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Curse of the

Sunken Tower


Uncover the secrets of the cursed tower and face its dark powers
in this thrilling D&D adventure for 4-6 players of levels 1-3.

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elcome to Curse of the Sunken Tower,
a D&D 5E adventure designed for 4-6
players of Level 1-3. We are excited to
present this adventure, which has been
carefully crafted to provide an exciting
and engaging experience for both new
and experienced players.
At its core, Curse of the Sunken Tower is an
introduction to the city of Raven's Rest, a bustling
hub of adventure and intrigue. We have worked hard
to create a basic adventure that will bring GMs and
players into this vibrant world, setting the stage for
countless adventures to come. Our team of dedicated
designers and writers has poured countless hours into
crafting a detailed and immersive world, complete with
compelling characters, intricate plotlines, and exciting
combat encounters.
In Curse of the Sunken Tower, the players will be
tasked with investigating the mysterious appearance
of a large tower in the Copper Sprawl. As they delve
deeper into the tower's secrets, they will uncover a plot
that threatens to destroy Raven's Rest and unleash a
terrible evil upon the land. Along the way, they will face
deadly foes (for levels 1-3), explore the mysterious tower,
all in the name of justice and adventure.
The Curse of the Sunken Tower can be played in a
single 4-6 hour session, or over two or three smaller
sessions. It is an introductory adventure to ease player’s
introduction to Raven’s Rest.
We are incredibly proud of the work that has gone
into creating Curse of the Sunken Tower, and we
are confident that it will provide hours of fun and
excitement for both GMs and players. Whether you are
a seasoned adventurer or just starting out on your first
quest, we hope that this adventure will provide you with
an unforgettable experience.
Thank you for choosing Curse of the Sunken Tower,
and we look forward to hearing about your adventures
in Raven's Rest!

Table of Contents
Curse of the Sunken Tower

Introduction 5
Adventure Background 5
Setting 5
Read Aloud Text 5
NPCs 5
The Curse of the Tower 6
Adventure Summary 6
Adventure Hooks 6
ACT 1: The Tower 6
ACT 2: Inside the Tower 11
ACT 3: Escaping the Tower 15
Further Adventures 15
Monsters 16

Curse of the the banks of a wide, swift-flowing river, and its walls are
made of grey stone, standing tall and impressive.

Sunken Tower The streets of Raven’s Rest are crowded with

merchants and tradesmen, and the air is filled with the
sound of clanging hammers and the shouts of hawkers
selling their wares. Within the city walls, you can find all
Introduction manner of shops and businesses. There are blacksmiths,
armorers, and leatherworkers, as well as taverns and
Welcome to Curse of the Sunken Tower, a D&D 5E inns where travelers can rest and share tales of their
adventure designed for 4-6 players of levels 1-3. In this adventures.
adventure, players will journey to the city of Raven’s The city is also home to a diverse population of people,
Rest, a bustling hub of trade and commerce. However, including humans, elves, dwarves, and even some exotic
a mysterious tower has recently surfaced in the city’s races like gnomes and halflings. Each group has its own
Copper Sprawl. The Raven’s Rest guard is at a loss, and distinct culture, and the city is a melting pot of different
the city’s citizens are fearful. It’s up to the players to traditions and beliefs.
uncover the truth behind the Sunken Tower and put an Despite its many charms, Raven’s Rest is not without
end to the evil lurking within. its dangers. The city is home to a variety of thieves and
As the players enter the city, they can see that cutpurses, as well as street brawls and other forms of
something is amiss. The streets are quiet, and the violence. It is a place where a traveler must always keep
usually bustling markets are deserted. The people look their wits about them. However, the city guard works
worried and afraid. When asked about the tower, they hard to maintain law and order, and they are always on
lower their voices and speak of strange noises, flickering the lookout for trouble.
lights, and eerie shadows moving within its walls. For a comprehensive guide to Raven’s Rest, you
The tower has defied all attempts at entry, and the city may want to pick up Mysteries and Marvels of Raven’s
guard has been unable to discover its secrets or break Rest: A Guide to Adventure and Exploration from the
the curse that plagues the city. The fate of Raven’s Rest Dungeon Masters Guild.
hangs in the balance, and the people are counting on the The cursed tower has appeared in the heart of the
players to unravel the mystery of the cursed tower and city, casting a dark shadow over Raven’s Rest. The tower
restore the city to its former glory. has brought misfortune and chaos to the city, and its
Are you ready to take on this challenge, to face the appearance has made the people fearful and uncertain.
dangers and mysteries of the tower, and to save the As the adventurers enter the city, they will need to
people of Raven’s Rest? The adventure begins now. navigate its bustling streets and alleys, interacting with
the diverse and vibrant population, and discovering the
secrets that have brought the curse upon the city.
Adventure Background
For generations, the city of Raven’s Rest has been a
prosperous trading hub, known for its bustling markets
Read Aloud Text
and rich culture. However, all of that changed when
a mysterious tower appeared in the middle of the city
This is an example of read aloud text.
No one knows where the tower came from, or why
it appeared in the city. Despite many attempts to enter Read aloud text is text that is intended to be read out
the tower, no one has been successful, and the tower loud by the Game Master to the players during a game
remains shrouded in mystery. Strange things have been session. It is used to convey important information, such
happening in the city since the tower appeared - crops as setting descriptions, quest details, and important plot
withering, people falling ill, and strange beasts roaming points, in a way that engages and immerses the players
the streets at night. in the story. Read aloud text is often written in a more
The city guard has been unable to explain or resolve descriptive and evocative style than other parts of the
these issues, and the people of Raven’s Rest are growing adventure or campaign, and is designed to draw the
increasingly fearful. In desperation, they have turned to players into the world and make them feel like they are a
outsiders - adventurers - for help. part of the story.
It is believed that the tower is cursed, and that its The GM (or Game Master) should read read aloud
curse is affecting the entire city. The party has been text clearly and slowly, and should make an effort to
hired by the city guard to investigate the tower and infuse the text with emotion and energy to make it as
discover its secrets, in the hopes of lifting the curse and engaging as possible.
restoring Raven’s Rest to its former glory.
As the party enters the tower, they will encounter
a variety of challenges, from traps and monsters to Non-Player Characters
puzzles and mysteries. The fate of Raven’s Rest rests
in their hands, and they must use all of their skills and (NPCs)
knowledge to overcome the tower’s dangers and uncover
its secrets. Captain Valin Thorne
The grizzled leader of the city guard in Raven’s Rest,
Setting Captain Thorne is a no-nonsense kind of person who
takes his duty very seriously. He has been investigating
Raven’s Rest is a city that bustles with activity and is the cursed tower and is at a loss for how to deal with
located on the edge of a large body of water. It is built on it. He is happy to provide the adventurers with any

