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Name: Shabnampreet kaur

Instructor: Daniel Rempel

117.11- Christian Spirituality: Formation
Due date: Jan 23, 2024


Christian belief is rooted in the life and the teachings of Jesus Christ. In Christian belief,

the term "Messiah" refers to saviour, liberator and deliverer. Christian believes that

Jesus Christ is the Messiah who Came to bring salvation to humanity. Christianity

believes in monotheism which is belief in one God. One of the important Christian

beliefs is the concept of the Trinity. Christians believe in one God who exists in three

distinct persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. In the Christian faith, the

concept of God as a Father is significant. When Christians refer to God as a father, they

are referring to the relationship between God the Father and Jesus, his son.

In the bible, God is referred to as father as it symbolizes his loving and caring nature

towards his creation. This relates to the divine presence of God. It reflects the idea of

the close relationship between God and his followers. As an earthly father provides

guidance and protection for his children. Similarly, the heavenly Father is believed to do

the same for his Creation. He is seen as a source of wisdom and love. He is seen as

authority figure who guides them throughout their lives Moreover, he is recognized as a

supreme power who cares about his creation. In Christian belief, God is seen as both

transcendent and immanent. It means God is very far as well as very near at the same

time. “Transcendent means that god is beyond understanding. However, at the same
time, he is very close which means he is present in human lives. God is immanent as a

father, he is intimately connected and he Cares about his Creation. By having faith in

god as a father this shows immanence nature of God. This way Christains feel a

personal relationship with God, a father who is always there from them to provide love

and support through life up’s and downs. Through prayers, Christians believe they are

Communicating with God the Father and sharing their joys and sorrows. They believe

that god as Father listens and responds to their prayers- Through this way, they feel

Close to god. These two concepts: transcendent and immanent shed light on the

complex relationship between God as a father and his interaction with his creation. It

demonstrates the idea that god is providing care, guidance and love just life earthly

father. As a children of this father Christians rely their lives on his will.

This understanding provides a sense of Security and belonging to followers. In the

Bible, God revealed himself as a father. However, the term God as a father is not limited

to a specific gender. Although it conveys the loving and protecting qualities associated

with a father figure. It's a way to relate to God's divine presence. According to Christian

belief knowing God involves having a relationship with God. It means actually

experiencing the love of God and not just knowing facts about God. They believe in

deeper and more meaningful friendship with God. Therefore recognising god as father

signifies a personal and hierarchical connection with god.

Critical Engagement

The concept of God as a father is significant in Christianity. My religion which is Sikhism

has a slightly different perspective. As a Sikh I believe that God is beyond gender,

formless and timeless. Moreover, the term “Father” is not used in Sikhism. The Guru

Granth Sahib refers to God using these terms such as “Waheguru” and “Ik Onkar”. But

likewise, Christians, as a Sikh I also view God as the ultimate source of love and


Instead of a hierarchical relationship with a father, I give importance to developing a

deep connection with Waheguru through reciting Gurbani and living a righteous life. I

believe by following the teachings of Guru Granth Sahib, one can develop a direct

relationship with the divine. Therefore, Sikhs including me mainly emphasize on

recognizing the divine presence within oneself and others. I strongly believe that there is

supreme energy that provides guidance, protection and holds our hand throughout the

life. Because whenever something bad happens or sometimes I feel I cannot cope with

situations. Gurbani helps me at that time. This divine connection provides wisdom and

calmness in life. For me reciting Gurbani forms a connecting bridge between me and

the divine. In Christianity, they do not believe that God lies with us. But I have a contrary

view, I believe there is divine presence within every creation as all forms of life are

God’s creation, so everyone got that divine energy within oneself. By recognizing this, it

encourages to love all creation. This belief encourages me to see that all creation is

interconnected, and this thing promotes a sense of equality, respect and kindness.
According to my understanding, both religions focus on the importance of a personal

relationship with god. However, both religions have distinct views on God as a father

while having slightly the same practices to create connections such as Christians

reading the bible and Sikhs reciting Guru Granth Sahib along with prayers. Analyzing

this, I believe that underneath goal of both religions is to get connected with god. Both

have used different approaches to seeking a deep relationship with God. Christians

have faith in God as a father. And Sikhs believe in living by Guru Granth sahib teaching

to experience divine presence. Both have unique paths but share a somewhat common


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