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Dust of Snow

Dust of Snow is a short and beautiful poem written by Robert Frost. It is a motivating poem that tells us how
our view of perceiving things changes our minds and puts a greater impact on our lives. By enjoying the simple
moments of life, we can get rid of our day-to-day problems and worries. This also helps us in living a happy and
healthy life.

In the Dust of Snow poem, the poet has mentioned a crow, snow and a hemlock tree. The crow, dust of snow
and the hemlock tree describe the depressive and sorrowful mood of the poet. Since the poet was not in a good
mood, he sees nature in the same way and describes nature’s bitter side to express his feelings. This poem
presents a simple moment, but it has a larger significance. The poet says that he was in a sorrowful mood and
was sitting under a hemlock tree. It was the winter season and there was snow all around. A crow flew and sat
on the same tree. The crow was shaking down the dust of the snow on the poet. When a small particle of snow
fell on the poet, he was awakened from his thoughts and then noticed the simple activity going around him.
This changed the poet’s mood. He suddenly realized that he had wasted his time being in sorrow and now, he
should utilize his remaining day in doing some useful tasks. This realization changes his mood and fills him
with positive energy. His depression and sadness are washed away by the light shower of snow dust. His heart is
filled with happiness and he gets ready to use the rest of the day in a good manner and with positive vibes.

Fire and Ice

Fire and Ice is a short poem written by Robert Frost. The poem expresses the idea that the world will end
someday, either by Fire or by Ice. Here, the poet has compared Fire and Ice with the self-destructing emotions
of human beings. The fire and ice poem beautifully describes how humans let their emotions rule over them.
They have no control over their desires. They work towards achieving their desires, but the more they work, the
more they get trapped in them. Thus, they never feel satisfied and destroy their life. In a similar way, the poet
thinks that fire and ice will lead to the destruction of the world.

In this poem, the poet expresses the two ways in which the world may end. Some people say that the world will
end by Fire while others say that it will end by Ice. The poet says that he is aware about the “fiery desires” of
human emotions, so he will favor those who say that Fire will end the world. Then, the poet rethinks again and
imagines, if the world has to die twice, then Ice has the capability, similar to Fire, to destroy the whole world.

The poet compares fire and ice with the self-destructive nature of human beings. According to the poet, Fire
stands for desire, greed and lust. There is no end to such emotions. The more humans try to fulfill them, the
more rapidly these emotions spread, similar to fire. These feelings often engulf human life, and they get
trapped in them. As a result, people become egotist, selfish and cruel. On the other hand, the poet describes
Ice as the rigid, rough and hateful side of human emotions. People become harsh and do not care about the
emotions and feelings of others. They are indifferent to others’ happiness and sorrow. Thus, the poet says that
since Ice and Fire both are growing with such rapid speed the world will end soon, either by Fire or by Ice. The
poem conveys a beautiful message that human emotions rule over them. If humans don’t control their
emotions, they will ruin their life and bring it to the verge of chaos.

Q. Give a brief description of the view from Lencho’s house?

Answer: Lencho’s house was situated on the crest of a low hill and it was the only one in the valley. One could
easily see the river and the field of ripe corn from here

Q. What did Lencho compare the raindrops to and why?

Answer: Lencho compared the raindrops to new coins because the crop needed the rain badly and it was the
sign of good harvest. Good harvest meant prosperity for Lencho as he needed the money to fulfil his basic
Q. Why did Lencho write a letter to God?

Answer: When Lencho’s crops were completely destroyed by the hailstorm, he wrote a letter to God because he
was the only hope in his despair. Lencho asked him to send hundred pesos to sow his field again and support
his family.

Q. Why and how did the postmaster help Lencho?

Answer: The postmaster was determined to help Lencho. He was overruled by the poor man’s simplicity. He did
not want Lencho’s faith in God to be shaken so he asked his employees and friends to help Lencho. He also
contributed a part of his salary for this act of charity.

Q. Do you think that Lencho was right to call the post office employees a bunch of crooks? Why or why not?

Answer: Lencho called the post office employees a bunch of crooks as he did not get full money that he had
demanded. He could not believe that God had sent him any less money so he doubted these people. But he was
not right to call them a bunch of crooks.

Q. What promised a good harvest?

Answer: Lencho felt that the field of ripe corn dotted with flowers always promised a good harvest. That is why
he was anticipating a good harvest.

Q. How did Lencho regard his field? Why?

Answer: When it started raining Lencho regarded his field with satisfaction. He was happy to see his crop
draped in a curtain of rain. He hoped to reap a good harvest.

Q. Why was Lencho’s soul filled with sorrow?

Answer: The hail and hailstones rained on the valley for an hour. It had left the field totally covered with snow.
The crop was completely destroyed. It made Lencho’s soul filled with sorrow.

Q. Why was the family not really upset?

Answer: Though Lencho’s family was facing ruin, yet they were not really upset. It was because having
immense faith in God, they were confident that God would help them.

Q. How would you describe Lencho?

Answer: Lencho was a simple, naive and a hard-working farmer. He was not only energetic, he had full faith in
God also. He became a victim of natural calamity; befit God helped him indirectly.

Q. Why did Lencho say the raindrops were like ‘new coins?

Answer: Lencho said that the raindrops were like new coins. It was because the raindrops could cause a good
harvest that his field needed most. Thus, he would get a rich crop. Further the raindrops had a brightness like
new coins.

Q. Give a character-sketch of Lencho.

Answer: Lencho was a simple man and a hardworking farmer. He worked as an ox in his field. Lencho’s entire
crops were badly destroyed by the hailstorm. So, he became very sad as he was worried about his family. He was
an optimistic person. Although his only source of living was taken away, he didn’t lose hope. He had his last
hope in God. He was confident that God would help him in his distress. Lencho was an innocent atheist who
didn’t know that there was no such living person as God who could send him money. He had blind faith in God
and sought solution of his problem’ from God only

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