information he has and is willing to work with them to
break the curse.
Adventure Hooks
As a GM, it’s important to have a few different hooks
Zariah the Seer in your pocket to draw players into the adventure. Here
A mysterious and wise old woman, Zariah is known are some ideas for using the alternative adventure
throughout Raven’s Rest as a powerful seer who can hooks for the Cursed Tower:
see the future. She lives in a small cottage on the
outskirts of the city, and many people come to her The Scholar’s Request. The players are approached by
seeking guidance and advice. Zariah is rumored to a scholar who has been studying the ancient texts that
have knowledge of the cursed tower and may be able to refer to the Cursed Tower. The scholar believes that the
provide the adventurers with a clue to its secrets. tower holds valuable information and artifacts, but is
unable to enter it due to the curse. The party is hired to
Garrett the Thief enter the tower and retrieve the valuable information
Garrett is a charming and cunning thief who makes and artifacts.
his living on the streets of Raven’s Rest. He has a The Missing Heirloom. A wealthy merchant hires the
network of informants and can provide the adventurers party to retrieve a valuable family heirloom that was
with information about the city’s underworld. He is stolen from his home by a group of thieves. The thieves
also a skilled lock-picker and may be able to help the have taken the heirloom into the Cursed Tower, and the
adventurers gain entry to the tower. party must enter the tower to retrieve it.
Zaxaron, the Corrupter The Strange Lights. Strange lights and sounds have
been emanating from the tower at night, and the party
A dark and malevolent entity that is rumored to reside
has been hired by the local authorities to investigate.
within the cursed tower. It is said to be the source of the
The players must enter the tower to find the source of
curse that has befallen Raven’s Rest, and many believe
the disturbance and put a stop to it.
that it must be destroyed to break the curse. However,
little is known about the Zaxaron, and it may be more
powerful than anyone realizes. The Alchemist’s Request. The players are approached
by an alchemist who needs a rare ingredient that can
only be found inside the Cursed Tower. The alchemist
The Curse of the Tower promises a handsome reward for the party’s services,
but warns them of the danger that lies within the tower.
Unbeknownst to almost everyone, the curse is related
to a dark ritual. The tower was built by a cult who were The Mysterious Stranger. The party is approached by
attempting to summon a powerful demon, Zaxaron the a mysterious stranger who claims to have knowledge of
Corrupter. The ritual went awry, and the curse is the a great treasure hidden within the Cursed Tower. The
result of the entity’s partial manifestation. stranger offers to split the treasure with the party if they
The players need to stop the cultists and kill Zaxaron’s help him retrieve it, but the players soon realize that the
manifestation to lift the curse. stranger may have his own dark motives for entering the

Adventure Summary
ACT 1: Entering the Tower
ACT 1: The Tower Appears As the party travels through the bustling city of
The party is hired by the city guard to investigate a Raven’s Rest, they find themselves in the Copper
strange tower that has suddenly appeared in the middle Sprawl. The Copper Sprawl is the city’s southwestern
of the city. No one knows how it got there or what’s neighborhood, known for its crowded and noisy streets,
inside. its factories, and its crowded tenements. This is where
Raven’s Rest’s working class lives and works, eking
ACT 2: Climbing the Tower out a living in the city’s bustling factories and crowded
The party must make their way up and down the tenements. Despite its rough reputation, Copper Sprawl
tower, fighting off monsters and avoiding traps on each is also a place of great energy and vitality, filled with
level. Each level presents a new challenge. Along the street vendors, street performers, and the sounds of
way, the party will discover clues about the curse that laughter and music.
plagues the tower and the identity of the people who It isn’t long after entering the Sprawl, however, that
created it. they notice a commotion in the Iron Market. A group of
people have gathered, pointing and murmuring in awe
ACT 3: Confronting the Curse and fear at the sight before them. There, in the center
of the market, is a tall tower made of black stone. Its
At the bottom of the tower, the party will confront the surface is covered in strange, pulsating runes that seem
source of the curse: Zaxaron the Corrupter, in a half- to shift and writhe in the sunlight.
finished summoning.
The party must defeat Zaxaron and kill the cultists
to break the curse on the tower. Once they succeed, the The tower rises from the ground like a dark, foreboding
mist surrounding the tower will dissipate, and the tower sentinel, casting a long shadow over the surrounding
will disappear, leaving behind only a pile of rubble. buildings. Its walls are made of black stone, and it
The city will be saved, and the party will be hailed as stands at least 30 feet tall. It appears to be old, with
(minor) heroes. cracks and weathered spots marking its surface, yet it
is also oddly well-preserved. The entrance to the tower

