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1 Choose the correct option, A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
1 There are copies of the book in the library, so you buy it from the shop if you don’t want to.
A mustn’t
B don’t have to
C can’t
D couldn’t

2 If Sam out in the cold all night, she wouldn’t be ill today.
A hadn’t been
B wasn’t
C isn’t
D will be

3 Patients with an appointment to see the doctor come to reception first to sign in. Otherwise, they will not be
seen to.
A need
B can
C could
D must

4 I wish someone me about Nina. I wouldn’t have taken the job if I had known about her.
A told
B had told
C tells
D will tell

5 Katie still be going to dance classes if she wasn’t so busy with her job and looking after her children.
A will
B was
C has been
D would

6 I’m sorry, Andy come to the phone right now as he’s busy.
A doesn’t need to
B can’t
C doesn’t have to
D mustn’t

7 Tom stay long. He can leave when he wants.

A mustn’t
B shouldn’t
C doesn’t have to
D can’t

8 If only people more welcoming in this town. We’d have more tourism and a better reputation.
A were
B are
C had been
D are going to be

Complete Advanced END OF TERM TEST 3 Plus PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press & Cambridge Assessment 2023

9 Passengers reserve a table at the restaurant at least a few days in advance. There’s no way of getting a table
on the day.
A must
B can
C need
D could

10 If the bus had been on time, I my interview this morning.

A wouldn’t have missed
B wouldn’t miss
C won’t miss
D hadn’t missed

2 Circle the correct options to complete the sentences.

1 Chris enjoys going walking in mountains. He recently hiked through a / the / - Pyrenees between Spain and
2 France.
3 It’s very important to eat - / the / a balanced diet each day, including lots of fruit and vegetables.
4 Does anyone have any cash / any cashes / a cash with them? I’ve only got my credit card.
5 Did you see who was on a / the / - news today? It was our old school friend, Michael Brown. He’s famous now.
6 There’s definitely some milk / some milks / any milk left in the fridge.
7 There’s - / an / the amazing new show on TV that’s just come out.
8 Jo went to a / - / the local hospital yesterday morning. Luckily, he’s out now and is fine.
9 People need to be very concerned about - / the / a climate change. It’s something that will affect us all.

3 Circle the correct options in the text.

There are some fascinating journeys around the world that people can go on. Some like to travel long distances quickly,
and cover many different places. (1) However / Although / Even though / Despite, I prefer a slower pace, and so the
Camino de Santiago, a walk in Spain, is a great choice. There are many routes you can take, (2) while / but / despite /
whereas in each case, you will see beautiful scenery. The Camino Frances (the ‘French Way’) is the longest, and can
take months to complete, (3) because / despite / even though / whereas the Camino Inglés (the ‘English Way’) can
be done in around a week. The Camino Primitivo (the ‘Original Way’) is also (4) shorter / the shortest / more short /
shortest than the Camino Frances. That said, it is considered (5) more difficult / difficulter / the most difficult / the
difficultest route because of the number of mountains and hills you have to cross. Additionally, it is not (6) as easy /
easy / easier / more easy to find accommodation and places to eat as it is on the other routes.

The Camino del Norte (the ‘Northern Way’), for me, provides the (7) stunningest / more stunning / most stunning /
stunninger views of the coast, and is my personal recommendation. But whichever route you choose, be prepared.
Walking long distances is tough, but (8) challenging / more challenging / the more challenging / the most
challenging will be doing it day after day, for weeks, or even months. (9) All / What / It / That you should really do if
you’re considering the Camino de Santiago is do some training beforehand. (10) The first / one / only / last thing you
want to do is pick up an injury and have to give up.

