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INTRODUCTION OF NAKSHATRA : In Vedic Astrology, the Zodiac is made up of 360 degrees, which

are divided into 12 Rasis of 30 degrees each. Additionally, 27 Nakshatras are created by dividing each
Rasi into 13 degrees and 20 minutes. The first division was made using Nakshatras, which are also
referenced in the Rig-Veda. It takes the Moon 27 days and 7¾ hours to complete one round of the
fixed Zodiac. To account for the shortfall of 7¾ hours in the lunar transit, an additional Nakshatra
called Abhijit was added, for special charts like Sarvobhadra Chakra, 28 Nakshatras are considered,
while for all other purposes, only 27 Nakshatras are taken into account. We find a further sub-
division of this arc of 13 degrees 20 minutes into 4 parts of 3 degrees 20 minutes each. Thus, each
Rasi is allotted 9 padas each in the running order of the Nakshatra.

INTRODUCTION OF NAVAMSA OR D-9 CHART: Each Rasi of 30° is divided into 9 equal parts. So each
part will be 3° 20’.(equal to 1 Nak Pada)
For Fiery Rasis (Mesha, Simha, Dhanus) Navamsa starts from Mesha.
For earthy signs (Vrishabha, Kanya, Makara) Navamsa starts from Makara.
For Airy signs (Mithuna, Thula, Kumbha) the beginning is from Thula and
For the watery signs (Karka, Vrischika, and Meena) the order starts from Karka.

is divided into 4 padas and the pada has a characteristic of the sign of the zodiac which starts from
Mesha. If you take 3 nakshatras you get 12 padas (3 x 4) which can be equated to the 12 rasis.
Each rasi has been assigned only 2¼ Nakshatras or 9 padas. As a result, the 9th sign falls in Dhanus
when counted from Mesha. This means that the next Nakshatra pada should automatically start from
Makara. Similarly, counting from Thula, the 9th sign falls in Mithuna, and the next Nakshatra pada
will begin from Karka. Therefore, the order of beginning is Mesha, Makara, Thula, and Karka, which
aligns with the basic principle established to make Navamsa Chart.

Hence, the signs of padas and the Navamsa signs are the same.

Mars is in Karka or Cancer at 24° 10’ Nakshatra would be Ashlesha Pada – 3

 From Ashwani to Pushya 8 Nakshatra have passed or 32 padas (4 x 8)
 Add 3 padas of Ashlesha we get 35 padas (32 + 3)
 Now divide Padas by 12 and take the remainder to be the sign donated by the said
number i.e., 35 / 12 = 2 Q and 11 R
 11 remainder is equivalent to Sign Kumbha or Aquarius
 24° 10’ makes its placement in the 8th Navamsa
 Counting from Cancer as it is a watery sign till the 8th sign
 We get to sign Kumbha or Aquarius as the 8th Navamsa

In conclusion, the rule 1 Nakshatra pada is equivalent to 1 Navamsa as per the calculation matches.
To complete this calculation, you must definitely require the Nakshatra and the pada in which the
planet is placed or the longitude of the planet.

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