is a simple wooden door, which seems to be the only Will you investigate the tower and discover its
way in or out. As you approach the tower, you can feel a secrets? The fate of our city may depend on it.’
faint humming sensation emanating from within, as if
the very air around it was charged with some unknown
The city council has tasked Valin with investigating
the tower and discovering its secrets. Valin believes
the party may be able to help, given their reputation for
As you get closer to the tower, you realize that it is
being brave and capable adventurers. He implores them
shorter than you first thought. In fact, it appears
to investigate the tower and report back anything they
to go down into the ground as well, though you
cannot tell how deep it might go. The stones that
The party should feel a sense of urgency and mystery
make up the tower seem to darken as you follow
surrounding the tower. They should be intrigued by
their descent, until they fade into a deep, inky
the strange runes on the surface of the tower and
blackness. There is no visible entrance to this
the reports of strange happenings in the city. Captain
subterranean portion of the tower, nor is there any
Valin should come across as a competent and serious
evidence of how it might be accessed. The only
authority figure, but also a bit desperate for help. The
clue to its existence is a slight, damp breeze that
party should feel like they are the only ones who can
seems to be coming from somewhere below.
solve this mystery and that they have an important
mission to undertake.
As the party approaches, they see that the tower is Note. Now, experienced players might wonder why
surrounded by a ring of guards, who are keeping the Valin would approach a party of 1st level adventurers
curious onlookers at bay. One of the guards notices to deal with what is obviously a major problem. Valin
the party and approaches them, introducing himself won’t tell them this, but he does so because they are the
as Captain Valin. He explains that the tower appeared only ones available to him. The Raven’s Rest city guard
mysteriously in the middle of the city just a few days ago is understaffed and overworked, and they don’t have the
and that no one has been able to enter it or even see resources to investigate the tower themselves.
inside. What Valin will say is that he has heard of the
party’s reputation for getting things done, even at their
relatively low level (total nonsense, of course). Basically,
As you listen to Valin’s words, a shiver runs down your
Valin is simply desperate and willing to enlist anyone
spine. His voice is grave, and his eyes dart back and
who is willing to help, regardless of their experience or
forth as he speaks.
abilities. It doesn’t hurt that the players are expendable,
of course.
‘Since the tower appeared, strange things have been
Valin is authorized to offer a reward of up to 100 gp
happening in the city,’ he says. ‘People have been
per party member for a successful conclusion to this
falling ill, experiencing nightmares, and reporting
strange creatures lurking in the shadows. We don’t
know what’s causing it, but we suspect the tower
may be behind it all. That’s why we need your help.

Investigating the Tower
As the players listen to Valin’s briefing, he explains
that while he is eager for them to enter the tower and
begin their investigation, he also understands that they
may want to gather more information first. He mentions
two people who may be of help: Zariah the Seer and
Garrett the Thief.

“If you’re looking for more information about the tower,”

Valin says, “you might want to speak to Zariah the Seer.
She’s a wise old woman who lives on the outskirts of
the city. Many people come to her for guidance and
advice, and she may have knowledge of the cursed

Valin then continues, “If you’re interested in the

city’s underworld, you might want to seek out Garrett
the Thief. He’s a charming and cunning rogue who
knows the streets of Raven’s Rest like the back of his
hand. He may be able to provide you with information
about the tower or help you gain entry if needed.”

Valin then hands the players a map with the locations

of Zariah’s cottage and Garrett’s usual hangout marked,
and tells them to be careful and keep a low profile, as
there are some dangerous elements in the city who may
not take kindly to outsiders poking their noses around.

Zariah the Seer

As the party sets out to investigate the mysterious
tower, they make their way to the outskirts of Raven’s
Rest to find Zariah the Seer. After navigating through
winding roads and overgrown paths, they finally come
across a small cottage, seemingly untouched by the
passage of time. The cottage is surrounded by a small
garden filled with herbs and flowers, and a faint aroma
of incense drifts through the air.
As they approach the cottage, they see an old woman
sitting on the porch, her eyes closed in deep meditation.
She is dressed in a simple robe and a shawl draped
over her shoulders, and her hair is long and gray, falling
in loose waves down her back. When she senses their
presence, she opens her eyes and looks up at them with
a serene expression.

“I’ve been expecting you,” she says in a voice

that is soft and musical. “I am Zariah, the Seer.
What brings you to my humble abode?”

Zariah is a mysterious figure, shrouded in a veil of

magic and wisdom. She is motivated by a desire to
help others and to uncover the secrets of the universe.
She knows that the cursed tower is the result of a dark
ritual gone wrong, and that it is inhabited by dangerous
creatures and powerful magic.
If the players interact with Zariah and ask about her
knowledge of the tower, she will reveal the following:

Zariah looks at you with knowing eyes and says, “The

cursed tower you seek was the site of a dark ritual
performed by a group of cultists or dark wizards. They
were trying to summon a powerful demon or evil entity,
but the ritual went awry, and the curse is the result of
the entity’s partial manifestation.”

Zariah goes on to explain that the ritual performed
by the dark wizards or cultists went terribly wrong,
causing the curse to befall the tower and causing it
to sink into the ground. She tells you that the curse
is a result of a powerful entity’s partial manifestation,
and that it is the source of the strange occurrences in
Raven’s Rest since the tower’s appearance.

