60 MCQS Ethics

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The word “Ethics” comes from

a. Ethos
b. Eternity
c. Elementary
d. Essentiality
Answer: a. Ethos
2. . A……………………………is a set of principles that people hold themselves to or that
are held by organizations or groups. a. code of ethics
b. code of honor
c. ethical perspective
d. persuasive tactic
Answer: a. code of ethics
3. ______ is the ability to commit to doing what is right no matter the situation.
a. Dedication
b. Drive
c. Devotion
d. Morale
Answer: a. Dedication
4. ______ are beliefs and attitudes we have that can actually conflict with our ethical
decisions. a. Morals
b. Principles
c. Virtues
d. Values
Answer: d. Values
5. What role do faith-based communities often play in shaping moral conduct? a.
Encouraging individualism
b. Fostering accountability
c. Rejecting diversity of beliefs
d. Promoting moral relativism
Answer: b. Fostering accountability
6. Which religious tradition has the Noble Eightfold Path as part of its ethical framework?
a. Christianity
b. Islam
c. Hinduism
d. Buddhism
Answer: d. Buddhism
7. Which religious tradition emphasizes the Ten Commandments as a guide for moral
conduct? a. Buddhism
b. Christianity
c. Islam
d. Hinduism
Answer: b. Christianity
8. Which term describes the diverse beliefs and experiences within the same faith
a. Uniformity
b. Consistency
c. Diversity
d. Homogeneity
Answer: c. Diversity
9. What is the relationship between moral conduct and faith?
a. Inseparable
b. Independent
c. Exclusive
d. Variable
Answer: d. Variable
10. Which religious tradition follows the Sharia as part of its ethical framework?
a. Buddhism
b. Christianity
c. Islam
d. Sikhism
Answer: c. Islam
11. The ethical code in Islam is primarily derived from:
a. The Quran and Hadith
b. The Bible
c. The Vedas
d. The Tripitaka
Answer: a. The Quran and Hadith
12. What does "Halal" refer to in Islamic ethics?
a. Forbidden actions
b. Permissible and lawful actions
c. Acts of charity
d. Ritual prayers
Answer: b. Permissible and lawful actions
13. In Islam, the concept of "Taqwa" is associated with
a. Fear of punishment
b. Fear of Allah and consciousness of God
c. Fear of societal judgment
d. Fear of supernatural entities
Answer: b. Fear of Allah and consciousness of God
14. Islamic ethics emphasize the importance of
a. Individualism
b. Collective responsibility
c. Secularism
d. Asceticism
Answer: b. Collective responsibility
15. Which pillar of Islam is closely related to ethical conduct and social justice?
a. Shahada (Declaration of faith)
b. Salah (Prayer)
c. Zakat (Charity)
d. Sawm (Fasting)
Answer: c. Zakat (Charity)
16. The concept of "Ihsan" in Islam refers to:
a. Strict adherence to rituals
b. Acts of kindness and excellence
c. Pilgrimage to Mecca
d. Sufi mysticism
Answer: b. Acts of kindness and excellence
17. In Islamic ethics, what is the significance of the principle of "Adl"?
a. Compassion and mercy
b. Justice and equity
c. Humility and modesty
d. Obedience to authority
Answer: b. Justice and equity
18. Islamic ethics promote the idea of
a. Separation of religion and state
b. Religious intolerance
c. Interfaith dialogue
d. Militarism
Answer: c. Interfaith dialogue
19. What is the Islamic perspective on the environment and nature?
a. Nature is to be exploited for human benefit
b. Stewardship and care for the environment
c. Nature has no ethical significance
d. Nature is divine and should be worshipped
Answer: b. Stewardship and care for the environment
20. In Islamic ethics, what is the concept of "Niyyah"?
a. Intention or sincerity
b. Legal rulings
c. Ritual purity
d. Social justice
Answer: a. Intention or sincerity
21. In Hinduism, the concept of Dharma refers to:
a. Duty and righteousness
b. Meditation and enlightenment
c. Rituals and ceremonies
d. Asceticism and self-denial
Answer: a. Duty and righteousness
22. What is the central ethical principle in Buddhism?
a. Ahimsa (non-violence)
b. Karma (action and consequence)
c. Dharma (duty)
d. Moksha (liberation)
Answer: b. Karma (action and consequence)
23. The Ten Commandments are fundamental to the ethical principles of:
a. Hinduism
b. Christianity
c. Islam
d. Buddhism
Answer: b. Christianity
24. In Sikhism, the ethical principle of Seva emphasizes:
a. Selfless service
b. Rituals and ceremonies
c. Asceticism and self-denial
d. Meditation and enlightenment
Answer: a. Selfless service
25. What is the Golden Rule present in various religious traditions?
a. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
b. "The end justifies the means."
c. "Seek first to understand, then to be understood."
d. "Harm no living being."
Answer: a. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
26. Which religion emphasizes the concept of Jihad in ethical matters?
a. Buddhism
b. Judaism
c. Christianity
d. Islam
Answer: d. Islam
27. In Confucianism, the key ethical virtue is:
a. Compassion
b. Filial piety
c. Humility
d. Detachment
Answer: b. Filial piety
28. What is the primary ethical text in Judaism?
a. The Vedas
b. The Bible
c. The Quran
d. The Tripitaka
Answer: b. The Bible
29. In Christianity, the "Golden Rule" encourages followers to:
a. Accumulate wealth
b. Treat others as you would like to be treated
c. Seek revenge
d. Practice asceticism
Answer: b. Treat others as you would like to be treated
30. Which term in Hinduism refers to the concept of righteous duty and moral order?
a. Dharma
b. Karma
c. Moksha
d. Yoga
Answer: a. Dharma
31. What is a key aspect of professional integrity?
a. Flexibility
b. Consistent ethics
c. Personal interests
d. Ignorance
Answer: b. Consistent ethics
32. Why is confidentiality crucial in the professional context?
