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PHR 312 - Pharmaceutical Analysis-II

Class – 5
UV-Visible Spectroscopy
Class Outlines

Selection rules and λ max

Chromophore and Axochrome


Sample preparation and Solvent

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Wavelength (nm): Selection rules
A. The Spectroscopic Process
1. In UV spectroscopy, the sample is irradiated with the broad spectrum
of the UV radiation
2. If a particular electronic transition matches the energy of a certain
band of UV, it will be absorbed
3. The remaining UV light passes through the sample and is observed
4. From this residual radiation a spectrum is obtained with “gaps” at
these discrete energies – this is called an absorption spectrum



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Wavelength (nm): Selection rules
B. Observed electronic transitions
1. The lowest energy transition (and most often obs. by UV) is typically
that of an electron in the Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital (HOMO)
to the Lowest Unoccupied Molecular Orbital (LUMO)

2. For any bond (pair of electrons) in a molecule, the molecular orbitals

are a mixture of the two contributing atomic orbitals; for every
bonding orbital “created” from this mixing (s, ), there is a
corresponding anti-bonding orbital of symmetrically higher energy
(s*, *)

3. Ex: The lowest energy occupied orbitals are typically the s; likewise,
the corresponding anti-bonding s orbital is of the highest energy

4. Ex: -orbitals are of somewhat higher energy, and their

complementary anti-bonding orbital () somewhat lower in energy
than s*.

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Wavelength (nm): Selection rules

B. Observed electronic transitions

Here is a graphical representation

Unoccupied levels

Atomic orbital Atomic orbital

Energy n

Occupied levels

Molecular orbitals
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Wavelength (nm): Selection rules

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Wavelength (nm): Selection rules

B. Observed electronic transitions

From the molecular orbital diagram, there are several possible electronic
transitions that can occur, each of a different relative energy:

s s alkanes
s  carbonyls

  unsaturated compounds.
n s O, N, S, halogens

n  carbonyls

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UV-vis Spectrophotometer lambda max (λ max)

Lambda max (λ max): The wavelength at which a substance has its strongest

light absorption (highest point along the spectrum's y-axis). It is used for

qualitative analysis of a molecules and drugs.


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Chromophores & Auxochromes
1. Chromophores: Molecules or parts of molecules that absorb light strongly
in the UV-vis region are called chromophores. Chromophore a group of atoms
responsible for UV/vis absorption of the molecule
2. Auxochromes: Any group which does not itself act as a chromophore but
whose presence in a compound brings about a shift of the absorption band.
Like OH, NH, SH ..., when attached to π chromophore they generally move the
absorption max. to longer λ (wavelength).

3. Bathochromic shift: Shift to longer λ, also called red shift.

4. Hysochromic shift: Shift to shorter λ, also called blue shift.
5. Hyperchroic shift (Hyperchromism): Increase in absorbance intensity.
6. Hypochromic shift (Hypochromism): Decrease in absorbance intensity.

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Wavelength and absorbance intensity shift

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Wavelength and absorbance intensity shift

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A. Instrumentation
1. The construction of a traditional UV-Vis spectrometer contains – sample
tube (cavate), irradiation (light source), monochromator, detection and
output (recorder)

log(I0/I) = A
UV-VIS sources I0 I

sample 200
l, nm


beam splitter optics I0 I0

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A. Instrumentation
1. Here is a simple schematic that covers UV-vis spectrometers: single beam
and double beam UV-vis instrument

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Instrumentation: Spectra

Instrumentation and Spectra

A. Instrumentation
3. Two sources are required to scan the entire UV-VIS band:
• Deuterium lamp – covers the UV
• Tungsten lamp – covers visible

4. The lamps illuminate the entire band of UV or visible light; the

monochromator (grating or prism) gradually changes the small bands of
radiation sent to the beam splitter

5. The beam splitter sends a separate band to a cell containing the sample
solution and a reference solution

6. The detector measures the difference between the transmitted light

through the sample (I) vs. the incident light (I0) and sends this
information to the recorder

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Instrumentation: Sample Preparation
B. Instrumentation – Sample Preparation
1. Virtually all UV spectra are recorded solution-phase

2. Cells can be made of plastic, glass or quartz

3. Only quartz is transparent in the full 200-700 nm range; plastic and glass
are only suitable for visible spectra

A typical sample cell (commonly called a cuvette [little vessel]):

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Instrumentation : Solvent
B. Instrumentation – Sample Preparation
5. Solvents must be transparent in the region to be observed; the
wavelength where a solvent is no longer transparent is referred to as the

6. Since spectra are only obtained up to 200 nm, solvents typically only
need to lack conjugated  systems or carbonyls

Common solvents and cutoffs:

acetonitrile 190
chloroform 240
cyclohexane 195
1,4-dioxane 215
95% ethanol 205
n-hexane 201
methanol 205
isooctane 195
water 190

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