Product 2.10

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Product 2.

Abbreviation Definition
Others ↑ Increase
↓ Decrease
A adv Advanced
Anesthetic (e.g., local
ant Anterior
approx Approximately
appt Appointment
ASA Aspirin
ASA Anterior superior alveolar
ASAP As soon as possible
B B Buccal
bid Twice a day
bilat Bilateral
BP Blood pressure
BW Bitewing x-rays
BW, BWX (outdated) Bitewing radiographs
C With (usually written with a bar
c on top of the “c”) from the latin
word “cum”
(Complete/complete) maxillary
C/C denture over mandibular
Complete maxillary denture and
mandibular partial denture
CAL Clinical attachment level
Cau Caucasian
CC Chief complaint
cc Cubic centimeter
CHD Congestive heart disease
CHF Congestive heart failure
CHX Chlorhexidine
CNS Central nervous system
cont Continue, continued
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary
CP Cerebal palsy
Cerebral vascular accident
D D Distal
DA Dental assistant
DC Discontinue
Dental hygienist or dental
DOB Date of birth
Dx Diagnosis
E e.g. For example
ea Each
EBV Epstein Barr virus
ECG or EKG Electrocardiogram
Echo Echocardiogram
EIE Extraoral intraoral examination
Emer Emergency
Endo Endodontic
ER Emergency room
eval Evaluation
EX Examination
ext Extract, extraction
F fen-phen Fenfluramine and Phentermine
Fl, Fl2 Fluoride
FMR, FMX (outdated),
Full mouth radiographs
FPD Fixed prosthodontics
freq Frequent, frequency
Fx Fracture
G gen General, generalized
GI Gastrointestinal
ging Gingivitis, gingiva
H H2O Water
H2O2 Hydrogen peroxide
HAV Hepatitis A virus
High blood pressure,
HBV Hepatitis B virus
HCV Hepatitis C virus
HIV Human immunodeficiency virus
hr Hour
HS At bedtime
Hx History
I Insulin Dependant Diabetes
Mellitus (Type II)
IM Intramuscular
imp Impression
inc Incisal, incisive, incise
inf Inferior
Irreg Irregular
Irrig Irrigation
IV Intravenous
L L, Ling Lingual
LA Lower anterior
LL Lower left quadrant
Local, localized, local
LR Lower right quadrant
M M Mesial
mand Mandibular
marg Marginal
max Maxillary or maximum
meds Medication
MHx Medical history
Myocardial Infarction (heart
min Minimum, minute
mm Millimeter
mo Month
MO Mesiocclusal
MOD Mesiocclusodistal
mod Moderate
MRI Magnetic resonance imaging
MSA Middle superior alveolar
MVP Mitral Valve Prolapse
N N/A, NA Not applicable
N2O Nitrous oxide
nec Necessary
neg Negative
Non-Insulin Dependent
Diabetes Mellitus (Type II)
NPO Nothing by mouth
NV Next visit
O O, occ Occlusal
O2 Oxygen
OD Oral diagnosis
OH Oral hygiene
OHI Oral hygiene instructions
OP Operative
ORL Otorhinolaryngology
OS Oral surgery
Over the counter (drug that can
OTC be obtained without a
P P Pulse
Partial over (maxillary) over
partial (mandibular)
PA Periapical radiograph
pano Panoramic radiograph
Path Pathology
PCN or PEN Penicillin
PD Periodontal debridement
perio Periodontal, periodontitis
PFM Porcelain fused to metal
Periodontal maintenance
PO Orally; by mouth
post Posterior, After
postop After surgery
PRN, prn As needed; as necessary
PSA Posterior superior alveolar
Periodontal screening and
Pt, pt Patient
Px, PX, prog Prognosis
Q q Every
qd Every day
qid Four times a day
Quad Quadrant
R R Respiration
rc Rubber cup
RCTx or RCT Root canal treatment
rec Recession
Re-eval, reeval Re-evaluation, re-evaluate
ref Referral
reg Regular
RHD Rheumatic heart disease
RPD Removable partial denture
Rx Prescription
S Without (usually written with a
s bar on top of the "s") from the
Latin word "sine"
SBE Subacute bacterial endocarditis
Sig Write on label
slt Slight
SOB Short of breath
STAT Immediately
STD Sexually transmitted disease
Surg Surgery
T TB Tuberculosis
tb Toothbrush
temp Temperature
tid Three times a day
TLC Tender loving care
TMD Temporomandibular Joint
TMJ Temporomandibular Joint
to Toothpaste
Tx Treatment
U UL Upper left quadrant
UR Upper right quadrant
URO Upper respiratory infection
UTI urinary tract infection
W w/ With
w/o Without
WNL Within normal limits
wt Weight
Y y/o Year(s) old
Drug Prescription

a or a. before qid, Qqds four times a day

a.c. before meals q1h every 1 hour
ad lib as desired q2h every 2 hours
alt. h. alternate hours q3h every 3 hours
am in the morning; q4h every 4 hours
beforenoon q6h every 6 hours
aq. water q8h every 8 hours
bid twice a day q12h every 12 hours
c¯ with qs as much as needed,
cap., caps. capsule quantity, sufficient
dil. dilute qt quart
dist. distilled R. or PR rectally, per rectum
DS double strength Rx take, prescription
EC enteric coated S, Sig give the following
elix. elixir directions
ext. external, extract s¯ without
fl, fld fluid sid once daily
g gram sol. or soln. solution
gr grain SQ subcutaneous
gtt drop stat. immediately, at once
H hypodermic tab. tablet
h, hr hour tbsp, T tablespoon
IM intramuscular tds, tid three times a day
inj. injection tinct., tr tincture
IV intravenous tsp, t teaspoon
IVP IV push ung. ointment
IVPB IV piggyback
kg kilogram
L liter
lb pound
liq. liquid
mcg, mg microgram
mEq milliequivalent
mg milligram
mL milliliter
noct. night
om on morning
on on night
oz ounce
p or p. after, per
p.c. after meals
PO by mouth
pm afternoon, evening
prn as needed, according
q each, every
qh every hour

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