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Specialized Communication in English

Unit 1 Expression of ideas based on texts

Evaluatory activity 2
Student name:
Campus: Group:

Learning outcome:
1.2 Exchange information about experiences that happened before various events in the
past, presented in descriptive texts using the grammar structure of the past perfect.
Activity of evaluation:
Make a timeline with sentences effectively in past perfect.

1. Choose one of the activities you've been doing in your practices, that required
several stages to be completed. If you make reports, you may use them for the
2. Write a brief report of incidents (up to 300 words). List the actions using the
past perfect tense. Includes between eight and twelve shares. If you worked as
a team, you can include the people who have contributed, keeping the
grammar structure in the past perfect tense.
3. Use a just complement plus another action in the simple past tense if required.

I had started writing the earrings before starting the routine review.

4. Record the reading of your report (maximum 3 minutes). Share the audio in the
same document where your information is written.

The points to be evaluated are the chronological order of the events, the use of the
indicated verbal structure and its complements, in addition to your pronunciation.

You can use the following resources or expand the information with brief research:

EF Education First (2020) Resources to Learn English. Present perfect Available in:


Check the evaluation rubric to verify that your submission meets the established criteria.

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