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QUNTA Test 01 (Single Choice) Consider the system shown in figure, The wall is smooth, but the surfaces of blocks A and B in eomtact are rough. The frietion on B due to A in equilibrium is -eBla F Eg (AvUpward (8) Downward (2e0 (Oy The system cannot remain in equilibria Q2: NTA Test 02 (Single Choice) ‘A block of mass mis esting ona stout horizontal surface, One end ofa uniform rope of mass 3 is fixed to the block, whichis pulled in the torizotal dietion by applying force F atthe other end. The tension inthe mide ofthe ope is (ar wie orF war QB: NTA Test 03 (Single Choiee) A bullet i ired from a gun. The force onthe bullet is given by F = 600 ~ 2 x 10% where F is in newton and ¢ in second. The foree on the bullet becomes zero as soon ait leaves the barrel, What is the average impulse imparted to the bullet? (ANS (BLES (C)09Ns (D)03 Ns Q4: NTA Test 4 (Single Chotee) Two smal balls ofthe same size, having masses ry and mp (mai > mi) ate tod by a thin weightless thread and dropped from a certain height, Taking the force of buoyancy of air nto account, the tension Tin the thread during the flight, after the motion ofthe ball becomes uniform, wll be Ay (m1 — mao (8) (0m ~ ma) (©) (rm + ma)g {D) (em + mms) QS: NTA Test 06 (Single Choice) A dynamometer D, which isa device used to measure fore, is attached to two blocks of masses 6 ky and 4 kg, Forces of 20 N and 10.N are applied on the blocks as shown inthe figure, The reading ofthe dynamometer is (10N (B)20N (6N (DAN Q6: NTA Test 06 (Numerical) The figure below shows a block of mass 15 kg, kept on a rough inclined plane of angle 30" ancl coefficient of stati being acted upon by twa forees. What should be the minimum value of P (in N) se that the block doesnt slip downwards? [Take 10 ms? and B= 1.7] on equal 19 0.5. Ibis Pp Q7: NTA Test 07 (Single Choice) A foes P is applied ona block of ass Vi kg which ress on a horizontal surface with a eoelicien of fietion by. The maximum vale of F for which the block doesn't move, is [Take g = 10 ms *) (By 0N (D)25N Q8: NTA Test 08 (Single Choice) A block of mass 200 kg is being pulled by some men, up an inclined plane of inelination 45° and coefficient of fretion 0.5, 38 shown inthe figure. 1feach man can apply a maximum foree of 500 N, then the minimum number of men required to jus slide the block, up the plane is (45 (ayo yr os «ys Q9: NTA Test 09 (Single Choice) Wthe A for which B doesn't slip is [angle of inclination of wedge = 45°] efficient of friction berween the wedge A and block B shown inthe figure is then the maximum possible horizontal acceleration of 2 Oo no woe QUO: NTA Test 10 (Single Choice) A nozzle throws a steam of eas against a wall witha velocity v much larger than the thermal agitation of the molecules. After collision ofthe molecules with wall the magnitude of their velocity remains same. Also assume that the foree exerted on the wall by the molecules is perpendicular to wall (Ths is nt strietly true 1m =mass of a gas molecule) a rough wall.) Fin the pressure exerted on the wall, (x = numberof molecules per unit volume, =A (A) 20m e0s76 (B)3nmv cos"e (nm eos"o (D)2nmy* sin’ QUE NTA Test 11 (Single Choice) A block starts moving up a fixed inclined plane of inclination 60°” with a velocity of 20 ms~? and siops alter? s. The approximate value ofthe coefficient of friction is [g = 10 ms 2] (as (ys (027 «yo. Q12: NTA Test £2 (Single Choice) ‘A hanging black of mass mn prevents the smaller block of mass m from slipping ever a movable triangular block of mass M. All the surfaces are frietionless and the strings and the pulleys are light. Value of mass ain terms of, Man 0 is, wl ny [s] QI3: NTA Test 13 (Single Choice) An