She reveals that the curse has had a profound effect

on the city, causing many to fall ill and experience
unsettling nightmares, with reports of bizarre and
frightening creatures seen lurking in the shadows.

“I’ve also heard rumours that the cultists or dark

wizards who performed the ritual are still alive
and hiding in Raven’s Rest. They may know
something about how to lift the curse.”

As the players prepare to leave, Zariah places a hand

on each of their shoulders and looks deep into their eyes.

“Remember, the path ahead is dark and dangerous,”

she says. “But if you remain true to your hearts and
your cause, you will find the answers you seek.”

With that, she bids them farewell and they continue

on their journey, filled with a newfound sense of purpose
and determination.

Garrett the Thief

Garrett the Thief can be found in a seedy tavern called
The Rusty Hook. The tavern is located in the less-than-
desirable part of the city, and it’s clear that Garrett is
a regular there. As the players enter the tavern, they
see Garrett sitting at a table with a group of unsavory
characters, all of whom seem to be hanging on his every
word. Garrett is a charming and charismatic figure who
knows how to work a crowd.
When the players approach him, he welcomes them
warmly and offers to buy them a round of drinks. He
then leans in and whispers to them that he knows
they’re looking for information about the tower. He tells
them that he has connections in the city’s underworld
and that he may be able to help them. However, he
warns them that his help doesn’t come cheap and that
they’ll have to do him a favor in return.
Garrett tells the players that a rival thief has stolen an
important item from him and he needs it back. The item
is a small, ornate box that contains a valuable gemstone.
Garrett believes that the thief is hiding out in a nearby
abandoned warehouse, and he wants the players to
retrieve the box and return it to him. Once they have
done this, he will help them with their quest to enter the

As you chat with Garrett over drinks in the

Rusty Anchor, he leans in and lowers his voice
conspiratorially. “Look, I know a way into that cursed
tower, but it’s not gonna be easy. And I can’t just give
you the key. I need your help with something first.
There’s a thieving scoundrel out there who made off
with something valuable of mine. A little box with a big,
shiny gemstone inside. I’m offering you a trade, you
get me back my box, and I’ll get you inside that tower.”

He smirks and takes a swig of his ale. “You look like the mist surrounding the tower is part of the curse that
capable adventurers to me. Think you can handle it?” plagues Raven’s Rest, and he has tested the amulet
against it with great success. He believes that the
amulet will provide the players with immunity to the
Agree mist, allowing them to enter and exit the tower safely.
If the players agree, Garrett will direct them to a The amulet that Garrett gives to the players is a small,
nearby wharehouse. Garrett’s rival, Finn Finnegan intricately crafted piece of jewelry that appears to be
(Bandit NPC) has set up a temporary hideout with made of silver and gold. The surface of the amulet is
four of his closest henchmen (or women - regardless, covered in delicate, swirling patterns that seem to shift
they are Bandit NPCs). Two of the Bandits guard the and move when the light catches them. At the center of
entrance to the warehouse and the other two are inside the amulet is a small, perfectly cut gemstone that glows
with Finn, oggling their newly aquired prize. with an eerie, otherworldly light. The gemstone seems
The players can tackle this hiccup in their plans in a to pulse with energy, as if it is alive.
variety of ways:
Negotiation. The players can try to negotiate with Disagree
Finn, offering something of equal value to the gemstone If the players disagree, Garrett just shrugs, tells them
or striking a deal that benefits both parties. However, to enjoy their drinks and goes about his merry way. The
since Finn is a rival thief, he may be reluctant to give up players will have to find their own way into the Tower.
something he has stolen.
Theft. The players can attempt to steal the gemstone
from Finn’s hiding place in the abandoned warehouse. Entering the Tower
This may involve sneaking past guards or picking
locks to gain entry, or using distractions to create an As the players approach the tower, they are
opportunity to grab the gemstone unnoticed. immediately struck by the deadly mist that surrounds its
Combat. The players can choose to confront Finn and base. The thick, gray fog rolls across the ground like a
his associates head-on, engaging in a battle to retrieve living thing, obscuring everything in its path. The tower
the gemstone. This approach is risky and may result in itself is a foreboding structure, its twisted walls made of
injury or death, but it could be the most direct way to get blackened stone that looks as though it was once on fire.
the gemstone. The door is slightly open, creaking back and forth in the
Trickery. The players can attempt to trick Finn into misty wind. The interior is plunged into darkness, with
handing over the gemstone or revealing its location. only faint beams of light filtering in through the small
This may involve disguises, lies, or other forms of cracks in the walls, creating an eerie glow.
deception to gain Finn’s trust and get what they want. If any of the players is in possession of Garrett’s
Bribery. The players can attempt to bribe Finn or his Amulet, read aloud:
associates to get them to give up the gemstone. This
approach may be effective if the players have something
As you approach the tower, the mist surrounding its
of value that Finn or his associates want, but it also
base seems to writhe and twist, as though it is alive.
carries the risk of being double-crossed.
The chill in the air grows even colder, and you can feel
How this is handled is entirely up to the GM and the
the mist pressing against your skin like a damp shroud.
players. This can range from a straight up combat to a
But as you step forward, you see the mist begin to
quick heist. Just make sure to make it entertaining.
recede, as though it were afraid of the amulet’s power.
When the players return with the gem:
A path opens up before you, and you can see the
As you approach the Rusty Anchor, you see Garrett entrance to the tower beckoning in the distance.
standing outside, his arms folded and a scowl on his With the amulet in your possession, you are able to
face. He looks up as he hears your footsteps and a pass through the deadly mist unharmed and make
small smile tugs at the corner of his mouth when he your way into the seeminlgy cursed structure.
sees the small, ornate box in your hands. “You have it!”
he exclaims, his eyes gleaming. “You’ve done well, my
When the players wear the amulet, they feel a
friends. Very well indeed.”
strange, tingly sensation in their skin, and the mist
that surrounds the tower begins to part before them,
Garrett takes the box from you and opens it, revealing
allowing them to enter. The amulet also grants the
the glittering gemstone inside. He holds it up to the
wearer immunity to the strange effects of the mist,
light and nods in satisfaction. “This will fetch a pretty
allowing them to pass through it unharmed.
penny,” he says, tucking it safely into a pocket. “Now,
If the players do not have the amulet that allows them
let’s talk about that tower you’re so eager to explore.”
access to the tower, the mist that surrounds the base
of the tower will act as an impenetrable barrier. This
He leads you into the tavern and sits you down
means that the players will not be able to use any form
at a small table in a dimly lit corner. “I know
of magic or teleportation to bypass the mist. The mist
a way in,” he says, leaning in conspiratorially.
is a magical barrier that will not allow anything to pass
“But it won’t be easy - you’ll need a key.”
through it unless it is either lifted or dispersed by the
power of the amulet.
As a cunning thief, Garrett has many tricks up his There may be alternate ways to enter the tower, but
sleeve, including access to rare and valuable items. One those are beyond the scope of this document. Some
of these items is a magical amulet that he obtained ideas, however:
during a previous heist. The amulet was crafted by an Alternate Magical Artifact. The players could try to
ancient order of wizards and has the power to ward find another magical artifact that can counteract the
off evil enchantments and curses. Garrett knows that effects of the mist, such as a magical herb or crystal
that can purify the air. This may involve exploring the