a. Hinders communication
b. Fosters trust
c. Promotes transparency
d. Irrelevant
Answer: b. Fosters trust
33. What does professional competence involve?
a. Specialization
b. Continuous learning
c. Ignoring standards
d. Experience only
Answer: b. Continuous learning
34. How does empathy contribute to professionalism?
a. Unnecessary
b. Enhances communication
c. Leads to bias
d. Reserved for personal relationships
Answer: b. Enhances communication
35. Significance of accountability in professional ethics?
a. Exempt
b. Ensures responsibility
c. Undermines autonomy
d. Accountable to superiors only
Answer: b. Ensures responsibility
36. Key quality of professional communication?
a. Ambiguity
b. Transparency
c. Clarity
d. Written only
Answer: c. Clarity
37. Why is continuous learning important for professionals?
a. Unnecessary
b. Enhances competence
c. Limited to formal education
d. Leads to stagnation
Answer: b. Enhances competence
38. Emphasis of "fiduciary duty" in the professional context?
a. Loyalty
b. Personal gain
c. Ignoring clients
d. Avoiding dilemmas
Answer: a. Loyalty
39. Role of adaptability in professional success?
a. Hinders progress
b. Irrelevant
c. Promotes growth
d. Required for entry-level only
Answer: c. Promotes growth
40. How does ethical decision-making affect professional reputation?
a. No impact
b. Enhances trust
c. Irrelevant
d. Expected lapses
Answer: b. Enhances trust
41. What is ethics?
a. A branch of mathematics
b. The study of moral principles
c. A type of science fiction
d. An ancient language
Answer: b. The study of moral principles
42. Why is ethics important in society?
a. It has no impact on human behavior
b. It guides individuals in making moral decisions
c. It only applies to religious beliefs
d. It promotes dishonesty
Answer: b. It guides individuals in making moral decisions
43. Which term refers to the study of right and wrong?
a. Epistemology
b. Ethics
c. Metaphysics
d. Aesthetics
Answer: b. Ethics
44. Who is often considered the father of ethics in Western philosophy?
a. Confucius
b. Socrates
c. Buddha
d. Aristotle
Answer: d. Aristotle
45. Ethics deals primarily with:
a. Purely personal opinions
b. Collective societal values
c. Political ideologies
d. Scientific theories
Answer: b. Collective societal values
46. In ethical discussions, what is the term for an action that is neither completely right
nor completely wrong?
a. Ambiguous
b. Neutral
c. Ethereal
d. Relative
Answer: a. Ambiguous
47. What role does empathy play in ethical decision-making?
a. No role at all
b. It is the only factor to consider
c. It helps individuals understand others' perspectives
d. It leads to biased judgments
Answer: c. It helps individuals understand others' perspectives
48. Ethics is concerned with:
a. Only individual actions
b. Both individual and collective actions
c. Only collective actions
d. None of the above
Answer: b. Both individual and collective actions
49. What distinguishes ethics from law?
a. Ethics is only applicable in business
b. Law is based on moral principles
c. Ethics is not legally binding
d. Law only applies to professionals
Answer: c. Ethics is not legally binding
50. Which ethical approach focuses on the consequences of actions to determine their
a. Deontology
b. Virtue ethics
c. Consequentialism
d. Relativism
Answer: c. Consequentialism
51. Which ethical theory emphasizes the importance of individual character and virtues?
a. Deontology
b. Utilitarianism
c. Virtue ethics
d. Relativism
Answer: c.Virtue ethics
52. What does Deontological Ethics emphasize in professional decision-making?
a. Maximizing happiness
b. Autonomy and duty
c. Developing virtuous character
d. Consideration of stakeholder interests
Answer: b. Autonomy and duty
53. Virtue Ethics encourages professionals to cultivate:
a Wealth and success
b. Honesty, integrity, and compassion
c. Agreement-based principles
d. Autonomy and justice
Answer: b. Honesty, integrity, and compassion
54. In Principlism, which of the following is one of the fundamental ethical principles?
a. Relational ethics
b. Autonomy
c. Agreement-based ethics
d. Situational ethics
Answer: b. Autonomy
55. What does the Ethics of Care emphasize in professional settings?
a. Maximize overall happiness
b. Development of virtuous character
c. Empathy and responsiveness to others' needs
d. Agreement-based decision-making
Answer: c. Empathy and responsiveness to others' needs
56. Contractualism focuses on ethical norms based on:
a. Consequences of actions
b. Virtuous character
c. Agreements individuals could rationally and impartially agree upon
d. Situational considerations
Answer: c. Agreements individuals could rationally and impartially agree upon
57. What is the primary focus of Feminist Ethics in professional ethics?
a. Maximizing happiness
b. Inclusivity and gender equality
c. Autonomy and duty
d. Stakeholder interests
Answer: b. Inclusivity and gender equality
58. Narrative Ethics recognizes the importance of
a. Rule-based decision-making
b. Stakeholder interests
c. Storytelling in shaping moral understanding
d. Autonomy and justice
Answer: c. Storytelling in shaping moral understanding
59. Professional Role Ethics emphasizes:
a. Development of virtuous character
b. The ethical obligations of specific professional roles
c. Utilitarian decision-making
d. Context-dependent decision-making
Answer: b. The ethical obligations of specific professional roles
60. According to Stakeholder Theory, ethical decisions should consider the interests of:
a. Only clients
b. Only employees
c. All relevant stakeholders
d. Only the community
Answer: c. All relevant stakeholder

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