object of mass 10 gis connected to the lower end ofa massless string of length 4 ma hanging from the ceiling. [a foree F is applied horizontally atthe mid-point ofthe string, the top half ofthe string makes an angle of 45° with the vertical, then the magnitade of F is (win @90N ()100N «vT0N Q14: NTA Test 14 (Single Choice) Thrve blocks are suspended as shown inthe figure, The neleration of the 300 g block is s008 (8) downwards (8) Bdownvards (©) Sdownwends (0) ponds Q1S: NTA Test 15 (Single Choice) Whom a block moves down # smooth inclined plane ofinetination @, is velocity on raching the bottom ise, When it sles down a rough inclined ion af fietion betwen plane of same inclination, ts velocity on reaching the bottom is n/n, where n isa number greater than 1. The eoefi the block and the rough surface is Q16: NTA Test 19 (Single Choice) Two masses m and Mare attached with strings 3s shown inthe figure, For the system tobe in equilibrium, we must have (B) and = (Ayan = 1+ (Dy tané QUT: NTA Test 21 (Single Choice) The arrangement is released from rest. The minimum angle @ at which block A stars sliding downwards is (#tand=0 (Btn = 05, (Ouno=4 (Wytand= 5 18: NTA Test 2 (Single Chotee) The minimum fore require to move a body up an inetned plane is thre ines the minimurn force required to preven it from sling down the plans. the evetieient of feton beween the body and te inlined plane is by, then the ange o the inetned plane (4) 60 (aya 30" os Q19: NTA Test 24 (Single Choice) Three blocks are arranged on a horizontal table ABCD as shown inthe figure. The strings and pulleys are massless andl both the pulleys stand vertical. Tite strings conneeting blocks my and mg are also vertical anc are perpendicular to faces AB and BC which are mutually perpendicular to cach other. fm: and me are 3 kx and 4 kg respectively. Coeficient of fiction between the block my = 10 kg and the surice is w = 0.6 then, fitional force or ms is (ay30N (BAN (C90N «y6oN (Q20: NTA Test 25 (Single Choice) A block of mass 2 lg slides onan inclined plane which makes an angle of 30° wi the horizontal. The coefficient of fiction between the block and the surface is “The force along the plane that noods to be applied to the block so that it moves up without any acceleration is (take g = Wms?) (a10N (830 (©)20N (D)25N QUI: NTA Test 26 (Single Choice) The upper half of an inclined plane with inclination & is perfectly smooth while dhe lower half is rough. A ody stating from rest atthe top will again come o rest atthe boom if he eoeticient of fiction for dhe Hower hal it (Wtane (B)2tane (©)2e08¢ (Dy2sing Q22: NTA Test 27 (Single Choice) A block of mass 5 ke is placed on a rough inclined plane. The inclination of the plane is gradually increased until the block just begins to slide down, The sin of angle made by the plane with horizontal is 2 when the block start sliding. The eoetFcient of fretion between the block andthe plane is (g — 10m s-2) we ms ot oe Q23: NTA Test 28 (Single Choice) Three blocks A, B and C of equal mass mare placed one over the other on a smooth horizontal ground as shown inthe figure. Coefficient of friction between any two blocks is 0.5, The maximum value of the mass of block D so thatthe blocks A. B and C move without slipping over cach other is (wom 5m ©3m OAm Q24: NTA Test 31 (Single Choice) ‘A wedge of mass m, lying on & rough horizontal plane, is acted upon by a horizontal foree Fy and another force Fy. inelined at an angle @ to the Vertical The block fs in equilibrium, chen the minimum coefMicient f fitetion borwe and the sutae is OO aprser Fa) (Gag Feat) QBS: NTA Test 32 (Single Choice) ‘As shoven in the fllowing figures, black of mass 2 leis in equilibrium in the vertical plane, {block