surrounding wilderness, uncovering clues about the T1. Bottom
artifact’s location, and facing dangers along the way.
Sewer Route. The sewer route is a treacherous As you descend the stairs, a feeling of unease settles in
path that requires the players to navigate the city’s the pit of your stomach. The air is thick with the acrid
underground tunnels. They must first find a way to stench of brimstone, and the sound of chanting fills
access the sewers, perhaps by persuading a local your ears. As you step into the basement, you’re met
informant or using their own knowledge of the city’s with a scene of chaos. The room is in shambles, with
layout. Once they are in the sewers, they must navigate debris and rubble strewn haphazardly across the floor.
the maze of tunnels and avoid hazards such as rats, In the centre of the room, you see a group of cultists,
sewage traps, and waterfalls. The tunnels eventually their faces twisted in concentration as they continue
lead to a grate that is located in T7. Level 7, allowing their ritual.
the players to enter the tower from below.
Brute Force. The players could attempt to physically As you watch, a dark shape begins to take form in front
breach the tower, by scaling the walls or other means of them. It’s hard to make out the details, but you can
if they can get close enough. This approach is risky and see that it’s large and imposing, and you get the sense
may lead to combat or other dangers, but it may be the that it’s something malevolent and dangerous. The
only option if they cannot find another way to get inside cultists seem oblivious to your presence, completely
the tower. focused on their task.

ACT 2: Inside the Tower Suddenly, one of them looks up and spots
you. His eyes widen in alarm, and he points in
The Tower is a large structure that stretches up to your direction. The others turn to face you, their
Level 11 and descends beneath the ground to Level expressions contorted with fury and hatred. They
1. The walls of the tower are made of a dark, ancient brandish wicked-looking knives and swords,
stone that is covered in soot and grime, and there are and you know that you’re in for a fight.
small cracks and fissures throughout the surface. The
ceilings are high, with each floor having a slightly
different height, giving the tower a slightly uneven feel. Cultists. When the players enter the room, the
Light sources are scarce, with small flickering torches cultists will immediately stop their chanting and turn
and sputtering candles providing the only illumination to face them. The cultists are clearly hostile and will
in the dark, dusty rooms. The upper levels of the tower attack the players on sight, trying to prevent them from
are more well-lit, with larger windows and wider spaces interrupting the ritual.
allowing for more natural light to filter in. However, as
one descends deeper into the tower, the light becomes Demon. The demon, Zaxaron the Corruptor, is still in
dimmer and less frequent, creating a more ominous and the process of being summoned and will scream in pain
oppressive atmosphere. and rage and begin attacking any living creature that
Assuming the players are using Garrett’s amulet to it can see. Fortunately, Zaxaron is not yet fully formed
bypass the mist and use the entrance to the tower, they and will be weaker than it would be if it were fully
begin on T8. Surface. summoned.
This is the climactic battle of this adventure, so the
Game Master should play it to the hilt. If Zaxaron is too

