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=< Pale 5 ed Before reading Talk with your child about the book before they read it. © Look at the front and back covers together ~ these give clues to what the book is about. ® Talk about who is in this story. Look at the cover and pages 2-3. ® Ask your child why Ant might not be able to see the baby. Q During reading Encourage your child to read the book at their own pace. Suggest that your child points to the words as they read If your child gets stuck you could use the following prompts to help them: © Try to sound out the word. © What word would fit here? * Look at the picture to help you. @ Tricky words Here are some tricky words that your child will read in this book: small wishes just very Tony Bradman Illustrated by Jon Stuart OXFORD In this story +, 2 5 x Vo ec ~ oO i) n me) Cc 5 vo = ° U , Come and see the baby. 64 za . rz ° = Ant can not see at Come and see the baby. 3 ( Ant wishes he was tall. _ How can he see the baby? )40( — ~ 5 wv 5 To ° ° oa ° ce a} a — ke The way to see the baby ... Is to be very, very small! Read about Fs Cat and the ie - and his Little | brother Paul. & After reading Talk with your child about the book after reading. Here are some questions you could ask © Why could Ant not see the baby? © What did he do to try and see the baby at first? © Then what did he do? * How did the book make you feel? Encourage your child to read the story again. This will build their reading confidence and reading fluency. ©@ Other things to do Keep talking about this book. Ask your child if he or she has seen a new baby. Ask him or her to tell you about it. OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide. ‘Text and illustrations © Oxford University Press 2009 ‘The moral rights of the author, Tony Bradman, have been asserted. ‘Tony Bradman is hereby acknowledged as the lead author (ofall the character books in Project X. Tustrations by Jon Stuart and the team at Jonatronix Ld First published 2009 Project X concept by Rod Theodorou and Emma Lynch, Al rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, ‘without the prior permission in writing of Oxford University Press. ISBN: 978-019847026-7 13579108642 Printed in China by Hing Yip Paper used in the production of this book isa natural, recyclable product made from wood grown in sustainable forests.The manufacturing process conforms to the environmental regulations of the country of origin. Ant and the Baby How can Ant see the new baby? Other titles on the theme CIR eure OMe sari OT eu rear OCearuraet Or nectar kets Fiction ISBN 978-0-1: 6-7 9 1 |

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