in easel wo case-2 ‘Aca certain instant right spring in case-L and rigit string in case-2 are cul. Then the ratio of instantaneous accele just ater the cut wo wn (D) none of these is (strings and springs ar ideal) 26: NTA Test 33 (Single Choice) A patticle is projected directly along a rough plane of inclination @ with vel iy u, TPafter coming to the rest the particle returns wo the tanting point with velocity ¥, the coe a) jen of fition between the particle and the plane is tant ws and © Ste (Stand Q27: NTA Test 34 (Numerical) A bloc is hanged from spring ina cage. Elongation in spring is xx = 4y% mm and x2 = 3VF mm mm when cage moves up and down respectively with same acceleration, The expansion (in mm) in spring when the cage moves horizontally withthe same acceleration (Q28: NTA Tost 35 (Numerical) ‘A small spherical ball obeying Stoke's law for viscous force) is throxsn up vertically with aspoed 20m ! and is received hack by the thrower at ing the buoyant fore on the ball, assuming the speed of the ball during is flight to be never equal to its temminal speed and taking the acceleration due to gravity g = 10.m 8 2. find dhe time of Might of the ballin seconds. the point of projection witha speed 10:ms ', Nels Q29: NTA Test 36 (Numerical) Inthe arangement shown inthe Figu friction exists only between the two blocks, A and B. The eoeificient of sate friction jz, = 0.6 and coatfiiont of kinetic ition jy = 0.4, the masses ofthe locks A. and B are ay 0 kg and 1g = 30 kg, respectively. Find the avceleration 1501 is upplicd, as shown in the Figure. [Assume that string nl palleys are massless] (ins 2) of my if force F (QB0: NTA Test 37 (Single Choice) A gun of mass 10 kg fires d bullets per second, The mass of each bullet is 20 g and the velocity ofthe bullet, when it eaves the gun is 300 m 5°. The force required to hold the gun while firing is (wen an (uN (Dy 240 Q3I: NTA Test 38 (Single Chotee) The minimum acceleration with which a Freman can slide down a ope ifthe braking strength ofthe ropes # of his weight, is (A) Bg wots (yrs Q32: NTA Test 9 (Single Choice) A blosk of mass m coefficient of friction between the block and the plank is e = 4. Ifa horizontal force F is applied on the plank, then the maximum value of F for 10m/s!) kg is placed on a plank of mass Mf = 10 eg, which is placed on a smooth horizontal plane, as shown in the figure. The which the block and dhe plank move togethers (9 Lr (a0 «B40 (©)120N «100 Q33: NTA Test 42 (Single Choice) ‘A cube of mass m is placed on top of a wedge of mass 2 m, as shown in figure, There is ne friction between the cube and the wedge. The ‘minimum coefficient of friction berween the wedge and the horizontal surface, so thatthe wedge does not move is J tayo cor (ous oy QB4: NTA Test 43 (Single Choice) Four rods each of length {have been hinged to form a rhombus, Vertex A is fixed to rigid support, vertex C is being moved along the x ais with ‘constant velocity v as shown in the figure, The rte at which vertex B is approaching the x-axis at the moment the rhombus i in the Form oF square is B A Soy --->x B we we © oy Q8S: NTA Test 43 (Numerical) Coefficient of Kinetic friction between 3: and 2 kg, block is 0.25, The horizomal table surface is smooth, Find the acceleration (in $1 unit of the block of mass 10 Ie. a= (936: NTA Test 4 (Numeriat ‘chain place on a ough able partly hanging 5 shown in the ge, Te coffin! fat ston tse te cain and the tbl i f1= 0. He maximum posible lng of he hangin prs andthe lng othe chan i ton what isthe val of £2 a QB: NTA Test 46 (Numerical) The coeflicient of friction between the two blocks shown inthe igure is 4 and betwoen the lower block and the ground is zero, The blocks are given velocities