powerful for the players to defeat, feel free to adjest its and there is a musty smell in the air. You notice that
hitpoints to make it an easier battle. The Game Master the cave wraps around the east and north sides of the
could also have Zaxaron finish off the cultists first, room you just left, and the sound of dripping water
before moving on to the players. echoes through the space.
Regardless, once Zaxaron is defeated, skip to
Aftermath. To the north, you can see a small sleeping area with a
single bed, made of furs and straw. It looks like it hasn’t
T2. Worship been used in some time. To the east, you see a small,
circular stone area. The stones are arranged in a circle,
As you descend the stairs, the damp air of the and there is a faint, mystical energy emanating from
underground hits you like a wave. The room is a large, them. You feel a strange pull towards the stones, and
circular chamber, roughly 40 feet across. The walls are you can’t help but wonder what their purpose might be.
made of rough-hewn stone, and the floor is covered in
a thick layer of dirt and debris. The room is dimly lit by Stones. If the players enter the area of the stones,
a few flickering torches placed haphazardly around the they will spring a trap. The ceiling will collapse, causing
space. 2D6 bludgeoning damage to anyone within the stone
circle. Each player in the circle can make a DC 13
In the center of the room, you see a large stone altar, Dexterity saving throw and on a success, takes half
covered in strange symbols and runes. The altar is damage.
stained with what looks like dried blood, and the air Treasure. There are 50 gp, 25 sp and 10 cp scattered
around it hums with an eerie energy. To the east, part in front of the stones in total, as well as a Dagger +1.
of the wall has collapsed, revealing a small cave that
disappears into the darkness beyond. T3. In the Drink
The sound of dripping water echoes through the If the players enter the room via the spiral staircase:
chamber, and the air is thick with the scent of decay.
This room, like many others in this tower, is in ruins.
Altar. Four cultists are worshiping at the altar in this The spiral stairs end here. The floor is covered in water
room. They will attack as soon as they are able. During and is about three feet deep. The room itself seems
the battle, they may shout things such as, “You will not to have collapsed, with a small passageway to the
stop the ritual!” or “Zaxaron will rise!” north that goes deeper into the water and another
set of stairs along the west wall leading downwards.
T2.1 Cave

You step into the small cave, and your eyes take a If the players enter the room via the waterfall:
moment to adjust to the dim light filtering in through
the cracks in the walls. The cave is rough-hewn and
looks like it was formed naturally. The walls are damp,

You find yourself in a cave-like passage that curves to provides a constant source of noise, making it difficult to
the northeast. A waterfall to the south pours down hear anything over the din.
water from above, and the room is filled with the sound
of rushing water. The water here is deep, about 15 feet. T5. Water Guardian

Poisonous Snakes. There is a Swarm of Poisonous You enter a circular room with a high ceiling, and a
Snakes in the water that has been disturbed by the spiral staircase in the centre. The walls are adorned
players’ entry. Any further movement will attract the with faded murals depicting fantastical creatures, and a
snakes and they will attack. If a player gets bitten by a square pool of water shimmers in the southwest corner
snake, they will take 1d4 poison damage and must make of the room. A statue stands at the edge of the pool,
a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or suffer additional gazing into the water with an inscrutable expression.
poison damage.
Treasure. At the bottom of the water is a small chest. Statue. As the players approach the statue, they
It contains 25 gold and 50 silver pieces. notice that the water in the pool is murky and filled
with sediment. On the statue’s base is an inscription
T4. Cave that reads: “He who finds the hidden path must know
the depths.” The puzzle involves finding a hidden
As you descend the spiral stairs, you hear the distant door beneath the pool of water. The statue’s gaze and
sound of rushing water. As you step onto the landing, inscrutable expression indicate that it may hold the key
you see that the northeast wall has collapsed, and to solving the puzzle. The players must interact with the
the room is filled with water. The water is only three statue in a certain way to trigger the hidden door.
feet deep here, but it gets deeper as it rushes out of To solve the puzzle, the players must rotate the statue
the room to the west. You can see a cave structure to face different directions while reciting a specific
through the hole in the wall. The sound of the waterfall phrase (see T11. Broken Roof). Each time the statue
is deafening, and it threatens to drag you down to the is turned to a new direction, the water in the pool will
level below. The spiral staircase leads further down. clear slightly, revealing a bit more of the hidden path.
When the players have turned the statue to face all four
directions and recited the correct phrase, the water will
clear completely and the hidden door will be revealed.
Waterfall. The players will need to make a Dexterity
The door is locked and requires a Dexterity check
saving throw (DC 15) to avoid being pulled down to the
(DC15) to open. The door reveals a small chest hidden
level below. If they fail, they will fall into the water in
under the statue. The chest contains 500 gold pieces
T3. In the Drink, and will need to swim to safety. If they
and a Wand of Magic Missiles with 3 charges.
succeed on the Dexterity save, they can move about in
the room, but their movement is halved due to the water.
The rubble on the floor of the room provides half-cover
to anyone who takes cover behind it. The rushing water

T6. Defense seems to have an odd tint to it, almost like a one-way
mirror. As you take a closer look around the room,
As you descend the spiral staircase, the sounds of you notice that all of the items here seem to be old
chanting, once faint, grow louder. At the bottom, and of little value. The tower is eerily quiet, with the
you find yourselves in a cramped room, only about only sound being the occasional creaking of the
15 feet by 15 feet in size. In the center of the room floorboards beneath your feet. It’s as if the tower is
is a spiral staircase that continues upwards and holding its breath, waiting for something to happen.
downwards. The air here feels tense and charged, like
something is about to happen. A group of cultists
has clearly been using the space for some sort of Treasure. There is nothing of value in this room.
ritual, but they are caught off guard by your sudden
arrival. They turn to face you, surprised and alarmed. T9. Training Room

Cultists. As the players enter the room, the cultists will You enter a spacious room, the second floor above
be surprised, giving the players an advantage in combat. ground. The high ceiling is supported by a square
There are five Cultists in the room, armed with daggers pillar at its center. To the northwest, a set of stairs
and wearing dark robes. This combat encounter may leads down, while another set of stairs leads up to
be tricky, as the room is small with the spiral staircase the northeast. A table with two bench seats along its
in the middle. Players may decided to use the staircase sides is pushed against the west wall. In the southeast
as a means of cover (it provides half cover) or for other, corner, you see a wooden training dummy, adorned
more novel strategic purposes. with nicks and scratches. A small table flush against
the south wall has some old, rusted weaponry and
T7. Lounge other combat gear scattered about. To the north,
you notice a portcullis with a closed door beyond it.
There is a faint odor of sweat and blood in the air.
As you enter the room, you notice the spiral staircase
at the center, and four pillars surrounding it. The
staircase leads down to a lower level, while another
staircase in the northwest corner leads upwards. In the
southwest corner, there is a medium-sized table with
chairs surrounding it. The walls are decorated with
tapestries depicting various scenes. To the northeast,
southeast, and southwest are tapestries of historical
battles, while the north wall has a simple but well-
made landscape tapestry.

