

5. M = I/A
Magnification = Image size (with ruler) ÷ Actual size (according to scale bar)

6. Individually cells have their own functions, but put together (tissues, organs, systems) they create new, important
properties that they could not do on their own as just one cell. For example, the function of the liver can do so much more
- like filter your blood and remove harmful substances - than just one individual liver cell.

7. All cells in your body have the same DNA, but different genes found in that DNA are turned on/turned off to create
differentiated cells (neurons, skin cells, muscle, etc…).

8. A stem cell that can form any type of cell/tissue.

9. Stargardt’s disease is caused by a mutation that impairs photoreceptors in the retina and leads to blindness - the dead
cells in the retina can be replaced by functioning ones created via stem cells.

10. The best used pluripotent stem cells come from embryos, which means potentially destroying a potential living
organism. Adult stem cells are useful but are limited in scope of differentiation.

11. Eukaryotic cells are much larger and have compartmentalized organelles, 80S ribosomes, non-looped DNA
12. Ribosome - synthesizes proteins
ER - transports materials between organelles (lipids (SER) proteins (RER)
Golgi - transports materials outside of the cell / storage
Centrosome - creates spindle fibers that assist cell division
Peroxisome - catalyzes toxic chemicals

13. Light - bending light through lenses to view in greater detail.

EM - uses electron beams focused by electromagnets to generate an image, much higher resolution compared to light.

Content taken from BioNinja

Plant = right image; animal = left image


Content taken from BioNinja

17. Cholesterol in mammalian membranes reduces membrane fluidity and permeability to some solutes because of its
hydrophilic & hydrophobic regions.

18. Components of the cell membrane, like phospholipids, can move freely (fluid), and there are many molecules
embedded in the cell membrane (mosaic).

Use of fluorescent tagging and freeze fracturing.

20. Diffusion - passive movement of substances from high to low concentrations (simple across cell membrane).
Facilitated - '' with help via protein channel.
Osmosis - passive movement of water molecules from low to high solute concentrations.

21. Transport across a membrane via a protein that uses energy, low to high, sodium - potassium pump.


This is possible because the cell membrane is "fluid" and moveable. Particles are wrapped into a vesicle that is made of
the same consistency as the cell membrane. The vesicle and the membrane fuse together to release the particles to the
exterior cell surface.

23. The solution is hypertonic, meaning water will leave the tissue of the organ to balance with the exterior solution,
leaving the tissue shriveled.

24. Abiogenesis is a process that describes how living cells were created from non-living matter. This process created the
first cell.

25. Rejected abiogenesis (or more accurately, spontaneous generation) under the current conditions of the system -
supported the concept of biogenesis because only the open system showed signs of life (supports cell theory).
26. Both mitochondria and chloroplast were prokaryotic organisms with their own DNA. They were engulfed and kept in
plant cells through endosymbiosis.

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