of 2 ms. * and 8m s respectively im the di the blocks will stop? tion shown inthe figure, fn how much time (in seconds) the slipping between ye Q38: NTA Test 47 (Single Chotee) Consider the following diagram in which an inextensibe string connects two blocks passing via ing. The frst block moves with a velocity of “and the second ane moves with a velocity of v ms! Ite rng slides on horizontal rod then the value of wis (nm s-?) wir eyie oye wees Q39: NTA Test 48 (Numerical) Inthe following arrangement, the system is initially held at rest by an external agent. At € = 0, the 5 kg block is released, Ifthe acceleration of block C is op ms“? then find the value of. Assume thatthe pulleys and strings are massless and smooth. [9 ~ 9.8 ms~*] Answer Keys ar) aac) Q4:(B) Q6: 16.25 QT LA) Q(B) QId: (A) Qc) QI2: (Ay Q13:(C) QTd (C) QIS: (A) Q16: (Ay QTC) Q18; (0) aie) 20:0) ot: (B) amis) ec) OH asic) e2s:«0) ons ss eis 30:16) antec) on18) O38: (0) mic) ano 36:35 Q37:1 Q38: (B), Q39:7 Solutions QU: (D) The system cannot remain in equilibrium Considering A and B as a system, There is no vertical force in upward direction to support their weight, Therefore, the system cannot remain in euilibrium, 2: EF Acceleration of the system QB: (C)09 Ns. Given, F = 600-2 x 10 ¢= 0 => 1531048 Impulese T= fF dt =F (e002 108 eae a aoe? 2" =09Ns [00 ¢ — 108 Qt (8) (rm — ma) As both the ball are of same size, force of hoyancy on cach is same Therefore, in euiibviam nyg-tmggorF = {mi t+ma)é Considering the equiv of lower all, T+F=me T=me-F T= mg - (m+ m2) T= (my —m)S Qs: (0) 14 Make a fe body diagram then write force equation forthe blocks involving spring force 20-T=6a T-10=40 Land 7 = 4N Q6: 1625 F 4 mgsin d= P+ jemg cos 194 (1810 4) =P = (05 «15 «10% 32) 2°80 = P=80 Fig os 0 Mg cos 8 74) 20N From acting o black are shown in ann Figure As the block does not move, hence Feos60" = = AN =p (Mg + Psin60") N Mg + F sin 60° Pho gy (vax ore 8 On simplification, we get F = 20N 08: (C)5 Total forse required R, mg 006 8 ng sin ®4 mg °° P= mgsind +f = mgsind + 1k = mgsin# + 4, mgcort ee) = 20058 8(sind5° + 0.500845") = maga The number of men required will be ita -ay = 4 om )9 (2) DD erick Bw wee A. oem Perpendicular to wedge: Efy ~ (mgoosd + masind—N) ~ 0 and Sf, = mgsin d+ wN ~ maeos@ = 0° (for maximum a) > ngsiné + w(mgcos? + masin®) ~ macos? = 0 ford Ss Q10: (A) 2a mv? cosa Since, he molecules rebound fram the wal. the component of | not change. The change in velocity of molecules is parle to normal N. The magnitude ofcharge is locity perpendicular to wall is reversed, while its velocity parallel vo wall des lav Av |=2v co pry The change in momentum of molecule is |apj=miay a inthe diveetion of normal N. Let n be the number of molecules per unit volume The number of molecules arriving at an ares A ofthe wall per unit hase length is equal tothe lime is the number ina slanted eylinder oxity v and whose crasssection is A cos 8 Number of molecules =n (Av cos 8), ach molecule suffers a chanye of momentum 2 mv eos 8. Change of momentum of the svear of gas ina dice equal © (Av cos 6) x (2any cosd) =2 An mv? cos? 8. ton ponpeodicular vo wall is Hence, force exerted by stream of gas on the wall F = 2Aume*cos"s This i also the force exerted by gas molecules on the wall = 2nmveos"9 ai ©)027 Retardation of he block is a= g (sind + pcos0) = 5 (V3 u) enmen 24] Polling force is mg, while mass in motion is m + M +m. So acceleration of the system will be given by ole a any ‘Mass m will not slide over M if east= gsind i, fom equation (i) in (i), we et gsin0 orm Peat 13: (C) 100. Q14: (C) Beownwards 500g — 7 = 5002 T— 100gsin 30° — 7" 0,7 —T" — 50g ‘Again, 7" — 50g = 50a ...... (3) From equations (2) and (3), T— 100g = 