As you enter the room, you can hear distant chanting,

but you’re unsure of its source. Suddenly, two cultists
burst out from behind one of the pillars, their eyes wild
with anger and panic.

“Stop them!” one of the cultists screams. “They’re

trying to stop the ritual!”

The cultists rush towards you, brandishing

daggers and ready to fight.

Cultists. There are two Cultists in this room that will

fight to the death.

T8. Surface

You find yourself in a spacious room with stairs leading

up to the next level in the northeast corner and stairs
leading down in the northwest corner. A large pillar
dominates the center of the room, and you can see that
it is covered in strange markings and symbols. To the
west, you notice a broken cabinet lying on the ground,
while a tattered tapestry hangs limply from the eastern
wall. To the south, an old table stretches across the
entire length of the wall, surrounded by a few benches.
Despite the large windows along the north wall, the
room seems dimly lit and musty.

As you look out of the windows, you can see the

city streets below, but you don’t remember being
able to see into the tower from outside. The glass

Training Dummy. The training Dummy will remain ACT 3
inert unless it is attacked in any way. Once attacked, it
will become an Animated Training Dummy and attack
the party. Escaping the Tower
Portcullis. The portcullius is closed and requires a
Strength check (DC18) to open. Once open, it must be After the players defeat Zaxaron, the curse on the
propped open, or it will close again. The door leads to tower is broken and it will begin to collapse:
a large pile of dirt that angles down through the mist to
the streets of Raven’s Rest.
As the final blow lands on Zaxaron, the Corruptor,
T10. Detritus you feel the entire Sunken Tower shake and
groan. The cultists scatter in terror, and the
walls begin to crack and crumble. Suddenly, the
As you enter this room, you notice that parts of the ceiling caves in, and you find yourself running
northeast and southeast walls have partially collapsed, for your lives as debris falls around you.
leaving debris and rubble scattered about the floor. The
room itself is dimly lit, but daylight pours down from
a set of stairs in the southwest corner of the room,
casting a bright light in that area. In the northwest The players should be strongly encouraged to leave
corner of the room, another set of stairs leads down the tower as fast as possible. For each floor of the tower
into darkness. they go through on their way out, players must make
a Dexterity saving throw (DC 14) to avoid taking 1d6
The floor is covered in debris and detritus, making bludgeoning damage from falling debris as they make
it difficult to move around quietly. It’s unclear how their way up the stairs and out of the tower. Once they
long it’s been since anyone has been in this room, do reach the exit:
but it’s clear that nature has begun to reclaim it. The
sound of your footsteps echoes off the walls, as if the As you burst out of the entrance, the Sunken Tower
room itself is trying to whisper something to you. seems to shudder and then fade away into nothingness.
You catch your breath and look around, relieved to
see that you are safe. As you catch your breath, Valin
T11. Broken Roof approaches from the large crowd surrounding what
was the tower with a smile on his face.

As you ascend the stairs, you find yourself on the “Good work, adventurers!” he beams. “You’ve saved
sun-drenched roof of the tower. The breeze is fresh Raven’s Rest from what was surely a terrible fate. We
and cool, and the view of the surrounding city is owe you a great debt.”
breathtaking. The roof is partially destroyed, with
rubble and debris scattered across the uneven surface. Speaking of debt, Valin hands each of you a pouch
The gaping hole in the northeast section of the roof of coins. “Here is a reward for your bravery. We
offers a clear view of the sky, and the remaining couldn’t have done it without you. The town of
sections of the roof are riddled with cracks and holes. Raven’s Rest will never forget your heroism.”

In the eastern corner of the roof, you notice a small

nest made of sticks and twigs. Upon closer inspection, With that, Valin will unceremoniously gather up his
you see a strange, bird-like creature perched atop it. guardsmen and leave. The players, after their adventure,
It’s about the size of a large chicken, but its beak is may be in need of healing, etc.:
sharp and pointed, and its eyes glint with a dangerous
intelligence. As it sees you, it lets out a blood-curdling As you look back at the spot where the Sunken
shriek and leaps into the air, its wings beating Tower once stood, you realize that you have
furiously as it charges towards you, ready to attack. been part of something truly remarkable. The
mystery of the tower has been solved, and the
town of Raven’s Rest can rest easy once again.
Cockatrice. A single Cockatrice sits on its nest on the
roof. It will attack if anyone comes near the nest. The
Cockatrice has not laid any eggs yet, but it is preparing
to, so defends its nest with alarming ferocity.
Further Adventures
If you and your players enjoyed your time in Raven’s
Nest. In the Cockatrice’s nest are a variety of items, Rest, and wish to continue adventuring in the rich and
including 50 gp, 25 sp and scraps of paper. Anyone diverse world, you may want to consider purchasing
reading through the scraps will discover a single Mysteries and Marvels of Raven’s Rest: A Guide to
intact sheet with a diagram of the statue in T5. Water Adventure and Exploration, available on
Guardian and a single word written at each cardinal This comprehensive guide is packed with new locations,
point around the statue: Hertum, Llaeeatio, Traiyaalgia and NPCs that will allow you to explore the city and
and Tenime. These words and locations are the solution surrounding areas in even greater detail.
to the puzzle in T5. Water Guardian. You’ll find new mysteries to solve, new treasures to
uncover, and new dangers to overcome as you continue
your journey through the world of Raven’s Rest. So
don’t wait, head over to and get your copy

Animated Training Dummy
Medium construct, unaligned

Armor Class 12 (natural armor)

Hit Points 45 (7d8+14)
Speed 20 ft.


