You Belong To Me in

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You belong to me.

(in every universe)

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, Multi
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Relationships: Azula/Ty Lee (Avatar), Azula/Mai (Avatar), Mai/Ty Lee (Avatar),
Azula/Mai/Ty Lee
Characters: Azula (Avatar), Ty Lee (Avatar), Mai (Avatar), Other Character Tags to
Be Added
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2024-01-07 Words: 746 Chapters: 1/?
You belong to me. (in every universe)
by Corpsy09


An anthology of Prompt based one shots revolving around the terrrible trio. Or at least their

Prompts are open! (For now.)


The writing bug caught me, brrr.

See the end of the work for more notes

The soft atmosphere of Azula's bedroom was tinted with the hues of changing colors, while at
first she detested the idea of hanging trashy LED light strip’s on her bedroom walls, she
couldn’t deny that the red glow casted a warm ambiance.

Ty Lee, clad in a vibrant ensemble from some fast fashion company who sponsored her, was
perched on the edge of Azula's bed, engrossed in her phone. Fingers frantically swiping over
the screen as she meticulously searched for the perfect trending song, to make the perfect
TikTok video.

Azula reclined against a pile of plush pillows, her eyes on the screen of her laptop, finals
were a bitch, but being at top of her class made it somewhat bearable. Political science was
still a hassle however… She still held the air of casual elegance that fit an heiress to a
multimillion dollar company. But her girlfriend's loud fashion statement and bouncing–
ticking body, caused quite the distraction.

Ty Lee looked up, a mischievous grin forming on her lips, much to Azula’s fear.

Leaping over to Azula’s side of the bed, she nabbed the laptop from her less than amused
girlfriend, setting it aside, much to Azula’s displeasure. "Azula, you really need to get on the
TikTok train with me. It's absolutely amazing!"

Azula raised an eyebrow, unimpressed. "Oh, joy. My life's ambition– to be a sensation in

fifteen second videos that weird men jerk off too. Why was I foolish enough to invest my
time and effort in my education?”

Undeterred, Ty Lee giggled, showing Azula her phone as she narcissistically swiped through
her own videos. "Come on, Azula! It's so much fun. Look, I just hit a million followers doing
these cute little dances and fashion hauls. Plus, I’m getting brand deals every other day!
Imagine how many views we’d get together." She wiggled her brows, azula could have

But instead she shot her a skeptical glance, going to reach for her mistreated MacBook before
Ty lee swatted at her hands. With a frown, she replied. "I have better things to do than
participate in your online escapades."

Ty Lee pouted, playfully nudging Azula. "But think about it, Azula. It's a chance for me to
show off my hot girlfriend!" She begged.

While Azula preened at flattery, she knew Ty lee could be just as sneaky and conniving as her
when need be. “Absolutely not , Ty Lee. I won't be reduced to an online whore. Nor will I
parade myself on the internet to give your disgusting male fan base an excuse to gawk at a
lesbian couple.”

Ty Lee's eyes widened, her lip pouting out as she gave azula that kicked puppy look that she
refused to admit worked on her. "Please, Azula! Just one video. It'll be fun, I promise! Also
I’m bi!”
Azula scoffed, crossing her arms. “I said no , Ty Lee. This is non-negotiable. And we’re two
women in a relationship, this means we’re a lesbian couple.”

Ty Lee, would have cut in to say something regarding the fact that maybe technically they
could be a queer couple, but held her tongue. She knew when to fight which battles. So she
was still determined to make Azula give in, turning her phone toward Azula, the camera
applied some kind of filter to her face, it made her appear more attractive than she already
was, Azula refused to admit she kind of liked it. "Just one, Azula. For me? Pretty please!”

Azula rolled her eyes, annoyance turning into reluctant amusement. “The physical
appearance of the ‘please’ holds no value to me.” She stated, and Ty lee looked just about to
cry. “Fine, but only to prove how utterly ridiculous this is."

As Ty Lee handed her the phone, a small smile tugged at Azula's lips and her eyes glinted
mischievously. She reached over, her fingers lightly tugging at the hem of Ty Lee's crop top.
"We're going to make a video I'll find entertaining."

Ty Lee froze, a hint of panic in her eyes. But oh, Agni. Was she happy the red LEDs hid how
flushed she was. "But I'll be banned!" She shrieked, feeling so very regretful of her decision
to poke the sleeping dragon.

Azula’s smile turned into a sickening snarl. Ty lee thought it was very, very sexy. (But very,
very scary.) Her warm hand pulled Ty lee’s top over her light blue bra. “Then I guess this will
have to be saved to your drafts."
End Notes

Hi please feel free to leave prompts below, or chapter requests! Also this is dedicated to my
friend Capri, my tyzula partner in crime.

Also shamelessly promoting my tumblr:

Please drop by the Archive and comment to let the creator know if you enjoyed their work!

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