1500 aw ‘Adding equations (1) and (4), 4009 ~ 050 or a = at = 3 This acceleration is downssards, O15: (Ay = ) tone For smooth incline, v? = 2(gsin®) x s () For rough incline, ($)* = 2y (sin — peos6} x 8 (On solving (1) and (2), we obtain, w= (1-4)eane QI6: (Ay tand = 1+ — mg — 2Tsin4s* omy = Pr 1, e030 = Tos a5 4 Types 4 @ rook Peas ayaa Lo > Tysnd Met poy) 145 aiding Gy 0 For sliding 3 mg sin @ — 0.5 mg cos @ tend £ Q18: (€) 30" “Minimum force required to move a body up a rough inclined plane, Fy = mg(sin8 + cos) ‘Minimum Foree required to prevent the body from sliding down tf F; = mg (sind — j.cos 8) According tthe question, Foor, sg (ind + jo) ~ 8 (mgsin@ ~ pmngcos ) dycos0 — 2sin0 sind = 2p 6080 tan@ = 2 = + = 30° Q19:(c) 50) Net fiseon my = (20)? + (40)? = 508 ‘And limiting fretion on ms = yong = 60. ‘System remain in equilibrium and friction on ms = 50 N (20: (D) 25. For acceleration tobe zero, the net force should be zero, B= mgsin# + pangcos? SP a2xoxdpBx2xwxd 3 F=25N 2H: B)2tans Forte ssooth upper hall, using v¥— u? = 2a, we get 2u(sing) x1 v= ys (ing) Forte lower hall usingw® — u = 28, we get OF — 2g sin g x1 = 2 (px e089 ~ sind) 1 oF sing = peecong~ sind cose = 2sings or pa = Pang 22: (B) $ ‘The black illus start siding when the angle @ made bythe inlined plane with the horizontal wil be equal 0 the 8 = Greys = tan? (40) ta = wot 928: (C)3 m Blocks A and C both mave due to fiction, But les friction is available to A as compared to C because the normal reaction berween A. and B is less, Maximum fection between A and B can be fame = 048 = (So . Mariners acceleration of A canbe non 5 orf =o Or mp = 3m Re O gare F,sin 0 Mg tr We know f= Nand N = mg + Freost Now, since wedge i in equilibrium, (Fi 4 Fusing) = (mg + Freosd) e510) 8 026: (6) 2tand For upward motion u® = 2(ngeos8 + gsind)s For downward motion v? = 2(gsind — pgcesd)s mg +k¥ = te fark vacay Imegrating both sides f,7 dt + a9: Ls ‘Lotus assume that the two blocks move together, without slipping lative o each other. The aeceleration ofthe system in that ease is Sms In this case ie fitional force ating between the two blocks is f. then writing the Newton's second law oF motion, for the bloke af mass T-f=me 150 ~ f= 201.5 f= 120N Foon = 0.6 * 200 = 120. N Since J 2 rox» Our assumption about the two blacks moving together is correct and henee the acceleration of the blocks is 1.5m s 930: (C) 24 Rate of ehange of momentum ofthe bullet in forward direction = Force required to hold the gun F = nmy = 420 = 10 < 300 =24N a1 (e)4y Whe rs slides on with some acelin, is appre weight decreas, Faecal coniton, ope san hsar only 2 of his weight. Wa i the minimum aecleraion then Tension in the ope = Breaking stress m(g-a)=4mg a-g-B=4 982: (B) 40N =e essuming 90 slipping ssweon mand ML This means fretion between the block an plank is 033: (8) 0.2 The normal reaetion between the wedge and the block is NY = mgoos6 So the net horizontal force on the wedge is F = mgcosdsind Tike normal reaction between the wedge and the ground is N= 2mg + mgcos? 9 mg + mg eos HOY Let AC = xand BE = y B D Then, BE? + AB® = ‘when the shombus is square Hence. vo = bve= $ as:6 100 ~ T= 10a Ty T, -0.25 «20-30 Ty ~ 0.25 «20 = 20 ‘Adding the above three equations and solving for aecleration we get Gms? Q36: 35 It = length suspended sm = Ax (mass of hanging part) mz = AL—x) (mass of the part kept on the table) Then For balance mig = aamae dx = O.4\L — x) AL — 04x Las = 0.4L The common velocity ofthe blocks can be calculated a follows Bu=1x242%8 8: fF 41 The length ofthe string wil remain constant, Hence, 2 cos 30" — 10830" = veosd5* — Leos 45° 39:7 Block 1 will not move 5g T=5a..ti) OT 8g = 83 (i)

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