4 Circle the correct options in the text.
The modern-day university is different to how it was a few decades ago. There is now much more emphasis on
(1) critical / creative / wishful / interpersonal thinking – with students being asked to be more imaginative, and think
outside the box – while there is still the need for (2) kinaesthetic / critical / logical / pragmatic thinking – to question
everything, and not simply accept everything what is said in books. Additionally, (3) primary / academic /
lecture / host study has incorporated new forms of learning. For example, (4) one-on-one / in-class learning /
e-learning / homework is common, and benefits students who aren’t able to attend in-person classes, perhaps
because they are in a (5) harsh / luxurious / hostile / remote location, far from the university. In this way, universities
provide the (6) opportunity / possibility / occasion / gift for all students, wherever they are, to continue studying.

Complete Advanced END OF TERM TEST 3 Plus PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press & Cambridge Assessment 2023

Some argue that, as fees have increased and students are now (7) spending a fortune on / kept waiting for /
roughing it for / rolling in their three to four years (8) in / at / on / with university, it is only right that resources be
made available which cater for a range of circumstances.

5 Choose the correct option, A B, C or D, to complete the sentences.

1 I heard that the fire alarm went off in the team’s hotel the night before, and the lack of sleep contributed the
team’s poor performance.
A in
B to
C on
D with

2 Over three hundred people participated today’s training session.

A on
B in
C with
D for

3 We bought you a present to show our for all your hard work.
A appreciate
B appreciation
C appreciating
D appreciative

4 Alex doesn’t very well over the phone. He prefers to talk to people face to face.
A converse
B conversational
C conversation
D conversationally

5 continues to be on the rise; fewer people live in the countryside now than ever before.
A City-dwelling
B Outside
C The outdoors
D Urban

6 Electric cars are more than other types of cars – we should all be driving one really, to protect the
A record breaker
B high profile
C climate crisis
D eco-friendly

7 is a term which refers to global warming and climate change, and their impacts.
A Climate crisis
B Extreme weather
C Flood damage
D Droughts

8 Luckily, Thiago’s injury wasn’t serious. It could have been worse – it could have been a .
A blister
B fracture
C sting
D bruise

Complete Advanced END OF TERM TEST 3 Plus PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press & Cambridge Assessment 2023

9 Watch what you eat. You need to be very careful about high because that can cause lots of health issues,
including heart attacks.
A asthma
B cholesterol
C calories
D protein

10 Foods such as wheat and cereals contain a lot of .

A protein
B fat
C calories
D fibre

6 Circle the correct options to complete the sentences.

1 Are you aware of / with / for / by the changes to the law regarding online privacy?
2 I’ll tell Michael and he’ll be absolutely delighted of / with / for / in the news. Thank you for calling.
3 Jeff and I were so sorry to hear about your accident. We were both very shocked for / of / with / by it, and hope that
you’re OK.
4 Quality of life / Cultural norms / Expats / Migrants differ(s) from place to place. This includes how people greet each
5 I’m feeling a bit homesick / overcrowded / migrated / culture shocked. I miss my friends and family.
6 Mo left his home country because of the political instability / expats / employment prospects / homesickness there.
He said it wasn’t safe.
7 Please can you look at your phone and know / learn / understand / find out where the station is?
8 Nicky was offered / provided / given / taken the role of manager. She decided to turn it down though, as it sounded
too stressful.
9 Fortunately / Generally speaking / Personally / Kindly, people are allowed to park here if they are visiting family. It’s
not an actual rule, but it’s what tends to happen.
10 I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw all the violence. I was very / extremely / perfectly / utterly disgusted by all the
people fighting.

Complete Advanced END OF TERM TEST 3 Plus PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press & Cambridge Assessment 2023

Reading and Use of English

Part 1

7 For questions 1–8, read the text below and choose the correct word (A–D) for each gap. Write the letter (A–D) in
each gap.
Urban animals adapt to city life
While the spread of cities may adversely affect some animals, it is, surprisingly, of great benefit to others, scientists
say. Like their human (1) , animals are drawn to the city and all its possibilities. Evidence is accumulating that
urban animals differ in behaviour in (2) with those from the surrounding countryside. For example, foxes have
developed quite sophisticated strategies for avoiding busy roads.

