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IT ERA Reviewer • Military

• Navigation
ICT - Information, Communications Technology • Social and Romance
• Security and Surveillance
Allow people combined • Transport
•Devices, Networking components, Applications, • Weather forecasting
Systems. • Robotics

Uses of ICT in Our Daily Lives Computing Periods

• Communication • Napier’s Bones ( John Napier)

• Job Opportunities • Slide Rule (William Oughtred)

• Pascaline (Blaise Pascal)
• Education
• Stepped Reckoner (Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz)
Flipped Classroom
• Jacquard Loom (Joseph-Marie Jacquard)
• Socializing
• Arithmometer (Thomas de Colmar)
Positive Impact
• Security • Difference & Analytical Engine (Charles Babbage)
• Access to information
• Communication • First Computer Programmer (Augusta Ada Byron)
• Improved access to education
• Scheutzian Calculation Engine
Negative Impact
• Job loss (Per Georg Scheutz)
• Cost
• Reduce personal interaction • Tabulating Machine (Herman Hollerith)
• Reduce physical activity
• Harvard Mark 1 (Howard H. Aiken)
4 Agencies
• Z1 (Konrad Zuse)
businesses, nonprofit agencies,
governments and criminal enterprises • Atanasoff-Berry Computer

Applications of ICT in our Daily Lives ( John Atanasoff & Clifford Berry )

• Business • ENIAC & UNIVAC & First Computer Company

• Education
• Healthcare (John Presper Eckert & John Mauchly)
• Retail and Trade
• Government • EDVAC (Von Neumann)
• Marketing
• Science • Osborne 1 ( Osborne Computer Corp.)
• Publishing
• Arts and Entertainment
• Communication
• Banking and Finance Basic Computing Period - Ages
• Booking Finance
• Pre-mechanical - 3000 B.C. - 1450 A.D.

• Mechanical - 1450 - 1840

• Electromechanical - 1840 - 1940

• Electronic - 1940 - Present

History of Computer - Generations of Computer

• First Generation - 1946 to 1958

• Second Generation - 1959 to 1964

• Third Generation - 1965 to 1970

• Fourth Generation - 1971 to Today

• Fifth Generation - Today to Future

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