16 (+3) 10 (+0) 14 (+1) 1 (-5) 3 (+0) 1 (-5)

Damage Immunities poison, psychic

Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened,
paralyzed, poisoned
Senses blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive
Perception 6
Languages understands Commonbut cannot speak
Challenge 2 (450 XP)

Construct Nature. The animated training dummy doesn’t

require air, food, drink, or sleep.

False Appearance. While the training dummy remains

motionless, it is indistinguishable from an ordinary training

Multiattack. The dummy makes two slam attacks.

Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
7 7 (1d8 + 3) bludgeoning damage.

Self-Repair. The animated training dummy regains 5 hit points

at the start of its turn if it has at least 1 hit point and is not
in direct sunlight. If the dummy takes fire damage, this trait
doesn’t function at the start of the dummy’s next turn.

Training Programs. The training dummy is programmed to

simulate a variety of fighting styles. Each round, it randomly
switches to one of the following programs:

Brawler. The dummy makes two slam attacks against the

nearest creature.
Defender. The dummy moves up to its speed towards the
nearest creature, and then takes the Dodge action.
Ranger. The dummy moves up to its speed towards the nearest
creature, and then makes one slam attack at disadvantage if
it is within 5 feet of that creature, or one ranged attack with a
thrown weapon if it is farther away.

The Animated Training Dummy appears to be a simple,
unremarkable straw and burlap stuffed practice target. However,
as soon as it detects it is being attacked, it springs to life with
surprising speed and ferocity.

The Animated Training Dummy is programmed for combat and
will relentlessly attack any creatures it perceives as threats. It
uses its Slam attack to deal damage to single targets and save
its Whirlwind ability for groups or to knock back dangerous
melee combatants. If the party tries to focus on one target,
the Animated Training Dummy will try to move between them,
getting in the way of their attacks and forcing them to move
to attack it. It will prioritize targets that attack it, but will switch
targets if they appear to be weak or vulnerable.

Zaxaron, the Corruptor
Large fiend, chaotic evil

Armor Class 14 (natural armor)

Hit Points 45 (12d10+24)
Speed 40 ft., climb 30 ft.


18 (+4) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 7 (-2) 10 (+0) 9 (-1)

Skills Stealth +6
Damage Immunities poisoned
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages Common, Abyssal
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)

Innate Spellcasting. Zaxaron’s innate spellcasting ability is

Charisma (spell save DC 11). Zaxaron can innately cast the
following spells, requiring no material components:

At will: darkness
2/day each: fear, web

Magic Resistance. Zaxaron has advantage on saving throws

against spells and other magical effects.

Multiattack. Zaxaron can use its Frightful Presence. It then
makes two attacks: one with its bite and one with its claws.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
10 (1d10 + 4) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) poison damage.

Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
8 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage.

Frightful Presence. Each creature of Zaxaron’s choice within

30 feet of it and aware of it must succeed on a DC 11 Wisdom
saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute. A creature can
repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending
the effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s saving throw is
successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to
Zaxaron’s Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.

Zaxaron is a towering, hulking demon with jagged pink skin and
multiple eyes, some of which glow like molten lava. His talons
gleam with a razor’s edge. His body crackles with dark energy,
and his breath reeks of sulfur and brimstone. His mind has been
shattered by the failed summoning, and he attacks anyone
within reach with insane fury.

Zaxaron will attack anyone in sight, including the cultists, seeing
them as threats to his power and freedom. He will use his
powerful claws and bite to deal as much damage as possible. He
may also attempt to use his Frightful Presence to intimidate his
enemies or knock them off balance.

Zaxaron is not particularly strategic, instead relying on his raw

power and aggression to overwhelm his opponents. However,
he is not completely mindless, and may retreat to a more
defensible position if he is taking too much damage.


Mysteries Above
and Below
Embark on an exciting adventure with Curse
of the Sunken Tower, a thrilling D&D 5E
adventure for 4-6 players of level 1-3. Set in
the bustling city of Raven’s Rest, players will
navigate the treacherous ruins of the sunken
tower, uncovering dark secrets and facing
deadly challenges at every turn.

Designed to be easy to run for GMs and

perfect for new players, Curse of the Sunken
Tower provides everything you need to get
started, including fully-realized NPCs, maps,
and pre-generated characters. Whether
you’re an experienced GM looking for a
quick adventure, or a new player eager to
dive into the world of D&D, this module has
something for everyone.

With stunning artwork and a compelling

story, Curse of the Sunken Tower offers hours
of thrilling gameplay that is sure to keep
players on the edge of their seats. Experience
the rich world of Raven’s Rest as you explore
the depths of the sunken tower, uncover its
mysteries, and face the dangers that lurk
within. Will you have what it takes to survive
the curse of the sunken tower?


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