Seemingly, the challenges of urban life are (3) to be only a minor obstacle. Various species of birds have been
observed weaving cigarette ends into their nests, or waiting until sundown, when the noise of traffic (4) , to start
singing. In the UK, birds are found in greater numbers in city suburbs because there is a (5) for people to have
gardens and to put out food for birds. It seems that rather than (6) our streets to hide themselves away in the
last (7) wild places, animals are adapting to city life right (8) us.

1 A equivalents B duplicates C alternatives D counterparts

2 A relation B comparison C proportion D reference

3 A proving B turning C showing D happening

4 A descends B shrinks C minimises D lessens

5 A liability B habit C tendency D probability

6 A fleeing B skipping C vanishing D withdrawing

7 A continuing B living C enduring D remaining

8 A throughout B amid C alongside D beyond

Reading and Use of English

Part 2

8 Read the text. Think of the word which best fits each gap. Write the correct word in each gap (1–8).


Few sights are as thrilling as a sky full of stars, but if you want to become a serious star-gazer you might need some
help. First, let your eyes adjust to the dark before going outside. That means not just going out directly (1)
staring at a computer screen. Wait for the clearest (2) nights and find a viewing point (3) light pollution is
at a minimum. A red light is better for viewing your star map (4) the bright blue-white LED of a torch; for
(5) reason, a rear cycle light is useful. You’ll find you can look at the map and then look up at the real thing
(6) much trouble.

It may seem obvious, (7) the first thing to do is work out the direction in (8) you’re facing. Then begin by
naming one easily-found star, and work from there. Pretty soon you start to recognise the sky’s equivalent of landmarks,
and you’ll find that even stars and planets have their distinguishing features.

Complete Advanced END OF TERM TEST 3 Plus PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press & Cambridge Assessment 2023

Part 2

9 You will hear a cycle tour leader called Jake Anderson giving a talk to a tour group about a trip they are going to
take. For questions 1–8, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase. 03


1 Jake says that the cyclists’ planned route will avoid going through .
2 Jake says that, in order to replicate the historical experience of , they will cycle from east
to west.
3 Jake explains that they will restrict themselves principally to roads along the way.
4 Jake has heard that local drivers tend to treat loaded cycles in the same way as on the
5 Jake warns that the roads through the Appalachian mountains are and steep.
6 Jake suggests a as a convenient container transporting a bike.
7 Jake proposes that they get free guidebooks with maps showing tracks.
8 In Jake’s experience, is an essential part of his diet when cycling long distances.

Part 2 – a letter

10 Answer the question below. Write 220–260 words in an appropriate style.

You recently went on a training course for your job. You found the course useful, but were disappointed with the
training centre and how the course was organised. Write a letter to Mr Barker, the training centre Manager, saying what
aspects were disappointing, and suggesting how future courses could be improved.

Write your letter.

Complete Advanced END OF TERM TEST 3 Plus PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press & Cambridge Assessment 2023

Part 2

11 (Students talk in pairs or groups of three) In this part of the test, I’m going to give each of you three pictures. I’d
like you to talk about two of them on your own for about a minute, and also to answer a question briefly about
your partner’s pictures.

Candidate A

Here are your pictures. They show people taking a break in different situations.


I’d like you to compare two of the pictures, and say why these people might have chosen to take a break, and what
might bring their break to an end?

Candidate B

Who do you think might have needed a break most? … (Why?)

Complete Advanced END OF TERM TEST 3 Plus PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press & Cambridge Assessment 2023

Candidate B

Here are your pictures. They show people helping others in different situations.


I’d like you to compare two of the pictures and say why the people are helping others in these different situations and
how easy it is for them to give this help. Alright?

Candidate A

Who do you think will benefit most from the help? … Why?

Complete Advanced END OF TERM TEST 3 Plus PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press & Cambridge Assessment 2023

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