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Assalam Alaikum Banda Nacheez Faisal Shabbir YouTube Series Chapter No.

17 is at your service, so in
this video I will tell you about some of the mistakes that almost every new YouTuber makes and due to
these mistakes, his channel will fail. Most of the YouTubers do not consider these mistakes as mistakes,
they think that through them they will grow their channel very quickly and achieve their target, although
due to these mistakes, in Since many people's channel has been destroyed and those people are
disappointed at the beginning, but there are some other tasks besides the mistakes that I am going to
tell you about in this chapter. I am giving the link to this video, you must watch it later, you will find it in
the i button. If you go, watch this chapter very carefully and listen carefully and try not to make these
mistakes on your channel in your YouTube journey. The biggest mistake they make is buying subscribers
and views for their channel, thinking that by doing this, their channel will grow, monetize, and start
earning. You are totally wrong, many of you new YouTubers have ruined your channel by doing this.
Look, the view on your channel is a person who is watching your video and uploading it to his channel.
Don't buy it to subscribe to your channel, win his heart, because every viewer and subscriber is not a
number, he is a living person, instead of buying, try to win him and you can do this work only. In one
way, by providing good content on their channel, many people in Pakistan and India are providing this
service that we will complete your watch time and complete the subscribers, after that your earning will
start. All fraud is fraud nothing like that the success of your channel depends only on your hard work
dedication and your valuable content so as a new youtuber don't do this biggest mistake to ruin your
channel Often, new YouTubers put two or four videos on their channel in the beginning and sit down to
see likes, comments and views, and in the same cycles they forget to upload the next video and there is
a long gap in the publishing time of the next video. If the viewer knows what time or what day this
person publishes the video, if the viewer knows your routine, then he will come to your channel again
and again and must subscribe to your channel. Keep publishing on your channel without caring about
comments, keep uploading, keep creating variety on your channel so that every new viewer will get a lot
of content on your channel. I have seen many of you new YouTubers who have a variety of content on
their channel. They don't understand what their focus is, what is the main topic of their channel, and
often new YouTubers make this mistake. Don't focus on one focus point. Ask yourself what content you
can give people for a long time. What can you guide? On YouTube series, you also have to focus on your
channel. Take a theme and create similar content so that the viewer knows what he will get on your
channel. Almost every new YouTuber needs SEO very much. It seems like a big deal while it's nothing.
Your title, your description, your thumbnail, and your video. Everything in it should be shown. It should
be a mansion. The concept should be clear. You have to show in your video, you have to tell, you have to
teach, the same thing should be in your title, thumbnail, description tags and video, the same thing is
called SCO search engine optimization. After visiting and watching these videos, new YouTubers must
target the keyword in their title description tag, which is what they are talking about in the video,
because when you do proper SEO, If you make videos, your video will rank in YouTube search and
YouTube search will give you a lot of new views and new subscribers, so don't ignore the SEO of each of
your videos and focus on it. do it

In YouTube search and from YouTube search you get a lot of new views and new subscribers, so don't
neglect the SEO of each of your videos and focus on getting most of your new YouTubers to your
channel. Even after uploading so many videos, I don't understand what the viewer wants from them,
what is he searching for, what is his problem, what is the issue, what does he want to know, so how do
you ignore this thing? Why don't you know because you don't consider analytics YouTube has provided
you with complete analytics of your channel Where did your view come from Which country did it come
from which laptop PC Macbook What time did it come from Search what did they type in, what video of
yours was in front of it, and much more is found in your YouTube analytics section, which many of you
new YouTubers don't focus on every day. Atleast 10 15 minutes must be given to your youtube analytic
from there you will get new ideas new tips tricks titles topics many more you will get there many
youtubers making good videos good thumbnails good They create a title, but their channel doesn't
grow, but here they forget one thing. They are doing full work on YouTube with attention, but after
publishing the video, they sit on their hands, while they have one thing to do. It should be mandatory to
promote your video and share it on social media. Many YouTubers do not do this. Icon provides you to
share your video on other social media and it is a big factor in YouTube's algorithm to boost your video,
promote it, rank it because YouTube itself wants it. People who are using Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,
Tik Tok, and if someone leaves these platforms and comes to your channel because of your video, then
your channel and your video will have a good ranking in YouTube's algorithm. Get rank, so make sure to
promote your videos, make sure to share, don't forget to do this. Many of you new YouTubers have a
great title, description tag, thumbnail video content, but if they don't focus, your The lighting of the
video and your sound quality, the atmosphere and sound quality of your video can turn new viewers
into your subscribers, which many of you new YouTubers don't focus on. You should have a good light, a
good mic, not too heavy, you can make a good setup by spending a little more. There has been a lot of
discussion about this.Your video quality should be at least 1080p.Sound quality and video quality should
be good to good.See your Adense and every new viewer is a great way to get your subscribers. Getting
Engaged YouTube Community Post-Ups are in front of each video's comments, so engage with your
viewers, your audience, ask them questions, reply them, answer them by posting community posts. Get
feedback about your videos, ask them for advice on what topic the next video should be and try your
best to answer every important question asked in the comments. Because some people don't have time
and some people ignore it, but if you have time you can reply up, then what you must do is another big
mistake that six new YouTubers click on you. They make such a thumbnail by beating that the next
person is forced to click and when he clicks and comes to your video, he does not get anything special
from your video and you are understanding that. There is no view on your video, but you got a bounce
on your video, did your viewer go back as soon as you opened your video, what happened to you, you
did not get watch time, viewer is not sitting on your video and this thing plays a huge role in ruining your
video, lowering it, lowering its rank, so avoid clickbait and put the same thing in the thumbnail as in your
video. One is that this is a lie and the other is that your channel is only harmed by this work. Most of you
YouTubers do not know what CTA is call to action. How to use So far I have given you the links of two or
three videos in this video of mine. Don't watch this video but connect to another video and thus the new

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